Bekah Jane Pogue
About the Author

Bekah is passionate about discipling women to experience how authentic faith and real life connect through speaking, writing and encouraging. She loves people, reading, baking, rearranging furniture, flea-marketing, and coaching writers. Enjoy her first book, Choosing REAL: An Invitation to Celebrate When Life Doesn't Go as Planned.

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(in)side DaySpring:
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  1. With snow falling outside my window yesterday, these words about hope and spring with its promise of new life remind me that my job in these days of “in-between” is to sink my roots deep into Truth and to wait for God to work. Blessings to you as you transition and trust.

  2. Bekah,
    I will pray for you as your surrender to His calling – which isn’t always easy or convenient!! I pray that I would not be content with shallow roots. Sometimes we need to go through winters or even scorching summers in order that our roots will drive deeper looking for living water. God wants to give us living water that will quench forever….how willing am I to settle for a sip or two and then run on. Thank you for this much needed reminder to be at peace with the quiet and the waiting because in it He is preparing me for new life. Lovely post!
    Bev xx

  3. This is beautiful- the spiritual truth wrapped in a simple imagery, expressed in such an eloquent way. I will long remember the remindee of “deep go the roots”. Thank you for sharing your heart- this was powerful.

  4. Feeling nubby…..been there! I enjoyed immensely this glimpse into your mid-life awakening and have no doubts God will use this new season for your good and to His glory. I love stories that give us courage to seek the hard path of pruning. May abundant blessings await you!

  5. Powerful! “That’s how winter felt. Dead. No life. Waiting. Surrendering. Listening. But I allowed the winter to deepen my roots, to hold tight as God pruned and stripped away my comforts, plans, finances, identity, relationships, and all the extra that entangled selfishness in me, and found myself in the quiet of what deep roots offered.” You wrote that just for me! You articulated perfectly the season I’m coming out of. Thank you for your gift, ministry and transparency. You have touched me today!

    • Lazondral, if I’m journeying this trust walk to encourage you that you’re not alone, that’s a win! Much love as we listen and deepen and allow God to strip away our comforts and find Him and him alone. He’s got you 🙂

  6. Thank you for a most inspiring sharing. It’s so true, during the most challenging season of my life, ‘The last straw that broke the camel’s​ back’ brought me to my senses. I needed to get away and spend some good quiet time alone with Him after 15 years of full-time ministry. Good years of serving Him but my own inner life was neglected. That’s when I realized as you wrote here, ‘Quiet is the most holy gift, it’s where I find His peace’. When I found Him, I found me again…allowing Him to show me who He is and even more and who I am in Him, my real identity is once again affirmed. Shalom!

  7. Bekah,
    Oh such beautiful words to soothe the dry dead soul. I had a baby nearly 10 months ago. For the pregnancy and thereafter I’ve been “in hiding”. God is calling me FORTH. I have so much angst about how to re-enter, about the time lost, about not “working” my platform. Thank you for showing the beauty of my time of quiet. With His palm open, He will soon release me.

    • Tyra, I wish I could hug you and look in your new mama eyes and tell you what a rockstar you are. Not one second of your last 10 months will be wasted- I promise and He promises. There is a time to work, a time to rest, a time to listen… I’m curious how God is using this season to bring your most created self to the surface from a space of being filled to overflowing. Hugs, my friend. Big hugs. You are doing this with grace.

      • Bekah,
        Your curiosity is my without cause for indeed He did something GREAT during that time. I have 6 children and with each natural birth, I’ve also given birth to something in the spirit. Well baby #6 birthed a BOOK! It’s scheduled to be released in 2 months. Pray for m le sweet friend for divine strategy to get it into the hands of those who need it. It’s called Purposeful Parenting.

  8. Bekah,
    I wish you well in your new endeavors. I love how you broke it all down to reveal, all will be fresh, and new. So refreshing “I lack nothing, the Lord is my shepherd. He makes me lay down in green pastures.” (Psalms 23:1-2)
    What a kind gesture on your son’s teachers part, I’m so glad that he got to share in the joy following his sorrow.
    Thank-you for this post.
    Have a blessed day all,

    • Penny, thank YOU. As I respond, we’re trekking through Texas on our way to TN. Life from death. Butterflies from cacoons. Praying you will experience life in vibrant, life-giving ways today. Xo

  9. This is beautifully written and packed with contemplative truth! How good of God to give us natural metaphors that reveal His design, especially when it’s wide of our own tunnel-vision. In the darkness, in the cold, in the desert, this is where He shapes us. Jesus spoke to this in John 13–first the metaphor of a seed needing to die before it can bring forth life, then this verse: “All who put their trust in Me will not have to remain in the dark.” We have to bury our old selves to receive new life, but He promises that we will not remain there, He will pull us into His marvelous light. Thank you for sharing today!

    • Jasmine, “marvelous light.” Yes! Love that! Such truth. Here’s to trusting, even when it’s dark, knowing we don’t have to remain there. I’m encouraged by your words. Thank YOU

  10. Bekah,

    Praying for you and your family as you go on your journey with God. It isn’t always easy to follow God, but He knows the best plans for our lives. In this day and age of go go go & noise we all need peace & quiet. It is the only way to truly hear God and sense His indwelling. My prayer for all here is that we never ever get content and stop learning about God. I pray all of our roots will go deep, way down deep into our souls.

    Blessings 🙂

    • Beth, thank you. “Way down deep into our souls” – your words are rich and encouraging. Cheers to listening and quiet in the midst of chaos. Praying over you today. Much

  11. Oh my, how I needed to hear this today. I am definitely in a “winter” season and have been chafing against it and against being quiet and still.
    I am encouraged to think that maybe I won’t be in this season forever. Thank you for your wisdom and for sharing your heart.

  12. Wow!!! Reading your post I felt like you were describing my current situation ” a mid-life awakening” , “scared, yet secure in the comfort of what deep-rooted dependency is teaching of my Savior’s nearness.”
    In January I resigned my position knowing the Lord was calling me out of the corporation I was working for and I am continually seeking the Lord on where and what He has next. However, during this transition God has truly given me a peace that has surpassed all understanding!
    I too feel the leading to a new location with a slower pace and I am hopeful to see God’s divine plan for this season of life flower this spring like my beautiful dogwood cherry tree has.
    Thank you for sharing your journey it has blessed me today.
    God bless you and your family,

  13. Bekah,
    I read the last paragraph of your beautiful post several times. It never ceases to amaze me how our Heavenly Father will use people and their shared experiences to comfort and give us hope even though our circumstances may be completely different. Our precious daughter went to heaven on March 31st of last year after a long illness and a month in ICU. I’ve looked for peace and healing this past year and with God’s grace have found it when I needed it most. This past week and the anniversary of “Kelly’s” passing has been especially hard but with Spring upon us and the beautiful newness I see in the buds, flowers and butterflies, I remember my daughter is with Jesus and her life has been restored! During the last month of her time on this earth, God blessed us with a lot of quiet time to reflect and surrender to his will. Our faith “roots” grew deeper. He gave us those last moments to say “See you soon, Sweetheart”, instead of “Goodbye”. It was and has been very painful with her gone but today you reminded me that out of the darkness and quiet of winter comes… “the very essence of life as it is now.” To the end of your last sentence, I added, “for Kelly.” Praise God for His continuing hope for our futures! I’m praying for you and your family as you move forward to a new place to call home! He will be with you every step of the way! Blessing and big hugs!!


  14. I am exactly in the same spot. It may be spring outside but it’s definitely winter within. It’s amazing how God speaks to me through this article. Thank you for writing this 🙂

  15. Bekah, thank you for inspiring us with your journey. Often the temptation is to keep going with what’s comfortable but I see how your leap of faith has drawn you closer to our Father — and what a blessing that is.
    Please keep us posted, as I’d love to hear more as your journey unfolds.