Keeley Chorn
About the Author

Keeley Chorn, M.Div., is passionate about educating adults, writing, cultures, missions, women in ministry, and people in general.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. I always love seeing our Creator God speaking of His glory through His creation! Thank you for pointing all of this back to Him! Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday!

  2. I’m so glad to have found your blog — you and I have much in common, especially your passion to help Africans. I signed up to recieve your blog posts by e-mail and I look forward to getting better acquainted. Thanks for the ways you’ve already blessed me.


  3. Keeley-

    I find it fascinating how you draw the similarities of the often overlooked miracle of each day’s passage from darkness, to light, to darkness (sunset, sunrise, sunset). With some other teachings I have followed, this also reminds me that there is a time for everything- a time to be awaken, and to discover and a time to gather our thoughts, in reflexion, as we get ready to finish the day and the darkness sets in, and our souls go to rest. I think that only through a daily reflection of the daily miracle of light vs darkness we can become closer to God and bring forth our true potential and mission- as we gain clarity on the miracle he presents us with and honoring him through an understanding of our own journey and an awareness of his daily prescence in our lives. It is also interesting now to think that the sunset and the sunrise are there, everyday, for us who are lucky enough to experience it- we dont have to worry that one day the sun will not rise- it reminds me of the Bible verse that says something along the lines of “God will provide” And he does, daily- it is more clear to me now that he provides me daily with a new opportunity to discover and enjoy and honor what he gives, and how I dont need to worry that I will be let down, for as I mentioned, the sun rises and sets without me even have to worry about it- and God provides- and it is more clear to me now that what he gives I cannot share until I discover, accept and cherish Him and His miracles, which is a daily journey- the journey of life.

    Thank you for such an insightful post.


    • Bianca,

      Thank you for your beautiful reflections as well. I so love everything you’ve shared about what you’ve been learning in your own faith journey. It is so beautiful to learn that God does provide, each day, for us, and he does so because he loves us. I really used to worry about what the future was going to hold for me (still do sometimes), but not until I could understand his loving care for me each day, could I begin to have confidence in living and not spending my time worrying about what might be. How true that we can’t share what he’s given us until we learn to discover it first, accept it and cherish him. It is a daily journey, for sure.

      Thanks for your comments and addition to the conversation!