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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. I call it the “I’m not as…” game.

    You know, “…thank goodness I’m not as fluffy as she is.” “…at least I wasn’t as late as him.” “…I’m not as hard on my husband as she is.” Find the one person in the room to outdo at something and win the game. And the more we win the game, the less we love life.

    Thankfully I know – I am the treasured child of the most High God. And He loves me even if I’m not as…

    Blessings dear sisters…xoxox

  2. I have never thought of it this way – “Where on earth did we come up with the idea that we have to subtract value from ourselves in order to give credit to someone else?” Let me say Wow…..Just a holy WOW. I’m sitting here with my proverbial jaw hanging open at my desk, taking in that piece of revolutionizing wisdom. I think that totally hits the nail on the head. We need to be able to cheer each other on without feeling like we have to put down our own pompoms because we don’t measure up to others’ accomplishments. Comparison is a bear, and it’s really nothing more than bad math! As you said, this posture of non-comparison comes from being fully secure in Christ and having our identity in Him and Him only.

    Thank you for this- I’m going to be processing that one quote all day!!!

  3. Thank you for these words…I have longed to be ENOUGH…just coming to BELIEVE I am. Praise & blessings on your work & ministry.

  4. My middle name is “insecure”. When I start to feel like I am enough someone just knocks me down. It’s getting harder & harder to keep picking myself up & believeing I AM ENOUGH. But with God’s help I always seem to get back up. Amen

  5. Beth Moore did a simulcast on insecurity a few years back. It was wonderful! I totally recommend it if it is out there for viewing.

  6. Sweet Surprise for my Happy Hearts Weekend. Thank you so much. I have a single mother neighbor whom I would like to bless this to. Praise the Lord I was set free and walk SECURE in who I am in CHIRST. Pray for Mary to find the same freedom liberty in JESUS NAME! And pray for her little 2 year old boy Mason <3