About the Author

Mary is a writer and speaker who lives for good books, spicy queso, and television marathons – but lives because of God’s grace. She writes about giving up on perfect and finding truth in unexpected places at MaryCarver.com. Mary and her husband live in Kansas City with their two daughters.

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  1. Thank you for that wonderful reminder. I needed to hear that this morning.

    God knows me. The Creator of the heavens and earth knew me before I was even formed in my mother’s womb.


  2. Oh, so so good. Praise the Lord that we need not come to Him perfect. We just need to come. For He loves us. Thank you Lord! And thank you for this post.

  3. Thanks!! I needed to hear that this morning 🙂
    Prayers, please….to lift the sadness 🙂
    God is so good!!

    • Dear Father,
      Please wrap Your arms around Lisa right now and help her to understand more fully just how very precious she is to You. Flood her spirit with Your Peace. Help her to lay all her sadness at Your feet. Bind up any broken places in her heart and fill her with an overflowing joy in the face of whatever burden she is facing. Lord, You know her intimately. And You have provided for her everything she needs at this very moment, this very day, to walk the path You have set before her in victory. May her face reflect Your Glory to those around her as You carry her through this day.

  4. Thanks for sharing. Work has created some issues lately and I’ve been struggling with the emotions from it. Good stuff to start the day.

  5. I’m SO living here right now, except that I am still working.

    I especially loved this line: He should have known that I’ve done great things in the past and would jump at the opportunity to do them again.

    I don’t think that many people can understand the pull of Home, especially when your job is not satisfying. If you’re able to do work that energizes you and you can come home invigorated from your day, that’s one thing (I used to have that kind of role, even though it was more demanding that what I’m doing now). But if you come home exhausted and worn out, the toll that takes on the family is unbearable.

  6. Oh my goodness, I so needed to hear this, this morning. This is almost exactly me, right now. And the worst thing about it is that I work at a church. And for my “boss” to not really know me or get me makes me frustrated.

    But it’s a great reminder that the Creator of the Universe knows me, really knows me. Knows my heart, my desires, my dreams.

    Thanks for this!

  7. I know exactly how you feel! I cling to this quote when I am struggling in this area.

    “I find the solace I crave, in the righteousness of my true intentions. The Lord knows my heart, my intentions….and that is sufficient.”


  8. Such a lovely post…its’ funny..no matter how many times I hear it, no matter how many times I read it…I never tire of the reminders that God knows me…it’s always been my struggle….thanks so much!

  9. Perfect reminder in perfect timing! I’m struggling today for what ever reason and this is what I needed to hear. And what comes as a surprise to me, is no surprise to Him 🙂 Thanks!

  10. I really loved this…so true and what a reminder that we don’t serve a Heavenly Father who remains distant. He loves us, cherishes (and the most important point, which you so eloquently made…KNOWS us!). Wonderful and beautifully written!

  11. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I was going to tell you a few specific lines that I particularly enjoyed from this post… but, I can’t. It’s too many. I’d be re-telling you most of your post.

    Thank you for this great reminder of the One who knows us best.

  12. Beautiful! What a great end to a curious beginning of a story! I was gripped by the drama… because I’m familiar with finding myself in spots like that — Doesn’t this person *know* me? … and it always brings me back into the arms of the One who does. Blessings in whatever God has you in now, Mary!