Kathy Cheek
About the Author

Kathy loves to write about the rich relationship God desires to have with us, and how that is walked out in everyday life and every circumstance.

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. Hi Kathy, I loved this story. Living in an inner city area I’m sure I’m very often quick to make judgments about people without knowing their heart or their story. Ugh. Convicting. Thank you so much for sharing!!

  2. Hi Kathy. I can so relate to your situation. I’m often convicted about rushing to judgment. I think your story today will challenge many people, including myself, to rethink these types of situations. Wonderful post, friend!

  3. i have many stories to share….just let me stop sobbing!!!
    your story was glorious….and condemning….to that part of me that still sneaks out a judgement or two, in spite of my outspoken feeling that i judge no one because i have no idea what God has allowed them to walk through! i have not yet attained perfection. i strive for it daily…and i fail daily! but because God is merciful, and gracious, and non-condemning, and not judgemental, i give it all back to him…on a platter, and ask, if it be His will, that i can try again tomorrow.
    i have been judged for loving the unlovely, the scary, the “aarons” of this world…and for placing my young children in situations that were “unsafe” because of unsavory characters…..
    my adult children have gone out into the world…into slums, and ghettos…to teach, and to help, and to bless….because they had an opportunity, at such a young age, to be the light of Jesus for those unsafe, unsavory characters…..
    i am an unsafe, unsavory, evil character when left to my own devices….i need Jesus….every moment of every day, or i fall back into being one of “them”…..
    oh, how i love the “thems” of this world…because they are ME!!!!
    thank you for sharing that story. and may we all go about our Father’s business…in honesty, truth and love!!!
    God’s blessings

  4. Kathy,

    A few years ago, I had volunteered to take on an organizational role as municipal liaison for the local NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writers Month) challenge. It was stressing me out a bit because I’m not a particularly organized person, but it was important to me that there be a local group to interact with… so I stepped up. Stepping out of my comfort zone is probably why I got so defensive when someone on the forums started spontaneously organizing events. What was she doing? *I* was in charge here, and was doing just fine, thank you. Her efforts to contribute really felt like an intrusion on my territory…. until I met her.

    One of the strange things about NaNoWriMo is that you join an online community that meets in person for only one month out of the year… so during that month you find yourself approaching a lot of strangers in coffee shops.. looking for the people you don’t quite know yet. She and I sat and talked for about an hour before I realized…. it was HER! But it was too late by then… we got along great. Long story short, her first child was born on Saturday and we are now the proud God-parents of little Hamilton! Funny how God adds to our family, whether we’re looking for it or not.

    Thanks for your story… it took a lot of courage on your husband’s part to give “Crazy Aaron” a chance. There’s too much irrational fear of the mentally ill in this country. Mental Illness is one of the remaining taboo subjects, creating an entire population that is shunned because we don’t take the time to try to understand. Please take a look at my latest post “Tracking Them” at http://thewordspoken.org if you have time. There is sooo much work to be done.


  5. Who’s Aaron.
    In that moment of need, God sent the one that needed to get the job done. And done well. Not some half baked job. A good job.
    God looks at the heart and not the outward appearance. But the inward man. HE fulfils that need when we cry out to HIM. HE fills in the gaping gap. And closes the wound. With HIS LOVE.
    The bottom line.
    God LOVES us so much, HE does not want us to suffer in any way. HE provides.
    So, HE sent Aaron.

  6. I fail in this so often. My friend Karen and I used to lead a small church in London U.K. One gentleman who came had lived a tragic life marked by abuse as a child, a road accident that left him brain damaged and with mobility problems, the death of his daughter for which he was blamed, a divorce and eventually alchoholism which would claim his life.
    We had not known Hugh for long, he had started coming to the little church we ran in our home. One evening Karen and I went out for a stroll and we met Hugh. I decided that I would walk on ahead as if I hadn’t seen him. My gracious friend slowed down and walked with him while I stormed on ahead, I judged him not worthy of me or my time. How wrong, how pharasaic. When I look back I wish things had been different.
    Thank you for the chance to write this public confession.
    Thank you God that you offer forgiveness and cleansing from shame.

    • That is a very convicting story that reminds us we truly don’t know what is going on in someone’s life that might explain their “rough edges.” We all have a next time to do better as we cross paths with people.

  7. I, too am guilt as charged. Thank You Father for the redeeming Blood of Jesus!
    This is beautifully written and a great lesson that I pray for the Holy Spirit to bring to my remembrance the next time I deem someone unworthy of my attention, compassion or even a brief smile and a look in the eyes.
    Thank you