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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. In Courage,

    “God’s perspective will always trump our fears. His presence will always supersede our limitations.” Yes and amen!! Another quote I like is “God doesn’t call the qualified. He qualifies the called”. We must trust God completely when He asks us to do something. It is about faith, trust & obeying a loving, caring God!

    Blessings 🙂

  2. Amen! Give me eyes to see my situation from God’s vantage point! From his throne, he can see past present in future, which I can’t begin to understand and piece together. I trust him.

  3. I’m newly married at age fifty-something… And now my father-in-law has Alzheimer’s and lives with my husband and I. I know God brought my husband and I together. Nothing surprises God. But I feel like I’m failing. There’s more going on than I’m explaining. There always is more. Life is messy… But after you wash the dirt off your hands from weeding in the garden, you see buds and blossoms in the Sonshine!
    Please pray for me and my family. We miss Dad already. He longs to go home with God on days he remembers what he did. I’m trying to balance between dignity and safety, but I don’t have backup. I’m doing my homework on the situation and hopefully will get help, but for now I need courage and energy to do more than I’m doing now.
    Thank you for lifting me up to our loving Father!

    • Debbie, Sending Heartfelt Prayers your way…Trust in the Lord, “This is my command, be strong & courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged for the Lord your God is with you. Joshua 1:9 No matter how enormous the problem, when God is with us there’s nothing that we need to fear. With His strength, we’re also mighty. May you take one day at a time, Rest in His Word, and Trust Him. Praying you will get the help needed thru this difficult family situation. Congrats on your marriage! Two people are better than one…if one falls the other can reach out and help. Continue to Shine God’s Light in every task that you do and you will be BLESSED. Let your Light SHINE…Matthew 5:16. P.S. We will be praying for ya!