About the Author

Now graduated from her role as a homeschooling mom of 8, Dawn Camp devotes her time and love of stories to writing her first novel. She enjoys movie nights, cups of Earl Grey, and cheering on the Braves. She and her husband navigate an ever-emptying nest in the Atlanta suburbs.

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  1. Well said, Dawn. Although our family tree DOES count, the “tree of Calvary” trumps everything:)

  2. Dawn – I so enjoy your insights and writing. And I have considered for years doing DNA testing…I love that you have peace knowing you don’t have the gene for colon cancer. Peace of mind is priceless!

  3. Great post, Dawn…I could definitely go down the rabbit hole of the family tree! But God!
    Thank you for your comment about cilantro…I can’t stand it, and haven’t been able to articulate why… but you are absolutely correct… it’s smells like STINKBUGS! Ughh!

  4. Hey, Sisters! (Because of Christ! 😉 )
    In the light of Eternity all our DNA’s pale.
    Some relief to my sis-in-love. She used three different DNA test companies, which gave her three very different results. I told her we still love her even if now she has a ‘split’ family. 😉 )
    (Where’s my DNA dartboard???!)

    The whole Earl Grey tea…yes, we absolutely MUST be related, Dawn!

  5. Dawn,

    For me I have no interest looking into my ancestry. I know a little already & that is enough for me. Maybe some day when I have time I will delve into it more. Right now I’m content to be related to every single Christian. We are brothers & sisters in Christ.

    P.S. Love Earl Grey & other teas too!!

    Blessings 🙂