Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. well considering I don’t have twitter and that I’ll be at a band concert…I’m still left out…but that’s okay I guess…

  2. ahhh. thanks for writing this. i suffer from the disappointing syndrome of *i want to do everythingitis*. i haven’t been twittering. but might have to now. so i won’t be disappointed.

    • Ohhh, I feel your pain with the wanting to do everything (itis). I am guilty of that every day of my life – always so afraid of missing something and moping like cRAZY when I do! I pray you have peace with your decision/situation – and that you’ll join us next year!!

  3. I’ve been hoping and wishing and praying that you ladies headed to Blissdom will find that it has changed to Blessdom – praying that you’ll be overwhelmed by grace and love. And this post is right on time. I won’t get to be there with you in person, but I will certainly be there tonight on twitter. I’m thinking I’ll bring Twizzlers…dipped in chocolate, of course.

    • Twizzlers dipped in chocolate?! Something new to crave every day!

      I’ll have to try to start the bedtime stories earlier tonight as I keep missing twitter parties due to the bedtime storytime, though, if I have to miss, I’d rather miss for bedtime storytime than for something less significant…

  4. I wish I could go to Blissdom…but I guess I’ll settle for a twitter party instead. Which won’t really be settling – I don’t have to worry about what to wear! Plus, I can bring chocolate and not have to share! =) We’ll see if my family cooperates this evening – that will determine whether I’ll be there.

  5. Ok, So I haven’t been tweeting very much at all, have not been blogging at my site that I was so desperate to create after 3 years online without having my own. I am in the middle of making a huge decision w/my personal ministry/business Christian Women Affiliate. I’ve never been to Blissdom. I am feeling a bit like heading to the Beach house! The chocolate stash is already here (ha, like there is ever a doubt) It’s warm here in Orlando, but I’ll brew up a cup of jo anyhow. ♡ Decaf of course. Caffeine only comes from chocolate in my world. Look forward to seeing y’all there. I will hit some friends up to join us too.

  6. How very thoughtful of you to think of those of us who are “left behind” – hope you all have a blast and we will be with you in spirit if not in kind – looking forward to all the blogs which come out of the event!!

  7. Of all the blogging conferences this is one I would love to someday be able to attend. I dont’ twitter, but I will be reading posts from a great deal of bloggers who will be there. Thank you for making everyone feel welcomed even if they can’t attend. Have fun for us!

  8. It was not in HIS plan that I attend this year, but I look forward to meeting all the wonderful, creative women I have come to know through blogging next year.
    Enjoy yourselves and have a safe journey.
