About the Author

At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. “God’s here always, no matter what.” What a comfort this truth holds! Blessings (((0)))

  2. How does anyone make it through any day, without God being there for them through the good, the bad and the ugly. Praise God, for His love and His unchangeable faithfulness and promises! Blessings to all at incourage and to all the readers who visit today!

  3. Wish to thank Ruth, Amada, & Kathy & for their Beautiful sharing TODAY !

    Yes GOD is always with us. Amen And Another thank you these 3 for their beautiful
    life-giving sharing TODAY !

    Thank you from Canada !

  4. Mary,

    God said we would have troubles & trials down here. But we can take heart because Jesus overcame this world. He loves us soo much to leave us in our dark valleys. We must remember God is with us always in lowly canyons & on the mountain top. Remind yourself of the greatness of God bringing you out of valleys & you will see His faithfulness always.

    Blessings 🙂