julie chen
About the Author

Julie Chen is the creative director of Life Verse Design. She desires to bring Scripture art into your home in a beautiful and unique way.

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  1. Absolutely beautful. Thank you for using the gifts that God gave you. So thankful that God has chosen to use his people in such an amazing way!

  2. Love these beautiful images of God’s Word Julie! And how neat, that He birthed a new dream while you were expecting your little one! He has a way of bringing us to His path doesn’t He?

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Julie, I have seen your stuff on the Day Spring website and was floored. When I opened my inbox and realized the beautiful, worshipful art I’d been admiring was yours, I had to take the opportunity to encourage you of your gift. Thank you so very much for stepping boldly, wholly into your gift from your own Artist-Maker. One day, when I have the pleasure and means to decorate my own home, I will, without hesitation, be filling it with your art. Thank you!

  4. Great testimony to what can happen when we let go, stop grating against the circumstances, offer our gifts, open our eyes, focus on the step shown, all the while taking care of the flock given to us…….LOVE this story. Thanks for telling it!

  5. How much I love words…and when you add that beautiful artwork/photography, it is so inspiring. It’s like the words have had life breathed into them! Love that! Very difficult to choose one piece of the wall art…I narrowed it to two…Rejoice over you (I just love how that sweet girl has her arms outstretched and head thrown back!) and Trust in the Lord (which is a life verse for me). Words and beauty together…it’s so much more than a simple 1 + 1 = 2. It’s more like 1 + 1 = 1,000,000…….
    Blessings : )

  6. I remember first seeing your work on Etsy! So exciting to hear that your work was picked up by DEMDACO. God is Good! It’s difficult to select only one favorite plaque because I appreciate each one. Jeremiah 29:11 is a favorite verse of mine so I’d probably start with that one. Blessings!

  7. I love the, “I Know The Plans” art because that IS my life scripture verse! It’s one I try to remind myself of constantly, as life throws things my way that I don’t know how to handle and as I hear God instructing on what He wants me to write as a writer. I have a hope and a future because of Christ!

  8. I LOVE the “New Creation” plaque as I love butterflys and it is an excellent reminder of being a new person in Christ Jesus!

  9. Julie is an amazing, talented artist and I am blessed by her inspiring art work! My favorite one would have to be “New Creation” with the lovely butterflys! 🙂

  10. I can’t decide between “Rejoice over You” and “I Know the Plans”….both Scriptures have special meaning (and reminders) for me, and I love the art in both!

  11. Thank you for sharing the story of how God called you as an artist to make beautiful pieces for His glory.

    I like your Fearfully and Wonderfully Made wall art.

  12. Wow! You’re work is amazing! My church actually just got done with a sermon series on the Fruits of the Spirits. After so many weeks, I couldn’t help but have them memorized. But my absolute favorite piece is “Hope in the Lord”. I recently went to Alaska and read that verse while sitting in the wilderness. That piece reminds me of it so much.

  13. How inspiring! I do my memory verses on a photo shop and print them out and tape them in my Bible and on the walls of my office…anywhere. I would love the chance to actually have a plague to hang.

  14. What a beautiful testimony of God’s work in your life!

    I love your Fearfully and Wonderfully made piece.

  15. I love the Fearfully & Wonderfully Made plaque! I’m expecting my second blessing any day now, and love the reminder that God is knitting him together in my womb, besides that the art is beautiful.

  16. I love the idea of taking the scriptures with the art work to place around your house. Not only does it beautify your home but it helps teach your soul and train your children by placing mini devotionals around everyday places making you stop and think on the Lord and his goodness. I think so often, we get so busy rushing here, rushing there, and if you’re a mom, espescially a new mom, sometimes, that little index card tucked away on your mirror or taped to the fridge is about the only thing you have time or the energy to glance at but yet those few seconds can give you minutes if not hours to ponder and meditate on that simple verse. Would have to say “Love the Lord your God” would be my favorite as this whole idea with the pictures and verses makes me think so clearly of “Write them on the doorframe of your houses and on your gates.”

  17. I love “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” – would be perfect in a baby’s room or make a perfect gift!

  18. I love the fruit of the spirit one also. I did that bible study too, and have not been the same since…trusting the Spirit to fill each and every day, each and every moment. It gives power & peace beyond understanding. Thank you!

  19. I love “Rejoice Over You.” That is the type of unabandoned worshipper I want to be. You can tell that the little girl depicted is so free in who God made her to be. Just beautiful!

  20. we never quite know what God has in store for us, do we?? I think, my favorite right now, is Rejoice Over You ~ I’ve been going through a long rough spot & that’s a truth I need to be reminded of. Plus – tomorrow is my b-day, so if I won, it’d be a nice present 🙂

  21. Oh how to select a favorite??? I love them all. I guess the fruit of the spirit one is really speaking to me today. I like thinking “against such things there is no law”!!! So grateful for the moments today looking over these beautiful works of art.

  22. Really nice work. I’ve been really returning to the fruit of the Spirit verse lately, over and over, so seeing that here is encouraging today. However, as a new mama, I’d have to say Julie’s Gift from Above piece is lovely. The photo choice is beautiful.

  23. I’d say the “Fruit of the Spirit” is for sure my favorite – soooo beautiful! I would love to have one of these hang in my home!!!

  24. “I Know the Plans” plaque – it fits in perfect for us. Life hasn’t ever been anything we expected with so many twists and turns, but I have always held on the fact that God is in control and everything is part of his plan!

  25. You’re art is fabulous! I love this type of stuff, to have scripture so beautifully displayed for all to see. The Irish Blessing is one of my favorite, so is the Serenity Prayer, they both have much meaning in my life so they both warm my heart.

  26. Oh I LOVE this beautiful artwork of Julie’s, and actually The Fruit of the Spirit is my favorite one. I finished reading through Galatians in my quiet time last week, and I love those scriptures.

    The Jesus Storybook Bible is precious and I love reading it to my 2 year old grandson, Zeke.
    Love this site,

  27. It is all beautiful work, but I especially love the “Love is Patient, Love is Kind” Wall Art. Me and my husband incorporated the 1 Corinthians verses through out our wedding ceremony almost 15 years ago. Those verses will forever be special to me.

  28. I love them all! Right now my favorite is the fruit of the spirit as I have been looking for something for my kitchen and this is perfect! Gods plan may often surprise us with both timing and blessings! God bless you as you continue with your gift!

  29. What a great story! I am in a transitional place in my life and I am interested to see how the little things in my life now could lead to something great in God’s plan! I love the “Fruit of the Spirit” plaque and the “Trust in the Lord” plaque!

  30. I love the Rejoice Over You plaque. I definitely need to put that on my wish list. What a wonderful reminder on a down day that would be. They are all beautiful though. I did that same Beth Moore study and love that piece as well. Glad has blessed you with wonderful talent!

  31. Your art is breathtaking.. your ability to bring the scriptures to life is A mazing! I really like both prints in the article.. they are both beautiful.


  32. This is so fun to see this artist and read about her. My four year has the Jesus Story Book Bible (which we love so much!) and the illustrations are beautiful! I would love this Fruit of the Spirit plaque. It’s really lovely!

  33. Hi there…these are just beautiful and I LOVE the fruit of the spirit design. I thought about stenciling that verse in my kitchen. You are using your gifts in an amazing way.

  34. What a simple and beautiful reminder of all that we have in JESUS and the comfort of the Holy Spirit!!!

    Blessings to you!! 🙂

  35. Wow these are beautiful!! My favorite is “Love the Lord your God”! This has always been one of my favorite scriptures!

  36. It is so hard to pick just one because they are all so wonderful. So what I did was went rational……………..I picked my favorite by seeing my life verse. I know the plans! Have a blessed day!

  37. I really love the “Rejoice Over You” plaque. I love that verse. I’m so thankful for the WORD! 🙂

  38. Thank you for sharing. I think it would be difficult to pick a favorite because each of your pieces are AMAZING! BEAUTIFUL!

  39. I am so glad you shared your thoughts and story with us as well as your Etsy shop. I love so many of your scriptured prints. I think my favorite is Grama (I am a grama to our 4 adorable fun grandchildren- 2 which I take care of full time, my 2nd fav is Daughter- our daughter in North Dakota (which is too far away) would be the receipient of this print, she has become my best friend and I can’t express how this feels- she respects me as her mom as well as having so much fun skyping everyday, journaling together and working on her items for her Esty shop. She is always wanting my opinion as she creates them. We had some challenging teenage years and I am so greatful how giving she is and how much she has grown into a beautiful, loving mom, wife, daughter and best friend.

    You have a beautiful spirit and it shows in your talented gifts.

  40. I did Beth’s Living Beyond Yourself and I loved it and nicknamed it “Get off yourself!” because I was caught in a season of depression and discovered it was somewhat rooted in a self centered phase of my life.

    Trust in the Lord and the Fruit of the Spirit are my favorites! Thank you for the giveaway!

  41. Julie, they are all lovely with the classic, comforting beauty of an old book or prayer-saturated chapel.

    “Rejoice over you” speaks to me most today. The posture of the girl pictured challenges me as an image of joyous abandon. That’s not where I am just now, but it’s where I’d like to be. Maybe God’s singing delight is the way from here to there.


  42. “Give us each day our daily bread….”

    A gentle reminder not only to ask God to supply our needs, but also to have faith that they will be provided.

  43. “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” is my favorite piece of Julie’s artwork. I have always loved that verse, and as someone with a degree in Biology I rejoice in the intricacy of God’s creation. My father-in-law was a biology professor and there is a portion of this verse engraved on his headstone. This passage of scripture has deep meaning to me. Thank you, Julie, for your beautiful work!!

  44. Who could choose? But, the Serenity Prayer for my dear family members who fight their daily battles with the help of our Savior and His gift of AA

  45. Julie,
    What an amazing story of how the Lord guides our lives and uses the talents He has given us in His way and His time. I love your Fruit of the Spirit plaque and see why it has caught the attention of a major distributor. It would be a blessing to have it in my home. May the Lord fill you with much joy and blessing through your special child.


  46. I love the Fruits of the Spirit piece. I have been looking for a way to display this in my home, as well. I want it to be a verse that my kids have engraved on their hearts!

  47. I love them all! If I had to choose I think I would get the Fruit of the Spirit plaque. I created lessons on all the Fruits of the Spirit for my kids and someday we are going to get through them all.

  48. Wow, Julie – amazing work. I love this one! I think my favorite is the fearfully and wonderfully made plaque.

  49. Beautiful, Julie. Thank you for sharing your story. I love the verses you choose and the way you put them together so we can have God’s Word in our hearts and homes.

  50. I’ve seen and admired your work, Julie…so beautiful. My favorite has to be Proverbs 3…”Trust in the Lord…”, as it is one of my life verses. =)

  51. I never realized that Julie is the one who designed The Jesus Storybook Bible. We have that book, and our kids LOVE it, and so do we! I also have shops on Etsy, and I had made her Etsy shop one of my favorites quite awhile ago. Of her pieces shown in the link, I really like the Love is Patient, Love is Kind one, or the New Creation one. Beautiful work!

  52. Her work is beautiful and all of the verses used are great. If I just *had* to pick favorites, I especially like the “Trust in the Lord” plaque… and the “Love the Lord Your God”… and “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made”… and “Love is Patient, Love is Kind”… and “Gift from Above” … does name “a favorite” always have to imply just one? 😉

    Thanks for the encouragement!

  53. I truly can’t pick between the roses one or the Zeph 3:17 one. I adore roses, but the scripture on the other is very dear to us as a family…

    I love the pears though 🙂 If I win, it’ll go on the sideboard in my dining room 🙂

  54. Julie has been an inspiration to me and her artwork has been a big part of healing over the past year. I have my bedroom walls lined with her prints, my favorite being the Jer. 29:11 piece. Thank you Julie.

  55. I loved them all….so it was a close several way tie. But if I must pick one I liked a little more than the rest it is the “Love is patient, love is kind” one.

    Enjoyed this story…gives me hope that God may use my talent for something for His glory!

  56. My favorite is “I Know the Plans”. Jeremiah 29:11 is one of my favorite bible verses and one of the first ones I memorized. A decade later I still find comfort in this verse while praying over big decisions.