Jennifer Cleveland
About the Author

Jennifer writes late at night and works for a glass artist during the day. She longs for God's presence to interrupt her, night or day...

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. What a beautiful post, Jennifer! I have been in this exact same place too–seeing only failure and failing to focus on grace, and have also been happily interrupted by God’s presence and words to my spirit like you…the kitchen is a great place for that! Thank you for this excellent reminder that the Holy Spirit really does know when to speak to our hearts and help us and is always there with us….thank you so much! Merry Christmas! Blessings!

  2. Thank you so much for the wonderful post today. I too struggle with the difficult marriage, wishing to be a better wife and mother and believer and …well just better. Thank you so much for the reminder that God is near always!

  3. Thanks for sharing this…”He is not repelled by our situation, He is our way out of it.”

    Your post was a great reminder of how God’s amazing grace is not about who we are but about God’s love for us. And when we relent to that (in even the smallest measure), we can always feel/hear that assurance there waiting to comfort us!

  4. Having a husband that travels is hard on a marriage, along with a houseful of young boys – I need that constant reminder that God is there to hold me in his arms when things get tough. Thank you for your post.

  5. We are justified by faith (Rom 5.1-5), not by works. Praise God! (Oh, and I love listening while I’ve driving. Those “quiet times” are wonderful :D)

  6. Sounds a bit familiar! And it reminds me of another writing you did, “For crying out loud”? He knows what we need before we do, and He has the answer that is always in our best interest. I just have to be open to hearing Him when He speaks…however, whenever, or wherever that may be!

  7. Great post! I believe a lot of women go through periods of feeling “not good enough”. Even though I have a good marriage there have been times I wondered if I was a good wife–what was wrong with me?

    I kept praying and had heart to heart talks with hubby and they both revealed that I am where God wants me to be. I am also the best me I can be for my hubby!

  8. Thanks for this post…this really hit me today:
    **He is not repelled by our situation, He is our way out of it.**
    I can know this, but not actually realize what it means…maybe because I’M repelled by my situation, and I can’t totally fathom how differently God sees it…
    Thanks for the encouragement!

    • Muchalone he is looking *past* your situation and His eyes are on YOU! He is inviting you to see yourself the way that He does, and that is my prayer for you today. jc

  9. Hi Jennifer. It is nearly the end of January and I finally got around to reading your post. I am so glad I did. It really ministered to me today. I’m living life at a frantic pace…from the time my feet hit the floor in the morning until the time I fall, completely exhausted, into bed at night. Your words expressed exactly how I feel…the deep desire to be a better wife, a better mother, a better disciple…as well as the guilt. I want to spend quiet time with God every morning like good Christians do, but life gets in the way. Then, I hear that accusing voice, “If you really loved God, you would make Him your top priority and you would wake an hour earlier every morning.” To which I say, “Oh God, I do love you, but I am just SO tired”. Jen, I love your reminder that the Holy Spirit is not repelled by my situation, but is waiting patiently to show me the way out of my stress, anxiety and guilt. That means there actually IS a way out! Your words have encouraged me to keep my heart open and “listen” for a word from the Holy Spirit during the occasional quiet moments throughout my day…like when I am taking a shower, driving to work, preparing dinner, or doing the dishes. I just need to trust that He is waiting for me there and still my mind, so I can “listen” for His words. Love you!