Alicia Kazsuk
About the Author

Alicia Kazsuk is the founder of She's also a magazine-editor-turned-homeschool-mom of four bright, curious students. As a blogger, online video training producer and the author of Plan to Be Flexible, her passion is to encourage and equip homeschooling moms to joyfully thrive in the often-challenging homeschooling season. Her online...

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. What a lovely post and so true! I do focus on the negative and you are right it’s just about refocusing. There really is so much to be grateful for! Thank you for your post today. I will intentionally do this each day for a week and hopefully it will for a good and binding habit.

  2. Thank you for this beautifully meaningful post. My third spine surgery left me in a wheelchair, and I struggle each day. I appreciate being reminded that there are still moments and memories to savor.

  3. Very powerful post! This is something God has been teaching me lately. My mind and eyes naturally veer toward noticing the negative, but the more I’ve intentionally made an effort to notice things through a positive lens, the more joy I’ve been experiencing day to day. Thanks for this wonderful reminder to stop and savor!

  4. What amazing words. My heart smiled as I read the things that you savor. How beautiful! What comes to mind is watching the leaves bloom on my 2nd attempt to grow peppers. God is working on this with along with the zinnias blooming in my favorite color purple. What a gift especially when I cried last year when they died. God showed me that the second time is a charm and I am thankful for that. So I can say that I savor the fact that God shows me that I am blessed with eyes and hands to see and touch the miracle of God’s beautiful creations.

  5. God has put so many beautiful and wonderful things around us to pause and savor, and it always does our heart good when we take the time to do so. I love to unwind and savor the sights on the walking trail behind our neighborhood and talk to God as if He was with me holding my hand along the way.

  6. Oh, girl, I can so relate to this post…Just tonight I watched a beautiful sunset and wondered why I don’t pause more often to see it. Thanks for the reminder to enjoy God’s good gifts!

  7. An awesome reminder…I have been working through Ann Voscamps teachings on this very thing….3 years ago, I lost my precious 30 yr old daughter….I have never known such pain….tho I lost my mom when she wad 58 and my only brother when he was 48, I did not think I would survive this….but the”giving thanks” for all the gifts we take for granted from our heavenly father turns our focus on him….was moving forward and then in April of this year we lost our precious granddaughter at age 3….her mother had sacrificed her life to give her life and now she’s gone….I cannot begin to even say I understand….but I still trust Him….how can I not….he is the giver of my every breath….and, yes so many gifts….some days are harder than others, but I will continue to praise Him and so look forward to that day when we will all be reunited!

  8. Thank You for the reminder I’ve been praying to hear from God today as i was listening to a message i believe i hear from him and i was able to savor believing that my prayer is being answered also this message spoke to me as i believe God wants me to be greatful. Thank You for your words!!! Blessings!!!

  9. Thank you so very much for this. It is beautiful and inspiring. I am going to print it out and keep it with me as a reminder during this season of turbulence and tribulation I find myself in. Thank you again.

  10. Dear beautiful ladies, what a treasure it has been for me to hear how my humble words have touched each of you. We all have struggles. We all must face hardship (sometimes extreme, horrible hardship). And yet, through it all, our dear wonderful Savior is so good to fill our lives with sweet moments like these to savor! May we each be able to continuously tune our hearts to His perspective–that even in the midst of heartbreak, life is wonderfully good and amazingly precious.

  11. Alicia,

    Thank you for a great post@ Too often I find my self like you focusing on the negative and bad things in life! I need to refocus my lens to see the more positives in life like wonderful sunsets!! To aid my self in that direction I keep a thankful journal. Each day I write down a few items that I’m thankful for. It could be work week almost over, snuggling with hubby, sunsets, laundry done, etc. That way I make myself change the focus of my lens.

    This is the second post like this I have read today. I think God is trying to tell me something!!

    Blessings 🙂