Sarah Markley
About the Author

I'm the mother of two little girls, the wife of an amazing husband who'd rather play the guitar than anything else and I love to write. I spend my weekends watching my daughters ride horses and play soccer. I blog daily and my greatest wish is to see women healed...

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  1. WOW – WOW! This is good stuff, how true! It’s amazing to see our relationship with our Father best through our relationship with our children!
    I can so relate to getting ahead of Him – and expecting Him to keep up with ME – how prideful! Even if it’s serving Him – I do not tend to wait for direction before I start going my own way first. And always I have to back up and wait to be lead.
    GREAT POST – thanks for sharing something all women can relate to!!

  2. Yes…in this fast paced world, it is easy to just keep walking trying to get it all done and then feel that all aloneness because we’ve walked too far away…not stopped to talk and be with the Father. That’s when I know, I NEED to pare my schedule…finding that alone time again because that is when I begin to flourish and feel connected again…connected to the spirit that feeds my soul. Thanks for the beautiful example…another modern day parable…tears were stinging my nose by the end…it touched my heart.

  3. Ughh! That feeling of being lost or to have lost is so present in your story.
    In college I lived in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, I loved how you could never really get lost. You just had to look up, see the mountains, acclimate to your direction and where you are heading, and ta-da you are found.
    I would love to have the strength of faith to truly let God direct me. When I’m feeling lost, to look to him and feel peace about where I am heading.
    Great post. Sarah, you have a beautiful heart. A beautiful heart.

  4. Oh goodness… we lost out little one at the mall in a similar situation and seeing you put my feelings into words made me cry. However, I never thought about it as in a me/Christ way. Beautiful! thanks for the reminder of who we are suppose to be watching, and walking with!

  5. Sarah, what an excellent question you raised here for me. How often do I find myself lost b/c I kept on the same path without looking around to make sure that it was where I wanted to be? Thank you for reminding us that our Father loves us & is looking for us, just as the parent of a young child does.

  6. Wonderful post, Sarah. I had something similiar happen to my daughter in Disneyworld when she was about 4. Terrifying moments – so I can relate.

  7. Thank you for the encouragement and for writing from your heart! Love that picture of Father as our “Rescue” – it’s so true. And to think that He LOVES rescuing us – how powerful a Truth.

  8. wow, sarah. i get lost by walking forward all the time. as if with blinders on my eyes, i just keep moving along. thank you for the reminder that i need to keep my eyes and my heart fixed on Him.

  9. Same here… Most days lately I feel very lost in every aspect of life because I am always looking forward. Maybe I just need to see a path where life is headed before I feel ok with today…=)
    Thanks for the reminders….

  10. Oh my gosh! My heart sunk when I read this article. A mother’s worst fear! You did such a wonderful job of reminding me of paying attention to where I am going in this life and not just moving forward. I really needed that today! God bless you! And I am SO glad that you found your beautiful daughter!!!

  11. Wow Sarah.. Amazingly beautifully written. The thought of Jesus running towards me takes my breath away and makes my eyes water.
    My in real life friend, Sarah, shared this song with me… It is “When God Ran” by Phillips, Craig and Dean. Check it out.

  12. I don’t think I have ever once read something you have written without finding myself in it. Without sitting for a moment and letting your words sink in. This one was no different. Thanks for showing your perspective, friend.