Tsh Oxenreider
About the Author

Tsh Oxenreider is the author of Notes From a Blue Bike and the founder of The Art of Simple. She's host of The Simple Show, and her passion is to inspire people that 'living simply' means making room for more of the stuff that really matters, and that the right,...

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  1. I was just thanking God for the privileged life we have of being in this slowed down space right now. We live a pretty quiet life, yet we have an active life with our athlete-child and my travel-bound job. Still, we live a kind of life that savors the moments and it’s such a gift to receive. I still get tripped up in wondering if we *should* be more and do more, and I seek Him for peace for this life right now, as it is.

  2. Having to work multiple jobs to support my family and unable to afford domestic help, I struggle to find a moment to just sit still and “be.” I would love to learn how to slow down and savor each moment. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    • I am in the same situation as you, Angela! I have multiple jobs and carry out all household work myself, while raising four kids between the ages of 13 and 2. It can be very hard to slow down if there are always many things that need doing! May the Lord grant you peace and strength to carry our your tasks His way!

      • I find it difficult sometimes to slow down—because I am looking around, instead of looking “UP”. I get my eyes on what is going on around me, instead of thinking of Him—who is always going slower, never in a hurry. I think it is lack of faith…..Lord help me! I pray that I can have more of it, so as not to be affected by our hurried, troubled world—at least much of it. Jesus came to give us peace and faith—“let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid”.

    • Angela & Constance, women like you are so inspirational to me – I don’t know how you moms do it, I feel like I can barely take care of just myself. I’m working on doing less empty to-do activities and being less busy in order to be more relational and it’s a bit of a battle, but If you can do it, I can do it too 🙂 Thanks for the perspective.

  3. My word for the year, “intentional”! I started my 1000 gifts joy dare, I keep my kids activities to a minimum and I try to treasure more “moments”, but feel like I still have a lot to learn!

  4. I find it difficult to slow down because… I love being active. And because I enjoy far too many things. I thought, when I moved to Tanzania six months ago, that I would lead a much slower, more relaxed life. Hamna! (Not here!) I immediately found a gajillion activities to keep me busy: coaching volleyball and swimming, stand up paddleboarding, training a new puppy, cycling, motorcycling, kitesurfing, playing volleyball, Ultimate Frisbee, and, oh yeah, teaching. That thing I came here to do. Plus church and youth events and school “extras” I am running constantly. Sometimes I find it hard to even slow my thoughts down enough to concentrate on prayer or reading Scripture. Its pretty sad…

  5. I feel like everyday is the same. and before you know it today is ending and its already time to get up and start tomorrow. And there never quite seems to be time to just sit quietly and enjoy today because there are too many things to do today.

  6. I try to slow down each day by taking just a few minutes through out the day to pray or just sit quietly by myself. I am learning that I need to stop and care for myself in order to care for others.

  7. A very challenging topic for most of us, I guess. I live in a laid-back country (South America) where the traditional culture is probably a but similar to Turkey. However, my life always seems to be hectic with several jobs, 4 kids, a big house and garden and no household help for lack of finances. When I get up early in the morning, before anybody else, to spend time in God’s Word and prayer, I find my day goes by smoother albeit still busy, but I can savour it better. If I don’t have my quiet time in the morning, the day is hectic and nothing seems to work out.

  8. It is hard to slow down when the world is spinning out of control. Lessons and practice for sports keep us busy but I try to make two days a week where I don’t leave the house. I make sure errands are done before. I love it though it is hard to manage some weeks.

  9. The times when my life is slower I feel like I should be doing more! “Intentional” is my word for 2014 and I’m trying to apply it to all areas of my life–health, relationships, home.

  10. I have a really hard time slowing down. I love the needle arts and I always have a ton of projects I’m dying to get started in the snatches of time while the kids are busy or sleeping. Then there’s just the overload if information that makes me feel like I’m missing something if I’m not always reading blogs or checking pinterest. Even just reading a book, I read primarily on my phone because my son has a habit of destroying any physical books we have laying around. I’m glued to my phone, but I have such a hard time giving up my few opportunities to read stuff.

  11. My life is changing in about a month, from being an emptynester with my husband to having our daughter and granddaughter move in and filling “our nest.” So we’ll be going from a more slow to a more fast-paced existence and I’m hoping that your book can provide some guidance on how I can adapt to this change with calm intention and wisdom. Thanks for the opportunity!

  12. Thank you so much for this post and your encouraging/thought-provoking question. In my life, there is much to do, endless information to learn, and limited time, of course. It is a constant struggle to redeem the time we are given and not fret about those things we must intentionally put aside in order to focus on what the Lord wants us to aim toward. In the midst of the craziness, He is faithful!

  13. My body might slow down but I can never stop my mind from going constantly. I’d love an off switch.

  14. We try to keep things slower by eatkng dinner together as a family at least 3 or 4 nights a week. We also limit our teenagers involvement to one sport or activity per “season”. A lot of their friends go from one practice directly to another. That seems crazy to me. There are more things I’d like to incorporate but I remind myself…baby steps…

  15. I’ve had health issues this past year which have forced me to slow down. It’s interesting how I find myself trying to max out my time anyway! I’ve tried to be on guard about this, but still learning. I’d love to check out your book. Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. We’re in the process of slowing our lives down and have made deliberate decisions against the grain of our community. But we have a child who has been driven and competitive from the cradle. It feels that our family is at direct odds with organized sports. We’re considering some big changes that are frightening yet exciting!

  17. I’ve certainly done my fair share of “being too American” and struggling to slow down! When my kids were little, I think sometimes God allowed them to get sick so that I would stay home and rest and take care of them… As I’m getting older, I’m getting a bit better at slowing down and taking care of myself, but sometimes it’s still a challenge. I’m learning to stop, make a cup of tea and sit by the fire in the winter or outside listening to the birds in the summer… to “be” rather than to “do”. What a wonderful way to spend some time! I’m still a work in progress, but, thankfully, God hasn’t given up and He’s still working on and in me!

  18. Looking for ideas on how to slow down. With three kids at home, one married and in college and octogenarian mother in the house with us, my husband and I are definitely interested in “slow down your life” research.

  19. I have to very intentional to ‘slow down’. I heard once that we don’t slow down because then we might find ourselves and may not like what we find. Acceptance of self is hard. Loving self is even harder. Fasting from technology once a week is a way I found that helps me ‘slow down’.

  20. I have such a hard time saying no to the good (teaching Sunday School, leading small groups,etc) and yes to the best things-just being present and available for relationships!!

  21. I find it hard to slow down because I don’t even realize that I’m moving so fast until I crash.

  22. I have slowed down some by quitting a fast-paced, well-paying job and taking on something that I both love to do and allows me to spend more time with my family, though pays less. I am not beholden to a Blackberry anymore and this change has allowed me to savor more moments of just “being” with my family. I still have things to learn as a family with two full time working parents it is “go go go” but I am thankful to have had the opportunity and courage to slow down.

  23. It’s VERY hard for me to slow down — mentally, that is. I find my mind swirling at an alarming speed most of the time! It helps me immensely to start my day by quiet time, prayer and reading my Bible.

  24. I got used to be a rebel a long time ago, forging my own path which eventually led me eighty back in the arms of the God I thought I didn’t need as a teenager.and now,I simply try to gaze into His face daily by touching all that I can in His creation, the grass, my kids, the heat from the fireplace, the clerks life in the grocery line, never being in such a rush that I can’t reach out to someone He calls me to…

  25. Im right where you were three years ago, after spending 7 1/2 years in France. Exponential culture shock coming back and even though we are American, we haven’t adopted much of the American culture after being gone for so long. There, we were used to stores being closed on Sunday so here we try to not shop and really make it a family day and a Sabbath. It has helped us start the new week more rested and refreshed. But still homesick! 🙂

  26. I often laugh, even at myself, at our very American “hurry up & wait” attitude. Example: we rush to get down the road, only to be stopped at a red light further ahead. While having access to information quickly is helpful in some ways, we are still very spoiled and don’t realize that yes, sometimes, we do need to learn to be patient and wait for things to get done or that glitches happen.
    I think life has a way of slowing you down at certain points or else you may miss out on what’s really important. Maybe that’s when God’s trying to get our attention when things happen that we didn’t plan on…. His ways are higher than yours or mine….can’t really understand that until we’re in the thick of a storm or coming out of one. Thanks for entertaining my thoughts! Be blessed. Enjoyed your story.

  27. I was forced to slow down in January after losing my job the day after Christmas. It has been good for me to sleep in a bit, breathe, seek God, play with my little ones (and big ones) and renew myself during the day with a few minutes of tea and a book to read. I hope to continue this slowing down even after adding back in work again.

  28. I find it hard to slow down for exactly the reason you mentioned – that our culture encourages/ idolizes speed. When I lived in Ukraine for a summer, I felt accomplished if I cooked my meals, met a friend and did a load of laundry. Here, if I do those same things, I feel as if I’ve accomplished nothing…

  29. I really like the idea of slowing down and savoring life’s moments. Life in America has been on a fast pace to being burned out, overcommitted and exhausted. Most are trying to keep up with the Jones’, or trying to give their kids more in their childhood , then they were giving. This is a set up for failure at some point. Balance is key. Sometimes we don’t see that until we are in a different season of life. Now being a young empty nester, I’m trying to learn to create that balance even now. Your book would be a great reminder and help to do this- would love to read your book !

  30. I am a long term expat recently repatriated. Help! I feel like a fish out of water! I find I have to really be intentional at making the life I want here as much of the cultural thinking seems to counter my thinking. But it is possible to slow down and walk to the beat of your own drummer. Make it happen!

  31. I do find it hard to slow down. I feel like I should be doing something, even though ‘I dont have time’. And I know I feel like that but yet it doesn’t stop me. I need to learn appreciate the little things in life.

  32. I don’t usually feel like I’m all that busy until I’m in a moment when I’m not doing anything and it’s a strange feeling. I feel like I need to fill up the time with something or I’ll miss something but really in all the doing I’m missing out. That’s kind of a chaotic sentence.

  33. With homeschooling and four kids, I find it hard to slow down. One of the best things for me is to take a walk. My body is moving, but my mind and heart slow down. I notice the beauty and breathe deep.

  34. Slow down? Are you kidding? With four teenagers, a farm, fostering for rescue groups, a full time job…who has time to slow down? I pray daily for the strength to get through each day. God has not allowed me to slow down or give up anything, but instead gives me the strength I need to “make it” each day. If I slowed down, I might not depend on Him quite so much.

  35. My mind at work is what makes it hardest for me to slow down… instead of being present in the moment, I am thinking about what’s to come. Wasting time and energy on things like e-mail, social media, and WORRY are the biggest ways this creeps in to my life. And it manifests in not being able to sleep, instead lying there for hours with my mind turning over and over my to do list. I would love to learn to live more like the Proverbs 31 woman, who can savor the present and “laugh without fear of the future.”

  36. Sometimes I think slowing down is so hard bc I have 4 boys. But then other times I think it is just bc slowing down gives me more time to think and dwell on things that I don’t want to think about.

  37. I have been looking a purchasing this book for a bit. It is so easy to be caught in what is happening around us and fill the calendar, I find myself doing this often, especially since I am really bad at saying “No.”

  38. Between loving and providing my LORD and my hubby a home and meals and LOVE, running my own transcription business that God has favored with lots of business lately, discovering I am a painter too, being on missions commission at church and expecting my first grandson while enjoying my two adult children and a new “son in law,” I have felt quite ovewhelmed although I can make a flexible schedule. Others seem to think that means they can ask me to do way too many other things too! So to rethink how to say NO, NO, NO to more things and YES, YES YES to my purposes and works would be a wonderful gift. essings to you and your slowing down too! Lauri

  39. We just returned from two weeks in Africa vising our son in the Peace Corps. Definitely a slower pace of daily life, where no one seems to fret when the taxis break down (which they do frequently), we walked everywhere in the village and just enjoyed being. It’s tough returning to the United States, and losing sleep from stress. I’m trying to retain the African experience.

  40. I find it difficult to slow down in this chaotic world because I am constantly confronted with things moving at a rapid pace and the older I get the slower I move and want to move! Appointments to get to, children needing to be picked up and children need taken places. Newsletter deadlines, bulletin deadlines and phone calls to make. Seems there is never enough time to do the things I really really want to do! I would like to actually make some of the recipes I pin and read the books I pin and crochet the baby items I pinned to make as gifts! It is certainly is time for me to stop and think and make priorities. Decide what is important and what is maybe not as important as I thought it was. 🙂

  41. Hello,
    Your post intrigues me, not just because of the thought of slowing down, but the thought of living intentionally in whatever is served up at the time. I live in a remote area, and my time is my own for the most part. However I find it very challenging to live with purpose and intention when the whole day stretches before me. Blessings to you on sharing your path through life.

  42. I don’t know that we always realize that our lives have gone out of control and that we need to slow down. I just returned from a weekend retreat at a monastary, and it was the most beautiful, lovely, peaceful, SIMPLE thing I have ever experienced. A stark contrast from the frazzled work week and mountains of responsibilities I left behind to spend time with The Lord. Intentionally disconnecting from the world, at least for a little while, has done an amazing work in my life.

  43. Slowing down feels unproductive which is not always true! As a person who talks, walks, reads, thinks and speaks fast it’s hard to slow down but when I do the little things shine!

  44. My life is fast paced as ahomeschooling mom of teens BUT I’ve also learned to try and take time to savor and slow down. To make time to laugh with my husband and find some time with friends every so often – that has helped my outlook!

  45. I find trouble slowing down on days where I don’t have a large to do list. It’s as if I can’t quite stop hurrying from one thing to the next even when the list is things that I should slow down and enjoy.

  46. I have two toddlers which I am so blessed and thankful for everyday…but sometimes it’s hard for me to slow down and just enjoy then and life. Taking care of them, the home, laundry, diapers, having meals prepared, playing, bathing is a lot of work but I love it. I just want to slow time down and savor these times instead of being consumed by the taking care of them part.

  47. I can’t slow down because I wear many hats. Wife, mother, homeschooler, grama, part-time worker, etc. I have way too much that needs to be done, and not enough time to do it.

  48. It is difficult to slow down at times because I am doubting our LORD God’s providential ordering of my day. Anxiety then becomes more familiar than rest and delight. One can be still while racing about the tasks required.

  49. It’s quite difficult to slow down. I guess it’s the productivity mindset that our ministry life brings, and the demands are high.

  50. I’ve been trying to be more intentional about savoring life. It is hardest to do when I feel like 24 hours is not enough to accomplish everything on my list.

  51. After living in South America for 2.5 years, we are preparing for our first trip back this summer. I think I NEED to read your book. 🙂

  52. There is always a list, something more that could be done…but in the end, there always will be, unless I intentionally choose to change. I’m starting to…and spending a ton less time on Pinteret! 🙂

  53. I was just lamenting to my husband this morning, ready to give up because I just have too much to do. And having too much to do, I felt, was making me a lousy wife and mother. I would love to win a copy of this book! This mom of 8 needs help!
    God bless!

  54. We do live in a fast paced world. I think we get so busy with everyday life and activities that we often don’t savor the little things that are most important. We work, play, eat and sleep. The most important thing is to let GOD lead us and be thankful! I would love to receive a copy of your book.

  55. I grew up north of Boston where I felt the pressure to be busy in order to achieve more and “be” more. Then when I moved to PA for college and stayed afterward, I realized that there isn’t that pressure everywhere…and even when there is, I don’t have to give in to it. But it’s still my natural inclination (maybe from where I grew up) to walk fast, talk fast, and do more in order to feel like I AM more. I know in my head that’s not true…that my value isn’t defined by how many things I get done in a day, how far I’ve gone academically, or whether or not I have a job outside of the home. My relationship with Jesus is what defines me. He gives me my worth. It’s just a matter of taking that head knowledge and truly rooting it in my heart.

  56. We both quit our jobs and moved to a very cheap palace to live. We have no money coming in, so we automatically say no to almost everything. We are truly savoring this slow,,quiet time.

  57. The only way I can truly slow down is when the house is quiet, kids are away, or I pamper myself with a relaxing massage or bubble bath. Even during those times my mind is still running at full speed. I need to create more space to breathe…easier said than done. Love the bike on the cover of your book and can’t wait to read it.

  58. Wow! What timing. My husband, David, and I frequently talk about moving abroad…for several reasons. Not the least of which are the hours he currently works for an (American) start-up company (60+/week) after working for a Swiss company that was also based in Pennsylvania and offered a family-friendly lifestyle. We are also both full-time graduate students, so between school/work/internship, we figure we each spend 60-80 hours working outside the home and commuting.

    However, the reason for the commute has also been an immensely sweet gift: our nearly 300 year old farmhouse that resides in 4 acres in Chester County, PA. It is in this space (from which I currently write as I am snowed in), that we find peace, rest, and comfort. Our front porch overlooks our neighbor’s 18 acre farm which hosts sheep, cows, goats, chickens, bunnies – thereby providing constant entertainment. Our two dogs love to play outside and we enjoy the laughter and joy that is often found in the simple things, not to mention the breath-taking beauty of creation.

    As we contemplate how God may be calling to serve him abroad, we hope to use our talents and increased access to improve the conditions of those in developing countries. At the same time, we would appreciate the the opportunity to slow down and savor each day of this precious life with which we have been blessed — something we try to do as much as possible now. I look forward to reading your book!

  59. Slow… we try very hard to not to overfill our schedule, well, as much as we can with a special needs child who has therapy appointments almost every day… and as I grow a business that I love… and as we really seek to have balance… would love to read more 🙂

  60. My husband works a weird shift, usually overnight, ..but can get called to different shifts as well. This means my days are just me. I’ve learned to slow down by being intentional about my reading time. It gives me space to relax and breathe

  61. i think i find it difficult to slow down simply because there is always so much to do. For instance, just in the home there is laundry that constantly piles up, dishes to be washed and put away and then of course there is the rest of the house cleaning and there are children needing to be picked up or dropped off here or there…homework to be worked on with the children and they need attention to …how do I fit that in with an ever mounting load of work? And for me I am a stay at home mom so I am sure that those who work out side the home and inside (yes it is work to be a mommy and a wife:) must feel even more overwhelmed than I do. Today, I chose to ignore the full dishwasher and told myself the clean dishes in it were going now where and to sit down on the couch with my son b/c he had asked me to watch part of his movie with him. I could have said not right now (and too often I have done just that) but I really needed to do it-b/c it was the right thing to do-yes but mostly just b/c I have been going non stop and I need a break & I love my son and this time with him will pass all too quickly-before I know it he will not be in school just a few days a week but every day, all day & then he won’t be here to ask me to play or watch a movie and I know I will miss it…so as a mom the dishes aren’t running off & I will do them & I will fold the laundry but it doesn’t have to happen right this second-my son will eventually be gone, he will leave, unlike the dishes:) so he is more important by far… i like slowing down to sit on the couch-it’s great and it’s the right thing:) Gotta go…i’m going to play cars with my son….

  62. I keep telling myself that “next month” I am absolutely going to slow down and begin to enjoy life. But there is always one more project, one more obligation and often one more emergency to deal with. I long for the slower pace of life and during the few times that I have been in the position to slow down, there is a nagging sense of guilt that I am wasting time and could accomplish alot more if I would quit being lazy. I feel often like it’s a fine line between being lazy and enjoying time off. I haven’t mastered it yet – but it is my goal.

  63. Often when I’m just ‘being’, I feel like I’m being lazy so I beat myself up about that. I do spend at least 15 minutes every morning reading my devotional and the Bible-that brings such peace to me.

  64. As someone who just left a two year job at a church in a very painful way, readjusting to life can be the most difficult thing I do on a daily basis. I’m relearning how to live life intentionally, in such a way that I am so filled with God that when I burst at my seams, my weakest places, that only He flows out. Slowing down is hard, but through Jesus very possible.

  65. A part time job that can be a full time activity. As my husband finds, we start to solve one project at home and find several more in the process.

  66. I stay at home with my kids and my husband doesn’t make a lot of money (below poverty level) so it’s pretty easy for us to live a slow-paced life because we don’t have too many places to go and we don’t have the money to go places anyway (out to eat, movies, vacations). I have told my husband many times that I would rather have time with him and my kids than money anyway. I’m also planning to home school in the Fall. One of the things I love about homeschooling is that we are in control of our schedule and can do things at our own pace.

    I get overwhelmed easily and I love my slow-paced life (although some may not consider 3 kids 5 and under with one on the way slow!). They certainly keep me busy! I hope I win your book! I am fascinated with other cultures. I’ve always said I should’ve been born in another country where people put only one thing on their schedule for the day and they can take their time getting there. I am always late and that doesn’t work very well in America!

  67. I read your post this morning and I can totally relate. My husband and I are expats living abroad for four years now, in a country where time is not important. I left a fast paced job as a nurse to become a boutique hotel owner and not punching a clock is both a blessing and a curse.. I have struggled with not having my days filled, not having an organized plan for the day and clinical depression to boot. I have leaned heavy on the Lord and still struggle because although the days are long, the years are short and I feel that I am missing precious time with my extended family. I thought leaving the fast paced American life was a dream come true, but adjusting to a slower pace is a daily struggle to me and both a blessing and a curse. Thanks for your insight and I look forward to reading your book.

  68. In my experience, slowing down has come with age. Wanting to slow down to enjoy things and savor moments are intentional now.

    I love the fact that you lived abroad….I would like to take a year or two and live abroad as well. Would love to read your book!

  69. I had to slow down years ago. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. One car accident and my life changed forever. The worlds pace is exhausting. Trying to live between two worlds is difficult, but I’m learning not to lose myself by being true to self.

  70. I always feel like I am running, running, running! Between my job (with a very heavy workload), all of the activities for my son, volunteering at my son’s school, trying to keep up with social activities with our friends….I just can’t fit everything in but I sure keep trying!

  71. I find it difficult to slow down because life is happening so quickly. I am a children’s pastor, preschool teacher, and nanny/tutor as needed (all part-time). I am a full time Masters of Divinity school student, and I got married a little over three months a go.
    Yet, this month I am devoting time to love myself so that I can continue to love and serve others. I am doing this by spending time with God before I get on Facebook, reading at least twice a week from a novel, and blogging three times a week. Three days in, and I can already tell a big difference. 🙂

  72. I find I difficult to slow down because I am an organizer and a do-er, and I believe I need to be doing something or making progress toward a goal. I’m working on developing my own ministry to women and am frustrated by not making more “progress,” but yet I also know it is His ministry and I need to wait on Him. Relationships are so important, but it is difficult for me to work on those instead of “doing something productive.” Thanks for bringing this message to us.


  73. Too long to-do lists make it difficult to slow down…especially with little ones who never. stop. moving.

    But holding the littlest while he drinks his milk or cuddling with the oldest at bedtime…moments like these make me slow down and enjoy the time.

  74. Once I started seeking what GOD desires (through prayer and reading my Bible) and requires of me instead of listening to what other moms, other Christians, other people in general think I should be doing, it makes it easier to slow down. I think too many of us believe the lie that the more we DO for God, the better. Instead, I believe we should individually seek God and ask HIM what He wants me personally to do. I am secure in who I am in Christ and I know I can not earn God’s love or approval by what I do. There are a million good things to do, but what does God want YOU to do? And money doesn’t bring happiness. So many people just want more money, but they aren’t going to be happier. (Yes, sometimes it helps!) But our family had no extra money this past year and it was my favorite year because we got to spend it with each other! And it’s kind of fun to see how God provides in different ways.

  75. It feels like I’m constantly looking over my shoulder to see if I’m in somebody’s way. Shopping, driving, even eating at a restaurant, seems like someone’s always pushing me to hurry up, to move aside, to get out of the way. And I’m not a slow person! We all have ” hurry sickness” and use someone else’s perceived slowness to excuse our impatience and rudeness.

    • I totally get that. We live in an area that is jam-packed with people, and I can’t even enjoy going to the grocery store anymore because I *always* feel like I’m in someone’s way.
      Sarah M

  76. You know, I mostly find it hard to slow down in my church community. The place where, more than any, there should be grace, there is always more and more asking to lead, doing tasks, helping with this or that. Sometimes I can look at it big picture and think, ‘these are all good things that are enriching our church family and community’ and sometimes I just get angry and feel like an overworked volunteer.
    I am a chronic yes-woman (is this a genetic thing? My mom is like this, too), and I’ve just had to learn that however uncomfortable ‘no’ feels, it’s necessary.
    I think after awhile we just have to be unapologetic in our No’s.
    Sarah M

  77. There are just so many exciting opportunities and needs to be met in this world that I can’t bring myself to slow down. Excited to read your book. Thank you.

  78. I think our busy-ness and fast-paced lifestyle often translates to our relationship with God. One thing that I was taught at the beginning of this year was to take time to write out the scriptures. I chose not to read the whole Bible through this year, but to intently focus on certain books as I felt God’s leading. That in itself was freeing. And, so, my first book is the book of John – learning more about Jesus. And I am slowly writing out the scriptures, thinking about what they say, seeing things that I missed while just reading it through. I also read three chapters a day, finishing the book in a week’s time – each week reading from a different translation. But it has definitely made an impression on me – this slowly writing out of God’s Word.

    Of course, being retired also helps add to the slower pace of life – some days!

  79. It’s hard to slow down because there are so many things to get done. I have been really trying to slow everything down and just focus on the moment!

  80. I think slowing down is one of those ideals that I consider a luxury these days. But honestly, it’s almost scary! A fear. What if I slow down and can’t get going again? What if I slow down and hear the Lord asking me to do more, be more, or plainly… to rest? Ahhh… the catch 22 of it all. I long to slow down, and yet fear that if I do it, the Lord will ask me to truly slow down and hear His voice… requiring a true act of obedience. So good! This books sounds intriguing! Thanks!

  81. I find it difficult to slow down because I tend to be a people pleaser. I also spend so much time doing “good” things that I often forget to be still and do the “best” things. I usually don’t realize I need to slow down until I am about to fall apart.

  82. I find it difficult becuase I seem to always compare myself to someone else. “Oh, “she” has time for more giving, more baking, more cleaning, etc.”

  83. The pace we try to keep…what a shame. We miss relationships along the way. So many of us are glued to texts, emails, blog posts, tweets, etc. that we fail to build face to face relationships. It does take more intentionality and vulnerability to be face to face with others rather than having technology between our communications.

  84. I find it difficult to slow down because I am getting ready to leave for a long time and there are soooo many last minute things that continue to come up that have to be taken care of and people that need answers. My mind is constantly in overdrive making sure everyone at home is situated and I’ve go everything I need! Can’t wait for a simpler life !

  85. Often, I slow down by taking Sunday afternoon as the respite God intended. And if I can’t take Sunday, then I take Monday to read, pray, go for a walk, talk with a friend or family members. This Sabbath rest that God gave us is crucial to our souls, minds and bodies. The rest of the week may whirl by, but I do wrestle for that day of rest.

  86. I read your post and thought, wow, this woman has accomplished so much. And yet, you travel on the same emotional path as so many of us.
    I live a very slowed-down lifestyle, yet my mind does not stop racing. So what, indeed, is the answer?

  87. I spent 42 yrs. mothering children in my home; my own three, then my 3 granddaughters. Life was very busy especially after taking in granddaughters ages 4, 3 and 18 mos. all at once. Things were forced to slow down after my husband and I relocated due to my cancer battle and necessary treatments, plus the desire to help with my aging patents in a different state. Quite the adjustment; a quiet home (boring), having time alone with hubby (never had it before as our marriage started with my 9 yr. old daughter in tow) and not having the support of our friends and church family of 30+ yrs. But one thing I do treasure is my quiet time with God that can be as extensive ad I want w/o interruption. Transition and slowing down takes time, but I’m allowing Him to help me find my way one day at a time.

  88. I would love to know how to slow down. All I do is rush from one thing to the next, scared that I will run out of daylight before I run out of things on my “to do” list. A copy of your book would really be a blessing to me.

  89. I think it’s hard to slow down because it’s counterintuitive. I know I always think I will feel more relaxed if I got certain things done. And then there is always something to do. I’m hoping I do a better job at balancing my newborn, family life, work life and friends. I’d love this book.

  90. I have opted to slow down, and I try really hard to ignore as much of the consumer culture as I can. the hard part comes when I am talking with other people and I feel like I live on a different planet. I don’t like how it feels to miss references in conversation, even if the references are to things that are superficial. this sounds odd to my own ears, but it’s true.

  91. We desire a culture in our home of simplicity with daily margin for the unexpected God moments. To not be so overwhelmed with activities that we miss that still small voice or even simply the chance to offer a smile and word of encouragement to one passing by. Yet we are finding it increasingly difficult as our children are stepping through new thresholds of interest and the onslaught of time requirements that come with new territory. As one who is easily overwhelmed, it feels nearly impossible.

  92. I am in the process of learning to slow down and live intentionally. I recently turned 50 and I’m looking forward to this new phase. Excited to make some changes and live a life more focused on the people around me.

  93. I’m a single mom and I can never seem to get it all done. I try to slow down and everything backs up and there’s even more work to do!

  94. A man I admire gave a talk relating the turmoil in life to turbulence in an airplane. He noted that pilots do not speed up when they encounter turbulence, rather they slow down. He advised his listeners to do the same. So I’m taking his advice and yours to heart. It feels like every request is an “URGENT!” request best accomplished “NOW!!” But it’s not. When I start to feel overwhelmed and swallowed in the possibilities and options, I think, “this is just turbulence. Slow down. Slow down.”

  95. Slowing down is difficult because I work part time, have 5 kiddos, and ministry. However, lately I have been trying to be more intentional with boundaries and priorities so I can make time to slow down. I think that rest and down time needs to be a priority. Our family is healthier and happier when we have it. 🙂

  96. As a single mom of 2 teens and working full time, I find it hard to slow down. I’m afraid if I stop, I may not start up again!

  97. 5 kids… that says SO much for my life. Even with only picking ONE thing to do, I feel that I’m driving all over the place. Congratulations on the book… I would LOVE to get a copy. Thanks for the opportunity. 🙂

  98. Life is not an emergency— we’ve been working on that mantra for awhile now, and keep our focus on that when things start to feel crazy 🙂

  99. I find it hard to slow down with three kids at very different stages of life – high school, elementary school and preschool. Add in a full time job and there just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day to do the standard cooking, cleaning and grocery shopping. Slowing down just doesn’t seem to be an option right now.

  100. It’s hard to slow down when even the Christian parents around you are all doing so many activities so that their kids can better succeed. It begins to make you feel like you are not caring properly for your own children when you don’t allow them to do so many things! Thank you for this giveaway.

  101. Part of my problem slowing down is my hard-wired personality that loves to-do lists and checking tasks off. In my heart, as a disciple of Christ, I know that He wants me to intentionally slow down to cherish these moments with my family, to instill these values in them, as they watch my actions and words. I don’t want my children to look back on their childhood and remember their mom as always being on her computer, phone, or too busy to sit down and just play or talk. But I have to be intentional to do this, or my hurried, list-checking self will take back over. Thank you for this give away. Definitely a book I will be reading!

  102. I think sometimes I let my dreams push me too much. I get impatient to live them out instead of giving them time to develop.

  103. I work as an administrative assistant, and it’s hard not to carry that “always jumping around” attitude home. My work requires a lot of people interaction so when I get home, I just want to curl up with my hubby and knit/read. God has been showing me that I still have time and energy to pour into people, and how to find a balance between rest/recovery and reaching out in relationship.

  104. I can go fast or slow but prefer to slow down now and just do things slowly and quietly. Think I’ve now slowed down a lot and life a healthier life style this way. I no longer wish to zoom with the crowd. I too, found myself, home to the place I have called home all my life. Part of the crowd. 🙂

  105. My life was too slow last year. Well not slow, but busy far away from home. We have elderly parents who frequently need my help as well as young grandsons who need a babysitter or Grandma to come play now and then. I’m hoping and praying that this year allows me more time at home for quilting and to become involved in women’s ministry at our start-up church. Years ago I didn’t know that I could and should say NO to some things. Then I’d get sick and God would have a little chat with me in that stillness about slowing down. So I’ve learned to focus ministry efforts in areas of my Spiritual gifts. It always makes service more joyful and keeps me energized for playing with those sweet boys.

  106. Why do I find it difficult to slow down? I wonder that myself all the time… Work, struggling to keep 2 businesses afloat and make enough money to pay the bills is the main reason. Then there’s the house, the yard, the garden, the animals~ all needing attention.

    If I had a choice I would always have been a SAHM, but that didn’t work out. The kids, house, yard, garden, animals… that’s where my heart has always been.

    It’s just so difficult to fit it all in. And there are so many demands on our time, to keep up with extended family and friends. Life just seems to move to quickly~

  107. I know it seems silly, but it’s hard to slow down just because of life. American life seems to be all about doing the next thing. Did you finish high school? Go to college. Graduate with your BA? Start on your MA. Do you exercise? Do more – it’s better for you! Are your kids in any afterschool programs? Why not two?

    I haven’t been able to find this balance. All I have learned to do so far is to “schedule” downtime. If someone asks me to do something, I need to intentionally say no because this is my time to be alone and think. 🙂

  108. I think what keeps me from slowing down is my mind – I feel I need to constantly be solving some issue mentally, if not physically. So my mind is continually going in an effort to be able to check off what I’ve accomplished each day.
    Although I’ve heard about living intentionally, I’ve always thought I did that by praying and being careful about my decisions with purchases and work. But after reading your blog, I realize there are daily decisions with food and purchases that I’m not as careful about. And I’m challenged. Thank you.

  109. It is hard to slow down, because I am behind in my chores and I just can’t seem to get ahead so I can relax.

  110. I LONG for a slower pace. Even as a young child on my family’s first trip to my father’s homeland of Wales, I noticed that our usual life at home was much different from the pace I experienced there. I liked the pace there better, even at 7 years old!

    I think that Americans, in general, find it hard to slow down because we are always looking for bigger, better lives. Bigger jobs, bigger houses, bigger bank accounts. We feel the need to keep up with (and exceed) our perception of our neighbors. What we don’t see is that they’re struggling too. This is why it is so important to be intentional about our quest for a slower pace. We have to be willing to be grateful for what we have and not always be looking for the next thing.

  111. Slow Down? You’d get run over my the person behind you! I keep promising myself once ________ then it will slow down. 25 years later that still hasn’t happened.

  112. I think it’s hard for me to slow down because I get so “used to” going so fast to get the so-many-things-on-my-to-do-list done… The fast pace rushes, and I yearn to stop. The multi-tasking that has to happen I wish to slow. Learning to be intentional in the slowing, helps me take a deep breath. 🙂

  113. It feels like there is just so much to do. I’m learning that a lot of this is because of wrongful expectations I place on myself.

  114. It seems hard to slow down when you are trying to establish friendships in a new place. Between working, a struggling marriage and and trying to find some normalcy it’s difficult to slow down the mind…which can be exhausting as physical activity.

  115. I’m looking forward to reading your book. My life is so characterized by “hurry up,” “slow down.” What did Paul say? (a very rough paraphrase!) I know what to do, I just don’t do it.

  116. I struggle daily to slow down, savor the day for what it is, enjoy the moments with family and friends without looking and thinking ahead to what else needs or has to be done. I won’t say I’ve failed because I don’t like to think I haven’t overcome something as simple as stopping to smell the roses, but I am still struggling. I am a typical woman here in 2014 with home, work, children, husband and all the other responsibilities that come with each of those roles. I grew up in the Women’s Lib movement where they told us we could have it all, and now that I do, can I please give some back?

  117. It’s so hard to slow down when you realize that if–at this moment you were working–you would be one step closer to supremacy over THE LIST. Grateful for grace!

  118. Hubby and I are naturally home bodies. We prefer the slow-paced life. A few of our kids, however, have completely different personalities. We struggle with what to fill our time with that includes everyone while keeping the peace. 🙂

  119. Even in retirement, it is so hard to slow down. Obligations to care for elderly parents, and the desire to help adult children with their children keeps me running more than I would like to.

  120. I *desperately* want to put on the breaks and slow life down. Technology is awesome, but where is the desire to savor life? My husband is so tied to tech that he cannot sit more than 5 minutes without a screen in front of him…even while driving!! Before we have children, it would be so nice to know that our household can take the time to look into each others’ eyes and listen and savor the hardwork it sometimes takes to get to the good parts of life. Life really does look differently when you slow down and look around.

  121. I do much better slowing down when I am NOT trying to ‘keep up’ with the Joneses so to speak, but find what is right for our unique family – and being flexible b/c we three kids you never know what attitudes you are getting in the morning!

  122. I find it is myself making me so busy and not slowing down. I am still learning that I think I need to prove (mainly to me) what my worth is and by being busy, it must mean that I am worth something. Reading to my children before bed again, is helping me to slow down and enjoy. I have a long way to go!

  123. I usually pride myself on being so planned out and efficient that I have always been able to travel and a non-rushed pace. For over a year now I have been rush-rush-rush. I think that it is a result of people I have been hanging out with. And because of this I have fallen into a tremendous depression and have had to quit that group of people. As sad as it is to me I need to get me healthy and back to my slower pace. I am very organized to a fault but I have planned enough time in my days to not have to rush.
    I think that I would greatly enjoy your book and if I do not get the opportunity to win I will pick up a copy anyways.
    Thank you.

  124. That slow paced, simple, intentional, live life together as a family, friends, and neighbors lifestyle looks and sounds very appealing to me. I have had pockets of that living and then life would get busy again and that would be dropped.

    Just yesterday, we were visiting my widowed mom, and I realized she will not be with us forever, she is going to be eighty, and is looking more frail. WE had not visited her for 6 weeks. For her sake as well as ours, we NEED to visit her more often, for memories, and for her to have company because of her having Parkinson’s Disease and only able to drive a 5 mile radius from her home. Life is fleeting, and there is always more to do, but people will not always be with us. Friends move away, and I have some friends whose husband’s have died. Am I spending time with them? My two boys will be 3 and 4 years old. Am I by example showing them people are important? What are my priorities? What are God’s priorities?

    Your post is a very good reminder of what God values, people value, and what I need to remember to value.

  125. I find it difficult to slow down because of the expectations I think people have for me, but in reality those are usually just things I make up and believe to be true even when they’re not.

  126. I find it hard to slow down, because I don’t want to disappoint anyone. I want to be “superwoman” to everyone. Over the past 6 months circumstances have caused a slow down and I am slowly learning I don’t have to be “superwoman” after all

  127. I feel like I was created with one pace – quick! I don’t like waiting and just like to find the quickest, most efficient ways to accomplish things. My husband works second shift and on the weekends, so I feel evening/nights are always rushed around here because there is never enough time for homework/dinner/reading/playing/showers with 3 kids and me. Having kids has slowed me down significantly but I know I still need to slow down, especially for my childrens’ sake. And I need to keep my eyes toward heaven instead of the things around me, which is such a struggle!

  128. I lived in Italy for two years with my four daughters. We had no tv, walked everywhere, and had amazing family time. The Italians know how to live slowly and savior every moment. It was truly the best! The adjustment moving back to the states was far more difficult than adjusting to life in Italy. I think deciding as a married couple how you are going to choose to live life (and parent) is vital. It is after all a choice. We don’t have to “keep up with the Jones”, put our children into very single activity, and go and go and go. I’m working toward remembering life in Italy and choosing to live life in slow motion- it’s not easy. Every day I have to remind myself it’s my choice.

  129. It’s a circus most of the time….hard to slow down! BUT I’m working on it and what matters most to me. I’m choosing to slow down.

    • I am finding it embarrassing. I am turning 65 next month, and cannot believe how tired I am. I have been working two jobs each about 30 hours for four plus years. Since January one of my jobs changed to about 15 hours. I am relieved, but embarrassed I do not have as much energy as I thought I would have. My devotional this a.m. from Jesus Calling, said that being exhausted is a chance to see God be in charge for a change. Phew!! I need to let go.

  130. I have trouble with the pace of the world due to my husband and sons and their “schedules”. My husband is not a Christian and thinks like the world. One son is a Christian and trying to learn balance but at 19 it is hard to fight the peer pressure when even your Christian friends are “over-scheduled” and sometimes almost manic it seems. My other son is saved, but straying as he is at a huge university where God does not exist… and he is questioning. I believe “the hound of heaven will keep steady after him”. God has been teaching me to slow down by allowing illness to get in the way and force me to “be still” and know that He is God and to listen. And to trust Him for all things even as problems (mostly financial) seem to appear around each bend. I would love to read your book for some moral and spiritual support and not to feel so alone in this quest for living for God alone in the way and timing He would have me live.

  131. Because I didn’t listen to my body and slow down and instead pushed and pushed, I ended up in this place of complete exhaustion and serious health issues because of it. So now I have been forced to slow down and am no longer pushing. Honestly, I think it was the best thing that happened to me because it woke me up! 🙂

  132. It’s hard for me to slow down because I always feel “the next big thing” on the tip of my tongue. I have more ideas than time to do them … and add to that my actual work duties, and home stuff, kid stuff … the wheel just spins faster and faster it seems!

  133. I think I find it hard to slow down because somehow my worth is tied up in how much I cross off that to-do list every day. I also think it’s a means of escaping the real (read: hard) work God wants to do in my life. If I’m too busy, then I won’t have to deal with that.

  134. the hardest part is feeling like if I don’t give my kids every opportunity that other kids are getting – sports teams, scouts, playdates, etc , they’ll have less fulfilled lives.

  135. Somewhere along the way, we start thinking we have to be a certain person or have a certain lifestyle. We compare ourselves with those around us who seem to have it all so we feel pressured to join the club. Living this way is so exhausting.

    Since moving out in the country God has shown me its ok to just slow down and savor Him in all the little things, to truly enjoy the simple life.

    While I’m not an expert in the slow-paced, simple life I am working towards it. Leaning on God’s direction every day.

  136. I live in a wonderful city with so many wonderful options……but that’s the problem. I have to so very Intentionally limit my choices and learn enough IS enough. The choices aren’t bad in themselves…..and I’m thankful to have options…..it’s just TOO many….takes up my energy, my time, my thinking….so I have gone to more eating at home, reading what’s in my house, and trying to beat down the “missing out” monster that wants to consume me. I have been very interested in reading about this……

  137. One of the reasons we like living overseas is the slower life but I do worry/feel pressure about what my kids “need” to have to be prepared for the real world.

  138. my life is pretty slow; we only have one car so most days of the week I am truly a stay at home mom with my three little ones. I Have to really need something to find a way to run errands. I could learn how to slow my mind and get off the laptop more though!

  139. I would not say that I live as vicariously as most Americans do. But it is hard to slow down my emotions, feelings, and thoughts because I’ve been sensitized by the culture that anything less than the must-haves, the must-dos, the must-wants, must be satisfied but ultimately never fulfilled. Yes, it is hard to separate yourself from the pack and stroll not chase.

  140. We’ve slowed down quite a bit the last couple of years… some of it has been a retreat for healing due to several painful life situations… some of it due to job changes that are demanding during the day, which has required quiet nights and weekends to recuperate and recharge.

  141. For several years as a single mom, there was only warp speed with no relief. Once I allowed myself permission to not be in charge of everything or the need to fill every moment of the day with busyness I found a peace I had not known. As a wise friend once pointed out “resting” is doing something. It’s allowing your mind and body time to catch up and refresh.

  142. I was taught by example of fast paced living. My mom, whom I adore and look up to, worked full time, went to school full time, had me and my sis to contend with, and served our church as the organist, choir director and worship committee chair. I didn’t know it was ok to say no to anybody because I had never seen it done! These days I am asking myself “if I say yes to this, what am I ultimately saying no to?”two kids if my own and in the process if building a house, I have to be more intentional with my choices. I ask God each day to give me the wisdom to do so!

  143. Slowing down is very hard with the stage of life we are in…we have 3 kiddos ages 21, 18 and 14…the two older ones commute to a university nearby, riding public transit, that we daily drive them to and we homeschool our youngest who takes ballet and violin that are both an hour commute…my husband’s job is also an hour commute {all 3 different directions}…all of the driving takes up a lot of time…praying for wisdom in how to handle it all…this book sounds like a must read. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  144. I am the mama to a preschooler and an infant. I blog for myself, another company, and am a VA. My life is full of “too many” good things. They all keep me too busy. I’d love to take an ax to some of the things but really, I love them all too much to give them up!

  145. It’s a fast paced world where people want you to do and to do it fast. I would love to have a copy of this book and to read their insights into how to slow down while living in a fast paced world.

  146. I will never forget the time, many years ago, when my youngest was sick with a fever at a very inconvenient time….the last week of school before the Christmas holidays. She had school performances and parties and as a high school teacher, I had finals to give and grade. Then, of course, there was all the Christmas shopping and preparation that was waiting for me. She was sick for the full week and I had such a hard time just relaxing and pampering her. I was constantly checking her temperature praying it would go down so we could get back on the treadmill. By day 3 I finally succumbed to God’s nudging to just be calm and focus on the most important thing, my daughter. I’m embarrassed that doing this wasn’t my primary focus. Every since, I check in with myself to make sure I am enjoying life with a capital L. There are still way too many days when I reach bedtime and realize I’ve spent the day on autopilot.

  147. Slowing down just doesn’t seem possible in this day and age. For a stay-at-home mother of three boys, the word slow isn’t even in my vocabulary. The problem with that is we get so caught up in the grind we forget the important stuff. We are exhausted at the end of everyday trying to figure out where the time has gone. Its hard to slow down when we don’t focus on God and allow him to direct our lives. While I pray regularly and make and effort to relinquish control to God, I am still trying to take care of things on my own…..

  148. i find it difficult to slow down sometimes because i don’t want my own company. i seek out busyness in order to distract myself from things i don’t want to face. it doesn’t work!

  149. We live in an affluent suburb of Chicago. If you don’t start your kid in an activity by the time they’re 8 or 9, they’ll never be good enough to compete with the other kids in our area. When my two daughters were little, we had a more relaxed, intentional way of life. It’s how I was raised. As a kid though, I always felt like I missed out on some stuff because my parents didn’t sign me up for things (Girl Scouts, dance, skating, sports, etc.). Turns out, they just didn’t have the money to do so. I had to wait until high school to play sports (where it was mostly free), but by then I was so far behind the other girls that I didn’t make the teams. I vowed that my girls would get to do something (not EVERY thing) that they enjoyed.

    They love the few chosen activities they are involved in. We’ve had to give up a few other activities along the way to get down to just the ones they really enjoy. Yes, our schedule is busy some days, but this is a season of life. In a couple of years, our oldest will be in college. In 6 years, our youngest will be at college too. I’m enjoying every minute if this busy-ness because they are too and because I know it won’t last. They’ll be gone soon enough. It will be tough, at first, to be an empty-nester, but I’ll try to remember that that is only for a season too.

    I lived abroad as an exchange student in France for 2-1/2 months. I had a wonderful experience, but didn’t notice a lot of difference between my host family’s pace of life and my natural family’s pace (again, not a typical American family). I noticed that everything except the cafés shut down for a few hours in the afternoon which could be annoying if you needed a stamp or wanted to see a movie.

    There was an underlying current (in France) of not competing with those around you that I found comforting. That’s what I’m trying to do and trying to instill in my girls. Do what you love. Take some time to enjoy it. Don’t compare yourself to others. Thank God often for all He’s given you.

  150. I come from two previous generations (and likely many before that) of women who never slowed down. My whole life I have felt like I was trying to keep pace. My husband taught me the importance of slowing down and relaxing, which I am still trying to incorporate into my life on a daily basis. Now that I have my own family I really want to teach my girls how to live with intention and be a part of life instead of just racing through it.

  151. I find it hard to slow down sometimes because of the multitude of things begging for my attention. It can be so easy to feel like I’ve missed (or missed out on) something. I’m learning the reality is I often sacrifice the things that matter most in my efforts to do all and be all. I would love to win a copy of your book! How sweet of you to offer!

  152. The key word is intentional. For some reason that is hard for me. It seems like planning everything out and not leaving room for the moment. God is teaching me a lot about this right now. It is hard and I am being stretched. Would love to read your book and gain some practical wisdom for the day to day perspective I know I need. Thanks!

  153. I find it so hard to slow down because I want so badly to provide better for my family, it’s sometimes hard to see what we already have

  154. I started living a slower life when we had our first child. I went part-time in a profession where working 70 hours per week was the norm. Although having 4 children over 6 years was hectic we still did not “buy” into the mentality that they had to be doing something organized all the time. Living in a rural area helps. Now I have been diagnosed with bipolar type 2 disease and I have to stay slowed down to keep as even a keel as possible. When I start feeling envious about thinking others are more successful I realize that I am living what most people think retirement will look like! I may not be successful in society’s eye (although doing well anyway) I am significant to a number of people and successful in God’s eyes.

  155. I’m just now learning to slow down. I’m decreasing what I owne and so then I have more time to enjoy life instead of cleaning up from life.

  156. We are starting the foster to adopt journey and our life just got a little more chaotic when we added a 15 month old to our family. We want to keep life simple but with social worker visits and all the required visits busy is a requirement. Ha! Can’t wait to read your book!

  157. When you asked why it seemed hard to slow down, I immediately relived a brief moment in my life. We were going to to Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia in 1996. My husband had worked the midnight shift, and we left as soon as he got home and had a shower.

    I am not usually the driver in the family. In fact, I am seldom the driver. I don’t like to drive. But, we were short on time and cash, so it was going to be a quick trip.

    As my husband slept in the front passenger seat, our daughters helped me watch the road, people in other cars, hawks on trees that we were passing, etc. In other words, they were trying to help, but the were really distracting me. About 6 hours into our 8 hour trip we ran into a terrible rain! It was raining so hard that having the windshield wipers on as fast as they could go did not help one bit. The last two hours of the trip was driven in this same pouring rain. The speed limit was 65, and in my opinion, it was terribly dangerous to be traveling at all, much less than traveling at that rate of speed.

    The problem in all of this (other than the fact that I do not like to dive, I readily admit I am not a good driver on the best of days, and I was struggling to keep my precious cargo safe as I was driving) was that the closer we got to Atlanta, the faster the traffic moved. I was in the slow lane, and I was being forced to go 80 despite the speed limit and the road conditions. I could not go any slower without putting my family at risk, yet I felt totally out of control of the car. I considered pulling over, but with the weather conditions so bad, I feared that we might be hit by someone flying by who couldn’t see our car pulled off the road as far as it could to without actually touching the side of the mountain that penned the traffic in like a herd of cattle.

    It was only by the grace of God that we made it through that traffic to an exit where I could get off the road, wake my husband with a hot cup of coffee, and turn the driving over to him.

    What I just described is exactly why I feel I it is hard to slow down. Our daughters are grown, our grandchildren are growing up much too fast, and we are being drug along with everyone else at a pace in conditions that just seem impossible to get out of. As grandparents, we want to be a part of their lives, and we do as much as we can to watch the things they are active in. That literally means several nights a week and most weekends we are following on of them so we can keep making memories for them and ourselves.

    Try as we might, we seem to have to fight to get out of the fast lane. It is harder on me than it is on my husband. He regularly goes to work on 4 hours of sleep (day shift finally), but it has done taken its toll on me to the point that I have had to take a medical leave of absence from my teaching job to work on getting out of the depression that seems to consume me. It has taken the better part of the last 4 years to let myself finally accept that I have to get myself well before I can be the person (teacher, wife, mother, grandmother) I am expected to be.

    I feel as though we are all being forced to travel at dangerously high speeds in conditions that are not safe, and if we try to slow down or pull over we risk being run over by those who are so foolishly setting the pace or trying to stay up with it.

    Thankfully, God is going with us. I know we would not make it if it were not so.

  158. It’s difficult to slow down when there are so many options. Learning to filter out what’s really important and being ok with not feeling like you have to “explain” not choosing each thing to everyone

  159. I find it difficult to slow down because my mind and body are wired to the fast mode. I have an extremely fast metabolism, a racey mind and I live in a culture that says “Hurry Up!”. Those words echo in my mind right back to my childhood. I love it when I slow. When I’m camping and there’s nothing but those sweet 5 sisters I go with, usually a sound of rushing water and the presence of God, everything quiets down on the inside. I love it. Learning to live there in the now, in the every day and to say ‘NO’ to the pressure. I enjoyed this post very much.

  160. I have a hard time just sitting down when I know there is stuff to do. I am still a work in progress as I deal with this, as it is part of my personality and upbringing.

  161. Sometimes I think we feel like if we are not moving fast and furious we are doing something wrong. We want to brag about our to do list and the speed with which we can get it done.

  162. There are just so many distractions around these days and it’s a constant struggle to choose where to place my attention. Family and home and work come first, of course, but then I have to decide how much more of the outside world to let it

  163. I find your story incredibly intriguing and would love to read more in your book! I was constantly on the move~ always traveling for work, a dance mom, active in church ministries, youth group, school activities, assisting my parents when needed and then I year and a half ago I woke up unable to walk; with several other problems developing since. In short, a month ago I was diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis so August 2012 I was left without a choice; I had to slow down. I still have long to do list each week, and lots of appointments with Dr.s and therapies; but I would really love to read about what you learned after returning home.

  164. This is something I have been thinking about so much this year. It feels like there is always someone telling you how to do things faster or better, and it is so discouraging to try and slow down. My heart is aching to slow down this year, I appreciate your willingness to share your experience so the rest of us can benefit.

  165. I currently work among the Amish and I LOVE it for the fact of slow pace life. I’ve been friends with Amish for many years and the one thing that always made me ‘jealous’ was their ability to focus on one another, peace and care about the little things that matter. Right now I spend a week at a time with them and I always come home feeling blessed, close to God and rejuvenated. And yet… it IS hard to keep the slow pace since every one around me is fast and quick. It’s hard to be different.

  166. I have always found it really hard to slow down because I’m a pleaser, an approval seeker, and I feel like I have to measure up to the expectations of others. The feeling that I would be disappointing others, including my children, if I backed out of certain activities kept me going at a frantic pace. Things got better after I read a book about slowing down one’s family life. We opted out of more planned activities and enjoyed creative free time more often. That helped me for awhile but I still had a lot of unrealistic expectations and unresolved baggage. All that led to a major physical and spiritual breakdown so now I’ve had to quit almost everything in my life as I recover from adrenal fatigue and other physical and emotional issues. My new word to live by is “Enough”. I am enough just as I am. My house doesn’t need to be immaculate and super organized. It just needs to be functional enough. My self consciousness about my ADHD organizing limitations led me to push too hard to try and hide those issues. That sure didn’t help the atmosphere in my home. I am nowhere near recovered yet but I’m on the right track and finally striving to please God ahead of people.

  167. With 3 littles under the age of 5 and another on the way I feel like there is never enough time in the day to accomplish everything I should. Top that with beginning to homeschool our oldest and I’m usually left wondering how I can enjoy these kids and not just try to race through the day. We recently visited my parents, and though yes, I still had the kids to take care of, I did not have the everyday household tasks. I was refreshed at not rushing constantly and wondered how I can apply this at home and not have the house in total chaos! Can’t wait to read your book. I really desire for our family to enjoy these days not try to rush through them!

  168. I am raising my two granddaughters and life is a whirlwind. Unfortunately, they are juggled between our home, there father’s home and the other grandparents home. They go to different schools, as the youngest has Down syndrome. I am desperately looking for a way to slow down, but there is so much to do! At the end of the day, when they are in bed, all I want to do is follow, but I stay up to get one last thing accomplished. I watch HGTV’s Househunter’s International and I envy the slow paced life in other countries. Not sure I would come back here if I ever left.

  169. If I slow down, nothing will get finished. If I slow down and sit, I will fall asleep. I wait until my body gives out and has a full sick migraine, to where I am forced to sit and sleep. Then I slow down. Isn’t it funny how God and your body make you slow down – why can’t we listen and do it on our own? I am anxious to read your book.

  170. It often feels as though there are never enough hours in the day. I cave to pressure and tell myself that I’ll feel better once x, y and z are crossed off the list. Slowing down, for me, involves letting things go and recognizing the difference between important and urgent.

  171. Slowing down means doing less, which means less opportunity for external validation. Trying to remove or decrease my need for that validation. It is tough….I guess the first step is recognizing when that is the reason for saying, “Yes” when asked to take on a project. The second step is recognizing it soon enough to say, “I’ll think about it and get back to you.” I have to remember my masters thesis, that I want to be judged by MY values, not the values of others, therefore, I need to review what my values are, then reintegrate living and doing in a way that is consistent with my values.

  172. I find it is hard to slow down, because then I will have to do it tomorrow. The LORD has slowed me down – I am recovering from surgery and “Be still” is what I constantly hear. It is a challenge for sure.

  173. I feel like if I want deep, meaningful relationships, I have to know how to drive in the fast lane just to get in. It’s hard to slow down to meet people, but it’s what I crave. Come over and stay a while relationships rather than the text and go kind. I know there are other kindred spirits out there, I just don’t know where to find them. 😉

  174. I find it hard to slow down simply because it is so counter to culture. And I’m awful at saying no to people and opportunities. But as you taught me in the Organized Simplicity, I can’t do it all and I need to be very selective about what I choose to spend my time on. I’m really looking forward to learning even more from you on this topic!!

  175. I feel like I am always trying to play catch up. Never quite finishing that endless to do list!

  176. With three little kids at home and in school, a husband and a house to take care of, plus being active in a church plant, I often feel like I’m trying to triage what’s most important. How can we be a well rounded family without feeling like we’re scrambling?

  177. Part of why I can’t slow down is the expectations I place on myself to get it all done, be superwoman, never let anyone else down. I need to put my focus on God and ask him what should be on my to-do list, instead of the one I’ve crafted all by myself.

  178. i have a hard time slowing down because everything moves so quickly around me. however, i feel like i’m learning to stay calm and trust God and not be as frantic in my life. it’s a LONG process, but i feel like i appreciate more of life now than i did a year ago.

  179. It is easy to forget how fast we are moving sometimes. It takes intentionally slowing down or something like immersing in a slower paced culture to realize it sometimes. I feel torn between the desire for slowness and the perceived need to be productive. American culture often equates slow with lazy I think. When I do slow down, I find I can actually be more productive because I am able to focus on what really matters rather than just spinning my wheels.

  180. I feel like having three little ones and all that entails makes it difficult for me to stop and slow down. There’s always something needing to be done or someone needing my attention. I don’t know what it looks like to always stop and savor or slow down and simplify for my family during this season.

  181. Well, I’m being forced to slow down because, as of May I’ll be out of a job. But I’m in a different season of life, and it’s really OK. When my husband asked me how I felt about it, the first thing that came to mind was, “relieved.”

  182. It seems we have to be countercultural to slow down. For years I felt propelled through life by my calendar, and I really didn’t know how to stop. Now that I’m older, I savor margins of time and space to meditate, read God’s word, speak with friends at a deeper level, and think. I can still fall into the well-worn rut of being dominated by things to do, especially as I’m still teaching (part-time.) But I relish the stillness.

  183. I find that my daily to-do’s can keep me from slowing down–I have two little ones, a husband who travels for work, and a part-time job. It seems like there is always more things to do than time in the day.

  184. I find it hard to slow down because the things on my to do list are never all checked off. And I do love all my boxes checked.

  185. I find I get my value from what I’m often seeking to accomplish each day which leaves no room for slowing. I know im a human being not human doing and God sees me as worthy not because of anything i do. However with my mom sick with leukemia, my life slows down the couple of days each week I am here with her. Otherwise sadly it’s a hectic pace of working, relationships, etc. I too lived overseas but in Korea, not a culture that moves any slower. I’d love to read about your adventures.

  186. For years I have been trying to find the “slow down” button. It is very elusive! I am a hospital pharmacist. Our job requires that we label many products with expiration dates. Today, I was checking something with a 28 day expiration and the date was in March! I was amazed that the year seems to be flying by already. I love that our children are older (21-15), but it seems the days are zooming past. I would love to read your book and perhaps gain insight into the slowing down process. We also have friends from the US who live full time in Turkey. It would be fun to hear about life there to understand their lives a bit more.

  187. The older I get, the more I desire my life to become more simplified! there’s always so many “good” things we CAN do, but SHOULD we do? Before I commit to anything anymore, I pray for God’s leading. Something I never did when my kids were young!

  188. It is so hard to allow myself to slow down. I feel like I don’t measure up or am left behind when I do take a break. Moving back into the flow seems like I am walking through water. There has to be better balance. I am excited to read your new book. Maybe it will help me find the balance.

  189. fascinating story. it took a lot of courage to do what you did I would love to read more of your story!

  190. While I’m exceedingly grateful to have a job, “the job” has been spiraling out of control for over 3 years now. I am NEVER caught up. I’ve tried to slow down at home to help compensate for the work madness but it’s hard. Even when my body is still, my mind continues pin-balling from one thing to another to another…….I long for the day when I can turn in my notice!

  191. It’s hard for me to slow down–I feel like I’m wasting time. And there’s just me–there’s no one else to share the chores, etc. Yikes!

  192. I think it’s hard to slow down because our society expects us to keep moving, doing, achieving,… I am a stay at home mom and although I chose this path, I still can feel like “less” than the moms who go to a job outside of the home — because I’m not “doing” as much. They seem like superstars to me. And I get “your so lucky…” a lot from people, or “what do you do all day?” “don’t you get bored?”. These comments are not meant to make me feel bad, however, they do make me question myself and and think — I need to do more and make sure people see it otherwise they’re really going to believe I do nothing! 🙂 Then I remember the story of Mary and Martha and I think I’m still nowhere close to being a Mary, but oh I would love to be – to be able to sit still and listen and wait and not worry about getting everything done…

  193. I think we..well I do anyway…if I am not doing something I am not taking care of familyand work. It is a luxuary almost to slow down although I have come to amplace where Ifeel.God is asking me to.do that verythimg and I am wrestling with being obedient.

  194. I have trouble slowing down, as I always feel there is so much that needs to get done. I need to remind myself that I have no control over the world, and it is going to keep going regardless of if I accomplish all of the “important” things I want to do. I need to shift my locus of control from myself to God.

    P.S. I have been very much wanting to read this book, but as I’m trying to save money I have refrained from buying it. So excited about this giveaway!!

  195. Oh, my how timely! My S.S. class is just going through Ann Voskamp’s DVD series, and we are on lesson 2 (corresponding to chapter 4 of the book) – slowing down to notice, give thanks, bask in His gifts. And we discussed yesterday what makes us rush through our days. Two main things struck me: too much stuff to manage / clean / organize, and giving myself too much recreational time (reading, internet, Sudoku – important for brain plasticity, right?) before I do my real jobs of keeping house, tutoring grandchildren, posting financial records, etc. Playing first means I have to rush to catch up on the responsibilities. Thanks for making me think.

  196. I feel so responsible for fulfilling everyone’s needs and that makes it difficult to slow down – family, special needs child, elderly parent who depends on others. I feel like I need to be a superhero. It’s taking a toll on my well being. But, I feel so guilty when I slow down.

  197. Why? Because my kids are 6, 3, 1, and 1 and only one of them’s in school so between keeping them out of things I still have to do the laundry, clean the house, cook the meals, run the errands, and somewhere find a tiny space for me to remember that I am me, not a maid or a robot.

  198. With a full time job and caring for elderly parents, I’m always trying to “fit one more thing in to my day to finish the never ending list of tasks. I have learned to leave some things undone that can wait until tomorrow and every other Sat I carve out a time where I can sit and do nothing.

  199. Living intentionally…trying to see what God wants for us each day is becoming our mission right now! We are seeing how important it is to just obey and that’s all!

  200. i find it hard to slow down because i look around and see all there is to do and i’m too much of a control freak to let go to others

  201. Hard to slow down because I am now single mom and trying to find away to support myself and still be able to see my girl.

  202. We are trying to slow down, moved from NE to SE to help with the change. But right now, not so much, 3 kids in competitive sports, 2 parents working full time outside the home, add in HW, housework and pets… Equals not being as slow as I’d like.

  203. I struggle with slowing down. I work in mental health, and there is such pressure to meet billing guidelines and sometimes, people just need presence. Then I go home, and there is so much to do at home and still work things to do, it just gets overwhelming. When I do stop for a moment, I realized it is usually busyness, and I am sacrificing the things that help me hold it together (Bible study, worship…just quiet) and I do it all over….Why?

  204. It’s a demon I fight constantly. I try so hard and pray to slow down, and I can often do that, but then I struggle with the fact that I’ve got nothing accomplished or did accomplish it sooner!

  205. It’s a funny thing to be multi-talented. Even though I know well that the talent is not mine, and it’s not about me, it’s a something that has caused me to bog down in activity because it seems the Lord put a desire to help others in my heart, too. When I see a need that I know I can fill, it’s SO tempting to just say yes, I will do that instead of pray and ask the Lord if this is something HE wants me to do, or should I pray for another person to come do it. I’ve been known to take on so many things that I nearly burned out.

    Right now, I’m recovering from extensive foot surgery, and have been given orders by the doctor to keep my “toes above my nose.” I knew this going into the surgery; I had to give it serious thought before I could honestly commit to letting someone else do (or not do) the cooking, cleaning, and my job as worship leader at church. Today is day 21 of that assignment. Tomorrow, I will go to the followup appointment, and will probably be told I can now lower my foot so it can rest on the wheelchair footrest. Still no weight whatsoever on this foot for another six weeks, then a walking boot. My goal is to be in two shoes for Easter Sunday. I need help to stay focused on doing what the LORD wants, not what just happens to come my way. Thanks for letting me write!

  206. It’s the working mom guilt that makes me in a fast pace! I need to accomplish this achievement and that at work and then come home to a spotless house, great dinners, be a coupon queen and have Pinterest-worthy activities for the kids. So I wish I could slow down and just be…at work and at home.

  207. I am very excited and thankful to be able to read your book soon. We lived in Turkey for two years. I miss it a lot. We learned so much in those short two years about ourselves.

  208. I started slowing down with the birth of our third son. Something needed to change. I left my job and now stay home with my three boys. We bike ride a lot, riding helps you really see the nature around you and allows me to enjoy my kids more.

  209. Well I was blessed with two illnesses that forced me to slow down. I am still in the slow lane 8 years later. Intentionality is what I struggle with. I tend to flow through each day with my moods and necessities running the schedule. I would like to find out how to be more intentional with my day to day life. Thanks for introducing me to this book, and giving us a chance to win a copy.

  210. It’s hard to slow down because in my sinfulness I choose laziness. Then, tasks pile up and I rush to accomplish them. Yuck. Inspiration appreciated!

  211. I just plain feel like I am not allowed to slow down – like I am a slave to this culture and pace. When I take time to slow down, the next week has to accommodate all I didn’t do – so that I cannot even enjoy the break. I wish I could just opt out of all the apparently mandatory obligations of life that have me running here and there and everywhere.

  212. I was forced to slow down this past summer due to a serious injury. Now I feel I need to make up for lost time and GO GO, AND GO. I need to remember why God created Sunday. A day to slow down and rest.

  213. Due to a divorce and limited finances, I’ve been forced to cut back and live much more simply. That has helped me appreciate the little things and slow down.

  214. I love to read but with everything online to read I find myself skimming over articles or just reading too quickly to actually savor or comprehend what I’m reading.

  215. I have been on the go since the day I gave birth to my twin daughters..I love my busy life however often I find that I can’t slow down even when I am afforded the time…I don’t know how to relax and shut off the distractions. Even on Sunday mornings I often am not thinking about my growth, more so thinking about who can I reach out to…as a manager of a busy department it flows over into work…I think the only time I truly feel relaxed is at the beach…that is where I sing praises to my Lord and savior and walk my dogs and hunt for sand dollars and rocks…even now as I am typing this I can think of a mountain of projects I should be doing…

  216. I teach at a small international school in Japan, slowing down and living intentionally are next to impossible without serious effort! I always enjoy your stories as I feel I can somewhat relate to your experiences. I am looking forward to reading your book!

  217. There is so much to accomplish….so many dreams to see fulfilled….and It’s God dreams and God work and hopes for the Kingsom here and now….such a sense of urgency especially since I’ve entered the 6th decade of life.

  218. My life has slowed some in the past several years as I have become an empty nester. But it still seems like there is so much to do and I wonder how I ever did it before. These days I am usually reading my Bible, devotion or Christian book about 30 min. a day. I would like it to be 3 times that. I feel so much better when I can study the Word more and helps the day go better. The empty nest thing “just happened”, now I need to make some changes so my life is more like what I want and God wants. But I don’t know where to start.

  219. Between homeschooling, working a public job, working an at home job, caring for my elderly parents who live with us, and the regular everyday duties of being a wife and mother…. yeah, slow down? Not happening anytime soon.

  220. As an empty nester, I’ve finally learned that I don’t HAVE to fill my days, hours, moments. That I can JUST BE! I really never knew I had a choice. But when it smacks you in the face, you deal with it. Oh, it took some work to get here. Me and God have been working on this for about 5 years now. FIVE YEARS!! I can relate to young mothers, professionals and families at large as they strive to find that balance. I pray that the Lord guides them gently and in short order. Thank You Lord for your grace as we strive to find quiet and balance. You want that for us more than we do. As you’ve said “if we seek, we will find”. Thank You Lord for pointing us in the right direction!

  221. It is hard to slow down, especially when you have 3 – 1 hour long trips bring kids to and from school, then try fitting in errands or cleaning between those trips… add in 4 days of activities for the kids. I do work hard to keep Saturdays free and Sundays are filled with Church.

  222. I’m blessed to have time each day to just “be” in my home. But, I’m afraid I need to learn how to slow my mind down, too. Thanks for wiring down your story! Can’t wait to read it!

  223. Somehow “self-worth” seems tied to doing, doing, doing. In-bred. My mother can’t just “be” without offering an excuse.

  224. I find it hard to slow down because the expectations around me seem high. Those could be my own expectations. They could be others too. I feel that we don’t keep up with other people and maybe I am jipping myself or my kids because of that. Also, i don’t feel that i can slow down because when I do, our financial situation becomes more uneasy.

  225. I’m not generally overcommitted (just busy working full time, being a wife, being a mom to a 2, 10, and 12 year old…). However, I’m still learning how to slow down with intention (through relationship building, alone time with God, service, etc).

  226. Simplicity is the continuation or the next phase. How to live after the cleansing and purging I’m working on my life. I guess pedaling Tsh’s blue bike will help me to cross to the other. As I’m moving out and settling into a new life, I’m aiming to keep simplicity in balance. What inspirational and instrumental reading it’ll be!

  227. Well, being blessed with my first child 13 months ago has definitely put the brakes on in my life. Decided that staying home with her in our one-bedroom apt would be better…we would make it work. I have and continue to relish in all the sweet small moments. Unfortunately, my husband has asked for divorce and now I’m really slowing down at my mothers out in the country. Being a former preschool teacher and a fan of lists-to-do’s and schedules it was really hard at first, but I’m learning to adapt and trust God with all the change. I would LOVE to read your book! God bless you for writing your testimony and sharing with the world!

  228. I find it difficult to slow down because I always feel like I am behind. God whispers, “Be still,” and I wonder when I will learn how to do that.

  229. The American culture has become so driven by instant gratification. I know there are countless times a day when I find myself being impaitent and technology only seems to reinforce these behaviors. For myself, 2014 has became a time for me to slowly gravitate away from objects and habits that hender my life instead of enrich it. I am learning not to rely on social media to provide me the insight into my friends and family’s lives, but instead setting aside time to have phone or face to face conversations to get caught up. So often we think we still have close relationships with loved ones just because we see their status updates, new photos uploaded, or send an occasional text only to realize that we haven’t had an intentional face to face conversation in months or even years…

  230. I find it difficult to slow dien because I’ve unwittingly bought into the American “culture of busyness.” I feel like pretty much everything my family does on a daily and weekly basis is good stuff, and I don’t really mind being busy, since it keeps me from being lazy. But I do need to find a better rhythm to appreciate my family members and be present in each moment instead if always anticipating what’s next!

  231. I am slowing down by saying no to many things – right now those “no”‘s seem to fill right up with unspoiled time with my husband and children – trying to find that perfect balance of yes and no – each day

  232. Living with intention takes practice! God has had me in this place for almost two years now-I choose to live in the practice of doing life on purpose ever watching and looking for Jesus in my everyday ordinary life! I love life now! And in no way is my life easy- I have a prodigal son, my dad is dying of ALS and well so on and so on! I would love to read your book and if I don’t win it, I will probably buy it- the title absolutely caught my eye! Blessings!

  233. There is always that flesh need to do more,be more because you can’t show your real self. We were created to have a balance of work and rest and we have lost that ability along the way. I homeschool 4 young children, currently in the middle of moving 1,000 miles away from all I know, depleted bank accounts, the list could be endless. The amazing thing is that Jesus Christ has no end but my list and wordy demands do!

  234. I would love to be able to slow down! My time is filled with good things, like helping others or church related activities. But there are also times of wasting time with meaningless things. I long to be able to slow down and focus on what Mary found to be the most important.

  235. Adding multiple activities for your children can make my feel like we never slow down. Keeping extra stuff at a minimum helps me to stay centered on what’s most important.

  236. Why do I find it hard to slow down? A four year old, a two year old, a set of newborn twins, an over developed guilt complex. and some fun perfectionist tendencies to balance it out. 🙂 In order for me to slow, I have to first remember (daily!) to let go and trust.

  237. I would feel guilty taking things away from my children now that they have them … (I.e. – electronics and tv) and now that they are so busy I am not sure we could change. Although I want a more simple life so badly

  238. Well, judging from the number of responses you have certainly spoken to one of the greatest needs for our time! And you have given hope that slowing down and simplifying may indeed be possible!! I am 63 and was forced to retire 8 months ago. After raising four children and then working full time for 21 years I must admit this has been the most difficult year of my life!! I would love to have your book and hope it will help me as I struggle to find my place in this next chapter of my life.


  240. I find it difficult to slow down because I always feel the pressure to do more, be more, etc. There are always so many opportunities to do good things and I’m always afraid of saying no to something I should say yes to…I am definitely making more of an effort to eliminate the business from my life and reading your book would be such a blessing! Thanks for this post and the opportunity to win a copy.

  241. For me, in the states, it is hard, because its atypical of the culture. However, I’ve found it easier. I’m also living in a middle eastern context, and slowing down, savoring meals, walking places, it all fosters the art of slow.

  242. Slow down? Me impossible I always thought I had to keep busy…. A lie I have tried to get over all my life. Actually Jesus slows me down when I need a rest. Usually a bad cold or just pain in my hands or feet. I’m learning less is more and I can take a break. I can still serve God even if i take a day off to just relax sit sit still and refuel.

  243. This is so what I want 2014 to be about. That and having fun again. And this book seems to be blowing up the internet today, so I’d be thrilled to win!

  244. My mind and my heart say to slow down, they want to anyway. But life has a way of creeping in at the speed of light! It is so important to have white space in out lives. Thanks for posting. We all need to slow down…..

  245. Thanks for your words about adjustments. I have been on 4 mission trips to Haiti and never seem to have an issue with slowing down there. But when I return, the America culture speeds my pace up again. It is hard not to succumb to the environment around me.

  246. I find it difficult to slow down because I’ve always been the girl that “does everything”. Somehow, I’ve convinced myself if I slow down, maybe even stop doing something, that those that depend on me will be let down.

  247. Trying to change focus ( my words for this year) from all the exterior distractions to the interior. …Jesus in me, and what does He (Love) require of me?

  248. As a “doer” I realize that I have missed out on so many ‘moments’ in my life. Working on making 2014 the year to improve on that….I want to make my choices intentional and focus on the now and not always what I have to do or what will be on my plate in the days ahead….why do we find it so hard to live in the moment??? Life is about choices and I pray to choose less to have more this year.

  249. The world is full of so many exciting and interesting things and people to learn about / do / connect with.

    My struggle is to realise that there isn’t enough time to do it all, and that it is important to enjoy what I do get to do, and not to feel like I am missing out if I don’t do something. I have to choose what is most important to me. I am getting better at this.

    I live in New Zealand and television in my part of the country has recently changed from analogue to digital. If you don’t go digital then you can’t receive TV. I made a deliberate choice to not go digital for one month in order to live without TV for that time. It has now been two months and I have missed it a couple of times, however the benefits include having more time to read, to sit in the quiet of an evening and ponder, to have less “stuff” in my head to process, and to go to bed when my body is tired rather than when the TV programme ends.

    I also often have what I call a “technology fast” at the weekends and don’t check my emails or spend any time on the internet.

  250. Being retired, I find there is a multitude of tasks and activities I can participate in. To keep myself “busy” I have started writing a book, going to a Spanish class and keeping up the house. It has been good to be home, but I need to take time to stop, meditate on God’s Word and get outside to experience God’s wondrous world.

  251. I’ve been trying to live intentionally in my daily choices too! I think one of the reasons I find it so difficult to slow down is just how much I’d like to get done, and I don’t wanna miss out on anything, so I stay busy.

  252. Slowing down is definitely an on-going struggle to achieve. In my case it largely comes from the expectations that come from all sides: Be a great mom, be a great wife, be the best home-maker, cook awesome dinners every night, look the best, have the best, be a great host, be liked, be strong, be forgiving, give you’re all……and the list goes on. Now, a lot of these expectations stem from what society imposes upon us but ultimately its our choice to accept those terms to be accomplished and accepted, and when we do we no longer need outside influences to tell us we’re not enough because we are already consumed in telling ourselves that. Yet, the outside influences will never let up and thus the viscious cycle runs endlessly unless we intentionally stop.

    I’ve recently been very convicted of this and was forced back to the very beginning- to Genesis. God created this earth and everything in it in six days, and even God himself rested on the seventh day. It’s not like he couldn’t think of anything else to do, or he was lazy or bored. He purposely rested because as our Father, he shows us by example. The importance of rest(slowing-down) is so crucial to our relationship with God and reflecting on where we are and where we’re going. It’s so easy to get stuck on the treadmill of life and all the wordly expectations we ultimately impose on ourselves because the world saturates our lives with these ideas and images of what we should be, but if we are intentional in taking our Sabbath and reflect and immerse ourselves in the truths of who God is, what He created for us, His promises and most importantly His love and desires for us, we will live freely as He intends for us.

    We need to remind ourselves consistently, and I’ve just begun to work on making the time to reconnect with my Creator. Even if it’s just a simple reaffirmation to be still and know that he is God. In that, it’s really helped me to begin to purge all the junk, and not just the junk in my mind but also in my life, my home. We’ve started to donate and sell things we’re just hoarding so that we can say we have that. Life is starting to feel lighter, literally! I’m interested in reading your book and getting added encouragement to continue on this path and help others do the same.

    May God bless you all and continue to enlighten our journeys!

  253. I feel like every time I slow down to savor life, I get so far behind in everything else that I spend days recouperating (an evening with friends & their kids over for a meal, coffee, dessert = an entire morning doing dishes! Not to mention the day before spent cleaning & cooking! Then the following day is spent catching up on what I neglected when I was preparing… You get the picture!)

  254. Like Heidi, I too am going through a divorce and financially, things are tight. But I am a minimalist at my core. So living simply totally appeals to me. I don’t own a TV or a computer. I use my iPhone or go to the library. I eat simple, clean food, and exercise in nature. With less distractions and less stuff, it’s much easier to go slow and savor life!

  255. I have learned to slow down a bit…mostly because of chronic health issues, but partly because I’ve just gotten older and have realized how much more precious it is to just “be” – with my family, with my Lord, and with my friends. And I love that having extra time means that I can have more time with my precious grandkids! Now THAT is time well spent. 🙂

  256. I have MS. I believe strongly that I find it difficult to slow down on my good days as I have no idea how long they will last for before the days change over to can’t move days. I also know if I could not go full force on those good days there would be less bad days. Either way I am blessed beyond words!

  257. I find it difficult to slow down because I feel like I need to be somebody. Who this somebody is, I’m not sure. God gave me an epiphany the other day that I am ultra-blessed and I should be ultra-content with my circumstances.

  258. In my early life (pre age 24) I worked 2 and 3 jobs at a time. Always rushing from one to the other. I didn’t know how to say no so I was always rushing off in between work to do whatever I was aksed to do by whomever asked me to do it. I had evenutally fueld my life by using cocaine as there was little time to sleep. Crash came. I could no longer live that life with one foot in yesterday and the other in tomorrow burning the candles at both ends. I got clean and sober. I stopped burning the candle at both ends but I was still doing it all for everyone. And then, I got what was originally diagnosed as pneumonia (but I was told many years later that it was more likely mono or the combination of the 2). I was never the same. I could tell you the very day the energy died. I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. There was no choice but to slow down because anytime I over did it one day I would need 2-3 weeks in bed. For years now I have learned that if I want to have any quality of life and time I need to nap 1-2 hours everyday in addition to getting a good nites sleep. A long workday for me is 5 hours. And it wipes me out. And I can only work once or twice a week. On the other hand, being disabled has allowed me to be a stay at home Mom and raise my 2 sons (now aged 21 and 15). It allowed me to be class Mom and team Mom and now it is allowing me to create art which is very healing and therapeutic for me. So, in many ways, getting sick and having to slow down became my greatest blessing. It all goes to show you God has a plan. It may not make sense to us at first but it is always for our best. And He will use the bad that happens and turn it for our good.

  259. its hard to slow down because its so against the grain of our culture. I actually basked in the fact that we had sickies going thru the family last week, because we all were home for 2 days straight and I loved it.

  260. I find it hard to slow down, to not have that itch that something needs to be done, now. I am learning it, very slowly through life’s up and down. Mostly downs the past couple years. God is teaching me to relax and depend on Him for every little thing in my every day life. He has been so gracious to coax me along this journey.

  261. I find it difficult to slow down because I am a singe Mom with 4 kids…need I say more cause I really don’t have time to say anymore? LOL

  262. I’d love to read your book, I’m an Aussie living in the states who with 2 young boys & a women’s ministry would love some pointers 🙂

  263. In my life it has taken a major life crisis to teach me to slow me down and savor life. Still learning to slow down on my own.

  264. I bought a blue bike awhile ago at a garage sale for $20. Saturday mornings were a time I could sneak away early and clear my head on the bike. It broke recently and I had to throw it away. Reading your book might bring back some of those peaceful feelings. I miss that blue bike.

  265. I have recently filed for divorce and have become a single-mom with a full-time job. Trying to maintain a smooth transition and keep things on schedule, I find myself passing out in the recliner minutes after putting my son to bed. I feel like we are constantly on the go. I don’t know what to take out of our schedule to slow us down. I want to live intentionally and teach him to do so as well.

  266. I find it hard to slow down because it seems to take more effort to live a slow life, than it does to live a hurried life. It’s easy to waste my day away on my smart phone, going through the drive through to get my coffee in a cardboard cup. In my hurried life I get to stay up late watching TV and sleep in until I don’t have any time to shower before arriving late at work. Slowing down requires intention and purpose, and honestly, that scares me. Slowing down would mean having to be real with myself and real with others. I would lose the excuses of “I don’t know,” or “I don’t have the time.” Slowing down would mean I could really live life.. But that’s what I want. Like Diane Ackerman said, “I don’t want to get to the end of my life and find that I have just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well.”

  267. I find slowing down hard because I see needs and want to fill them. I want to make a difference and live a life of meaning and service. However, I’m not always sure where the line or balance should be.

  268. It’s hard for me to slow down because of all the demands my 3 children have, as well as my full time job. And things in life just keep racing past us and I always feel I must keep up! Thanks so much for a chance to win.

  269. Life circumstances have forced me to slow down: a very difficult season in full time ministry, the near end of a marriage, and the diagnosis of a chronic condition all yelled loud and clear that I was moving too fast.

    I’ve had to rearranged my priorities more often than I care to count, but as a family we are now learning to live slow. And it’s precious.

    That being said, we struggle at times in a culture that values speed and efficiency- I’d love the opportunity to read your story!

  270. I’m really looking forward to reading your book, Tsh. God’s been teaching me about being intentionally present. That can be hard for me, especially with my recovering perfectionism ways. But I’m learning valuable lessons in letting go, and that’s helping me slow down.

  271. I think right now for me, what’s keeping me from slowing down is my kids {a 4 year old daughter and 2 year old triplets, 2 boys and a girl}. We want to spend as much time with them as possible, which means other things get pushed to the back burner, resulting in my having to get them done at some point…completely worth it though 🙂

  272. I find it hard to slow down because I am afraid of missing out on something. So instead of truly enjoying one thing, I try to squeeze 3 things in.

  273. My kiddos are just 4 and 1, so we limit the number of activities they’re involved in (and us too!), so I find it pretty easy to slow down. Would love to read this book as advice for the future when it will get harder, I’m sure!

  274. Excited and hopeful to win:) I recently realized that I had continued to take on one thing at a time. I did it to make myself feel good. It made me feel or be perceived as busy. It was so far from the truth.(that I felt good) Each volunteer position, being a wife, being a momma of a 3 and 4 yr old, and a second grade teacher and a photography “business”……just added to the strain and to the list of things that I felt inadequate in. I couldn’t stop. I would always meet women and there would always be that one…..the one who was a peace and who wasn’t in a rush….she could have 1 or a million responsibilities. So I sat down. Made a list of what I was and what I wasn’t. added to that list was what I wanted and what I didn’t want and what I liked and what I didn’t. It was the reset button for me. I was scared at first. I am learning to simplify my life. Be present. And fully engage in anything or any friendship I build. In all the failure…..that is where God can do what He is doing now and will continue to do. Being true to myself and honoring God with the life He has given me is more important. Thank you for your blog.

  275. I find it hard to slow down as, I believe, I have hyperactivity disorder. Sitting still for long periods of time is not for me. I always want to be moving or doing something.

    If I get truly tired and worn out from a busy week then I can sit and “veg” out some.

  276. It’s difficult for me to *justify* slowing down – it seems like from the moment I get up, there are three times as many things to do as there is time in which to do them. I can’t even relish the moments of solitude that my husband gifts me sometimes, because I’m too busy trying to prioritize what accomplished thing is most likely to provide peace and renewal.

  277. It’s hard for me to slow down because far too often, I feel that my worth comes through what I do. God is teaching me that it’s not about me and what I do but it’s about His grace and what He has done through His Son on the cross for me.

  278. I find it difficult to slow down because my mind is splattered all over the place instead of focusing my attention to just one thing.

  279. Slowing down enough to think and process my life is harder than ever because of the million places to escape to: online, radio, anything just to get myself distracted so I don’t have to acknowledge what’s really going on inside of me. I’d love to read your book!

  280. Having. Fibro@multiple. Surgeeries .God has. Slowed me down. Thank u for the chance to win this. Book

  281. I find it hard to slow down because being a stay at home mom to 4 boys, I feel like I have to do more, volunteer more, say yes more since I am “just” at home. All of this results in me rarely being at home and being the mom I want to be.

  282. I love the enticing snippet we’ve been given of your book and can’t wait to read it. I SO relate to much of what you described. As one who often “colors outside the lines,” I am a stay-at-home wife and mom who enjoys the simple life. Having homeschooled for 16 years, we are now empty-nesters with one precious grandchild and another on the way, I have time to slow down, yet I feel an unseen sense of urgency … that there is something more perhaps God wants me to do. Even in this, I know there must be moments to stop and reflect on the blessings of life we have been given. A time to rest.

  283. So NICE to know I’m NOT alone……. The biggest battle I face is slowing down & smelling the roses …… This sounds like an amazing read ….. Think I will SLOW down TODAY : I’ll start by baking some BREAD : thanks for the challenge………

  284. I am slowly learning to slow down, stop and smell the roses. Enjoy my family, see what the Lord has done in my life.

  285. Tsh, sounds like a wonderful book. I find it hard to slow down because of my different communities. It feels as if I’m trying to go faster in the ‘real’ world – to keep up, but I want my world – which sounds perhaps like a world on a blue bike – the slower paced one. It’s hard to be there when so many people I know and love are in that Ford Mustang next to me.

  286. OOH I’d love to read this! I am purposing to slow down in my life, and it’s a bit simpler now that my kids are grown. But there’s still a pull to be busy every moment… I love the title of this book and the look of it- very cool.

  287. My 2014 word is “be”. I am starting the process of carving out time for quiet and stillness. Turning down the volume in activities, social media, and unnecessary words and embracing calm. Tsh’s book mirrors a conversation I had yesterday with a woman 10 years my senior. She wants this desperately to discover white space and have room to dream. If I should win a copy of the book, she will be the first I share it with. Because we have to look out for one another’s peace.

  288. It is so hard to slow down if you did people would look at you and say what are you doing I’m working hard so should you but I do try to stop and smell the flowers with my kids.

  289. I would love to slow down but my 2 kids, 13 and 10; co-leader of 2 ministries at our church; and a full-time job make that difficult. PLUS my husband and I are in the process of answering God’s call to care for foster children…what are we thinking? YES LORD is exactly what we are thinking!

  290. I find it hard to slow down because I feel so anxious about what I should be doing…and that never ends. Always looking for help with this idea; thanks for the giveaway!

  291. First of all, you’ve got a lot of replies to read! Your book intrigues me. Mainly because I’ve been contemplating living more intentionally the past few weeks. Also, I’m 53 years old and lived the fast pace world while raising 3 daughters and have always wanted off the merry go round. My husband and I are in a different season and the choice to live more simply seems more within our reach. However, the pressures are great to continue to live in a fast paced world. If I don’t win a copy of your book, I’ll be adding to my reading list. Thanks!

  292. I have just been wrestling with this (again) this week. After burnout in ministry and other things, I realized what my husband had…that taking time out each week and each day for some real “down time” is so good – no. Vital to not just surviving but thriving.
    I normally take mondays as a do nothing day, but for reasons I can’t change it’s suddenly not that way so I find myself asking all these questions again to see where I can slow down and how. Excited about your book!

  293. This year I am trying to rid myself of the worry and stress that I take on from my life, my children and my job. It is not an easy task. I want to be able to enjoy the moment that I am in and appreciate all that I have.

  294. I feel like I am so busy working, cleaning and taking care of children that I am not taking time to enjoy any of it. I need to learn to be more present in each moment and enjoy the journey.

  295. Loving this concept of savoring life! Amen. I worked in refugee camps & upon my return felt desperate for a slower, more intentional, authentic way of living that the Saharawi had tough me in Algeria.

  296. I was fortunate to be a stay-at-home mom and was home until my children graduated from college. Now that my children are grown my career has begun to consume my life. I love my job, but I don’t like being consumed by it. Help!

  297. Despite great strides in overcoming it, there is still something in me that marks a day by what has been achieved or can be crossed off. I so admire my 10 yo daughter for her utter lack of this quality, and yet I can’t quite embrace the messy room that goes along with her lovely free spirit.

  298. If I keep myself busy with everything else, I won’t have to do the things I truly don’t want to do. So I never slow down to allow space for those things.

  299. Always wishing I could slow down. I am meant to travel at a slower pace but feel the world around me won’t let me. Very interested in getting this book. I want to learn to savor life and all the Lord has provided to me and my family.

  300. Slow down? Ok, sure. Hang on a minute. Let me finish this little thing. Ok, I’m coming to relax… oh, but I need to prepare for that presentation I agreed to give. Well, I’ll do that tonight. Maybe baking some bread is what I should do… I could take a loaf to fellowship this week… better bake a double batch. Oops! That’s my phone.

    A small snippet of my day in the midst of seeking His peace on this little urban homestead…

    I could use a blue bike about right now.

  301. I find it hard to slow down because there never seems to be enough money for the things we actually need (i.e. food, gas, clothes without holes, etc), let alone things we “want”. So when something we want happens to be without cost (i.e. a walk through city park), it seems frivolous in the face of the needs…and finding the means to provide for those needs. Yet, it is in the slowing down that renewed energy, focus, and even perspective comes. I’d love a copy of this book. 🙂

  302. I don’t know exactly why I have a hard time slowing down. I love being productive and love the sense of accomplishment I feel when something is done, but I guess that I don’t know when to stop because I just keep going and feel guilty when I stop and rest.

  303. I don’t know that I can truthfully say that it’s hard for me to slow down. Slow is my natural pace, but I have certainly fallen prey to today’s hurry-up culture. And yes, it totally feels like a too-small itchy wool sweater!

    My default settings for protecting myself from chaos are (1) not saying yes right away to most things and (2) not feeling guilty for ultimately saying no.

    Thanks for the chance to win your book. Can’t wait to read it!

  304. The pace of life in this country presses in on us to strive to do more, be more and to have more. A financial crisis in my life has caused me to take more time thinking about the things I really do need compared to the things I think I want. Self care and seeking to live a more grateful life are the main focus for me this year!

  305. At first, I didn’t think I needed this book…until today’s post “Why You Might Need A Blue Bike.” Every statement in the “I wrote Blue Bike for people:” section speaks to me. The past few years, I have given much attention to slowing down and remaining present. It is so hard though not to slip back into the fast lane.

  306. I find it hard to slow down because I don’t want to miss anything. I don’t want to miss out. I’m also hopelessly distracted, so I have a hard time accomplishing the things I need to, thus always feeling “behind” and needing to rush to catch up.

  307. I can never say, “No” to things. And I feel like I ALWAYS have to be busy doing something. I think those two things just add fuel to the fire. Plus, in my family, we do everything fast–we eat dinner fast, we move fast, we rush out the door fast to get to the next thing, etc. Our brains are moving a thousand miles a second and because of that, we can’t slow our bodies down to just stop. And enjoy the life that God has laid out before us.

  308. Slowing down in the middle of the chaos of three small children can be challenging, but worth it. I might have to be out the door in 15 minutes, but RIGHT NOW, I have that 15 minutes to sit across the breakfast table from my 2yr old, and see the innocent excitement I in his eyes and listen as he tells me about his toy digger; to giggle with my 1yr old baby girl about the kitty she sees outside, and to ask my 4yr old about the day ahead. I cannot give myself more than 15 minutes before we head out the door, but I pray that God will give me grace to live IN that 15 minutes, and not spend it distracted by what comes after…

  309. I have been brought up to “do my part” – and “my part” seems to continuously grow!!! As a working mother of two, I always had a to-do list a mile long and growing. My girls are now 19 and 17 and the list hasn’t gotten smaller, but it has changed. I have recognized my seeming inability to say NO, and the unnecessary guilt I have when I do manage to not say YES …

    Hoping this book will give some insight on how to live intentionally, doing “my part”, and freeing myself from the unnecessary guilt of saying NO when I must.

  310. Everywhere people are rushing, and when you try to discuss the subject of slowing down, they look at you like you have lost your mind or something. But I believe it is possible to change our life and slow down, even in our thoughts, because we even rush our thoughts, and don’t even spend enough time thinking about what we need to be thinking about. Thanks for sharing.

  311. Uhhh, because everyone around me is pushing past with such ferocity that my tiny self is pulled along by the centrigul force of their bodie’s chaotic energy and I have no choice but to attempt to keep up or fall down and I’ve already fallen so many times that my bones hurt so I rush along, not sure where I’m going or why and often land where this scatter-brained stranger-person landed, not knowing if I’m on planet earth or on Mars or on the planet for scattered-brains….

  312. I would love to join you on your ride. All the things you mentioned in your post (2/7) about learning to live slowly, SO apply to me. As a matter of fact, I am learning that I’m a “doer”, and I have a tendency to worship productivity. Very well put, by the way. Gets things even more stirred up inside. Yep, it’s time to change the course.

  313. I’ve gone from working full time in a job that I couldn’t stand to working part time and have dealt with feeling so guilty. I often feel lazy but at the same time have been spending so much more time with The Lord and getting to know what He desires for me. Everyone around me has a huge house and is busy all the time. My husband and I long to be home with each other cooking, making music and spending time together.

  314. I really feel my soul stirring for this living life slower bike ride. I would love and feel like I need this book in my life. I am also in my thirties and a Mom of two miracles. I want to teach them the slower beautiful ways of life.

  315. I’m older and I need to LEARN to slow down (and maybe your book is just the tool I need). I keep pushing off retirement because I’m afraid I’ll grow bored/boring if I don’t have a purpose in life. In actuality, I would love to learn to enjoy each day as a gift from God.

  316. It always feels like there’s so very much to do. I long to simplify so I can “do” less and really “be” more.

  317. I began slowing down about 4 years ago. we would find out that our 2 beautiful grand babies were diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder. we would learn that their lives would be cut very short. they will only live for 14-16 years. their future was gone. it was during that difficult time that God would begin over and over reminding us of his sufficiency. life changed, our perspectived changed. we looked at life with a new lens. it would be in the simple things like a sweet song from brooklyn or a huge smile from jayden. those moments would become precious and life changing.

  318. I’m a 69 year old wife, mother of three and grandmother of three, that has spent her life “running the race” because I thought that was who I was “suppose” to be. But after while I discovered that wasn’t who I was or what I was really searching for. I didn’t believe it was ok to “slow down” and find the peace that God wanted me to have. But He has blessed me by telling me it’s fine to take care of yourself, take time to enjoy what he has provided and find that peace he wants each of us to have.

  319. I find it hard to slow down when I let all the noise from society in to my life, When I compare my life to others. So in order to slow down, I spend time reading books like yours. And spending time in gratitude for All that I have. I can’t wait to read your book!!!

  320. I have five children, and homeschool the oldest three. I often feel like my list of to-do’s is a mile long. I would love to read your book and be inspired to live more intentionally and purposefully, savoring each moment.

  321. Ever since I went to Zambia, Africa in 2007, I’ve longed for a simpler life. Its hard to swim upstream in the current of ‘More stuff makes us more happy.’ Those little African kiddos playing futbol, with a ball made out of remnant garbage, with extreme joy beg me to reconsider.


  323. I would love to join you; as a single mother to precious children, I am not quite sure how, but am totally open and what my heart longs for. Though I am not sure where the blue bike fits (I will read and find out) I have a beautiful sky blue bike waiting for me in my garage 🙂 signed, ready to ride

  324. As a mother of 3 teenagers, the struggle is between work/career, maintaining/managing a home, not letting people down, the few activities our kids are in, finding personal time, keeping a marriage healthy… then when I do slow down, my mind wanders to all the things I could do, places I could go, things I am missing out on…

    When I am busy, I crave to be still, when I am still I feel the need to live life to the fullest. I don’t want to live “tomorrow” I want the best and fullest life today. But my challenge is to define “best and fullest life” without it being what the world wants but what God wants for me.

    I am eager to read this book and glean some wisdom, or at the very least know the path I travel is not alone.

  325. I find it is hard to say no. Too many responsibilities and too much people pleasing. I think it is also a feeling if I don’t do it who will and how many people will I be letting down!

  326. At this new found stage of empty nesters and recently retired, am feel quite the opposite of finding time to slow down. Health issues arose because of slowing down to the extreme of sitting and reading, eating throughout my day..having knee and elbow surgeries over the last 4 yrs had me spirally for sometime. Anybody out there living in chronic pain with knees my best advice is keep moving in someway or another. Get a buddy to help keep you accountable and go with you., or your husband…get serious about it and plan to fit in every day. I have been recently diagnosed with Diabetes…yes it runs in my family, but just saying,, I could have prolonged the onset or removed it completely, if I kept busy and on the go! However, now to move through this, I am still a soul who is trying ever so hard to fill my days with meaningful activity. The Bible is on top of my list and many books who inspire me through God’s Word and Truths. Tsh, your book sounds and looks like a perfect fit. Amazing how books can give me the inspiration and hope that each day is new and to make a point of getting out there and spreading love. I am swimming, walking, bike riding and most importantly, I’m enjoying the scenery, counting my gifts and spreading love little ways. So looking forward to reading.

  327. I am definitely in a slowed down phase of my life.
    I find that I am not really enjoying it like I thought.
    I don’t feel very productive.
    I know The Lord is trying to teach me something.
    I just need to listen to His voice and not be anxious.

  328. My blue bike says “Never Stop Exploring” and my friend and I were just laughing yesterday over my silly reason to buy the bike! However, it hasn’t let me down yet and it has seen the mountain paths of Colorado, the hills of Kansas and the quiet rides of the Carolina’s. Thanks for a great blog post and I look forward to reading your book!

  329. Now that I’m a part-time stay-at-home grandma, I find it easier (and more enjoyable!) to slow down. Seeing the world through the eyes of my grandson has caused me to take the time to see God’s glory manifested in my life. Yet there are still times when I ask myself, did I DO enough today? Why do we put that pressure on ourselves?!

  330. Would love to read this book- I need to give myself permission to slow down and enjoy things. More importantly, I need to teach my kids to enjoy the ordinary.

  331. Oh how I could use the encouragement of this book. I have wanted to slow down to a more natural God centered life for years. I feel like a fish swimming against the current with people picking me up and throwing me back screaming …”you’re going the wrong way” or “just get a new phone” or “what do you do all day ?” We have been hit hard this year emotionally and financially… but I still want the peace of a different pace of life. God’s pace.

  332. Slowing down. Seems so counter-intuitive, but desperation has brought me to appreciate slowing down more each year. Simple is better. Life is more defined. Haven’t arrived, but your post encourages me to keep going. Thanks for that!

  333. My slow-down came when I stopped working a full time job held for twenty-six years at the same place and same occupation for health reasons.
    Not old enough to retire, yet not physically able to experience an enjoyment I desired. The door opened to becoming a foster family. God birthed that blessing in me. This path has provided growth, learning, physical exhaustion and stretching in ways not imaginable. The saying “when one door closes another opens” has proven true.
    I’ve struggled with my heart and head wanting to accomplish much that is not physically possible. Finding that He provides strength when not possible on my own, while grieving the loss of abilities others take for granted.
    I need to savor and relish the mundane tasks as gifts to be cherished. As I type I’m looking into the beautiful face of an infant with us for almost six months, straight from the hospital. Humbled and perplexed how I, a complete stranger am mothering another woman’s offspring. There have been thirteen blessed opportunities to extend love that I would not have had if I was still working.
    The most important and cherished door-opening for my slow down is spending stay at home time with our daughter, homeschooling, and watching her grow with skills. This is priceless.

  334. I am a do-er – constantly on the go! Then in the fall of 2012, I was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer – this turned my world upside down. I went through almost a full year of cancer treatments which forced me to learn how to “be”, rather than do! Then when I finally started to feel more strength, just 2 weeks ago, I had a nasty fall on black ice which broke my arm, again forcing me to “be” and not “do”. Surely God is teaching me something, but He has had to take dramatic action to get my attention to live with intention instead of running around filling my days with busy-ness. The book sounds fascinating but I live in Canada so you probably don’t ship here – hope those who get it savour and enjoy!

  335. Oh how I miss the slowed-down days of my entertainment being picking peas, corn, and pulling potatoes out of the garden, then sitting down with multi-generations, shelling peas, shucking corn and putting them up for winter.

    This life is just so fast-paced and everyone wants everything now, now, now. My 2 year old grandson know how to use an iPhone…just craziness.

    I know that God has so much that He wants me to do…I need to slow down to hear what He is speaking to my heart.

  336. I think one of the reasons Slowing down seems so difficult is that as my children become more independently socially active (High school), they create lives that are no longer dependent on my schedule. My schedule has become more dependent on their schedule. I delight in their activities, and willingness to experience life, but it has increased the “mom taxi” duties. I often find my self in the hurry up, be somewhere at exactly this time, then attend to that responsibility, just to hurry up to meet the next appointment.

  337. I have anxiety and rarely does my brain even try to comprehend slowing down! If I’m not 3 or 4 things at once, my body literally has no idea what to do! I try to counteract that by reading or doing yoga by myself. Anything that will make me slow down to one thing.

  338. I have slowed down, but fight the urge to do more constantly. Being retired, I feel the need to give back, including taking care of my grandchildren, but can become overly committed easily. When I do that I become resentful of the time others are asking of me. I need to better learn my limits and take care of myself first.

  339. I find it difficult to slow down because there is always so much to get done. I have to make myself just stop and find time to do the most important things.

  340. I felt the same way about American when I moved back to the States from Germany.
    I have made a conscious effort to not live in the fast lane. Every once and a while it tries to snag me but I resist.
    I am amazed at the looks I get when I tell people I don’t have a “to do” list.
    I do what needs to be done when it needs to be done, but I don’t make lists.
    I crave simplicity and peacefulness.
    I decline many invitations.
    And I say no a lot.
    When I got sick seven years ago, well, I found out who my real friends were.
    Those that I spent so much time and energy on are not in my life today.
    It really changed the way I do things now. And thankfully so!
    I am happier and content with what I have.
    I live simply. Very simply.
    My life is so much richer than it was before.
    And I am so thankful for it.
    I am blessed!

  341. I think I find it difficult to slow down because when I do it is quiet and just
    me and I am not all that comfortable with myself.

  342. Like many of the other posters, I find it hard to slow down because I get so much positive approval for getting things done and done fast! Even though I know that I am a better mother and better professor when I take the time to slow down, the pay-off is subtle and slow in coming.

  343. I find it difficult to slow down because I’m a people-pleaser and perfectionist and feel like others are expecting more of me than I’m able to give. I know the fact is that I ‘m putting more pressure on myself than others are, but it’s definitely something I struggle with.

  344. I’d love to be able to slow down again. I got married to a go-go-go Husband and hoped I would influence him to slow down but I think he rubbed more off on me. Life careens around me.

  345. It’s very difficult we work in a 24/7 days a week industry only 2 long weekend vacations a year with kids in college and one still in high school keeps us going in all directions. We try to stop and celebrate Holidays so we don’t get to Christmas and say where did it all go. Sometimes we call it quits and make our own Holiday convenient for our own family schedules but we use technology to stay in touch online family calendar FaceTime and texting. It’s hard but we know it will all stop soon.

  346. Sometimes the phrase “stop the world, I wanna get off” runs through my mind when I think of my to-do list.

    I think the only way to slow down is to be intentional about cutting the extra stuff out, and not worrying about what doesn’t get done. And resting in the Lord for the strength to know and do what is important.

  347. I think the thing with slowing down (I have a chronic illness so am forced to be “slow” continually, but sometimes it’s hard to do that in your soul) is that there are so many pointless things vying for our attention.

  348. I live with my sister and her husband……and their 10 children!
    I moved in with them almost four years ago when I was laid off from my downtown corporate Meeting/Event Producer position. This rocked my world. As a single mom and still climbing back from a financially challenging divorce, this job was my security, my life-line, my identity.
    When that went, I went. I totally crashed. I knew I was hanging on by a thread anyway, but not until I went into severe anxiety did I realize just how far all the losses in my life had really hit me.
    I left the big city, my cat, my friends, my life of 20 years and moved in with my sister’s family in a smaller city 2 hours South.
    Life has taken on a slower feel, a more simple pace, a softer view. Coming from high-action corporate, this took some adjusting. Even as I watch my sister’s family with all their pieces, trying to live a meaningful Godly life in the midst of constant demands, I realized very quickly I was DONE with the busy, distracting details that derailed me from truly seeing my worth in God’s eyes and understanding his true purpose for me.
    Now I love to sit on the porch and watch the sunset before I head to work as a small-time Bookkeeper for a family-run farm. I have one room in the house, while the rest of my “treasures” are stored away, and am learning to be grateful in all things, in all ways. My two young adult daughters are supportive and loving as I walk out this transitional time of my life to turn things around and be an authentic mom and servant of God, even when they don’t understand.
    When I feel frantic and want to grasp at something in a desperate act of anxiety, I SLOW. IT. DOWN. I pull back and stand on top of my desk (Dead Poets Society movie!) to get a Godly perspective of the same situation so I can relax and rest in HIS sovereign outcome.
    God is good…..ALL THE TIME!

  349. I feel that if I slow down, I am missing something.
    But I’m finding that I feel the same way when I move fast.
    Time slips by whether I live “fast” or “slow”.
    But slow living means I actually get to feel my life before it blurs past…and I like that.
    Can’t wait to read this book Tsh! <3

  350. I lived for a while in Oregon with my three small children. Life was slow and deliberate….much time taken with the simpler things of life. Unfortunately, we had to return to California, where I was born. Unfortunate because the pull to run everywhere was very strong. It felt like the fast moving current of a river. We had to be ,again,deliberate in our daily lives. I struggle even today to keep some form of balance thru all the Important,Must get done,Can’t wait till tomorrow, opportunities that come streaming by. Oh to stop and let His peace fill us till we overflow!!!!

  351. I’d love to read your book. After over 20 years of homeschooling and various ministry opportunities, life is slowing down some as my youngest of 6 approaches the end of high school. The adjustment to a slower pace is not easy, though welcome. Would love to hear your thoughts.

  352. I find it difficult to slow down because – too many people are depending on me. (1) My team at work – planning worship for the next Sunday. (And Sundays come around every 7 days – regardless of what else is going on.) (2) My piano students… (3) My husband. (4) My children and grandchildren. (5) My friends – especially those who are hurting or are in rough spots. (6) The house and the laundry are a mess by the weekend if I don’t work on them at night during the week… (7) My (our) finances are a disaster since my husband was forced into retirement. I think that if I stay busy enough working – maybe they won’t catch up with me!

  353. Blessed with a toddler and a preschooler, I find it difficult to slow down sometimes because someone always wants or needs something or we are headed to school/daycare or headed to work… I am a homebody, especially moreso since having kids. I savor time in my house rather than the car or at work. I constantly feel the need to be on top of work or email but have no energy or want-to to log in at night after everyone’s asleep so I have this constant feeling of being behind… on laundry, on a work project, cleaning our house, washing the car, remembering to put gas in the car, planning meals – the list goes on and on.

  354. I find it difficult to slow down both because of the culture, and a bit too from my personality…perhaps a result of the culture as well. Life with a family and friends demands alot of busy time. My personality drives me to do. I have experienced health issues, and periods of unemployment over the last two years that has caused me to seriously re-evaluate my perception of what is important to accomplish. A time away from our home when my family moved in with a friend to care for her at the end stages of her life “freed” me from all the things I had volunteered for. I longed too for that time out of the house with the facade of fun, but realize now it’s OK to say, “no,” not overextending myself and instead focus on a few things that God has told me are important at the time and do them better. That’s not to say I don’t keep busy these days while I search for employment, but most of the things I busy myself with now are things in the home that will take second seat to work hours when that time comes again.

  355. I daily struggle with prioritizing my time to accomplish the things that I really care about versus the things other people think I should care about. I’m taking little steps in the right direction – less social media, saying no more often, etc. – but I still have a long way to go to get to where I (and I think God) wants me to be. Can’t wait to read this book!

  356. So many aspects of the “simple life” that I love often get me spinning more plates than I should. Ironic? Most definitely! Opting out is hard, when it seems like opportunity for our kids. Opting in to peace and knowing my emotional capacity has helped me so much in knowing when the push is worth it…and when it’s not. So many thoughts on this, I really look forward to reading your book, Tsh!

  357. I feel like life is moving so fast that we have to hurry just to keep up!
    I would love to slow down!

  358. I find it difficult to slow down because as a single mom I have to handle it all. Its just me and my girls and we don’t have any family close by and I haven’t found a home church. Just trying to make it day to day. Please prayer for financial provision and freedom for my family of 3. Blessings 🙂

  359. I start out my day slow with a 20 minute meditation session and this energizes me for my busy day. I stay busy because I love to be busy and helping others in my life, whether it be at work or in personal circumstances. I enjoy every minute and stay fully focused on others while also making sure that I am not taking on more than I can handle. God has never let me down and he always gives me the energy and good health to keep on keepin’ on! God Bless…

  360. I have a hard time slowing down because I just always feel like there’s so much to do-organizing/decluttering, making stuff…. etc… etc… Sometimes I feel like I’m lazy if I slow down & relax.

  361. Tsh,

    This kind of life is needed right now. I have long been feeling this way, and I loved that quote by C.S. Lewis, how true this must be of those who feel like they were meant for a different life than the one the world says is “normal”….. I find it is hard to slow down when we continually live our lives living up to the expectations and demands of others…serving others, I love to do…and yet at times if I am not rested and refreshed by the Lord, then I am truly running on empty! May each one of us find more intentional living this year and embrace the beauty of slowing down.

    Many Blessings,

  362. I would love to read this book!! It looks and sounds like it would be a big help to me in the midst of my chaos!

  363. I struggle to slow down because I don’t ever want to be LAZY. I grew up like most American kids, once home from “survival of the fittest” of public school, straight to the television screen. Then I was left to watch for several hours, before doing chores, helping in the evening meal preparation, and sitting for several more hours watching television with my parents. The things I was allowed to watch (even in the 70’s and early 80’s) would forever leave an unpleasant plethora of information and thinking that has taken years for God to reprogram. I HATE ALL THE TIME THAT WAS WASTED!!! Now, if I sit for very long at all, I feel a great need to get up and do SOMETHING, ANYTHING!

  364. As a full time mom, I have embraced a simpler lifestyle. The hard part is when others don’t understand why we are living frugally. Even though I have chosen a simpler lifestyle, I find that my mind still races to make “to do” lists or to somehow quantify what I have accomplished. It’s hard to get beyond that mindset.

    P.S. I am excited about this book because it sounds so creative.

  365. Praying your book reaches many more people than you could even imagine …may it bear much fruit. I am one of those people in the older category…and even just turning 70 and with spinal stenosis which means I do not move with ease anymore….I can still get caught up in feeling the pressure to produce…but then I had lots of practice doing this in my life…for at least 7 years now I have practiced centering prayer which is part of the contemplative movement..(20 -30 minutes of silence before God) …I try to do it daily although twice a day is recommended….if I do it early in my day my day unfolds quite differently…..for I believe God has touched my soul during this time of stillness..there is grace to be had in a slower…quiet…reverent approach to life..with no worry about not doing enough !!……..I would love to read your book 🙂 …edna wallhead

  366. Oh the joy of being having time to really connect with others, for deep calling deep, to truly be heard, it seems to be lost in order for us to be ‘busy’ achieving for God, I dream of a time of deep connections, loving others without feeling, like I was losing out, cause of time contraints, yes I would love to read this book.

  367. I am learning to slow down and live more intentionally in relationships, with my household chores, with my full-time job~others don’t get it~haven’t felt the pull to a slower pace or don’t really see the value~but it is a rewarding way to live our short life on this earth! I wonder how “busy” and fast paced our eternal lives will be ! 🙂

  368. I would love to win this book! I find it very difficult to slow down because it seems our jobs, families, lifestyle almost require that we be busy, busy, busy. It is hard to unwind and rest because I always feel like I need to be doing something productive.
    I would treasure going back to a simpler way of life!
    Thank you for this opportunity and I pray blessings on your family and you, and on your ministry!

  369. First of all I love the photo above with the two bikes on it – what a perfect fit for the ‘Blue Bike’! Second, you had my real attention when you said you married a bearded man from ‘Oregon’. I am a native Oregonian…now retired and spending winters in the warm desert of southern California. Does that make me an “Orefornian” now? (I made up that name for my grandkids. 🙂 ) I have tried to ‘slow down’ in life, by being ‘present’ every day in ‘today’. I believe we have to be intentional about this because it won’t just ‘happen’. Spending part time in a tiny little town (with only 3000 people year round) really helps me to slow down and live life at a slower pace. In Oregon, my husband and I now have our daughter and 2 beautiful grandchildren living with us. My granddaughter is 15 and my grandson is 10 and ALL boy! That means he is always doing ‘something’, always has a ball in his hand and is always in ‘high-gear’. Being away from the Oregon home a few months at a time, does give my husband and me a chance to have a bit more ‘quiet time’ for ourselves, and to be able to ‘slow down’. But we are a big part of the kids’ support team, since the kids’ dad passed away last summer, and we also miss them terribly while we are away. I think ‘slowing down’ just means being in the ‘now’, enjoying each day… enjoying the sunshine… the blue sky with it’s puffy white clouds…the palm trees blowing in the breeze…the hummingbirds buzzing by my head…a good book… being thankful for every little thing that God has given me. Stopping to give Him thanks each day really slows me down, and puts a smile on my face as well! 😉
    Thanks for the opportunity to win your book! I’ve read the excerpt and am so excited to read it!
    Blessings to you today!

  370. I think this is a message I needed to hear. What refreshment can come if we simply slow down and allow ourselves to enjoy. Thank you for the opportunity to win your book! Blessings! Jen

  371. I retired from a high paying job due to health issues and now work part time with special needs children. Some days, it is hard to slow down, to not have that feeling that things have to be done, now. I am learning very slowly through life’s up and downs. God is teaching me to relax and depend on Him for every little thing in my every day life. He has been so gracious to help me along this journey.

  372. Would love to win! I feel like I am a hammster on a hammster. Wheel!!!!!! Everyday oz the same as the next!
    Thanks for this give away, I can ‘t afford he book right now!

  373. I thot retirement meant life would slow down…not the case, but I find I’m less productive. I would love to have this book to help me define slow.

  374. Such an encouragement to hear your words and be reminded I am not alone in this journey of living life more intentionally, having kingdom perspective, enjoy the moments of the day without high-speed, high-tech, high-stress…I just read that C.S.Lewis quote to my husband yesterday!

  375. Job responsibilities and community opportunities sometimes overwhelm me. I sense an increasing need for God to show me HIS agenda–daily. I want to live life with meaning, not merely rushing from one activity to another with performance the driving force.

    Hope to read (and win:) Notes from a Blue Bike! Your message strike a deep chord with me.

  376. It’s been a journey for me to slow down, but I am almost desperately seeking it. With my fulltime job, two kids, a husband, how can it not be fast paced? Things I have done to help – I’ve trained myself to be a morning person, getting up very early before everyone else does, to be still and to be with God. I’ve cut out a lot of obligigations in the evening… Something yet I need to convince myself that I’m doing the right thing. Our society pressures our children to be involved in these sports, those activities, etc in order for them to fit in and keep pace with their peers…. But frankly, I don’t want us living like that…. Getting home from work, wolfing down a fast food meal so our kids could participate in their stuff, only to get home and rush to do homework, baths, and steal a few moments of goodnight snuggles… Then do the same thing again tomorrow. My kids are young, and already that pace started for us… Even if I do give them the opportunity to participate in one thing. When I was a child, I had the blessing of boredom… But will our children ever even know what that is? So this semester I’ve said no to those activities… But I continue to wonder if I’m making the right choice… If I am doing my children a social harm, that they will not fit in with others as they get older. Still seeking answers, and desperately seeking more space. As Ann Voskamp says, life is not an emergency!

  377. This speaks so loudly to my heart. I have always been a slow-moving person (just ask my family – they’re always teasing me about how slowly I get certain things done, haha) yet I still find myself rushing around every day, afraid I’ll forget to get something done, afraid I’ll be seen as lazy if I stop to take a few breaths.
    I’ve always been a “stop and smell the roses” person, but as I get older and have more and more responsibilities, I let the rose-smelling be forgotten and I stress and worry over just getting everything done.
    I’m one of ten kids, and eight of us are still at home with Mom & Dad – so that’s a family of ten that I’m doing all of the laundry and a lot of the cooking for, so yes, it’s so. hard. to slow down sometimes. But I find that the times I deliberately just stop, take a breath, and say a thank-you to God for small things like the massive flock of birds feeding over our entire yard, or how the sunshine streams through the window and makes things lovely, it’s in those moments that life is good, that things don’t hurt so much, that I can really breathe and experience and *live life* instead of rushing through the day getting a million things done and then at the end of the day feeling stressed and like I really missed out on the day because I was so. busy.

    Slowly (hah) I’m learning that many times, things really *can* wait. Especially if it means I get to impact *people*. Taking just a moment to give a short word of encouragement to someone can have an eternal effect – helping someone see that they are loved and wanted is so. much. more. important. than any pile of dishes or load of laundry.

  378. Reading the post, “Why You Might Need a Blue Bike”, I was thinking, “Oh-my-word, you just described ME to a “T”!” I soooo long to slow down, and to live differently and more intentionally! But I so often find myself stuck in the fast lane.

    Tsh, your book sounds fabulous!


  379. I’ve never been so ready to ride.

    I’m a recently divorced mother of four. I need a “Blue Bike” to lead my family down a brand new path!

  380. I find that the pull of my iPad and the world it opens addictive. I find myself researching, pinning, face booking, finding new things and ideas at all hours. I do it everywhere…I feel the need to be busy. To be productive wherever I am. Multitasking. It takes away the very pleasure of life. I want to go back in time when life wasn’t so busy.

  381. My mind is swirling in a thousand directions and I am obsessed with check lists, checking them off that is! I have a 16 year old. 6 year old and 16 month old. Mama’s pulled all over and while I am blessed beyond miracle I can’t stop planning, praying and hoping for the slow down to enjoy my blessings. I try, daily, to make the minutes count in my babies’ and our lives. Make sure to relish in the common moments and just take it in. But it’s soooo tough! I am a yarn of distraction and this idea/goal of living simply and intentionally is on my top priority list. Hey, you knew I had to have a list for that too, right?! Thank Tsh, you’ve lit a candle to guide my path. Congratulations on your new addition! Can’t wait to have her in my hands;)

  382. My greatest difficulty in slowing down is that I’m extremely ADHD and although I know that I should stop and smell the roses, I only glance at them as I speed past.

  383. I often struggle with my schedule and trying to fit in my family’s wants and needs too as well as their schedules. I take it one day at a time and definitely stay focused on my One and Only.

  384. I have found that the only way I can get myself to slow down is by force. I have to literally stop and remind myself that this go, go, go way of life isn’t necessary, and honestly, it stresses me out. I’m definitely built to live slowly and intentionally, I can feel it within me, but I easily get caught up in the world’s pace at times. I’m looking forward to how I’m sure to relate to the words in this book, and the wisdom I can take and apply to my life.

  385. I was just talking with my brother about this last night…how do we model for/instill in our children a slower, more intentional way of life when everyone else around us seems to be doing the opposite? This feels even harder since God has called us to send our kids to a local public charter school. Helping them swim against the current even at young ages is so challenging. I look forward to this read. I have a feeling that I’ll find a kindred spirit in you, Tsh. Thank you for following God’s leading in your life and writing this to encourage others in their journey.

  386. There are just too many ‘good’ opportunities, for me, my husband, even our children. It is so easy in the moment to say yes to that wonderful activity, and soon we find our time booked solid, leaving no room for those things in life that just pop up last minute – like the neighbor who could use a home cooked meal.

  387. AHH…like a nice, deep, calming breath. I can’t wait to read this book. Where can I get it?
    Thank you 🙂

  388. When I want to slow down, I find that trying to slow the downhill progress of a full cart of responsibility, worry, deadlines, anxiety and all the other things I’ve got loaded up, is as difficult to slow as a dump truck. It takes feet, yards, football fields of room to get it to slow. Once in awhile, it does slow; I do breathe. And at that moment I feel fluid, graceful, at peace …

  389. I find it hard to slow down because it seems to be the “norm” to have stuff to do all the time.