Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

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  1. Just one place?!?!?! Oh my. Ummmmm . . . Indonesia. I have good friends who live in Indonesia, cousins I haven’t seen in a long time who live there . . . and wouldn’t it be lovely to wrangle out a few days of solitude on a beach in—–oh, how about Bali?!
    Great post! I’m glad to be in the in between places with you.

  2. I won’t ever travel beyond my four walls for the rest of my life. And I honestly can say I’ve kerned to be content with that because of Christ. I trust Him, and if this is where He’s allowing my life to be limited, then I’m content in the knowledge He can use me from here.

  3. A place where I would like to go? Visit ma hosts in Alabama with my german family oneday.
    Thats a great text, even for me being rooted pretty strongly, there is always some in.between.

  4. what I’ve learned about contentment is this: it doesn’t mean the death of desire. I can be content, and I can still long…and it’s in holding the two where I find myself clinging to my Savior.

  5. Lisa-Jo…Oh,girl. Once again you do not disappoint! You just described the feelings of many a military spouse! God has taught this Air Force wife so much about contentment and how to bloom where planted! Even if before a move I never believe it will happen, our faithful God has always brought us to a new place where we are better off than before.
    One place I’d visit…ummm…I think Saltzburg, Austria. I want to visit where The Sound of Music was made and sing, “I Am Sixteen Going on Seventeen” in the gazebo (even if I am closer to “I am Thirty-Six Going on Thirty-Seven!”)
    Love you, girl!

  6. I’d love to live quietly inside my little picket fence too…but have a feeling God is up to something bigger than we even know.
    I really have no clue where I’d like to go visit. Never been traveling much..even inside the states. Maybe France, Italy???
    If God ordains it, I trust I will be willing to say Yes, Lord.

  7. For those of us who God takes to different places and asks us to call each place ‘home’ He also asks us to learn more of true contentment in Him. This is a journey the path of learning contentment. May He continue to draw your soul into rest with Him where true contentment is. I love your writing Lisa-Jo. We globe trotters just understand the topic on which you write today. I’d love to return to Australia to see my family of dear friends there. Just returned home to Scotland after a nice visit seeing my family and friend in the USA.
    Blessings to you dear lady!

  8. Great post! Good reminder to me to seek my contentment in Christ! We are living the in-between in the UK and I would love to be back home in NC, but am trying to see what God has for me here! I would love to go anywhere warm and sunny! Thanks for your encouraging words!

  9. This post is my life at the moment. Newly married. American. Living in South Africa with my Afrikaans husband. Missing Home. Missing friends. Building new relationships. New church. Miss my old church.Excited for our adventures here. Longing for my old adventures in Europe.
    I would love to read that book!!! Hope I win 🙂
    I love being able to relate to you Gyspy Mama!!:)hehe

  10. Sounds like a fantastic read; these are the kind of heroes to have.
    I don’t have anywhere I’d love to visit; I don’t really have a travel bug, though my husband does. We’ve been to France, Italy and next week, Congo Africa. It is exciting, and I am thankful, but if it was just me – I’d stay home.

  11. I went to Linda’s site and got caught up reading her posts, so no doubt the book is fabulous.
    What an inspiring woman!
    This was great writing , again, Lisa-Jo, and sometimes yes, one can feel like a bit of a gypsy living in one place all the while. We can feel too in between.
    I ‘d say right now I’m due for a trip out west to Vancouver as I miss my nephew ( and brother/best friend, and sister-in-law) something fierce and physical.

  12. Well God is placing Africa on my heart as well. In less than a week I’m headed to C.A.R. (Central African Republic) with Wycliffe Bible Translators on a short term 2.5 week trip. But my hubby and I feel called to work with missionary kids on the continent of Africa. And knowing the Lord, that might just happen. 🙂
    And I Love this giveaway – I’m reading as much Africa missions material as I can get my hands on.

  13. i was ‘in-btween’ physically for years, moving every 1-3 years as my husband and i finished school, he was in the army, we land here for his first job. i didn’t own curtains until i was 38; i had already left home when MY mom was 38. now, it’s the mental in-bwtween. living thru all the changes a family brings… growing, aging, different needs. it is only these last 2 years that i decided… this IS life. always changing. blink, and you’re 45. blink again, and they are all moved out. sigh. perfect post.
    i have always dreamed of africa… for a photo safari, or to the coastal regions, sayshell islands. makes my heart flutter!

  14. So appropriate to my life this morning, thank you! I’ve moved five times in five years and will be moving again in another month. God has been speaking to my heart this week that the white picket fence we think is normal is far less common than we tell ourselves. We’re not missing anything if we’re where He wants us, even if we aren’t there long. Precious reminders to cling to when the daily details of being in-between seem overwhelming… The top of my travel wish list right now is Ireland!

  15. I’ve lived in the bliss of the “in-between” for my whole marriage, which has only been 4 years. However since our marriage began we’ve lived in Alaska then moved to Florida for Bible school and had three babies. I’ve dreamed that my construction husband build my house instead of every other lady’s house but alas we are still in a rental called home. My husband will be graduating this year and now that dreaded “in-between ” of the unknown is ever looming in my face. I’m packing up everything, however I’m not certain where the Lord is leading. Alaska? Idaho? Somewhere unthought of, overlooked? Whatever He decides I know I’ll find contentment because God’s perfect will is the perfect place to be.
    Where is the perfect place to go? I’ve pondered this question often. We have missionary friends in Malawi, Africa and Papua, New Guinea. I often think and pray for those wives with small children. How selflessly they gave up family, comfort, and everything they know to spread the Gospel of Christ. However that doesn’t mean that they aren’t human and don’t still get lonely and down. I’d love the opportunity to visit and encourage these missionaries. However all the dreaming and wishing avails little, for the perfect place to be is where the Lord would have me go.

  16. Oh Lisa-Jo
    You’ve done it again, burrowed right down into the shared space we’re all living through in our different lives. I’m always amazed at how much your blog talks to my life, even though your insights are occassioned by the kid-mess and anniversaryness that I’m so far from right now. All I can say is, I love being a woman with women like you around, and how bloody marvellous that we get to share our fabulous family! So thank you again for the blog, and especially for today’s, which is relevant beyond imagining 🙂
    My travel destination: Brazil – one reason? There are hundreds, but among the top is my desire to get an upclose look at the faith-based responses to the development needs and urban poverty as they’re happening in another 3rd world setting.
    Much love cuz 🙂

  17. Hi again…..I posted above and I think I may have given you the wrong email address….see I’m just pulled in too many directions! 🙂 ah… such is life. Anyways I’m Desiree Cook. I will retype my correct address. Thank you.

  18. Wow, I needed to be reminded of this today. There are so many places I’d love to travel – mainland Europe with my mom so we could explore it together, Spain with my husband to show him where I lived and learned, Yucatan Mexico with my hubby and kids to show them where I fell in love with a beautiful people!

  19. I have always wanted to visit Africa, and in my dream vacation, I’d take my whole family with me. I’d also like to take my family to the Philippines to revisit the places my son grew up.

  20. I would love to go to Africa. I have longed to see beauty and struggle in tandem, to see life at its very basic elements. Grandma’s Letter’s from Africa may take me there.

  21. I would love to go to Ireland. It’s a place my husband and I both want to go, and I would love to just wander around and enjoy the beauty of it!

  22. I want to go to Ethiopia and waiting until the kids are on their own is a very real possibility. Linda Thomas’s book is just what I need!

  23. very well said…it’s so easy to forget that contentment is a state-of-mind not a certain place or set of things
    I would love to go to either Africa or Australia…or maybe take my husband back to Switzerland where I spent a year after high school

  24. I live in the in-between right now, and I am content with it. The Lord has been so gracious to me, and filled my life with so many good things. I would love one day to take my husband and son back to West Africa, which is where I grew up.

  25. What a great post! I am not picky about where I go…I just love to go! Probably, though, I would love to go to Africa…followed by anywhere in Europe. 🙂

  26. Scotland – my grandmother’s family is from there, and my husband has always wanted to visit.

  27. i’m not much of a traveler, i prefer to be at home, but my husband and i were able to go to the philippines in 2004 and we would love to go back again someday!

  28. Yes, sometimes i feel just the same. Waiting, hoping, praying for the future – not understanding that ‘today’ is the day the Lord has made, today is ‘the day’ the Lord wants me to rejoyce in – rejoycing in His Presence!

  29. The one place I would like to visit would be Indonesia – in 1985 I worked at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville TX for the Indonesian government. Many of the students became a part of our lives – my husband,daughter and myself. I would love the opportunity to go and visit the many islands and refresh friendships with our Indonesian friends – some who came to know the Lord as their Savior while here.
    Patricia Grable

  30. I feel a tug to go back to Ireland, but not for leisure as I did last time, but to really get to know the people in my ancestral home and share the love of Jesus with them in anyway possible.

  31. Beautiful post LisaJo.
    Not that that’s unusual. 😉
    Um, how about Brazil. Both the fun parts and the sad parts. The excess and the squalor.

  32. I definitely needed to read this. I struggle with being content. Thanks for sharing!
    I would love to visit Ireland and Italy. My husband’s family is Irish and my Grandma’s father came from Italy.
    I am fearful of flying overseas though. 🙂

  33. I wish I could be in Florida visiting my mom, my brother, and my two little sisters. I love being married and living in Pennsylvania with my husband, but boy, do I miss my family!
    The in-between…

  34. Though I’ve been there many times, my heart often longs for the sandy, rocky shores of Prince Edward Island. It’s my heart-home. Thanks for the encouragement – it’s a lesson I’m currently working on…

  35. I’ve always dreamed of visiting the Holy Land…I love history and such!

  36. Far from glamorous and exciting, but I’d love to go to old San Juan, PR. My mom and brother lived there for several years before my she ever dreamed of having me. I grew up hearing stories of her life there and she and I always planned one day going there together. Unfortunately I will never be able to experience that with her, but I’d still like to go there one day.
    On a different note, I’ve been blessed to have been in Africa for nearly 5 months many years ago working for Youth For Christ. One thing someone told me before I left was, “Once Africa gets in your blood, it never leaves you.” And though I’ve been to MANY countries on many different continents over the years, Africa will always and forever have a truely special place in my heart. No place will ever take it’s place.

  37. My Grandma’s house. See, I’ve been in Eastern Europe for nearly four years, but now am in the States for a very short furlough. Unfortunately, it looks like I might not make it to Grandma’s house. I’m more than a little bummed about that.
    I know what you mean about discontent. When I was on the field, I wanted a little less boredom and a little more activity. Now that I’m on this whirlwind of a furlough, I want a little less activity and a little more boredom. Humans and fickle creatures!

  38. Africa is one place I always wanted to see. The book would be great to see how it appears to the author. Right now, also to China to see my son who is there… and all the sites and the new believers he has known. otherwise… here we are and unsettled is the way it is, longing for “home” which is probably good… in the long run, as it keeps my eyes set on Jesus and leaning on him.. not content to just be here in a house with a picket fence, although. that would sure be nice!! Can I plant a garden and have lots of flowers!??

  39. If I could go anywhere, I think I’d visit New Zealand. I’ve been interested in it ever since a friend had a 6-week mission trip there.

  40. I’d love to go to Cuba. It’s where my parents are from and they have been living in exile since 1961 in the US and have yet to go back to their mother land.

  41. Oh my… just one?? I would have to flip a coin between Ireland and Israel, the homelands of my two heritages, genetic and spiritual.

  42. I too am retirement age and struggle with being satisfied with my life but at this most insecure time due to many layoffs and husband working a thousand miles away for over a year, thoughts of longevity haunt me. Staying involved with church here is not enough anymore. Ability to put on a strong front is waning. After 42 years of marriage, I too want a home again but don’t see that ever happening. No retirement means working till you die. Constant prayer for good health is a must. Having been in China on 2 occasions with husband’s job, I look forward to a time when we could go back and work with the sweet people there that we love. There is such a misconception about them. Going to church was a challenge but not impossible.

  43. This post made me cry. It reaches right into the heart of my life. We have moved over 20 times in the last 28 years of our marriage – for many different reasons. Sometimes for jobs, sometimes the ‘grass is greener’, and even to escape past failures. Seems I have fought the fight with discontentment for a long time.
    I finally said, ‘God, I just want my DH to have a regular job, regular paycheck, and stability.’ Well, we got that, finally, but it came with a price – 9 hours from our nearest family member, and not in the state I had wanted.
    Now after 5 years here, we are looking to move just once more, back closer to family. But it will require sacrifice in the job area. Seems never the two shall meet.
    I too, am learning, walking it out, one foot in front of the other. Many times I get discouraged and forget what I’ve learned. My motto has always been ‘bloom where you are planted.’ Boy, can that be HARD!
    But in this process, it has always driven me closer to God. It never lets me forget, as you said, where our true contentment lies. And I am learning to count my blessings along the way.
    We are all on a journey. For some, it’s right in the same town we’ve always lived in. For others, it’s learned in many different places. But it’s all adding up to one thing. Developing a personal relationship with Christ, if we let it. And if I’ve learned one thing over the years, it’s to never say never!

  44. I’d love to go to the Galapagos Islands and see God’s creatures in their undisturbed state, followed by Costa Rica, where Rain Forests (my favorite!)and birds abound, singing sweet songs to their Creator throughout the day!

  45. Sure there are exotic places I would love to visit… but as an Army wife, I’m always in between. This life has taken me away from my home state of Michigan and away from my dad. He has been having serious health problems and today I long to be there to make sure he gets the care he needs. I thank God He is there, always in my place, always stronger than I ever could be.

  46. Thanks for this post. A great reminder. I would like to visit Eastern Europe. My husband and I often talk about where God would have us serve after retirement (15 yrs from now) and Europe always comes up.

  47. My husband has been to Africa twice. He really wants to take me back there and I’m scared. For many reasons. Mainly because I don’t feel safe to go – I’m still raising children! I think he’d move there if he could & I’m more of a “creature of comfort” kind of person. I do want to be involved in missions though….I just think this book might be good for me to see how one woman handled it.
    One place I really wish I could visit? Australia. Even though it has crocodiles.

  48. 2 places:
    The first would be Italy, to stay a month or so, to soak in the culture, take a cooking class and paint.
    The second would be Haiti or the Dominican Republic, to provide health care (I’m a nurse) to children and their moms who are malnourished and sick.

  49. As an American Expat living in Hong Kong with my husband and five children your post resonated with me. I am longing to visit New Day Foster Home outside of Beijing, China. Linda Thomas’ book sounds like the perfect read for me in this season of my life!
    Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,

  50. I have been dying to go to Italy. And as I wait longer to get there, so many other places peak my interest – Turkey, China, Japan. Thailand. GREECE! My wandering heart has been kept close to home. Maybe someday…
    Thanks for encouraging us in the “in between”.

  51. I just finished reading Eat, Pray, Love-so I would say that I’d love to visit Italy, India, & Indonesia-but in my heart, of all places, I hope to make it to all the places where Jesus was born, preached, and was crucified. I could just imagine it would bring me to tears to be in the same place. It would be amazing! I am not that familiar with the Middle East, but, sadly it seems such a dangerous place right now. I hope to win! I love to travel & have travelled to many places in the US. I recently married and my husband suffers from panic attacks & does not travel at all =( So I hope & pray that he will be able to someday take a faithful trip with me!

  52. Oh, there are all sorts of places in the U.S. and Europe that I would like to visit, but after reading about the World Vision bloggers’ trip to the Dominican Republic last week, my current longing is to visit my sponsor children – one in Lebanon and the other in the D.R. of Congo.

  53. Well as a transplanted Aussie, on the east coast of Canada (right now, anyway!). I’ve been thinking about Ireland and county Mayo. Wouldn’t it be great to let my husband be in the place of some of my celtic ancestors. (Maybe my passions won’t seem so ‘weird’ anymore!). I am loving (in)courage! and yeah, what is God up to with us girls all over the world, being passionate about Him and sticking out like sore thumbs (actually, I have a sore index finger, but that is besides the point)…mmmm

  54. I’d like to visit the Far East. I’ve travelled in Europe and the US, but just want to see the other side of the world.

  55. the only place I wish to go right now is that place where our family is debt free. Living between financial safety and financial ruin is a stressful place. Geography-wise, Italy is #1 on my list.

  56. Wow..I can’t even begin to tell you how much this post touched me. I’m a new blog reader and this really hit me today.
    For the past several months I’ve been struggling with just this…the in between. I’m in between my old single, non-Christ following life and my new, Christ loving, engaged and moving to the other side of the country life. Not only am I a baby Christian and still learning about God’s love and grace but I’m in a temporary living situation until my wedding next year. I struggle with the in-between every single day and here lately it feels like its swallowing me alive.
    Anyway I’m rambling now. Just wanted to say thanks for the honesty and for posting this.
    As for the book…if I could visit anywhere. I’d have to say home. I just want to be be “home”.

  57. Because we are also “between” people I would visit my family in the US. It gets harder as the kids get older and return for college-not comfortable, but yes content.

  58. I spent four years of my childhood in Brazil. I would love to go back, to see me wonderful friends there, introduce my husband and children, and eat the marvelous food again. ; )

  59. I’ve lived in Africa, thanks to a God who wanted to stretch me! But I’d love to visit East Africa, see some of the wildlife that is visible in Kenya, etc. Because I’m a kindred spirit, I’m enjoying Linda Thomas’ blog. I just “found” yours this morning through her. I’m pretty sure I’m going to enjoy it as well.

  60. Hi, Lisa-Jo. Like you, I must keep learning contentment one step at a time. God’s patient grace is such a gift! (In a couple of days I’ll post a blog about contentment.)
    I like the way you said we’re all in this together. It’s a real comfort to have friends like you to take those steps with.
    You are delightful. Thanks for your encouragement.

  61. thanks for the reminder…whether it’s the country, career, or dreams, my contetnment should always rest in God…..
    would love to tread that book!

  62. Sometimes I forget about (In)Courage. When I remember to visit, the day’s post usually speaks RIGHT TO ME! Today was no exception! In fact, this post really “hits home” for me. I have been living in the in between for 2 years now – and have AT LEAST 2 more to go. Just months after we were married, we moved to the UK (from Florida) for my husband’s job. AND in the 2 years we’ve lived here, we’ve lived in 3 different places and will be moving in again in a couple of months! Anyway, I loved your post – and the reminder that even in the midst of insecurity and the in between, as long as I’m in Christ, everything will be ok!
    I’d love to go to Africa one day! Specifically, I’d like to go to Rwanda and Uganda. Our church works very closely with a hospital and orphans in Kisiizi (which is why I’d like to go to Uganda one day) and ever since the genocide, my heart has been broken for Rwanda.

  63. I just wish to live in peace wherever the Lord calls me. I would love to visit many places that to chose one is impossible. The White picket fence and land behind is also a dream. Along with a kitchen table surrounded by friends sharing coffee and fellowship xx

  64. I know I have a call in my heart to go to Africa one day. I know the time is not right now but it will be here soon… in God’s perfect timing. I would love to read this book in the meanwhile to water the seed within me.

  65. I would like to visit New Zealand to see a place that’s so green and full of natural wonders – and to visit my friend’s daughter who works in a church there. Thanks for sharing this book. We were in Africa just last year so I’m very interested in reading her letters.

  66. I would love to visit Germany. Some of my ancestors are from there, and I think it’s important to know where you came from.

  67. Simply Massachusetts, which sounds kind of boring, I know, but my sister is there…and my nephew. My heart is always in two places. In between, I guess.
    Lovely words, Lisa-Jo. This one hit home for me because I often feel a sense of restlessness, a yearning, a discontent. Perhaps I am not putting my life in Christ as I should?

  68. I so needed to hear that today!!! I’m in such an in-between place right now… I know that the Lord is with me all the way. Thanks for the (in)couragement!!
    If I could go anywhere I think I would pick somewhere in the South Pacific… it is so BEAUTIFUL there. I would love to visit little islands and meet the people that live there, and expereince they way they live life.

  69. One place I would like to visit is….Arizona. I ahve a friend there that I would LOVE to visit!!! And my hubby woukd love to go to Yellowstone, Grand Tetons etc. It would be a long trip:):) Pinky

  70. Uganda, Africa where my husband and oldest daughter are now, also where 2 sponsored children and 2 missionary dear friend families are.

  71. i lived “in between” for most of my childhood and look forward to the “white picket fence days.” but i have a feeling that it’s not gonna work that way…God has already put Haiti and Guatemala on my heart because that’s where my nieces are from. last kid’ll be outta the house in a few years and i see myself doin some traveling!

  72. I’d love to revisit Kenya. It’s been 7 years since my last mission trip there…

  73. This is such a great post! I know God has been talking to me about these topics a lot as of late, but I am struggling to accept it. I keep searching for a better job or a better paying job or a job where I can have more creative things to do, etc. But I realize God keeps telling me there is a reason I am meant to be here where I am, but that isn’t much what I wanted to hear!
    I am struggling with accepting what He wants over what I want.
    It is my hope that I will be able to accept it and gracefully accept whatever it is God has instore for me at this point in my life.
    I could really use a vacation right now and I would LOVE to go to Ireland. Something about those emerald isles has been calling me for many years now. I think it would be an amazing experience.

  74. Off the top of my head? Ireland. But so many others are on my list: South America, Africa, pretty much anywhere in Europe, or I guess pretty much anywhere in the world! I am always amazed at how big our God is and how He is shaping millions of believers for when He calls us home. His believers are not just here in the “Christian” country of America, but scattered throughout the world. I look forward to that day when we all worship together; I think we will all be surprised.
    Thanks for the opportunity to receive this book, and thanks for your honest. I needed the reminder today of being content in Christ.

  75. Just one place!?!? You’re asking a lot! Can I just say I’d love to visit all the national parks in the U.S.? I’m a hiker, and I am in love with God’s beautiful world. I want to experience Him by experiencing what He made.
    I’m buying this book if I’m not the lucky winner! 🙂

  76. My first response would be the Bahamas. But after some thought, the place I would most like to visit would be the land of serenity. After moving 3 times in the last 3 1/2 years – the last 2 because my husband’s job tanked in the recession – I just want to live in a calm, peaceful environment.

  77. Loved this post. Hmmm…one place I’d like to go? I think any warm beach would suffice!!!

  78. There are many places I wish I could visit. But the in between in my life these days is right here. My three children are crammed into one bedroom and we don’t even have a yard for them to play in. My dream is to own a house with a yard in a small town. That is where I wish I could be. I am striving each day to find contentment in where I am even as my dream is calling so loudly!

  79. I would love to read that book. That is SO me right now – “in between”. I struggle w/ being content in Christ. Thanks for the encouragement!!
    I would love to visit the Holy Land – to walk where my Lord walked! =)

  80. Thank you for your post! It spoke to me deply, and I thank God for the purpose He has given you and your faithfulness to share with others. I also, sometimes, feel in between and crave for the past or for the dreams that are long forgotten and left behind. But I am constantly reminded that God is a Lord of bright futures and he has a purpose for me much bigger than the petty dreams and plans I have for myself. He is ever teaching me to be content with what I have becuase in Him, I have all, and the truth is, I wouldnt give up thw life I have, for I am truly so blessed!

  81. I would love to visit Italy to see from where my ancestors came, but really, I’m not picky–I’d love to go ANYWHERE w/the husband and no kids! (Okay, the kids can come, too) 😉
    “But, the reverse is just as true. In Christ, we can learn to be content with anything, anywhere, anytime.” So true. God is so amazing because this truth was hard for me to believe at times. However, when life took a turn for the worse, the peace and strength of God showed me how very true it is.

  82. New Zealand. My eye doctor described it as the place he’s been looking for his whole life. Ever since he told me that I’ve wanted to go.

  83. Wow…really would love to visit Africa in person. We have been supporting friends over there for years…looks like a great book and I am a Gramma too!

  84. I would love to visit the Netherland Antilles. While my husband was in language school learning Spanish, we crossed paths with an amazing couple who were studying the Bible in order to return to their country and begin a training institute there. I would love to witness their ministry first-hand.

  85. I would love to visit Africa, especially Uganda to see our dear friends who are from there. I’d also like to spend some time in Italy…and perhaps live in Mexico for a while…too hard to just chose one!

  86. I was so moved by this story…much needed encouragement/challenge for today.
    I would love to visit Africa, specifically Zimbabwe. My dear friend is a missionary there.

  87. Rwanda with my husband in June…but, not this time. Aren’t we meant to be aliens in this world, not quite here and yet we are. It’s hard not to be a bit restless…still trying to figure out the contentment thing. I so pray that I’m that grandmom some day!

  88. Lately I have had the urge to sell everything and move to the mountains of Colorado. I have never been there before. I am feeling like I need to live a totally self sufficient life away from the hussel and bussel of my everyday life. Then I feel the Lord prompting me to be content where he has placed me at this time in my life.

  89. I would like to go to Australia to visit friends. They have been here and their family has been here, but I want to go there!! I’m afraid if I went to Uganda I would come home with more children – we’ve already adopted a couple, and I need to know when to stop!!

  90. God is leading my husband and I to have a home of rest and refuge for missionaries on furlough and as of yet, we do not know where. But wherever it is that’s where I want to be!

  91. Strangely, I’ve wanted to go to Uganda. I feel strongly about going and helping.
    My husband isn’t so pulled in that direction.
    He’s always played it safe.
    I wonder if I’ll ever get the feeling to go away?
    I hope not…

  92. I would like to go to India to visit the AIDS orphans staying at the Home of Hope Orphanages through Chapel Missions India. I am only a CNA right now. My goal is to get my RN degree and be able to assist the children with their medical needs.

  93. Maybe Haiti…maybe just “over the river” and through the tunnels to visit my family…

  94. My husband is from Zimbabwe. In the 10 years we’ve been together, I have yet to visit his home country. I think he’s a bit afraid to go back because it’s no longer the country it used to be, very sadly. But I feel we owe it to our daughter to show her where her Daddy is from and how it helped to shape him to be the man he is today.

  95. Beautiful words. I struggle to be content where I am, but I truly hope that where I am right now is “in between”. This cannot be the end of my journey, so for now, I will accept the in between and walk towards a better place.
    I would to visit just about anywhere right now :), but Rome has always been at the top of my list of travel wishes.

  96. Great article. I think God created us to not be content with what we are doing. To encourage us to do MORE, but for Him instead of the world.

  97. when asked I always say Israel-to actually walk where Jesus walked would be the best blessing ever.

  98. Lisa-Jo, ever since I read, “Your people will be my people” your first post I ever read, I knew we would be sisters 🙂
    I live way down in Australia. My boyfriend lives all the way over there, in America. I’m preparing my heart for the possibility of saying goodbye to my home country. To fight homesickness. And re-think, re-learn familiar. You’ve been such a mentor so far 🙂
    If I could visit anywhere… it would be there. I would love to visit other states of Australia, New Zealand, travel Asia and Europe and Africa, experience the cultures and the food. I love to travel. But my heart is stolen away, by a certain man, in northern USA.

  99. If I could pick one place I would choose to visit my grandma’s house on Christmas eve right now. TO be in the place where love grows and laughter is heard all around. Since thats probably out of the question, I’ll choose Cape Town. I hate that its SO close but I still haven’t made it there yet! SOON!!

  100. I wish more than anything I could visit the land of married life.. with it’s ups and downs and good and bad.. I’ve dreamed of it as long as I can remember and while God has seen fit to bless me with not only my own children but others as well .. He has not blessed me with a home in married land.. 🙂 I feel like I will forever be in between here and there and I am praying so hard to be content where I am and although I catch moments of it; it seems almost as hard to grasp as a breath of fresh air. Thank you so much for sharing your heart and encouraging me along the way.

  101. Thailand. Because I was there, for what was supposed to have been a 3 week mission trip with 18 girls. I flew back home after 48 hours with another girl on the team. Long story. I’ve believed ever since that one day God would bring me back there to bring healing to a major disappointment.
    It will be awhile…but I’ll be ready when the time comes.

  102. A place to travel, just one place? I’ve been to Sedona, Arizona and truly felt at home in the hillsides. The clean air and the coldness before sunrise took my breath away. I didn’t visit with the intention to feel closer to God but closer to nature; the results though couldn’t have been predicted. I never felt so grounded, protected, nurtured, as I did up in the mountains. God was/is in every nook and cranny because he dwells in us. So, Sedona is my pick but any place He has for me too. Susan

  103. I would love to go to Fiji someday….a friend of mine went on a mission trip there…yeah…I couldn’t believe it either because I always thought it was a tropical paradise, which in a way it is given it’s beautiful beaches and coastline. She brought back a lot of information/pictures stating that despite the fact that it is a very poor country…and the people basically have very little….they are very joyous and hospitable. She describes open markets where local folks sell their handmade items and in every picture of the Fiji people…they are smiling! She has a picture of them dancing and praising God during a morning training session…maybe some of their attitude could rub off on me…ha.

  104. There are a few places I’d like to visit, but Africa is high on my list. David, my kids and myself have been there twice on missions and we are ready to go again. We went to South Africa, but this time we would love to go to Mali or Zambia..the people of Africa hold a special place in our hearts. Each time I hear about Africa, I have alonging in my heart to return.

  105. Great post. I can very much relate and am grateful for the encouraging words. One place? Italy. I think 🙂

  106. This may not seem very adventurous, but I’d like to visit Washington D.C. I want the love of my country to have something to fixate on.
    I would also like to visit Scotland!!!
    Would love to read that book. 🙂

  107. I understand you Lisa-Jo and am definitely with you in the in-between. Except I’m on the opposite side as you, you’re in my country and I’m in yours… I understand your longing and loneliness, and am also learning that Jesus is my contentment, rest and fulfillment. God is good!

  108. I would LOVE to be in Belize…no were else on earth have I felt closer to heaven.

  109. This sense of in-between is something I’ve felt for a long time. It took me years of feeling different from everyone else to realize that it’s ok, that different is how God calls us to be. But you’re so right about the other side of it – the learning to be content in Christ, no matter how different we feel.
    It’s hard to think of a place I wouldn’t like to go, but I think I can narrow it down to two: Papua New Guinea and London. Different, I know, but they are part of the same dream for me, because I have a sister in each place.

  110. I travel overseas for my job so i have had the opportunity to travel to Brazil, China, Spain, Turkey, UK, Finland, Ethiopia and UAE. But if I could choose one place to go, it would be Prague, Czech Republic, to embrace my ancestry and connect with a culture and people who so comfortably resemble the eyes, the face, the personality of my family; those still among us, and those who have since passed into the arms of Christ. Someday, my wish is to have enough money to take my mother and father to Prague for these reasons…..

  111. I wish I could go to Rwanda to see in action the wedding dress project I have had the pleasure of helping. My friend Cookie is going and taking our dresses next week, and I can’t wait to see her pictures. We’re sending dresses to help Rwandan women start a rental business in our sister parish. If not for a fear of flying and foreign food, I might consider one of our mission trips!

  112. AFRICA! Since I was four years old, I was SURE that paradise would be found in Africa. I imagined that if God couldn’t stop famine, he could at least let the starving children live in the most beautiful place on Earth.

  113. It really is hard to pick just one! Since high school I have had this intense longing to go to Africa. To love people there who may feel unlovable. To be Jesus in a land that needs Him and when they find him they worship Him with utmost excitement.
    Goosebumps just thinking about it…

  114. I have for as lonnnng as I can remember said I know I am supposed to go to Africa. I want to go to Africa and pour out love to the orphans. Someday I hope. Someday soon.

  115. I have been to South Africa one time — but didn’t make it to Cape Town. Recently, some friends came back from a round the world cruise and said of all the ports and destinations that they visited, Cape Town caught their hearts…… and it made me long to see it and also experience the magic they spoke about!