Tsh Oxenreider
About the Author

Tsh Oxenreider is the author of Notes From a Blue Bike and the founder of The Art of Simple. She's host of The Simple Show, and her passion is to inspire people that 'living simply' means making room for more of the stuff that really matters, and that the right,...

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  1. Celebrating new year should reflect a renewed opportunity to revive our hopes and aspirations. Indeed, every year comes with its own ups and downs. What defines a successful year is by how much we learnt from mistakes and how we grabbed and used opportunities. We must reflect on this on the new year eve, and make sure we lead a life of happiness and contentment. Would like to thank the author to explaining it all.

  2. wow – a terrific list of questions! i’m starting a new women’s group at church next week. I think i’ll do the “hat” activity with them as an ice breaker. thanks! and happy new year!

  3. Great list – I look forward to journaling these and sharing with my MOPS group. I wonder – will you have a list for looking forward after we have done some reflection? I guess I’ll wait and see. Thank you for the encouragement your blog provides. I’ve been struggling to find encouragement as an at home mom.

  4. Tsh…g r e a t list of questions, and to be perfectly honest, some of the answers are difficult. Which, to me, means they NEED to be asked! Looking forward to your future questions; I’m already thinking they might provide great motivation :).

  5. I used your list last year to reflect, and I found it very helpful. I hope to be better this year about keeping my goals in front of me on a regular basis. In 2009 I blogged about it each month, which proved to be good accountability. Maybe I’ll try that again. Thanks for the PDF!

  6. Celebrating New Year’s Eve should include a reflection of all the good and bad things in the year and a look forward to making next year even better – especially regarding your Christianity and quiet times with God.

    I am a closet listie, love making lists and spread sheets. My hubby and I will use your list to reminisce.

  7. This is GREAT! I’ve been home in the afternoons a lot because of a severe case of allergy to cold (not kidding 🙁 ) and it caused me to become very reflective and this are great questions to end the year!! Looking forward to seeing the questions for next year!!! Happy New Year!!!