Annie F. Downs
About the Author

Annie F. Downs is a bestselling author and nationally known speaker based in Nashville, Tennessee. Her most recent books include 100 Days to Brave, Looking for Lovely and Let’s All Be Brave. Read more at and follow her at @anniefdowns.

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& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. I love the beginning. It makes me long to hear more. I was also that teenager and I’m still that 50 year old. This is an area that really needs exploration and I look forward to following your post.

  2. Hmmm… sounds like a book I wish I could have read as a teenager. Seems like a book I need to read and maybe pass on to my tweenager. Thanks for sharing about your book. Now I know I need to get it!

  3. I look forward to getting ahold of this devotional! I lived in that prison too…loathing the girl I saw in the mirror for 20+ years. Treating my body in repulsive ways in an attempt to beat it into submission. Believing the lie that the flesh-image in the mirror was my identity.

    Years of prayer & counseling & the lovingkindness of Jesus’ mercy bought me freedom. Still, the enemy tries to woo me back to that seductive false identity. Ever fighting. Ever trusting in my Rescuer.

    Thanks for your vulnerability and courage!

  4. Hi Annie! I look forward to hearing more of your journey! I have been that girl and sometimes I am still that girl. Other days I see myself through the eyes of God. It is a daily struggle! Thank you for being real and vulnerable and writing a book that others can see they are not alone.

  5. Annie, I could use your book, even as a 31-year-old mom! I’ve been on a journey of healing through an invitation God has given me to explore the craving for writing that He placed in me oh so long ago. I’m *seeing* more about His Grace and Love for me and learning how to live more freely-me, and I think there are some big messages He wants to speak – truth that isn’t new – to many others through words He wants me to share specifically. You took a risk and exercised courage, and He’s blessed YOU – not just others, but YOU! It’s amazing to *see* how when we say “yes!” (even timidly), He does the rest…He loves on us through our fears, and He moves in the most amazing ways. Your book inspires me and I’m thrilled to see how He truly makes “beauty from ashes” – truly!

    Rich blessings…

  6. Nice to meet you Annie…. loved the intro and can’t wait to read your interview! You have a wonderful sense of humor that shines through your writing. Thanks for not only sharing your story, but writing a book that will help other girls understand that they are not alone. I have a granddaughter that I know would really love your book…. can’t wait to share it with her.

    God’s Peace…

    • Thank you, Donna! My dad will be so glad to hear that you think my writing is funny- I inherited his sense of humor for sure. πŸ™‚

  7. Oh Annie, I love this book so much.
    You are spot on throughout it all and I love the constant use of scripture. It’s so solid.
    I know my value is in Christ Jesus alone, but sometimes, it’s great to be reminded of that. I ordered one of the last Christmas packages, and loved that you took the time to write a hand-written note to all of us, and of course all of the little goodies. You my friend, are a blessing.

  8. Luuurrrrvvvve you. Curtsy back. Can’t wait to lead this with a small group of our teens at church. Not that I have it planned, but just by writing this I’m making myself do it.
    There. Done.
    Can’t wait! Will you curtsy down to Huntsvegas for a session, perhaps? xoxo