About the Author

A three-time tongue cancer survivor and mama of children from “hard places," Michele Cushatt is a (reluctant) expert on pain, trauma and the deep human need for connection. Her most recent book, "Relentless: The Unshakeable Presence of a God Who Never Leaves", wrestles with the dogged presence and affection of...

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  1. This is absolutely precious & just what I needed this am. The disappointment of no gifts under the tree~ bows are going on a new washing machine & garbage disposal that had to be replaced recently plus no gathering family due to health & geographical issues I was feeling robbed of Christmas this year. Also it’s a normal work week for me & then Saturday & Sunday except no errands being run on Sat so when am I going to get it all done? But my best friend through you reminded me it’s not an off kilter normal week. The whole world is pausing to celebrate. May they each & every one know they are really celebrating the birthday of their best friend ever!

  2. What’s the lyrics to that old song- What a Friend We Have in Jesus? I never gave it much thought until now. Thanks for opening my eyes.

  3. Michele,

    Your words bring a touch a hurt and loads of joy. I’m autistic and have never, ever had a best human friend. Always wanted one, now in my 50’s still wishing. I’ve no story like yours, a best friend who knows me like that.

    Yet from my early teens you would hear me tell anyone that God is my best friend. His friendship is the one I’ve had all these years. He does confide in me. He is who i turn to when life is hard. I could go on and on.

    Thank you for sharing today. For reminding me there is no loss in not having a human best friend. That I can continue to rest in Gods plan for me to have Him as my life long best friend. Your words today have really touched me.

    • Olivia, I’m so sorry for the ongoing loss and longing for a human friend. And, at the same time, I celebrate with you the Friend of all friends, the one who will never disappoint or abandon, faithful to the end. Much love to you, sister.

  4. Michele, my sister passed away suddenly Monday at a Christmas party. She was a special angel that God entrusted to my family and finally me as her sister and guardian. She had faith that she lived everyday, sharing it with anyone and everyone she met. She was mentally challenged and was a Parkinson’s patient who suffered many healthy issues caused by a particular hospital’s improper care. But her faith kept her going in love and joy and she pushed through these struggles without complaint. Love of Jesus fueled her spirit and it overflowed to everyone she met. She is now in the presence of her best friend to celebrate Christmas with Jesus and her beloved family. Your story touched my heart mightily. Thank you for confirming what I already knew…that she is where she longed to be. Merry Christmas!