About the Author

Nina lives in the Williamsburg, VA where they ask you not to put your trash on the curb, only your recycling. She lives with her husband and two daughters, right next to the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker. Nina recently left her 20's behind her and with them...

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(in)side DaySpring:
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  1. Great reminder of a powerful truth, He never grows weary of us……oh my I must keep that in the fore front of my mind….so glad He never says, God’s done…..thanks for listening to the Lord and penning His words down for us all to read.

  2. Beautiful, friend! Oh, I am kind of brimming all over. Because I think you are wonderful. Because this is about one small faithfulness at a time. And because I really needed to be reminded, already this morning, that God does not grow weary. Thank you, Nina! Really.

  3. What a wonderful thought this morning – as I am weary of dealing with our oldest daughter’s “stuff”. I am reminded how much she teaches me of God’s love for me.

  4. I needed this today. I, too, have taught my son the phrase, “Mommy’s done.” and I’ve even taken it a step further with, “I am SO DONE!”

    I thank you for the reminder that God is never DONE, and I can always run to Him when I am done.


  5. Oh, I’m so glad He is never Done! Yet, He gives us freedom to take a break, surrendering our imperfection at His feet. Such Grace!

  6. Loved this! Great visuals of what it means to be weary and I am sure there isn’t one woman who hasn’t experienced this. Thank you for reminding us of profound truth, that when we are weak, he is strong and unwavering.

  7. Thanks for this bit…
    “…vicious cycles, forgiving, forgetting, and then really forgetting, when you happen to remember again…”
    Good word, Neen. So proud.

  8. I am so thankful that God never grows weary or tired. “weariness can be defined as impatience or dissatisfaction with doing something, with someone…with life.” Wow, there is so much for me to chew on here.

  9. So true. I’ve been feeling weary a lot lately, and remembering that God does not ever grow weary of us helps.

    And hooray for finding another Virginian on the wide world of the internet! 🙂

  10. I love how you say that God doesn’t stand on the same cliff I do! Perfectly put. I am so glad because I so often feel like I’m on a cliff!