Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Lisa-Jo,

    🙂 A simple gesture with potentially eternal reach! Showing the love of Christ in words (and pictures) MEANS something to these babies. Just when I thought I couldn’t love incourage/DaySpring more…….I do.

    Thank you!!


    • Lisa-Jo, When my church does Compassion
      Sunday each year one of the things I tell the new sponsors is this is a way to be the heart of Jesus to love these little children for Him. I tell my two little ones, one in Ecuador and one in Haiti, that Jesus loves them and has a plan for their lives. I’m so happy and grateful that Compassion International was part of His plan for my life. To love these little ones for Him and to tell them how much He loves them is one of the greatest joys in my life. I thank God every day for our founder that knew little children needed more than a cup of soup and a warm blanket, they needed the love of Jesus.

  2. I am so happy to be able to take part in this!! Thank you so much for doing this… I know these kids are going to be so happy and feel so special, which is what it’s all about!

  3. I love this…doing this….and also sending a few letters to my sponsored child in Brazil…like you, I have a checkered past when it comes to writing to her! Thank you for this inspiration!!

  4. My heart did do a flip… I love this idea. What a blessing to the kids and a blessing to us to be a part of it. Thank you for organizing this.

  5. With 7 Compassion kids to support and 3 of our own daughters and one income, we wouldn’t be able to send many Dayspring cards on our budget. I do hope that many take part in this and shower those kids for love.
    For those looking for a more economical way to spread cheer to unsponsored children, you can buy a box of Christmas cards at the Dollar Store and send them, too. You could even make some out of construction paper! Here’s how and where to send them!
    Where our budget would only allow us to send a couple of the Dayspring cards, we can send dozens of cheaper ones! Hopefully this will help those who are on a tight budget like us!

  6. I love cards! I love Compassion International! I love Ecuador! I LOVE THIS IDEA!!!!!
    Thank you so much for sharing with us this opportunity to show Christ’s love.

  7. Well I just finished designing and ordering my card and I hope I did it right? Not sure because my order showed my shipping address? I put a note on my order page that they were for the Compassion Card Drive and ordered a box of 25. Also if you put in the discount code COMPASSION you get a huge discount and free shippping with a box of 25. Now I’m off to post on my blog about this. We sponsor two kids in Africa through Compassion and I have also been very bad about writing on a regular basis these past few months. Now I’m motivated to get back to it. Thanks for the inspiration.
    Fondly, Roberta

  8. This is such a great idea. I have already bought cards to send to unsponsored children but will send a few through DaySpring as well. Thinking of all the happy faces of those children when they receive a card *of their very own*!

  9. Done! What an easy way to love on these little ones God made!! Do you guys have a hashtag set up? I tweeted it but didn’t know what hashtag to use. Also will post on my blog later today and give link here and on Twitter/FB when done.

  10. Thank you for telling us about Christmas Card Drive. I love this idea and will participate. I will tell others about it on my blog. I hope it’s ok that I copied and pasted the Christmas Card button onto my blog. If it is not ok, then please email me and I will take if off immediately. Thank you.

  11. I just started sponsoring our first child a couple of months ago. Even though I don’t receive letters from her (just the first intro letter) I still write at least once per month because I remember how receiving mail made me feel as a child. A letter in the mail is like a great big hug!

    This is an excellent endeavor and so important ->wish we could do this epic card/letter campaign on a monthly basis.

  12. I think giving the children cards is a wonderful idea! I’m a stampaholic that makes greeting cards as a hobby. There are thousands of us (if not hundreds of thousands) around the world. If we wanted to hand make some cards (and not have them printed) is there a place we can send them to so that they can also be hand delivered? I’m not ready to sponsor a child at this time, but I would like to send a few cards. Thanks!

    • Hi there Starlett –

      Thank you for wanting to share your creativity with Compassion Kids! Although, we do allow people to write their own letters for unsponsored children for Christmas, those particular cards will be distributed to many of the countries we work in. Here is something Compassion posted above that gives more information:

      To send handmade Christmas cards (or cards you buy) to unsponsored children, just send the cards here:

      ATTN: LaVerne B., Sponsor Correspondence Team
      Compassion International
      12290 Voyager Parkway
      Colorado Springs, CO 80921-3668

      Please include a cover letter explaining the letters are for unsponsored children.

      Thanks for writing! And I hope that helps!

  13. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for making this possible!! I have desired to sponsor a child for years now, but finances have not allowed it. as i designed my cards today, my heart just swelled with joy to know that my family and i are being given the opportunity to bless these precious children in this way!!


  14. I have just finished making my second card. Thank you so much for the opportunity to make and send cards to bless these precious children!


  15. No matter which way I try, I cannot get any text into the box to create a card for Ecuador!
    So after numerous attempts I’ve had to give up!! Is it because I’m in the UK ?