Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Have a marvelous time together!! I love the Life Collection. The pieces are so bright and the words are so perfect for daily inspiration. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Sure that you’ll have a wonderful & encouraging time together. I L*O*V*E* the Lisa Leonard ‘By Grace Alone’ necklace. Those words could be the theme of my life! Without His grace I wouldn’t be who He has made me to be. Bless you HEAPS!

  3. Oh, how I wish I could be there with you! You are going to have such a great time!

    It’s really, really hard to choose just one favorite from the catalog but I think my favorite, favorite is the Be Still and Know mug.

  4. I hope all of you have a wonderful and blessed time.

    I love the filled with you love tote. 🙂 It is beautiful .

  5. I have a hard time choosing just one favorite item in the catty, but I really like the Blessings Wallography and all of Lisa Leonards jewelry. You are so close to where I live that I could almost come to meet you, but I don’t think that will happen this time. Maybe the next get together. Thanks for the chance to win.
    Cheryl Sims

  6. How fun! Travel safely, ladies! My favorite part of Dayspring’s line are your beautiful cards, but I also think the hanging wall tiles are great!

  7. I’d pick the Live by Faith mug…or maybe the Grow in Grace. Then again there is the card basket and the totes… Too many great items to just pick one! I’m bookmarking the catalog so I can come back and shop when I have more time!

  8. I love the Colors of Compassion cards. They not only remind me of my two beautiful compassion children, Marta and Anjeli, but I also just LOVE sending cards to friends!

  9. Oh, I adore the “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” wall plaque… so beautiful and inspiring. Have a wonderful time, girlies… I’ll be thinking of you all! 🙂

  10. I hope you have a refreshing time and enjoy the summer camp feeling! I love the life collection pieces. They are so colorful and joyful. I like the way the place settings stack together and make a beautiful display of abundant life. I also like the pitcher and the apron. It is hard to choose! Have a great conference full of Jesus’ abundant life!

  11. Wow! What a great job DaySpring did choosing the new items for the fall catalog! I love so many of them but if I had to narrow it down I would pick the Grace 5 tile set. I just love it! Now, I must go back and look at the catalog again! :>)

  12. OMGosh! I LOVE THE NEW CATALOG! All the familiar faces! How fun! 🙂 I will be at Relevant but on my wish list is: Filled With Your Love Compact Eco-friendly Bag, and Rustic Metal Collection Pressed Tin Cross. Thanks & can’t wait to meet you ALL!

  13. Oh my, so much great stuff!! I think my favorite would have to be the Wonderful Grace Serving Tray. How beautiful. Yall have fun at the conference!!

  14. Oh, how I wish I could be there with you! May you have a wonderful, blessed time! . . .
    Thank you for this opportunity of receiving an inspirational gift from the lovely Dayspring collection. I found a wall “plaque” which says to me what I always need to remember: “Abide in Him” (#75404). How I would love to have that reminder on my wall! . . .
    Please keep us all in your prayers while you are attending the Relevant conference. You are in my prayers. God bless.

  15. The catalog is just GORGEOUS! I love seeing all the (in)courage faces gracing the pages.

    I’m not sure I could ever choose a favorite, but Lisa Leonard’s {take hope to heart} necklace is high on the list, as well as the {God’s Heart for You} necklace.

    Have a lovely time at Relevant, ladies! Wish I could be there…

  16. I am a Lisa Leonard fan that doesn’t yet own any of her pieces. The Redeemed necklace is so gorgeous, I think by far it is my favorite.

  17. Wow! Hard choice! I’m feeling the need for a faith journal right now (along with a want for just about everything else in the catalog!). Have fun!

  18. Oh I love seeing all my friends in this special edition! That would be the biggest gift — meeting everyone. Praying for Relevant ’11!

    I love the Colors of Compassion Cards…we recently sponsored 2 children in Russia. What a blessing to share these cards with our children and others!

    Y’all have fun this weekend at Relevant. Thank you for blessing those of us who will be there only in spirit and prayer.

  19. I am so totally bummed that I missing Relevant10 but am going to move heaven and earth if needed to be there next year…heehee!

    Going through the catalog is just wrong, can I just say I’d like one of everything please? No really…love everything…but if I had to pick one thing right now, it would be the decorative plaques, I just love the inspirational art, the bold colors, the fun of them!

    Thanks a bunch, can’t wait to hear ALL ABOUT the conference!

    Bunches of Hugs,
    Melissa 🙂

  20. All of you have encouraged me one way or another throughout the years…..I pray you are blessed beyond what you can imagine! I LOVE everything in that catalog, but if I have to pick one thing, I guess it would be the hanging tiles. They are beautiful!! Everything in there is beautiful though!! Thank you for this oppurtunity!
    With thankfulness and His love,

  21. Thank you for thinking of those who can’t go! I love the heart & globe canvas print! I just moved into a new house and it could use some color on the walls!

  22. I recognize a lot of those products from your Blessings Unlimited daughter company! Whoo hoo So many awesome things! But I gotta say this time my favorite has to be the cards, it would have been my grandma’s birthday month and she was a prolific card giver… I miss that. So definitely the cards, maybe I’ll be a little more like her and bless somebodys mailbox!

  23. I wish I could be there to learn about blogging and especially to meet Holley. I’ve been reading her blog and she is just a precious, loving person. I’ve never read a blog with more warmth.

    My favorite is the “by grace alone” bracelet. I need a silver bracelet. Silver is all I wear. But mostly I am so touched by a song we sing in Singles Group called “By Grace Alone.” I cry often when I hear it. It’s a reminder that I really do things sometimes that touch people but it’s only by His grace. It’s not my ability.

    Well you all have a great time! Enjoy the conference!

  24. AAAHH!!! I Love ALL the pottery on page 29. Anns photos of these items around her table are wonderful.. To have such meaning ful words are your table at every meal…

    I pray all the ladies that attend will be refreshed and touched my the Lord. Enjoy each others company and share what the Lord is doing for each of you. Then come back and share!!!


  25. by grace necklace or mmmm so many to choose from.
    Crossing my fingers and hoping to win. Love your site 🙂

  26. I’ve just received that catalogue in the mail this week and loved reading all of the blog posts! So many women speak to my heart!
    I Love the evergrateful collection, I have started each day at dinner reflecting on what we are grateful for with our children… it really adds alot to our dinner conversation and already the children look forward to it each evening.
    I hope you all have an amazing time!!

  27. I can hardly pick–it’s a beautiful catalog. I love the Be Still Mug–beautiful. The bangle bracelets are awesome as well. I could go on and on…

    Have a great time at Relevant. Wish I could be there!

  28. I pray you ladies have an awesome time at the conference. The catalog is gorgeous. I loved the Tree of Life Set. What a testimony of God’s faithfulness. I know it would definitely be a great conversation starter.

  29. Thanks incourage (and Lisa-Jo) for putting this together for those of us who won’t be able to make it to Relevant! I’ve fallen in love with the Ever Grateful Place setting. It makes my heart go thump, thump.

  30. Wonderfully Made by Julie Chen was my favorite thing, for 2 reasons. I have a new great nephew that I would give it’s mommy this plaque so she would always know that her baby is fearfully and wonderfully made. And then I have a teenage niece who is dealing with an eating disorder. If she would just soak in the fact of this verse, I think it would help her to see herself with more confidence. I may be simplistic in my thinking but our teenagers get into so much trouble because they don’t have confidence in the fact that God made them as awesome, wonderful human beings.

  31. I love the little dish with the eggs in it.

    I have to say, you East coast girls have so much offered to you as bloggers. I am super jealous. As far as I can find, there is nothing for us pacific northwest bloggers to attend 🙁 I want to go to a conference! 🙂 Enjoy and have fun!

  32. I love the serenity prayer bracelet. I lost my brother to brain cancer 1 month after my first baby was born. It’s always been my prayer to ask God to help me let go of the things I cannot control, which is really everything in my life. God Help Me, every day!

  33. Ah! So many pretty, happy things! Ohhhh I love the All Things Through Christ plague but since it’s probably not practical to move that! Then I would say Holley’s book Rain on Me or Beth Moore’s Looking Up When Life is Looking Down.

  34. I just discovered (in)courage and I’m loving it. So encouraging and uplifting. I hope you all have a great time at your conference!

  35. I really like just about everything in this catalog, but there is one item- one idea and one piece of writing that lingers with me, days after I first read it. It is the easel’s description, using it for the “everyday” and counting it’s blessings. How exceptionally powerful that idea is! It blessed my Wednesday: tending my home while my husband travelled, the carpool to Faith Formation Class, walking on the track outside during the class with my girlfriend, sharing stories. So many blessings each day! And I’ve spent a little time each day, day dreaming how I can translate this message of Ann’s to my family (and even our Thanksgiving visitors;) LOVE it!

  36. I’ve always been a sucker for the Sterling Silver Bangles, especially the 1 Cor. 13:13 one. They’re such beautiful reminders of His Word.

  37. Have a blast!
    I love the catalog. So many cool things. I think the “Bless this food” art piece will help remind me to initiate our blessing over our food.

  38. It’s so nice to be missed! There are so many beautiful things in your new catalog! I like the “By Grace Alone” necklace, the “Grace” tile set, the Ever Grateful pitcher, the book crops, the “Abide in Him” wall art, the Victorious Life” bracelet…. Well, I better stop. There are about a dozen more things that are just adorable and would be beautiful in my home or in a friend’s home. Thanks for spoiling your followers, so!


  39. I liked that “Victorious Life” bracelet and the “Tree of Life” jewelry. What a neat giveaway!

  40. Oh, how I love the Grace tiles!! I have been admiring them for a while. So pretty and such a wonderful reminder of the grace we receive in Christ.

  41. The” All things through Christ – Philippians 4:13 – Sterling Silver Scripture Bangle” is amazing, all of the things in the catalog are just beautiful, but this is what I would pick if I could just get one thing. Thank you for your ministry!!

    • Yes, it will be available for sale! And we’ll have opportunities to partner with us for product reviews in return for free product!! Come see us! 🙂

  42. I love, love, love the Ever Grateful collection, especially the vase. I can envision a big ol’ sunflower beaming God’s glory in the kitchen.
    Sounds like a fun time will be had this weekend!

  43. I wish I was going to Relevant Conference…Hershey is really close to me, but I don’t have the time/funds to be there this week! Hope it is amazing!! Here’s to hoping I win something online, though!!!
    My favorite thing is the Abide in Him wall decor on page 30. I love what she said about surrounding herself with truth…I love doing that in my home, as well.
    Thank you!!

  44. First, the catalog is beautiful, and I love the bios and links for all the ladies! Second, even if I don’t win, I’ll have to buy the Mr. and Mrs. mugs. My husband and I are Catholic, and because of a transitional time in our church, we had to “endure” marriage training through three different priests over a six month period (all of whom had very different styles). The last priest was a very strict, very old-school German individual who had us sit in a warm office late in the afternoon and s-l-o-w-l-y read the Song of Solomon to each other. Seven years and two kids later, one of us can reach for the other’s hand, look deep into the other’s eyes, and start reciting “Your teeth are white as ewes, your thighs like pillars . . ” and we both crack up. 🙂 These will be a perfect reminder of our times together over morning coffee!!

  45. With a super-tight, pay-off-our-debt-budget, I often drool over the things in the catalog, dreaming of debt-free day when maybe I can get what I love! My absolute favorite is the set of “GRACE” tiles. But, followed closely by the book-end plaques, particularly “Grace lives here.”

  46. The Redeemed Necklace is beautiful, but there are so many other things that others in my home would enjoy besides me enjoying a necklace.

  47. I love the Be Still & Know mug…I just bought it last month. I love sharing tea with friends or quietly with the Lord. This scripture reminds me to simply BE STILL – He is God, He is on the throne & I can rest in Him! I also love the “abide in Him” wall hanging – so hard to choose a favorite, but this might be it! Thanks for sharing the catalog. I was hoping to be able to come to relevant – I know it will be awesome! Praying for all of you!!!

  48. Have fun at the conference. Loved the catalog. Wish I could be with you all. Love to read (IN) Courage everyday no matter who writes the blog.

  49. Hard to choose…I like the Grace Tile, the Icthus symbol wall art and the of course the pottery. You have chosen your products well!

    Have a wonderful time!


  50. It’s really almost impossible to choose a fav item.
    They are all so beautiful and inspiring, but I’d probably go with the redeemed necklace or the serving tray if I had to narrow it down.
    I wish I could be there with you all as well!
    Have a great time (like theres even a question of that! )

  51. My very favorite is the Metal Wall Hanging – Large Ichthys (Ichthus, Icthus). I would love to have that hanging in our dining room.
    Have a lovely time together!

  52. love love LOVE the ‘redeemed’ necklace by lisa leonard. i’ve been eyeing that thing for a while. i got the ‘by grace alone’ earlier this summer and i used to never wear necklaces and now i wear it all the time and get SO many compliments on it! and that word, redeemed, God has been showing me the since the beginning of summer that He can redeem anything. anything. anything. 🙂

    y’all have fun!! jealous that you’ll be near hershey and around ALL THAT CHOCOLATE!!! EEEEEE!!!! 😉 and thanks for the opportunity! 🙂

  53. I hope you have a fabulous time–I’m a little jealous that I cannot attend. It would be hard to choose which item to pick, but I think one of the bookcrops is what I would choose.

  54. I hope you all have a wonderful time at the conference! I love reading (in)courage everyday. Thank you so much for all you do. I looked at the catalog and oh, I love everything, but the Grace tiles speak to me. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win something and bless you all.

  55. I love the “We Believe in Grace” plaque. It’s been a rough year for my family… and this completely sums up how we are feeling at the end of it. We Believe in Grace.

  56. The “Abide in Him” wall plaque. The thing I struggle with most in this season of my life. When I saw that in the catalogue I could hear God reminding me…

  57. I love the large wall hanging of the Christian Fish symbol…it has another name, but I can’t remember how to spell it 🙂 The conference sounds like a blast…have a great time!

  58. I hope you all have a wonderful time together and it is all that you imagine. A great get-away, and I am sure that is well deserved. What a beautiful new catalog, so many beautiful ideas. I am still in love with the framed printed canvases, my first purchase would be the Bless Our Nest.

  59. Wish I could be at that conference. It sounds wonderful!! I really like the Heart and Globe Canvas. That catalog if field with lots of great Christmas gift ideas! 🙂

  60. I think I found too many things to like in that catalog! I love the “grace” 5 tile set and the “Mr. and Mrs.” coffee mugs.

  61. “By Grace Alone” necklace is by far my favourite although everything in that catalog is beautiful.

  62. I love the “By Grace Alone” necklace by Lisa Leonard. It’s so pretty, and the message is perfect.

    Y’all have fun at the Relevant conference!

  63. So many beautiful, God-inspiring pieces, but I would have to say that my favourite is the art on pages 18 and 19. The globe painting is especially striking!

  64. have a fabulous time, ladies!! so many beautiful items in the DaySpring catalog……perhaps the wooden signs….. the “ask, seek, knock” plaque…..all of the jewelry is fabulous………

  65. My sister will be at Relevant, but I am just a very “casual” blogger, ha ha. Goodness, about 3/4 of the catalog were favorite-favorites…

    So, I’ll go the with the one winning the popular vote, the By Grace Alone Necklace!!

  66. Oh, that is so much more than a “catalogue” and I must go back and read everything.
    A giveaway is a neat idea; I’m always a teensy bit sad to be at home when I read about the conferences but alas, in this season {for me} home is where I need to be.

    I love the Lisa Leonard jewelery and “by grace alone” would be a meaningful necklace for me for sure!

  67. Goodness to choose one favorite thing from Dayspring….that’s tough! I like the Artistic Conversations…in particular the “May your cup overflow”.

    Have fun! Be Safe and get lots of rest!


  68. I love the beauty bracelets that are engraved with scriptural reminders. Enjoy Chocolate-ville!

  69. I love the catalog! My favorite is the Victorious Life-Revelations Charm Bracelet!
    Have a wonderful trip and enjoy the fellowship!

  70. I ❤❤ the “take hope to heart” necklace by Lisa Leonard!! Her jewelry is so beautiful… and is and inspiration and a gentle reminder as you wear it =)

  71. I love the catalog! I’m especially loving the “All Things Through Christ” wooden plaque. I think it would look excellent in the kitchen I’m decorating in my head. 🙂

  72. Wow! I had no idea that all these wonderfully encouraging things were available. It was very hard to choose a favorite, favorite! Finally, I decided on the Wonderful Grace Tray.

    Praying for your time together, that it will bring a generous outpouring of the Holy Spirit, fresh insights and much joy!

  73. It’s hard to pick one favorite.

    I love the book crops and Julie Chen wall art. Beautiful verses, simply and beautifully displayed.

    Thanks for this opportunity. Enjoy that blogging conference!

  74. The catalog is full of lovely women, ideas, and products! It’s hard to single one item out, but if pressed I would choose the Wonderful Grace – Carved Wooden Serving Tray.

    Have a wonderful, grace-filled time at Relevant! Even though I can’t attend this time, I will remember you all in prayer.

  75. Wow – so many beautiful things! But I truly, truly love the “May Your Cup Overflow – Psalm 23:5 Framed Canvas Print.” It is fun and funky, and would look great in my kitchen! A wonderful reminder of how blessed we are, every day, and how God is watching over us. Thank you!

  76. I love the Lisa Leonard’s Redeemed Necklace. Hope you ladies have a wonderful time. I wish I could be there…but it is our annual Women of Faith trip, which is certain to be fun as well. Hopefully another year. Love you all!

  77. I just adore Lisa Leonards ‘Grace Alone’ necklace! I’m a follower of Lisa’s blog and am praying for her son’s upcoming surgery! her work is beautiful and inspiring! So glad she is part of the (in)courage girl community! blessings to you all!

  78. What wonderful products…great gift ideas! Especially like the Ever Grateful memo board and the My Cup Overflows art. Thanks (in)courage for being such a blessing!

  79. Too many decisions! I love them all. Okay I will have to say the GRACE 5 tile set. Amazing Grace has repeatedly cropped up in my life from the time a man came into the shop I worked in on 5th Avenue in NYC over a decade ago, dressed in full Scottish regalia and played Amazing Grace on his bagpipes to the recent gift from my son’s girlfriend of a journal that has the words Amazing Grace across the cover. God’s message of Amazing Grace is always surrounding me in surprising ways. So that tile set with just the word “GRACE” has special meaning for me.

  80. I love the “Life” collection. The different patterns are so pretty and go well together. I also really like the “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” wall hanging. My best friend is expecting and would really love it for the baby’s room. Great Products!!! Thanks.

  81. Hershey Pa is just a hop, skip and jump away from where I live in New Holland Pa! I wish I would have been able to get off of work but I will be with all of you in spirit! I love the sterling silver chosen..cherished necklace. Blessings!

  82. I love DaySpring! I just hung our “Rejoice Over You” plaque in our home this weekend and I love it. We got this catalog in the box with our order and my husband and I have already decided what we will be getting his parents for Christmas- the “We believe in grace and the one who gives it” book crop. This is pretty much their anthem and an awesome legacy they’re passed down. It is my favorite item in the catalog and we would love to have one in our home.

    • We love you too!!! Thanks for sharing these messages with your husband’s parents. Praying it blesses their socks off and all who enter their home! (Don’t forget to use the coupon on the last page…)

  83. There were just too many favorites!! I love the Redeemed and the By Grace Alone Necklaces. They are a wonderful daily reminder! 🙂 I also REALLY loved the May your cup overflow picture…this is because at my campus BSU we have a coffee bar called “Holy Grounds” and this would fit in perfectly there! 🙂

  84. Wow, everything is beautiful. I love the dishes and pottery, but I’m sure it would break if it had to be shipped to SA. The aprons were so cute, and I need one so it would definitely be used. And I also loved the jewelry and the fish/icthus wall hanging.

    Lisa-Jo, I hope you have a lovely time at your first “summer camp!”
    Lots of love and blessings~ x

  85. So many beautiful things! I’ve been dreaming about adding some more meaningful decor to our home this fall, so I saw many favorites. But… my favorite, favorite has to be the “Bless this Food” print. So warm and rich – just like we want our home to feel.
    (Love the online viewer, by the way.)

  86. Oh. My. Heart.

    I ache that I am not able to go to the conference.

    But I guess a present would help the pain… a little.

    Have a great time! And I am waiting for my chocolate.

    lots of love,


  87. Maybe someday I’ll get to join the (In)Courage team and get to join in on the late night conversations and chocolate too! Until then, I’ll participate in the giveaways. 🙂 I’d choose the “By Grace Alone” necklace as it would hold very special meaning to me or the stunning metal fish Ithicus? I don’t even know how to say it. HA HA

  88. Take hope to heart…
    This past year I spent working with marginalized women in East Africa. A journey more about self-change than world-change, I learned about the essence of hope. The resilience of women who have no earthly reason to hope but by persevering in the midst of suffering and taking joy to heart, find renewed hope through Christ.

  89. My favorite is the “God’s Heart for You” necklace in sterling silver. Beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway.

  90. Have a wonderful time ladies!!
    The items in the catalog are all so beautiful but I think my favorite would be the “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” wall art. It is such a beautiful picture of a father’s hands holding baby feet. That is such an amazing picture of how God holds us in His tender hands!!

  91. It will be a wonderful conference! 🙂 I hope to be there next year.

    Something I could really use right now? The reminder of who I am in God, who I am by His Son. The “God’s Heart For You” necklace would be a daily joy of remembering the ONLY ONE I serve – the Only One who gives me my security and defines my worth. The One who cherishes me in love unconditional.

  92. Have a blast at the conference!!
    I just adore the “bless this food…let’s eat” painting. I love the colors and style! Thanks 🙂

  93. I really love the plaques with a message on them. I am moving house in a couple of months and am already deciding which plaque to hang in my new place. I love them because they are eye-catching and always remind me of God’s goodness and His desire for my life.
    Wish I could be at the conference but reading all the blogs is the next best thing!

  94. I pray that you have a safe, awesome, fun, healthy and inspired trip! Cannot wait till you get back and share with us as you did last time!!

    My favorite item in the catalog is the 365 Day Brightener. I love all of them!

    May God bless you and your trip!
    Grandma Patty Ann

  95. Have a blast at the conference ya’ll!

    I LoVe the “GRACE” hanging tiles…and the “by grace alone” Lisa Leonard necklace…and like a bunch of other things too! Difficult to pick just ONE!

  96. So many beautiful things! It’s hard to choose a favorite. But I really love the “by grace alone” necklace from Lisa Leonard.
    Have a wonderful time at the conference. Expecting God to do amazing things!

  97. Wish I could be there. So wanted to meet all of you and learn much more about blogging and writing. Have a wonderful time.

    My favorite product is the Ever Grateful Serving platter and the Harvest dishes. Soooo beautiful for serving to those you love.


  98. Oh what a fabulous opportunity…..and Dayspring has so many beautiful products, choosing just one is tough….but I love the tree of life set of earrings,bracelet, and necklace set….beautiful!!!!!!!!!! I am crossing my fingers…;)

  99. I love the “by grace alone” necklace. Although there’s a lot of wall art that I like too. The large ichthys in particular.

  100. My favorite favorite? Really…I have to pick just one? {sigh}…I do love the “By Grace Alone” necklace 🙂 It’s so true that I am only where I am and who I’m becoming by God’s grace – and what a better way to remind myself to be thankful for the blessing!

    Wishing I could be at Relevant (it’s only 45 minutes from my house!), but I’ll be praying for all of you 🙂 Can’t wait to follow the updates!

  101. I hope you all have a fun and refreshing time at the conference! We will miss you while you’re gone.

    It is so hard to pick a favorite, but I think I’ll go with the heart and globe wrapped canvas. Just love it!

  102. i love lisa leonard designs! the ‘by grace alone’ necklace is my absolute fave! enjoy your conference and thanks so much for yet another giveaway!

  103. Ha, pick a favorite favorite? How about EVERYTHING?! Okay okay, I’d have to say my favorite favorite is the Live by Faith mug… just the thought of having my morning coffee conversation with God in such a beautiful mug!

    I so wish I could be there! Have a fabulously wonderful time!!

  104. I love the By Grace Alone Necklace! It would be wonderful to wear a constant reminder around my neck of our God’s amazing grace, and how there’s nothing I can do to earn it. It is His to give, and mine to receive with a humble and joyful heart!

  105. The catalog is great. It’s hard to pick out just one thing. In fact, I’ve recently purchased several things for my house. I’m doing a little redecorating. I took them off of my “wish list” and just purchased them. And I love them all. I think if I had to pick one thing today, I’d pick the Sassy and Sophisticated card collection. I love to keep Dayspring cards on hand.

  106. Oh, the heartache of not being at Relevant ’10! Starting my Relevant piggy bank right now! I’m loving the “Live courageously in the arms of grace” sign on The Nester’s page, and the “By Grace Alone” bracelet and earrings! Fun stuff!
    Praying blessings for the conference and all who attend!

  107. It is hard to choose!

    My favorite image of God in my head comes from the popular song, “Your love Oh Lord” by Third Day. They sing, “I will find my strength
    In the shadow of your wings,” so my favorite thing has to be the Shadow of His wings necklace.

  108. Wish I’d be soaking up all the amazing conference fellowship and inspiration with you all! But if I’m the lucky one chosen to win Lisa’s “By Grace Alone” necklace…love it!…it’ll make up for not being there a bit. 🙂 Blessings!

  109. I love the jewelry – for one, it’s because I simply love jewelry – and two: It’s a wonderful conversation starter with new people – ladies comment on each other’s clothes, hair, jewelry – you know, stuff 🙂 Can be the beginning of a friendship – never know what the Lord may do!

  110. Sassy & Sophisticated Card set – or the Bright Blessings Set – or the Tote Bag… 😀

    I could spread the JOY!!


  111. Thank you so much for including those of us who can’t go. I’ve been really struggling the past few weeks…I was really hoping to go, but just couldn’t come up with the money. My favorite piece in the new catalog is the Tree of Life jewelry collection, more specifically the necklace. But everything in the catalog is awesome!

  112. I wish I could be there with you girls! Thanks for the chance to win something so special. I’ve been browsing the catalog since I received it in the mail. I love it all!
    My favorites are Lisa’s By Grace Alone necklace, the wood signs with scripture, and the Victorious Life Charm bracelet. Tough to choose just one…

  113. You girls are amazing! I love everything, but especially love the inspiring stories throughout. I’d having trouble choosing a gift to receive if I won ~

    • it would help if I used proper grammar here – should reread my postings before hitting the submit button ~

  114. So glad everyone likes the catalog/magalog/Blog-azine (we have like 10 names for this thing… 🙂 )
    Don’t forget to check out the coupons on the last page!

  115. LOVE this catalog and the beautiful pieces that are inspired. So many favorites to choose from, but the one calling my name is the book “Rain on Me”…maybe it can help provide me with some comfort and peace during this storm that I am currently enduring.

    Is there a way to subscribe to a hard copy of the catalog?

    Thank you for the opportunity.


  116. Have a great time! Pick one thing? Hmm, wow, that’s hard. I’d pick either the “By Grace Alone” necklace, the “Abide in Him” wall ornament, or the “ever grateful” pitcher. How’s that for picking one thing? At least it’s narrowed down to 3, right? Thanks ladies!

  117. The By Grace Alone necklace is my absolute favorite! Although there isn’t even one thing in that whole catalog that I didn’t like… imagine that! 🙂

    Have a wonderful time, thanks for the chance to win!

  118. What a beautiful catalog!! Great job, ladies!! Oh boy…only pick ONE??!! lol!! Everything is gorgeous, but if I had to choose, I am lovin’ those inspirational scripture bangle bracelets! 🙂

  119. Hehehehe…my selfish nature wants setting for 6 in the “Life Collection” – it would be wonderful to have our house filled to the brim with international students for Thanksgiving – or to share a snack with a missionary home on furlough…. but that would be really asking a lot…

    So I think I’d LOVE to have the “John 3:16 Gallery Wrapped Heart and Globe Print” in either of the larger sizes…I saw it in the catalog earlier and it’s captured MY heart!! What a more wonderful way to show God’s love…

    Have a GREAT time ladies!! I’m praying for you all, your comings and goings, for God inspired moments, intentional meetings, renewal and restoration!! Praying that next year I can blog my way over to meet y’all!! <3 Be blessed!!

  120. I love the Wonderful Grace wooden serving tray & the Ever Grateful Memo Board. Not sure which is my favorite! Hope you all have an enjoyable weekend.

  121. My favorite thing is the Revelations Charm Bracelet. I love bracelets, and this one is the best!!

  122. It’s so hard to choose just one! My favorites are the redeemed necklace, closely followed by the “by grace alone” and “god’s purpose” necklaces. Also I really like the Ever Grateful collection and several of the art pieces and mugs… I may have to start a Christmas list 🙂

  123. I love the feather your nest collection, but also love all of the beautiful pendants!! It’s so hard to pick a favorite.
    Have fun at the conference!!

  124. The catalog is filled with such beautiful items and choosing just one is nearly impossible. The jewlery is stunning and one of the braclets to pass on to my daughter would be lovely.

    Have a wonderful conference and don’t get too high on the aroma of chocolate wafting through the air there in Hershey!
    Enjoy and blessings.

  125. the “by grace alone” necklace is my favorite, favorite. 🙂 hope you have a fantastic time at relevant!!

  126. eee i changed my mind! my favorite, favorite is the canvas with the scripture around the heart!!

  127. i love the heart & globe john 3.16 art work . . . and have for a LONG time. it’s just so great and i love the colors. i would be absolutely thrilled to win it. thanks for the chance.

  128. This catalog is AWESOME!! very hard to choose one favorite! I think mine has to be the 5 tile GRACE set to hang on the wall. Our family has been through 2 years of unemployment (just ended this week!!!) and recovery from disease and addiction…I can safely say that God’s GRACE is the only thing that has gotten us through together. (I really love the Life dishes, too though!)

  129. My husband and I are in the middle of buying our first house, and I could deck the whole place out with DaySpring! 🙂 I especially like the ‘May your cup overflow’ framed print. So vintage-y and fun!

  130. I love the fact so many women in faith can come and in courage each other, with God’s words. I loved Gypsy mama’s paintings, great bright colorings. love it all!

  131. I have loved the Wonderful Grace Serving Tray every time I’ve seen it posted about- I have the perfect spot for it. 🙂

    Have a wonderful time, all you grand gals. Wish I could be there. Hug my Andrea (Flourishing Mother) for me!

  132. My favorite favorite??? I am having a difficult time choosing between the grace alone necklace and the be still and know mug…
    If i am forced to choose, it would be the Be still and know mug.

    The grace of God to you all.

  133. I don’t know where to start, I LOVE everything in the catalog! Probably the necklaces, especially the ‘By Grace Alone” is a favorite, LOVE the dishes, beautiful colors! But I also LOVE the cards, it would be great to have a large assortment to send out to friends and family, etc. throughout the year to brighten their day.
    Enjoy your trip and God bless!

  134. Hmmm, I have to pick just ONE thing?!

    I love the PEACE tiles set.

    But then there is the Ever Grateful Memo Board that would look perfect on my kitchen counter.

    And I’d love to wear the God’s Heart necklace. It would look just right on me.

    And I fell in love with the Nativity hurricane candles last year….

    I guess I’ll just stop here. For now anyway. 😉