Annie F. Downs
About the Author

Annie F. Downs is a bestselling author and nationally known speaker based in Nashville, Tennessee. Her most recent books include 100 Days to Brave, Looking for Lovely and Let’s All Be Brave. Read more at and follow her at @anniefdowns.

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. I think I am settling for leftovers right now in my friends. I don’t have many of them, so my way to rectify that is to keep from doing anything that might make them not like me as much which really ends up meaning distancing myself because I don’t want to take too much of their time or too much of their love. Which I guess means I am trying to get their leftover friednship after they are done being friends with everyone else. This is a really timely post, as I realized recently that distancing myself from my friends has amde me even more lonely, and I have begun to flirt with anorexia. It is not really disordered eating yet though, mostly just waiting maybe an extra hour before I grab lunch or something just to feel the hunger pain a little longer to distract me from other things…but I guess if I don’t find a new way to rectify the leftover friedn situation that it could very well become bad. Thanks for the reminder πŸ™‚

  2. Annie, girl, I remember the first time I ever visited your blog and read that you loved waffles with peanut butter. I knew you were a woman after my own heart then and here you are writing about leftovers and winning me all over again. You speak my language and put it in a to-go box of truth. I can’t wait to see your sweet face again and hug your neck southern style!!

  3. I do love leftovers too! I can make a casserole out of anything! Unfortunately, I find myself settling for leftovers more than just food…and I know that is not what He would want for me.

  4. I think my leftovers are the way I care for my know it’s the whole mom syndrome right? We care for, spend, on, and love on everyone else and then we give ourselves the tiny bit of anything that’s leftover…that’s me…i need to work on that!

  5. Wow…this is so good. Especially the part about loving Thanksgiving leftovers as long as they last! : )

    Seriously, though, I needed to read about leftovers…so many times I want to replicate what the Lord did sweetly the day before, or the day before that…when what He wants is a NEW thing in my life.

    Good, good post!

  6. I had to laugh. My kids and I went to a church potluck for our Thanksgiving meal. The potluck was from 12-2, so when dinner time rolled around later that evening, we were hungry again, but had no leftovers! We ended up having frozen pizza on Thanksgiving night!

    But of course, that is not really the point of your post. Where am I settling for leftovers? Right now, I think that would be in my work. I am going to retire at the end of the academic year, and I know this year I am coasting on what I already know how to do. I’m not growing or trying new things. Your post has inspired me to give my very best for the rest of this year. A needed kick in the you know what. Thank you so much!

  7. I have to push thru my phobia of change to keep my leftover’s at bay. I am not 100% effective at this, yet; but, I keep pushing myself out of my comfort zone. πŸ™‚

    Thanks for the inspiring post, Annie.

  8. First the food. We didn’t cook at our house and brought home a small pan of leftovers, but they are long gone. makes me want to go get a turkey, lol!
    As for me, I believe I settle for leftovers in my relationship with God. He wants to give me something fresh and new everyday, but I would rather just continue chewing on something that may have been relevant for my life yesterday, and He has something that is relevant today, He’s just waiting for me to ask.
    Very thought provoking!

  9. Thanks, Annie, for getting me thinking…I absolutely struggle with trying to survive on leftovers…a meaningful quiet time with God last week…a meaningful convesation with my husband last month…a clever piece of writing last year. I don’t know if it’s just exhaustion or laziness (depending on the day) that leads me to think there isn’t something more, something new to feed me today. Or perhaps it’s fear that drives me to cling to good things of the past in case I prusue it in the present and am left dissapointed. Either way…I know you’re absolutely right: leftovers should be reserved to Thanksgiving feasts alone.

  10. Thanks for the leftover reminders, Annie. Good for Thanksgiving, but not so good fostepping out with new changes. I am so the girl who orders the same thing on the menu every time. Don’t want to risk it, but there’s a time for change. πŸ˜‰