River Jordan
About the Author

River Jordan is a critically acclaimed novelist. Praying for Strangers is her first published work of non-fiction. She lives in Nashville with her husband, Owen Hicks, where she produces and hosts the weekly radio program Clearstory.

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  1. Praying for ourselves is a wonderful tool for healing the wounds left by life, but praying for others is indeed just as important. It’s through prayer that we gain the introspection necessary to realize that we are all in the same boat, subject to the same hopes, fears, dreams, joys, and hardships along the path of life. I believe that the only universal language is love. The only way to express that language is through compassion and kindness. Prayer is one of the greatest kindnesses we are capable of because it goes directly to the source – the creator, in whose hands we all must lay our faith, and who gave us the gift of hope.

    God bless!

  2. Love it! I do pray for others often, often strangers or mere acquaintances. Hmm, perhaps it’s time to expand regularly to strangers and maybe even let them know. Wonderful, servant resolution.

  3. I’ve done this…prayed for strangers. Not all the time but I probably should. Sometimes it happens when I am driving on the freeway and I see someone broken down on the side of the road. I pray for them. Also randomly in a supermarket when I passed the courtesy desk, I once prayed for them. Something happens when I do that. I feel something different inside. It’s empowering even if the stranger never knows he or she has been prayed over. Thanks for this post because now I will be more mindful to do it more often.

  4. Good Morning,
    Prayer? Oh, I do so need it in my life. I just wrote a personal note to each of you and my internet kicked me off and erased it. The very short version –
    Thank you so much for visiting, reading, commenting, and sharing.

  5. Thank you for sharing on (in)courage today. I loved your story of how you pray for total strangers. What joy you must have felt when you told the stranger you were praying for them, and the gratitude they must have felt even if they didn’t say so. I often pray for those I read or hear about in the news. Now I will begin praying for those I see during the day. What a wonderful way to bless a total stranger. and then be blessed by God for reaching out to someone new. I will be ordering your book for me and one for my church library. Thank you.

  6. This is a great post. I’m losing everything I have from my home, marriage and business and need all the prayer in the world but I think that I’m going to take up this challenge and prayer for a stranger each day.

  7. Deanna, you are right. The prayer I give always blesses me. Even when the person doesn’t know which is frequently. Compassion and love must be good medicine for the soul. Thank you for ordering and sharing Praying for Strangers!
    Leslie, I jumped over to your personal blog and it was a blessing to me. If we faint not . . . but we do grow weary don’t we? In the midst of one of the toughest years of my life for many reasons – praying for strangers continued to bless me and help me look beyond my personal circumstances. I pray your year is filled with the surprise of renewal.


  8. I used to pray for people all the time one time at work I was slently praying for a customer who was speaking to me and at the end of the call she said please keep me in your prayers which was weird because I didn’t tell her I was praying for her. I’m going to make it a resolution this year! Thanks I thought I was the only one that did that

    • Helen, I’ve been so hearted by the stories like yours that have surfaced on book tour and by email notes. I’m writing a follow up blog on Friday here and want to talk about that and how many people are out here doing this – and like you, many have been doing so for a long time!

  9. This is an answer to prayer for me. I am financially, physically and emotionally bankrupt. I feel like my prayers are going nowhere. Praying for strangers will give me a purpose for my life. I have thought of something like this before but never did it for any length of time. This will give me a reason to journal. I’ll have a good way to forget about myself.

    • Mary Beth, HANG IN THERE. I’ve also posted 12 Keys in 12 weeks to Praying for Strangers on my website. That does have those journal kind of questions/thoughts. I’d love to see a companion journal published along with the book. Journaling seems to help everything. So does praying for others. Wishing you Peace tonight in the middle of the storm.

  10. What a great idea. I sometimes will pray for the people in front of me in a “less than perfect” vehicle, or people at grocery stores who are ill. I never thought of walking up to some stranger and saying “I’m praying for you”.

    What a great mission field that is. I, too, love to be missions oriented-helping others. What a better way than praying for someone–it blesses them and you!

    Thanks for an inspiring post!

    • Beth, Thanks for visiting. Lots of imperfect vehicles out there. And what I’ve found and also write about in the book is the people who looked ‘perfect’ on the outside were just as troubled on any given day and just as thankful for a strangers touch. It’s a great way to realize that we are so much more alike than we realize. I hope you continue to pray as you are inspired for people who I know will appreciate it!

  11. I’ve been praying for strangers for decades.
    Being in a wheel chair, going down the sidewalk, I have the opportunity to see/observe things many folks don’t…..stressed out people (in cars) at the stop light, folks waiting for the public transportation…..so all my trips, going and coming are for the host of people I see along the way.
    Or sometimes I pray for all those who are grieving or angry or hurt…..pulls us out of ourselves and connects us with others…..

    • Lu,

      How amazing! I bet you do see things that many people miss in the hustle and bustle. Yes, my praying for others has helped me tremendously in not getting bogged down in my own issues of the day. Wishing you many blessings on your journey today.

  12. I love this topic… because it is something God has put in my heart since childhood, when I first felt overwhelmed with prayers for a celebrity whose gift touched me, someone I’ve prayed years for all because God put him on my heart. (One thing I always feel drawn to while watching movies is to pray for the actors.) There’s more to this story that I can’t share…but I’ve seen God move so incredibly, even allowing me to touch this person through letters. I once read a beautiful true story of a woman who felt impressed to pray for a name on one of the invoices at her work. She began to write this woman letters of encouragement, tell her she was praying etc. Never had an answer, but kept writing and praying. A bit later, that person’s husband contacted her to let her know how the letters and prayers had changed his wife in her last year of life…that she had come back to the Lord because of them, just before she died. How that story spoke into the prayers I have had for this celebrity and others… and to praying for strangers in malls or wherever. I’ve never walked up to anyone and told them that I was choosing them as “my stranger,” though. (I did blog about one of the times I was praying for someone recently… how I have felt like I did as a child who loved undercover stories, and now pray “undercover blessings” 🙂 in my post, ” Nancy Drew and Me”) I can’t wait to check out your book!

  13. Pam,
    What an incredible story! I know the letters I get in the mail are so special to me (as are the emails) and I save every one. Thank goodness the husband took time to write you and tell you the rest of the story. Nancy Drew – my favorite as a girl. I’d take a Nancy Drew prayer anyday!
    Blessings for 2012 as you continue to pray for strangers!
