About the Author

Annette lives in Indiana with her amazing husband, two awesome teens and one spunky tween. Her passions include savoring dark chocolate and sipping Starbuck's mochas, especially alongside good friends. Through her writing, Annette hopes to encourage other women in their faith journey using her life experiences.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. After I read your words, I glanced up and saw my Red Letter Words print that says, “She knew that she was created in His image.” I’m so glad that the image we need to share is ultimately a reflection–a mirror of the One who made us, loves us, and promises to finish the good work He’s doing in us. Woo-hoo! That’s better than a yard sale or the best one at Macy’s. 🙂

    • Holley, am I ever thankful that God is finishing the work that He began in us. Some days I am sure that I am a poor reflection of Him in my attitude, my treatment of my family, etc, yet, thank goodness that His grace is sufficient and He is not finished with me!

  2. Great post! Good thing I only have to reflect HIS image – love, goodness, kindness.

    Personally, I’m a garage sale girl – always hunting for a good bargain to accentuate my reflection of HIM!

  3. So, so true! I think I am going to have that question, “do I look like Macy’s when I am really only a garage sale?” running through my head for awhile. Thank you so much for these wonderful words today! 🙂

    • This image is a good reminder for me as well! I love to look and dress nicely, but what truely counts is if His image is being reflected through me to others.

  4. Psalm 130: 23-24 “23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” This is a daily prayer for me to pray. Thank you for the reminder to continue this prayer.

    • I love this verse as a prayer! Another verse I often pray is Psalm 51…”Create in me a clean heart, O God…” Only God has the ability to create something beautiful in my life. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I used to be a Macys girl also, but I have not been even in the store for 1 whole year, having a goal of paying off all debt, I have avoided the temptation, and I also have taken a challenge of not buying anything new for one year. Drawing the line at shoes,undies and beds. Funny I should get this email today as when driving through downtown, I passed by Macys and saw a painting that I have to have and actually wondered how much credit I have on the card these days. Silly girl.

    • Gotcha, Jan! It’s so much easier for me to not know what I’m “missing” if I don’t enter the store. They sure make all the displays attractive and tempting, don’t they? What a great goal you’ve undertaken…but I’m curious about throwing beds in your line up??!! Doesn’t seem to match up with the shoes and undies…but if the mattress is falling apart, you’ve got to have it!! I guess I was expecting bras or something. 🙂 You definitely don’t want to get into the debt trap again! Keep it up and keep reflecting Him…

  6. I would be a Macy’s Girl if I could afford it, so I am a thrift-store girl. That’s the superficial me. Deep down I am a thrift-store-garage-sale-girl. I take pleasure in finding hidden treasure and getting a great deal! It’s easy to get distracted by shiny things. Things that don’t matter. I wish I had realized this much, much sooner in life!

    • I love your insight!! I know you can find hidden treasure in thrift stores and garage sales…I just don’t want to dig through it all. I’m thankful that we are treasures to God and each uniquely created by Him. We certainly don’t need all the extra trappings to be valuable in His sight! Thanks for sharing…