Denise J. Hughes
About the Author

Denise is a lover of words and the Word. She's the author of #DeeperWaters and the Bible study series #WordWriters.

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. My heart has been opened to the plight of Christians, particularly orphans and destitute children in Pakistan. I have been blessed to help spread the Good News through my son-in-Christ who runs a small but growing Christian School in the epicenter of evil. Recently, however, due to two suicide bombers attacking one of the churches he was worshipping in and then just yesterday a young man, only 14, was burned alive in the streets because he confessed to being a Christian, my son fears for his life every day and night. Because religious tensions are so high, he has not been able to go to his job which he has used to support the school. I am now trying to raise funds to continue the good work of the school and to help ensure the safety of my son and the children. If God would move your heart to help continue to spread the Good News where it is needed most, I welcome you at my site: Bev Duncan @ Walking Well With God. You can find out there how you can help…PLEASE pray for the safety of my son, the teachers, and the children! Thank you…be blessed…
    In Christ,

    • I’m praying and I will go to your site soon! My heart was touched by your plea – God bless you and your son!

    • Just prayed for you and your son! God bless you both and your faith. Have a blessed day

    • I see you and your son with the children safe in God’s hands. Prayers are for you.

  2. Bev,
    That poor boy.
    It is heartbreaking and gut wrenching what’s been taking place.

    I will pray for the safety of those who are there simply wanting to go to school. And for those like your (son) who simply want to be there to teach.
    Thank-you Bev for being their voice and supporter.

  3. We can witness in our local community be inviting people into our homes. I often think of the new established church and how the doors of home were open to all passing through. Our homes should serve as ministry centers. Beyond our local community we can support a Compassion child, give financially to those we know serving in overseas missions, we can pray for missionaries and write letters. Most of all I think we should pray for the heart and mind of Christ. Then the things that break His heart that He wants us to ACT upon will become clear. Then we must be swift to obey.

    • I already sponsor a little girl from “Ninos De Mexico”. She gives me such joy. Her letters are inspiring me to not be so caught up in our world. She can get excited just getting a new outfit for Christmas. A few years ago she got baptized and we sent a nice gift for her to get something for herself.
      I never thought of this as witnessing. I always thought of witnessing as having to give a testimony verbally–not my style. Now I see it as doing little things like writing cards, getting gifts, making meals, etc.

  4. I think awareness, by being aware of what is needed and in the ways we can help those who are in need. I believe that it should include animals as well, they also need us. When in doubt by praying for guidance and wisdom.

  5. 1. We can begin a relationship with those nearest us who are in need, yet are not “like us” in appearance or socioeconomic status. There are deep blessings for Christ-Followers who do not let “societal expectations” hinder their surrender to Jesus Christ’s commandments. (He hung out with sinners, and the elite chastised him for it) May the Good Samaritan be MORE than a nice story.
    2. We can contact the Missions Leader at our church to find out how to volunteer for a trip. This trip can be to another part of your state, country, or world. Fund raising is available, so money is no excuse. Some organizations encourage children to participate, so “I have the kids this summer” does not excuse not following The Great Commission. May it never be relegated to The Great Suggestion.
    There are lonely, hurting, hungry people who have not heard of this amazing, life-giving, soul-lover called JESUS! What are we waiting for?

  6. I used to wonder how I could be a witness in my community. Finally, I’m coming to realize that if I’m using the gifts God gave me, that IS being a witness. When I hear the term “witness” , I tend to think of more traditional forms of evangelism – which is sooo not my gift.However, praying with and for people, writing them notes of encouragement, these are all ways to witness Christ’s love.

    Beyond my own local community gets a little trickier. I’ve been on short-term mission trips and learned much from them. However, I think the best consistent way for me to witness outside my community is probably just by staying true to my beliefs online. I enjoy interacting with folks online, and that’s one way to reach people.

  7. Since mid last year I have felt the twinge to quit my job and just be a local missionary! I love cooking and preparing meals for people. My heart’s desire is to leave my job and maybe work part-time and serve with Good Samaritan Ministries, Food banks, Christian Home, etc. Whatever and wherever locally. Maybe it’s due to my aging dad moving into assisted living and having a lot of illnesses last year plus not liking my job or caring much about worldly things.
    Blessings to everyone 🙂 Have a blessed Sunday!!