About the Author

Stephanie Bryant is the co-founder of @incourage and a podcaster at the #JesusLedAdventurePodcast. She owns a Marketing & Business Coaching company. She is passionate about guiding you to your promised land and personal brand therapy. She enjoys spending her days with her husband and their miracle daughter, Gabrielle, on #BryantFamilyFarm....

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  1. That was so beautiful. I love what you said about He doesn’t need our service, He wants our love. I have an idea that I believe is His calling or dream for me. And I work on it without a love for it or Him sometimes. Monotony sets in. Thank you for the reminder to love first and foremost my Savior.

    My dream is different than anyone else’s. I’m not a mommy, I’m not a wife, i’m a little prideful sometimes but He’s teaching me I’m nothing without Him. But God can give a very different person a dream…the dream just turned out different too. =)

    When you all started writing about God sized dreams I said inside I don’t have one and probably won’t. But I’m glad for them they’re more brave and wise. Lo and behold God placed something in me. A surprise to me but I have no question that it’s a dream in my heart that He won’t set me free from till it’s complete. Thank you all for being so brave an wise. You have blessed me. You and Holley both. And thank you for listening to me ramble.

    • I’m so glad you clung to Jesus and continued to believe He dreamt of you and for you. . . even when it was hard. So exciting to hear He has revealed His dream to your heart. Exciting!

  2. Thank you so much for this post. It means more than words can say right now.

    My current “storm” has taken me places I did not see coming, but God has been walking close by my side – we are under His umbrella – He is keeping me close and leading me along when my strength falters. He is ever present on the path I am walking.

    I love the idea that the God sized dream cannot be accomplished by us. Impossible without God showing up in His perfect timing and power. Just the way it should be.

  3. This is so beautiful. I’ve never thought of God dreaming FOR me! I know what my dreams are, but seeing them in the light of His having dreamed them first is humbling. And exciting!

      • Totally. That and “There is a big difference between doing something for God and working with Him.” Just letting that sink in will give you goosebumps and make everything sparkle in our days. That “where’s He going right now? What’s His heart beating for?” idea… Mm-mm. Girl, you nailed it!

  4. Beautiful words to start the way with and thank you for the reminder of God’s love, I hope for people who really need to hear this today to know that truth for themselves and their happiness and healing!

  5. What a wonderful and needed reminder to start my Resting Day. Discerning between the “My Dreams” and “His Dreams” is a big challenge for me. Thank you for a focused beginning to today.

  6. Thank you, Stephanie. This is beautiful, and it summarizes and describes so beautifully a lot of what God has been laying on my heart.

  7. Beautifully said! God began to teach me this year ago. In the past wanted to do great things for God. Now I want to only be a tool in His hand. What I have learned by doing this…”God sized” assignments are exhilarating! They will also SCARE YOUR PANTS OFF! I wouldn’t want to live life any other way!

    • Anjie, Love the scare my pants off comment. I only want to have a true servant’s heart.I just recently commented that I felt God was leading me to do something.Now,I know it’s something He wants to do through me!!!

  8. This reminded me of one of my favorite quotes by Hudson Taylor: “Attempt something so big for God that unless He intervenes it is bound to fail.”

  9. Very much what I needed to hear when I needed to hear it! Thanks for the reminder to live life on the edge of my seat, waiting anxiously for Him to show off!

  10. Sometimes it is hard to distinguish between those thoughts that come from God, personal revelation, and my own personal thoughts. And when you said “{And can at moments be confused with our own voice that says we’re crazy for thinking that.}” That can be totally me. I guess I can do anything with His help, and he’ll never tell me to do something that is “crazy”, right?

    • I know that with God’s leading and direction, He guides us into peace. But there is still an enemy that creates fear and calls us crazy. That enemy can be the evil one or our own voice. God will give courage and passion to move forward with His will, but won’t usually remove the nay-sayers, whether they’re from us or the world. You’re right. He will help us as we live in the dream He has for us.

  11. Gosh, did I need that today! My small group talked just this past week about certain things being God-breathed. It is such a beautiful image. Thank you for these gentle words for us to remember how our dreams began and how they will be filled…not by us but by Him.

  12. Yes, God’s dreams can be so big… and sometimes even feel scary. And sometimes it even can mean deferring the dreams that we have had when we were younger, in order to embrace this *new* thing that God has for us. In my life right now it means making myself smaller, more humble, swallowing pride, surrendering totally and believing that His dream for me is better than the one that I can imagine.

  13. Beautiful post. I love the last several sentences you wrote about the dreams being God-sized, God-breathed, God-thought of but the fact that He’s waiting for a WILLING vessel. We definitely have to be willing to do our part.

  14. I want God’s dream for me…but, I have no idea what it is. I never have. I don’t know how to find out what it is. I have prayed about it for almost 2 decades. I am at yet another turning point in my life and don’t know what direction to go. I wish I could hear that small voice. Pray for me please.
    In Connecticut

    • In my post below when I was so sure there
      were no answers… There were, there are!
      Open your parachute.. He will step in and turn
      your world around full-circle 360• all wonderfully
      designed just for you. That’s His promise!
      Claim it..

  15. What resonated with me the most right now is the part about timing. God’s dreams may take years to accomplish … or not. The timing is His. I, too often, forget that and want it to be on my time table.

  16. I too never thought to Let God dream for me!
    What is amazing that had at one point in my
    Life is: when I asked for His guidance and looked
    Out my glass patio door a full moon- lit night, He
    Whispered in my ear: if I can put this moon up every
    night, and raise the morning sun ever day. I can answer
    your prayer to find a job! The next morning,
    I made a phone call was back to work in a week’
    Because I asked, He listened! That’s amazing Grace!
    I’m at the same juncture at this stage of my life,
    The economy down-turn won’t stop Him this time
    either! I’ll keep you posted on my parachute !

  17. Stephanie, I missed this post when it was live somehow, but it means the world to me to read it today. I’m taking a little prayer sabbatical this week and have a huge need to just let God infuse me with HIS value and vision for my life. His. His His His. Not mine. Not anyone else’s. Thank you for these beautiful, encouraging, and challenging words. Just what I needed, friend.