Margaret Feinberg
About the Author

Margaret Feinberg spends most mornings with her good friends Coffee and God. Without Coffee, mornings would be difficult. Without God, life would be impossible.

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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    • This girl is wonderstruck by our God who is THE one and only true God that revealed what its like to be a girl only took me 42.75 years hah, hes abundantly blessed me with the joy of the Lord and blessedly has allowed me to keep my hair and shown me gifted me with love for others unconditionally through him 🙂
      Glory be to God alone in and through Christ Jesus

  1. I too have been called to wonder and its trsnsforming power. on a cool day with dew on the grass I was reminded that God keeps us: they toil not and they spin not.

  2. Wow! I’m wonderstruck every day. This past week I’ve been receiving lots of confirmation on something real special to me that I’ve been praying about for quite sometime and I just want to say that God is ever-loving and ever faithful. He never fails! He’s so wonderful filled with big plans bigger than those I have for myself. All He wants is for us to be obedient and to learn to walk with Him, trust Him fully and to remember that it is at His time not ours that we will receive that which we have prayed for a long time.
    Thus, Trust + obedience= blessings!

  3. I am wonderstruck at His enduring faithfulness. When my mom passed last year around this time I was pregnant. I never would have thought that a year later not only would I have joy again, but be happy that my dad remarried. I always said I wanted a big family. Now, God in His Good and mysterious ways has given me one. He knows the perfect plans He has for me and that amazes me everyday…that the God who crafted the stars and spoke the world into existence hold my life in His hands.

  4. I am struck with awe that we have a God that would put on flesh in our world to experience life as we do; then break that body in sacrifice so we could experience life as He does. What a hope!

  5. I am wonderstruck by God whenever I hold a new grandchild. Their total innocence and perfection remind me once again of the way God wants us to live as His children, trusting Him for everything and completely dependent on His love and mercy.

  6. These two lines would have jabbed me in the eyes if they could: “People entered and reemerged in my life who expanded my understanding of God and grace. My attention was acutely drawn to patterns and particulars in Scripture I’d never seen before. ” Yes!!! This is what I’ve been noticing and experiencing lately. And it feels right. I’m thankful for the wonder of grace, this day.

  7. In awe of God’s beautiful creation each day, as I see more & more flowers blooming and buds on the trees. I love spending time with my son & husband taking walks every evening and love God’s beauty in creation!

  8. I am wonderstruck by God’s miracles!! My good friend had a baby with a heart condition and the baby needed to have surgery shortly after birth! The surgery went great but a blood clot damaged the right side of the heart and there wasn’t much hope! But God performed a miracle and that little baby survived and is doing well!! It is amazing to see how she is healing each day! It is long slow process but God is the ultimated healer and we just pray that this little baby may continue to heal and grow big and strong!

    • Wow, Lisa! That is an amazing testament to God’s provision and goodness. Thank you for sharing their story! Praying for your friend and her little miracle!

  9. I was just wonderstruck this past weekend at Acquire the Fire with my kids ages 20, 18 and 13 when they reached out in faith and fully on their own chose to support a little boy in India –fully on their own…my children are teaching me in their leadership, love and wisdom…all praise goes to our almighty GOD!!

  10. As I grow in understanding that I am his daughter and he loves me, I am struck with wonder.

  11. Reading (in)courage’s Sunday scripture and realizing that God joys over us again and again and again. It brought me to tears.

  12. I am in awe of God when out in the quiet country, outside late at night listening to the quiet 🙂 The frogs, the crickets, an occasional hoot of an owl. Or early mornings before the sun is up on my morning walk praying, listening to the birds singing, esp. the Whippoorwill! I am wonderstruck with all of God’s little ways of showing He loves and cares about every part of our life! – an unexpected card, flowers, finding sharks teeth at the beach, a gorgeous sunset, soft, cool breezes on a hot day…Open our eyes, God to see your loving ways all around us!

  13. I am continually wonderstruck at how the Lord is taking care of my children and I in the midst of a really bad situation caused by my husband’s poor choices. From groceries showing up, to gift cards appearing in the mail, to annoymous offerings left in the offering plate with my name on them, our bills are getting paid, and we are able to breathe. God knows what I need and when I need it and he is safe to trust.

  14. Before I had my son I knew that parents “supposedly” loved their children. There were so many times over the years that my mother told me she loved me but there were so many more times I was certain she couldn’t possibly love me parenting me the way that she did.

    When I got pregnant and pictured myself laboring and birthing my son I never pictured my mother in the room. I felt she would drive me insane micromanaging my labor for me. I was very, very wrong.

    When those first pains hit me and my husband was driving me to the hospital I was standing in the passenger seat moaning in agony. I said to my husband, “Honey, when we get to the hospital I want my mom!”

    He replied, “Okay honey, once we get settled I’ll call her.”

    To which I precisely demanded as calmly as I could muster, “Sweetheart… I… want… my… mom! I want my Mommy and I want her at the hospital NOW!!” He just looked at me wide eyed and nodded.

    It was 1 am and once we got to the hospital everyone was distracted with everything going on and no one called her. But, she showed up anyway. She walked into the room with her little organized purse in hand and she said, “Baby I know you didn’t want me in the room but,”

    I cut her off. “Mom, this hurts so badly!!” I cried to her. I sobbed. She sat down next to me and that’s when I saw the micromanaging side of my mother that I never fully appreciated before and that got me through that day.

    She said, “I know honey. But, we are going to breathe through this next contraction together okay?” And, she stayed with me for my entire labor until it was time to push. She cried with me. She breathed with me. She felt every pain with me.

    Since then my mother and I are different people. She is my best friend. I have a renewed respect for her and every difficult and challenging decision and choice she ever made for me as my mother. I love her so dearly.

    I knew I would love my son but I had no idea how much. It’s so intense. It’s so primal. There just aren’t words. There really aren’t. It brings tears to my eyes.

    If my mother loves me that much and if I love my son that much then how much does God love me? WOW!! Our Lord who sacrificed His Son for us? To save me? In comparison, I know the darkness that lies deep in my heart and I wouldn’t sacrifice my baby pinky nail for most in this world let alone my child.

    God is so great! He is MIGHTY!! I am so thankful that He is God and I am not. Praise His most very Holy name!!



  15. How deep is God’s Love toward no one can know. He is everyday showering me with His love toward me, and I am wonderstruck.

  16. I am wonderstruck by the fact that God loves and accepts me as I am and He shows me every day by sending the beauty of His creation in the form of beautifully colored birds and flowers and intricate bugs. If he cares enough to decorate tiny bugs just so, how much more does He care for me?

  17. I am wonderstruck by the goodness and faithfulness of our Lord. That He draws near to us when we call upon His name. I am so encouraged by your words and trailer. I am one who wants more of God! I’m going to look up Isaiah 29:13 right now.

  18. Wonderstruck. Each day by God’s grace renewed! Wonderstruck by the courage and strength when I am feeling alone and scared. Wonderstruck by the beauty of nature. Wonderstruck by the beauty of my children. Wonderstruck by the love of my husband. {Wonderstruck = Gratitude! Thanks for adding to my 1,000 list!}

  19. I actually followed my own advice today…and took a walk along the beach with my Spanish rescue dog, Chloe…she has leaves moving without warning, people walking near her and horror of horrors…other dogs.
    Today has been particularly hard as I resigned from some charity work with needy families and homeless. I shared the vision of its inception and have worked so closely with these dear people….but the season is over and I knew I had to leave it to others.
    As I walked along the promenade, the tears of loss and sorrow gently ran down my cheeks.
    I listened as Father soothed me in Spirit and gently helped me dismiss the lies I was telling myself. I am not a failure, I am not unworthy, I am not unlikeable. In my sadness the enemy was trying to twist those feelings and emotions.
    Then He showed me His wonder……….the beautiful notes of a Sky lark pierced my senses and I was returned to the summer days my earthly Dad shared with me his love of nature. We would all lie in the midst of meadow flowers, overwhelmed with their sweet perfume…..and listen to the Sky Lark’s song.
    Joy in the midst of sorrow…. His Wonder in the midst of pain….my Father God is so gentle with me and I love Him.

  20. This is a wonderful, thought-provoking study. My Bible study ladies are really ‘into’ it. Margaret does a super job on the videos of drawing you. Recommend this highly.

  21. I am regularly reminded of the beauty, love and inestimable grace of God as He directs my paths and keeps me from stumbling on the stones in the road, even when I’ve placed them there. His patience and longsuffering is an unbelievable and daily blessing.


  22. Spring is the season of wonder, especially here in Maine after a long winter. Green is the color of wonder!

  23. Wonderstruck by God … nature being painted spring green by his design … bedtime prayer of our foster child to The Lord she didn’t know before our home … His provisions of love in the midst of a very difficult dry season.

  24. I live that has been quite “charmed” despite my unfaithfulness. In awe of how the Lord blesses even when we do not deserve it.

  25. Wonderstruck by God’s amazing landscape. Each day I marvel at the colors of the sunrise, the unbelievable beauty of the blossoming trees and spring flowers. Though my allergies aren’t quite as grateful 🙂 it is so awe-inspiring to see God’s handiwork. God is so good!

  26. oh so many ways…recently though a refund check that came in the mail that made no sense and could only be from God. He chose the exact moment my eyes were distracted to pull me back.

  27. My daughter reminds me daily of God’s grace, power, and wonder. I pray that as she grows into a young woman, she will learn to cling to Him.

  28. I was wonderstuck all weekend. With beautiful weather, a wonderful family, a great Sunday church service, and a time filled with fun, laughter, and good home made food. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world… I pray that I can keep this feeling day after day!

  29. I am often wonderstruck just by the beauty of His creation and also how he wonderfully made us.

  30. I’ve been in awe of how God has been filling the holes and cracks in my heart lately. These gaping wounds I wanted to hold on to in fear I would forget how far I’ve come…but He’s showing me…He’s a healer. He wants me complete. and will gift me with scars to remember how far HE’s brought me.

  31. Birds chirping on a blue-sky day, the way my 3yo constantly says, “Mommy, you know I love you?”, a delicious piece of fruit. I definitely need to stop and remember all the “small” things that make God so awesome.

  32. I am wonderstruck by the way God is changing ME in the midst of a challenge in my marriage; how he is turning my hurt and disappointment into renewed love and acceptance of my husband.

  33. I am wonderstruck by how God takes care of me. He always knows exactly what I need WHEN I need it. I feel so priviledged to think that I am anyone important to Him and that He has a plan for my life, that He has things He wants me to accomplish for his kingdom.

  34. I commented on a young man’s cross in a restuarant and asked where he went to church. Then I asked how old he was. He is the age of my son. Another of his friend’s walked up. I said you’ll have to pray for my son and daughter. They have gone away from the Lord. The other young man said we need to pray right now. So they prayed right there in the restuarant. I loved their boldness(not ashamed!). That would have been enough(I was crying those mother tears).Found out he and I have the same last name…………probably related. We already knew we were brothers and sisters in Christ………..but, really what are the chances of that!!!!?????????? I love when He does that……….just to make me SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. So many things! Spring is finally arriving in Minnesota and my son (9) and I went for a walk yesterday and stopped to look at all of the buds on the trees. If you don’t look closely they aren’t noticeable yet, but His glory in new life is all around! It was beautiful!

    Mountains are another thing that gets me every single time!

  36. Just recently God has given me the privilege of teaching the Bible (in English) to four Chinese young adults. One of them made a decision for Jesus prior to the study, the other three are on their journey. Seeing the Bible and God through the eyes of people who have not heard over and over gives a freshness in itself. They possess such a hunger for truth that is very refreshing.

  37. My son. When he prays to Jesus and thanks him for the beautiful blue sky. There are no words…..

  38. Surviving infertility, the premature birth of my son 11 years ago, watching with wonder as God restored my marriage into something so beautiful I have no words to describe it, and again watching in wonder as He walks me through a journey of cancer ~ He never ceases to bless me and amaze me!

  39. that is so easy question. I am wonderstruck by God everyday that I see my kids, my parents because of their alling health. We almost lost my mom but by the grace of God i meen the grace of God she is doing great. thanks be to God.

  40. Coffee cup in hand sitting out on the deck…the rain just stopped and everything seems greener then God continues his awesomeness by showing me three wild turkey, two little yellow finches, a bright red cardinal, several fat robins, and two beautiful bluebirds sitting on the fence all in few minutes time. Wonderstruck I am.

  41. I completed a study on Revelation last year and I was completely wonderstruck by chapter 4. “Day and night they never stop saying: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.'” Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say: ‘You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power,for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.'”

    Just that incredible picture of how truly amazing God is and how much we will worship Him when we finally see Him in glory.

  42. The wonder of God. I felt it in a miraculous way more than a month ago. I had been out of work for nearly two years. Except for $50 in an old account I was penniless, in debt, and concerned about how I would pay if anything happened to my 83 year old dad. Suddenly God moved. Money was found in an old retirement account and sent to me. Enough to start paying bills and paying off debts and to help with my dad…

  43. I’m wonderstruck when God puts something on my heart to share with another person and it turns out to be exactly what they needed to hear. I’m wonderstruck as they look at me with wide eyes. And I’m wonderstruck as I tell them it was God, not me. And I give Him the praise.

  44. I was wonderstruck this weekend as God’s spirit moved through a group of junior high kids, healing and speaking to them and drawing them close to Himself. Beautiful!

  45. I’ve been awestruck by our GREAT Physician today, when a good friend gave birth to a baby boy. Doctors didn’t think he would go past 20 weeks in my friend’s belly, and here he is. After a full term pregnancy, and a vaginal birth… what a miracle. Still praying for a comprehensive miracle, as this baby was born with a lot of “complications”. But God is good and He is certainly showing that He is truly the Giver of life!

  46. I am in awe of God when I actually take the time to grasp his love for me. Also, when I look at my husband and see the love he has for me and how God is the core of our relationship. To have a husband that will lead me in prayer and intercede for me with my Savior is truly amazing.

  47. I am wonderstruck at how God takes so many “little” things in our lives and weaves them together for our benefit, how He takes the time to make sure that a devotional message, a sermon, and a Bible Study session all tell you the same thing at about the same time–just so you can see what He wants you to see and learn–again, all for your good. I am most wonderstruck by the fact that He never stops pursuing us…there are no words for that!

  48. I learned that I had a rare form of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. I felt so alone. I was looking for someone, anyone who could “relate.” That term is rather ambiguous. The journey we take in this life is a path carved by God just for us. It’s custom made.
    Just when I began to run low on hope, I happened (and very much by chance) to locate a kindred spirit through a popular search engine. Although the type of cancer each of has is quite different, I discovered that we grew up in the same part of our home state, attended the same high school and university, have the same type of career, share relatives and – – the greatest discovery – – have worshipped in the same holy site.
    Each time I tell this miraculous story, I am reminded of God’s greatness. He is in my life in all ways. I am wonderstruck by His glory!

  49. I am continually wonderstruck every time he draws me in…changing me….not leavving me as he found me. I am always humbled by this awareness of what I was/am and yet his love never changes. His desire for me is truly a wonder. Wonderous love that never fails.

  50. I am wonderstruck every day in the goodness of the Lord meeting me, no matter where I am. In sorrow, or joy. In weariness or excitement. He comes to me right where I am and shows me His love, His embrace, his heart. How blessed we are to have a father who cares about even the smallest of needs. It overwhelms me.

  51. This very week, I have been wonderstruck by God’s delight in restoring broken, abandoned things – bodies, souls, hearts, hopes. Christ’s power explodes all boundaries with Resurrection love, and once again I’m in awe. <3

  52. When driving back to the hospital alone, the day before my husband’s cancer operation, I was pouring out my heart to God, that I couldn’t run the farm alone, I needed my best friend, husband, love. Our kids were in college, and the cancer was serious. I whined for the 20 miles between home and our small rural hospital. When I turned off the highway for the last part of the journey, Iwas surprised, then thrilled, and finally humbly blessed by the odd behavior of 14 of our state birds, who flew in front of my car en mass for a quarter mile down the gravel road, then peeled off, one by one, until I could no longer see them. I told God I was sorry for whining, and thanked him for listening.
    The road back to health for my husband was long and complicated, much more serious than we had imagined, and a real head trip for me. However, I clung to this message of peace as we plowed through the chemo, the wrecked circulatory system, and the resulting pacemaker.
    10 1/2 years later I still cling to that message of love and hope, given to me alone, at one point of desperation. My husband is here, affected adversely by the damage to his body, but here, alive, enjoying our grandsons that he thought he would never see. God is so good!

  53. I have been wonderstruck by God’s supernatural provision over the past 5+ yrs that I’ve been without a full-time job. I am a single mom of one amazing teenage son and most days I wonder how in the world we are going to get stuff paid for. BUT GOD always always always comes thru for us. So why do I doubt and worry? He has never failed me and He never will….so when will I learn?

  54. PS….I just found your (Margaret’s) site today and I am now a devoted fan and follower! Thank you for the encouraging messages 🙂

  55. God taking complete charge and allowing me to move to Chattanooga without any complications. Easier said than done with what’s been going in within my life over the past year.

  56. I am loving and marvelling at how God has been speaking to me this week… restoring HOPE in His unfailing love in my heart. The book sounds WONDERful. 🙂

  57. I am struck, almost daily, by the wonder, that all the answers we need for our questions, are right there in the Word, just waiting for us to discover!

  58. I am in awe of how God reveals Himself relationally, through everyone, including stangers.

  59. Volunteering to be a family support partner through Habitat for Humanity, only to find out when meeting the family that their need is a ministry God has had me placed in for almost 10 years….prison ministry!! I almost fell out if my chair. God weaves things together so beautifully!

  60. I am wonderstruck by the family God has given me. I have parents and a brother who love Him and challenge me to seek Him more.

  61. Every time I look at my baby girl. God blessed me with this precious gift that I didn’t even know I wanted. He was answering prayers that were not yet whispered and fulfilling others in ways I never would have expected.

  62. Wonderstruck that God takes the time to walk me thru His Word and impress upon my heart all He wants me to understand and His promptings to be His hands and voice. Thank you, Lord!

  63. God has made me wonderstruck with my son. I never really intended on having children, but when you go through so much with them, you can’t help but be in awe every day. He was born 2 months early, and we had to be careflighted to another city for NICU. Seeing how hard he struggled at first, and how hard he has worked as he has gotten older to overcome any setbacks he has had, constantly makes me wonderstruck and realize how much I can do. My faith was completely renewed when he was born.

  64. It’s the little things for me. Things my daughter prays for or the 6 year old that donated her change to my husbands mission trip.

  65. I am wonderstruck by God’s goodness in providing us guidance to get out of the pit of debt with have dug, because of choices we have made. It is only through Him that we have paid off four credit cards.

  66. I am wonder struck by all the beauty around me..birds chirping, flowers blooming, children’s laughter…and mostly that a GOD so eternal would love me always..

  67. I’ve been completely slayed by how God is choosing to bless me each time I take a small, trembling step of faith. His love and blessings are nothing short of awe-inspiring and I am wonderstruck daily by His grace and abundance.

  68. I am wonderstruck by God’s beautiful creation all around us, and by his countless blessings. He is good, even when we cannot see it!

  69. I am wonder struck how fast God acts whn He wants something big to happen. Things fall together and miracles take place!

  70. I would love to do this study … It’s been a rough year. Lived I. Our RV for 9 months while trying to build a house in a new area. During this trial my Mother was dieng of cancer and my family and I rallied to provide care for her so she could die peacefully at home using hospice. Throughout the year God had been faithful and taught me, refined me, tried my soul – but has never forsaken me or stopped showing me his blessings everyday. This study sounds amazing- I would love to participate …. Thank you for creating it and sharing Gods message of wonder …everyday… In every situation.

  71. I am wonderstruck by this opportunity God has given me in becoming a physician. I’ll soon be entering my final year of medical school, and everyday I am amazed by the human body that God has created for us. And I am amazed by the patients that I encounter everyday-their resilience, bravery and perseverance. I am humbled that God would trust me with this responsibility to take care of His people in this way.

  72. I’m always wonder struck by His grace & mercy and relentless pursuit of His children.

  73. I am wonderstruck by God and how things can seemingly go wrong all around us, but He will bring hope, beauty and strength through it. I love that even in the hard times that we are in right now, I know He has this amazing plan. I may not understand the direction He is taking us, but I am clinging to His promises.
    I am also grateful that here in the north, I can (finally) 😉 be in awe of the trees and flowers bursting out in bloom. This has been such an encouragement. He is an amazing and rockin’ artist.

  74. The perfection of my one and only grandchild leaves me wonderstruck on a regular basis. The way my youngest (adopted) daughter fits into our family so well that I forget I didn’t give birth to her. The way God sends people to me just when I need them. Many, many things about my children leave me wonderstruck as well!

  75. This community of incourage has been God’s goodness in my life! He has answered prayers that I didn’t even know I had! I am wonderstruck by His faithfulness!!!!

  76. I recently started writing poetry. Until this past August I had never written a poem before in my life, and I was suddenly awaken with sentences and verses forming clearly in my head. I shot up in bed, grabbed my iPod and started typing. Since that mid August night I’ve written 13 (ish) more poems. I’m wonderstruck each time God feeds me a new one and I am able to throw it to my blog and my Facebook page for others to share in His wonder and glory. I’m truly blessed by and thankful for this recently acquired talent.

  77. I am wonderstruck as I watch my children begin their own walk with God and seeing how he answers their most innocent and simple prayers in such a powerful way. God is good!

  78. Continually wonderstruck by how patient He is with me. I’ve been so slow to learn almost every lesson He’s ever taught me, but He’s never given up…or thrown His hands up and declared me to be a lost cause.

    I love Him because He first loved me.

  79. For the past few years I feel I was drifting away spiritually…reaching a ‘standstill’ in my spiritual journey with God…yet consumed with longing to feel His presence once more…to feel the connection …to have the personal relationship with Him which I truly desire…:) I guess it was the lack of the sense of awe…the lack of appreciation of the daily miracles that surrounds us…the failure to see the wonders of God’s creation and ways that prevented me to see the Light…:(

  80. I am wonderstruck by God is so many different ways! One of the most significant ways that God has completely awed me is the way that He has shown me that He personally cares for me by things as simply as having a check arrive in the mail the day that I am down to my last few dollars! God is so good ladies!!!

  81. “Hollowness to hallowedness…” yes please! A stressful and busy season (4 kids under 7.5 years old, a move, new town, new house, hubby starting new ministry, homeschooling…) has left me worn thin and in need of a good dose of wonder. Thank you for the reminder, and thankful to God for being the Great Refresher. 🙂

  82. I am struck with wonder when I see how God perfectly orchestrates solutions to various problems, and in the midst of the situation, he does it in such a way that it ministers to everyone involved. For example I lead a ministry and we needed someone who could work with us to develop some training materials for a new conference that we’re going to offer. I immediately thought of a former colleague who has a training background. I reached out to her, and she was thrilled to help. I sent her some materials to bring her up to speed on the conference topic and discovered that the conference content perfectly describes and addresses the very path she has journeyed over the past 3 years. Pretty cool how God orchestrates all of this for our good and his glory. Like the old saying goes, he doesn’t waste a single opportunity!

  83. My son has a disorder called NF. (his body grows tumors on the nervous system.) He was suffering from complications on one of his tumors on his spine and the Doctors said he would have to start radiation and a possible spinal infusion, We would meet in six weeks & do a follow up CT and meet with a panel of doctors to discuss the details… We had every prayer warrior from across the country praying for him that month & at our 6 week CT the Dr came in shocked! The tumor not only stopped growing but was also smaller than the last CT scan!! Was it a radiology mistake? Nope, G.O.D.!!! I cry every time I think about how amazing our God is! I guess you can even say the Dr was “wonderstruck”!!!

  84. My son was suffering from complications from one of his tumors on his spine and the Doctors said he would have to start radiation and a possible spinal infusion, We would meet in six weeks & do a follow up CT and meet with a panel of doctors to discuss the details… We had every prayer warrior from across the country praying for him that month & at our 6 week CT the Dr came in shocked! The tumor not only stopped growing but was also smaller than the last CT scan!! Was it a radiology mistake? Nope, G.O.D.!!! I cry every time I think about how amazing our God is! I guess you can even say the Dr was “wonderstruck”!!!

  85. My son was suffering from complications from one of his tumors on his spine and the Doctors said he would have to start radiation & spinal infusion, We would meet in six weeks & do a follow up CT and meet with a panel of doctors to discuss the details… We had every prayer warrior from across the country praying for him that month & at our 6 week CT the Dr came in shocked! The tumor not only stopped growing but was also smaller than the last CT scan!! Was it a radiology mistake? Nope, G.O.D.!!! I cry every time I think about how amazing our God is! I guess you can even say the Dr was “wonderstruck”!!!

  86. Just to wake up everyday and see my children and husband and to see all that God has created!

  87. I looked up from my desk just now, out through the patio door, and where one orange poppy was blooming this morning, three are blooming this afternoon.

  88. I am struck with wonder and tears each and every time I look upon His creation and the beauty that surrounds me, a symphony of His great love for us!

  89. My son was suffering from complications from one of his tumors on his spine & the Doctors said he would have to start radiation & a spinal infusion, We would meet in six weeks & do a follow up CT and meet with a panel of doctors to discuss the details… We had every prayer warrior from across the country praying for him that month & at our 6 week CT the Dr came in shocked! The tumor not only stopped growing but was also smaller than the last CT scan!! I cry every time I think about how amazing our God is! I guess you can even say the Dr was “wonderstruck”!!!

  90. I am wonderstruck when my beloved husband and I embrace each morning before work to pray for the day. I am wonderstruck as I realize that my aged Mom is mentally fading, and God whispers to me that she is getting ready to come Home. I am wonderstruck when my son texts me with an ultrasound picture of the little babe that he and his wife were not supposed to have due to infertility problems. I am wonderstruck as I sit here with tears running down my face as I realized I am so very blessed.
    God is so very good.

  91. I am wonderstruck by the consistency of God’s love. No matter what kind of bump or turn life takes, God’s presence and all out love surround me.

  92. I’ve been standing on a promise from God for a little over 11 years now. I know what He Promised but sometimes the wait is hard. Today as I as on hold on a phone call, a song came on from the 70’s. I recognized the group as they sing “our song”. I had never heard the song that was playing but the words were written just for me and my situation and at just the most perfect time for me to hear them 🙂 Glad I’m His.

  93. I’ve always found Gods attention to details in creation fascinating and wonder at the smallest of things. Last year I saw the micro-photography of sand, and how beautiful each grain was and it made the passage in Psalm 139 just come more alive for me. God cares for us so deeply.

  94. In Hawaii (like most places), when we get together, we gather around food. Well, I’m currently on a detox (and have been for eight [long] months now). It has been a struggle: do I go to that church potluck (or family party) where I know I won’t be able to eat anything? do I miss out on fellowship just because I’m ashamed (or just too tired) to bring (and pack) my own food? When my doc told me recently that I have (at least) four more months to go, I was so discouraged and frustrated. Just around that time my girlfriends were getting together and talking about new restaurants that they wanted to check out. I didn’t want to be a kill joy, but I wanted to be honest, so I shared my discouragement and frustration with them…They heard my heart and made new plans: to cook a detox-approved dinner for me!!! I was struck with wonder at the love of God demonstrated through these women of faith…We ate and caught up, and I took home lots of leftovers that reminded I don’t need to worry (no matter how long this carries on). God wants to, and is able, to meet all our needs: physical, emotional, and spiritual.

    • Audree, what a gift and blessing to have friends like that. Praying for strength, courage, and perseverance for you in the upcoming months. You’ve got this!

  95. I am Wonderstruck by all of the ways Christ has strengthened me. He has given me a new life, a hope for the future, and a reason to keep pushing forward ( My son). “Jesus paid it all, all to him I owe.” Thank you Lord for making the impossible possible, and for showing me just how strong I can truly be when I follow your direction for my life.

  96. I am “wonderstruck” by the amazing people God brings into my life to share this journey of faith. Some walk in front of me clearing the path, and teaching me as we go. Others walk behind me pushing me along with encouragement, as I take a turn leading and teaching. And still others walk side by side… words for the journey being shared back and forth, for this moment in tme. As each new day begins, I thank God and sit in wonder at what He will have in store for today.

  97. I am Wonderstruck by God’s gift of my husband to me. I am blessed daily by my husbands devotion and love. The little things he does to make my life easier. Living with an Autoimmune Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, limits the things I can do. My husband is my partner, best friend, care taker and my rock. Without him and God, I would be lost.

    Kandi B
    Casas Church in Tucson, Az. Hi Margaret!!

  98. I’m wonderstruck most by my 4 amazing babies, 9, 7, 3 & 1. They inspire me to be a better, more patient/selfless/humble/carefree human being who is entirely devoted to them and their Daddy, my husband of 11 years. We’ve learned that money or no money, and come what may, family is the most precious gift our Father has created and intended to bless us with. I always say, “Wherever he’s going (referring to my husband), I want to go there.” They move me to deep-seated awe very single day! Thanks for this opportunity!

  99. I am filled with wonder over the way He took my pain of rejection in a church environment and turned it into something beautiful. If it weren’t for my pain, I wouldn’t be in such a healthy environment now and it never ceases to amaze me the Truth of Romans 8:28.

  100. Wonderstruck by God’s constant grace and presence. Oh how I have recently been where you have described in this post. On the mountain-tops of passion and joy for the Lord only a few years ago… turning into apathy, loss of hope, and struggle to find the fire I once had. God has been with me even still… the struggle is not over (nor will it ever be this side of Heaven), but I am thankful for the ever-workings of God in my life.

  101. I’m wonder struck that God loves me the way I am and doesn’t have expectations I can never live up to.

  102. Wonderstruck in the way He showed up yesterday on my back deck in the quiet. Just the birds, and the still small voice.

  103. Wonderstruck by strangers acting liking angels anonymously donating money to local pregnancy center just when two clients desperately need baby carseats and can’t afford to get them…need supplied! God is so good!

  104. I’m Wonderstruck by my new grandson. What joy! By God’s beautiful creation in springtime in Colorado. That I am a child of the living King!

  105. I was Wonderstruck when God created a new area in my love tank just for my future daughter in law. I could not get over the joy and love for Becky that the Lord placed in my heart. I pray that he teaches me to be a wonderful loving mother in law and she too may be Wonderstruck. Thank you for the opportunity to share that.

  106. Oh my–the sunset tonight was beautiful beyond description! It left me wonderstruck.

  107. I have been wonder struck by God when He continually provides for our financial needs for our adoption in miraculous ways!

  108. It never ceases to amaze me how God can take what Satan tries to mean for evil in our lives and turn it into something AMAZING! He is good ALL the time, even when you think your life is falling apart!

  109. I constantly stand in wonder as I see God renew my hope and restore my freedom in ways only He can; a springtime flower budding on a longstanding tree.

  110. Little girls in awestruck wonder over our chickens in the backyard coop, a new experience….and little girls bringing me fresh eggs, in their precious wee hands and in joyful wonder they reflect on God’s miracles!

  111. The thing that has left me wonderstruck is something that I wanted as a child. Every year our church would nominate “Mother Of The Year”. Each Mother’s Day I would anticipate the announcement sitting on the edge of my seat waiting on the minister to call my mom’s name. Each year I became discouraged because her name was never called. As I grew older, I chalked it up to church politics and thought that it was ok even if I was the only one that thought she was Mother of the year! I’m 37 years old now and just this Monday my Dad (recently saved woot woot!) pulled me aside and said the deacon called me aside on Sunday and told me that your mom is getting the Mother of the year award! I began to cry happy tears. God was saving this moment for the right time and I’m so happy to be able to finally share this moment with my mom (who won’t find out until this Sunday) who I know has been deserving of this moment for many years. That my friends, is my wonderstruck moment that only our God could have orchestrated. 🙂 Happy Mother’s Day moms!!!

  112. Wow, so many comments! Today is the first time I’ve read your work Margaret and I truly enjoyed “Learning to Live Wonderstruck in God’s Presence”.
    What I find “wonderstruck” about our God lately is the spectacular way He weaves these wonderful (in)courage articles into my life everyday!
    God bless you Margaret, you have been a great (in)couragement to me today!

  113. Wonderstruck! It’s amazing when you stop and look at what God has created for his purpose! Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with us.

  114. At a recent Q&A session of a women’s conference, the conversation suddenly went off-topic for about 15 minutes. During those minutes I was wonderstruck as God was speaking directly to my heart through this rabbit trail conversation. It was the word I needed when I needed it most, though to others it was digressing from the planned topic.

  115. I am wonderstruck by how PERSONAL my God is. How I’m able to connect with Him personally if I just take the time to quiet myself in His presence.

  116. Over the last year I have become more and more wonderstruck by His Presence and I hunger for even more….this is the first time I heard of this book and study and I am excited about the possibility of digging in with some girlfriends. Thank you for putting words to my thoughts. I think that if we sat down for coffee, we would connect instantly!

  117. I’m wonderstruck how God can place forgiveness and love in my heart where there wasn’t any before. And I know that it did not come from me!

  118. Wonderstruck by the audacity of the youth I’m teaching. Their hearts and minds changing from themselves onto others and wondering HOW to change their world.

  119. I’m Wonderstruck with how God healed my dog, Jonas. He had thirty plus seizures on Sunday night two weeks ago. When we took him to the vet Monday morning they doubted he would live. They gave him an IV to get him hydrated and we took him home. I asked all my friends to pray for him, and he “miraculously” kept getting better and better! he is back to himself now, and on maintenance meds.

  120. I soaked myself in The Sacred Echo video. It was so soothing, so deep and so refreshing that I forgot to write here. I wrote there! I received comfort for the mourning of a dear friend who died after spending a Sunday together which was probably her last Sunday! Today I’m feeling much better. I had ever heard such teaching about the Wonderful Lord!

    May the Lord bless you, Margaret! What a teaching! I’m in awe!

  121. I’m so happy that God has people out there so gifted in sharing His truth in simple ways and amaze me and call me nearer to Him. Keeping writing.

  122. I am WONDERSTRUCK more each day since meeting Margaret Feinberg via her blog, video clips, books, studies, etc. because of her LENT CHALLENGE that blessed me so much! I take time more and more to be filled with WONDER at the details of God, the world He created, the beauty around me, the intimacy in knowing Him; the masterpiece He creates in the skies and the sunsets; the glory in e.v.e.r.y.thing He has done in me, the good, the bad and the ugly yet He loves me and meets me right where I am at each day, helping me step one step closer to Him, moving forward, in awe of His amazing love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and the imperfect progress He is completing in me as I lean on Him and glean from others like Margaret Feinberg, Beth Moore, Sheila Walsh, P31 Ministries team and OBS groups , Women’s Bible Cafe, (in)courage devos, and just
    time well spent with the Living Lord Jesus and others He places in my real life (and my online world). I cannot ever get enough of Him through music, the arts, dance, nature, His people, His Word, … I am more struck each moment since I have learned from Margaret how to seek the WONDER of God in the details of living intentionally in His Presence … and would so love her WONDERSTRUCK workbook or book, since I so wanted to do the study but was unable to get it via ebook… down here in sunny Mexico on time…

    Blessings to all of you and I so enjoyed reading each wonderstruck comment and Margaret’s responses… Her gift(s) is (are) amazing, too! Love this video as well as others she has shared and her graphics! Thanks Margaret and (in)courage!

    So is this the new book for the Book Club? Yippee!!!

    • Peggy, I am so thrilled that you did the 40-Day Bible reading challenge and that my page has been a blessing to you! I pray that you continue to seek the Lord with all your soul!

  123. I’m wonderstruck by God’s goodness every single time I look at one of my kids. I can’t wrap my head around the fact that He would bless me (ME!) with something so good and perfect. Admittedly, most days I’m terrified of messing up this beautiful gift called motherhood, but I still return thanks to Him again and AGAIN for this amazing opportunity to care for His children and call them my own.

  124. Wonderstruck that He would choose me.. that He doesn’t just tolerate me, but that He LOVES and pursues me.

  125. He has held my hand everyday since my son died. Everyday. Moment by moment. I am wonderstruck that he has never let go even when I don’t have the strength to hold on. I am blessed.

  126. Okay I have read this book twice, purchased multiple copies for friends, and have become such a fan of Margaret Feinberg that I signed up to go hiking with her in Maine this summer–but not in a creepy stalker way 🙂

    But of course, I’m still entering to win a free copy, because I can think of so many others I want to give this book to–including: my rock star diva girlfriend who kicked breast cancer to the curb. We spent Monday together on the beach, toes in the sand, eating lobster rolls and drinking mimosas, and giving thanks to God for his abundant blessings. I was stressed beyond belief the morning we left, but something about sun, sand, and salt air breathes healing into my soul.

  127. I am wonder struck by God that He would provide me with a husband and 3 lovely daughters who love me to the moon and back. God is showing me His love through my family, as a love I’ve never felt before. I’m so blessed.

  128. As a cancer survivor, I struggle to be closer to God. Some days I don’t have energy to put one foot in front of another.

  129. God being gracious enough to not let me stay the same. He continues to rescue me from my past, and while the healing process can be more than I can handle at times, He’s never let me go. I am wonderstruck by His ability to love me despite all I’ve done, and all the ways I continue to mess up.

  130. I’m continually amazed by Him. Just a couple of weeks ago I was blessed with a financial gift that was an answer to prayer!!!

  131. I don’t remember the last time I found 5 quiet minutes and the ability to shut, everything off and simply listen.My mind races to a thousand places.So how do I stop this madness



  132. Eight years ago we decided to take a leap of faith and leave our home of 30 years, friends, and many of our belongings to come back to MS and care for aging mothers. It’s been a bittersweet experience, but God has given us many blessings. We live in a beautiful spot where I witness the beauty of God daily. Our “family” has expanded from 2 cats who came with us, to 5 dogs and 6 cats- all but the original 2 rescues. I have found satisfaction at volunteering at the local Extended Care unit and continuing my Reach to Recovery work. There are still spots in our lives that are tough, but we feel God is guiding us and we are blessed.

  133. I’m wonder struck that as our 30 year anniversary approaches and after 8 months that my husband and I have been separated, God has continues to draw each of us closer to him and to each other. If we are able to reconcile God will get ALL of the glory, because
    in our flesh there is no hope of reconciliation. Everyone that knows us and has loved us through this journey will be Wonder Struck!!!!

    Blessings- Marg