About the Author

Karina Allen is devoted to helping women live out their unique calling and building authentic community through the practical application of Scripture in an approachable, winsome manner.

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  1. Good morning Karina,
    How true that the Lord is always growing us. Like you said, He doesn’t want us to become stagnant in our faith. Fortunately, right now, I am not in a winter season…but have been through winter many times. I found that God often had to remove every distraction so that it would be just Him and me. It is in those times that I learn to draw close to Him…to depend only on Him. When I do, then He does so mercifully provide streams in the wasteland to satisfy me. Each “winter” I go through builds confidence that He will get me through the next time “winter” rolls around. Great thoughts – thanks!

    • Thank you Bev!

      I have been at a funeral of a sweet young friend
      who passed away of brain cancer. She was 31, married for 3 years and has
      a 5 month old daughter. This is Winter for all of her family. I am so
      encouraged that all of them are holding onto the hope of Spring and
      God’s healing.

      Us and Him…that is all He desires. May no thing become a distraction for us. May our gaze be only fixed on Him!

      Thank you for sharing!!!!

  2. well, am just remembering that spring is pretty messy here in northern NY state. so. why should I be surprised!!

    • Robin, thank you for reading and sharing! I pray that today is beyond blessed for you and that The Lord is real to you today in the messy Spring. 🙂

  3. I am thankful for this because I feel Spring coming in my life and in my city! I am ready for it

    • Abby, that blesses me!!!! He always speaks a word when we need it most! He is good like that!!!! I bless you with peace, comfort and joy in Jesus’ name.

  4. Hi Karina,

    I like Corrie ten Boom’s writings very much, they no matter what season I’m in speak to me. She said something that goes along with your truth-filled message.

    “There is no pit where God is not deeper still.” When I am going through a rough time, dry desert season, I remember this quote. God is still working as you said in these desert seasons, and often the dormancy is readying for new growth. Like gladiolas, tulips, crocus’s and hyacinths need the dormancy through the winter to see spring. Amazingly, one red flower in Wisconsin, and right now I can’t think of it’s name, even comes up through/during the snow. It is in this winter/desert time where we learn to trust by faith even though we can’t seem to see Him. This time also builds trust knowing He’s still there.

    Thank you for your timely message today!



    • Thank you for sharing Joanne! I love that you know about flowers! If you ever see that red flower, I’d love a pic of it!!! That quote is a good one! I seem to always need that reminder. Thank God that He is patient with us.

      I’m so glad that you were encouraged. Be blessed!!!

  5. Thank you Karina…I loved everything about this! We can rest assured that God has everything covered no matter what season we find ourselves in. We know different seasons come and go and can find peace in the promises God’s given each of us. I appreciate and love your writing. God bless you!

  6. “His arm is indeed mighty to save.”

    Yes! His arms that envelop us with tender care and hen He whispers tender love to our hearts no matter what we have been going through!

    I love everything about this!

    Thanks you for such beautiful life giving words!

  7. Today is the 2nd anniversary of my mom’s unexpected passing. I miss her greatly but know she is in a better place. I am so ready for a spiritual spring as I have been experiencing a hard winter season. Thank you for this message. I really needed it. It gave me hope and reminded me that I am not alone.

    • Kathy, you are never alone! I went to a friends funeral today. She was 31, married for 3 years & has a 5 month old baby girl. Her faith was strong and unwavering. It’s hard being left behind but knowing where she is brings comfort & peace.

      Weeping endures for a night but joy comes in the morning!

      Praying that God is near to you like never before and that He brings sweet community around you to uphold you and intercede for you.

      You are loved and held. Blessings to you!

  8. THIS POST IS AWESOME! And this whole paragraph: ” Although God never changes, His work in our lives often does. The way He moved in our past circumstances will not necessarily be the way that He will move in our current or future ones. There comes a time in our relationship with Him when He calls us to set aside our old thinking and old ways.” TRUTH.

    Thank you so much for sharing your insights. Such great encouragement for those of us in a season of Winter.

    • Marty, I am so overjoyed that The Lord met you within these words! I pray that He moves in your life in very tangible ways. He loves you and has good in store for you. Hold on. Spring will surely come!

  9. Morning Karina,
    Last year I felt like I was in a year long winter season with small breaks. It was tough, but it seemed to bring me closer to God and I needed Him more!! During that time He brought my hubby and I closer to Him and more dependent on Him. We prayed more and read scripture. He watered my wasteland!! Praising God for a new Spring, new life and new opportunities!!
    Blessings 🙂

    • Amen Beth! That is where He wants us, completely dependent on Him. He speaks revelations and mysteries in those dry wastelands. He calls us deeper into His presence. He readies us for the new that is to come.

      Thank you for sharing!

  10. I really needed to hear this today, friend. Thank you for your encouragement! Grateful for you!

    • I am so glad Holley! I pray that He will show up this week in ways you least expect. May He shower you with joy, strength and hope. Take heart. He is making all things new. Do not grow weary. Rest in His arms and allow Him to sing a sweet song over you.

      I love you sister!!!!

  11. Gooday Karina,
    How timely to read not only your beautiful message, but the responses also.
    A small team of us are taking a one day retreat to a small country town in NSW Australia at the beginning of May – our theme – Seasons. Whilst you are enjoying your spring, we are now in autumn! What you have shared is great encouragement to explore not only the seasons but how do we go forward when change comes. Thank you. Blessings – Ruth

    • Gooday Ruth! I love that you are from Austrailia! I love that accent!

      The retreat sounds lovely. I wish I could go! I think that God is wanting His daughters to know that we will go through hard, dry seasons but they won’t last forever. He is our hope and strength in the midst of them.

      Thank you so much for reading and sharing! Have a blessed day!

  12. This was a beautiful reminder, from God through you. i had a healer tell me months ago, that I was just in a season of winter, and that I would indeed emerge. It gave me hope, and your words have given me a renewed hope. Bless you!