Jen Bradbury
About the Author

Jen serves as the director of youth ministry at Faith Lutheran Church in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. Jen is the author of The Jesus Gap, The Real Jesus, and Unleashing the Hidden Potential of Your Student Leaders. She and her husband Doug love hiking and traveling with their daughter, Hope.

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  1. Jen,
    Absolutely beautiful and moving! Burying the Alleluias…what a tangible act to signify what happened when Christ walked His last days on earth and to lament the brokenness in our world today. It makes me think a lot about how would I live in the world today? How would I handle the trials life brings my way? How would I handle death and dying if I didn’t know the end of the story? That Christ overcame the grave!! That no matter what happens in this world, I can claim victory through Him? I honestly don’t think I could live without the hope, and peace, and joy that comes from knowing that though Christ died, and the Alleluias were buried, Christ rose from the dead and defeated the grave! We are called to participate in the suffering of Christ. I pray that during this Lent season that I would feel his pain and lament the brokenness all around me so that I can truly rejoice when Easter comes. Loved this…thank you for helping me prepare my heart…
    Bev xx

    • Bev –

      Thanks so much for reading! I will join you in that prayer this Lenten series: That we would feel his pain and lament the brokenness all around us so that we can truly rejoice when Easter comes.


  2. Wow. This really moved me. I’m one of thise people who really feel the wirld around us. The bews brings me to tears and prayer. A commercial can do it. Driving past a homeless man, reading a story of an abused animal, etc. I connect deeply to the things around me. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not just being emotional.

    This has given me a way to explain it to ky sweet hubby, who, theu years on combat service, has a bit if a wall many times, snd cannot relate to this at all. I am hopeful this story, the biblical knowledge he has if what lamenting is, will help him understand what I have not been able to explain properly in our 4 years together.

    Blessings to you.


    • Sue –

      It’s such a gift to know our words moved someone else! Praying these can be helpful in your conversation with your husband.

      And what a blessing that you are someone who feels the world deeply. I know that doesn’t always feel like a gift but it is. Thank you for sharing it!


  3. Jen, this is beautiful. Your post makes me want to be more intentional about all that Lent is—lamenting the brokenness of our world and preparing my heart to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and the amazing gift He offers our world. I admit, I don’t take much time to lament. Too busy, you know. But, I sense God is telling me to slow down, be intentional about how I walk through these forty days, and let Him work in my heart. Thank you for sharing about burying the Allelujahs. I never thought about it before. 🙂

    • Jeanne –

      It’s funny how our business can impact so much of our lives, isn’t it?

      I wrote this back in December but yesterday – Ash Wednesday, the day on which Lent begins – I reread it and breathed a deep sigh of relief. So much feels so heavy right now and thanks to the season of Lent, I finally feel like it’s okay for me to dwell there for a little bit, knowing that Jesus does too. I hope you find the same to be true!


  4. It is a good time to remember His sacrifice. I read last night thata cross weighed 300 lbs. But He also wants us to experience resurrection power.

    • AMEN Rebecca. Jesus died once, for all, and now we live in the power of His resurrection. To remember His death is good; to live by His resurrection power is great!

  5. I, too, don’t know how I’d be living through these days without the faith the Holy Spirit has planted in my heart. It makes me all the more want to share with others what gives me joy, strength, and caring for all God has created. Thanks so much for sharing your church’s Lenten custom of “burying the Alleluias.” I’m accustomed to the Alleluias being missing from services during Lent but never really took this so deeply to heart. I’m going to pass this along so that others might be blessed by it. <3

    • Beth –

      Yes! Let’s share what gives us joy, strength, and caring for all God created with others.

      Thanks for sharing the post & custom!


  6. Jen,

    Beautiful imagery of burying something for forty days & lament its loss. Then suddenly bring it back to life! I used to be in a church that celebrated Lent. Our little church doesn’t do that & I usually forget. It is important to lament our broken world. Praise God He overcame the grave & gives us hope to live in this sinful world of ours. Personally I know I couldn’t live my life without the hope and assurance God gives me. He has walked me through some miracles.

    Last Easter Sunday I was driving to church. I looked out my left window & could easily envision 3 crosses atop the mountains. I cried thinking of what had happened on Mount Calvary when Jesus died. I was also sort of happy knowing three days later He arose!

    Blessings 🙂