About the Author

Bella Said is a stay at home mom working hard to balance all of life's demands. She writes her blog, It Coulda Been Worse, between fixing meals, mending boo-boos, sewing dresses and washing never ending loads of laundry. Her daily walk with God is one of love, devotion, and searching...

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. How inspiring! Your writing is moving and so beautiful. I wish everyone could feel His presence the way that you do!!

  2. Oh my gosh, this is just the best, I read this and realize what talent TearSa has! Did I know that, YES she is my daughter! She walks in my shoes every day and yet with her
    writing she helps and heals me. These words can take you to a place you might never have been before and give you something you also might never have had, a peace in
    your heart! Tell me more little one. Love Mom

  3. TearSa is my cousin, and I really don’t know her that well, however, it appears that she has talent our family is know for. Well done TearSa.

  4. Very beautiful . . . . I have read it twice now. There is so much truth in what you have written. We all need to live by these words and remember it’s not about us but all about HIM. Great work!

    Mary P’s friend.

  5. Beautiful as always! Look forward to reading more! I think, I , too, will make that my motto!

  6. Since I’ve walked my own life under His majestic Hand, I know that the words you chose came at a tremendous sacrifice – truly not what you would have wanted, but ugly that He made beautiful. It takes the faith He gives us, plus trust and obedience…and just pure clinging…to get to the point where you’re at in your words. To say that you know He is *good* even in the ugly…He is always good…and He is in it all…that’s such worship.

    Such beautiful writing. Truly, beautiful! You have so much heart to write…such a story of Grace to be shared.

    Rich blessings…

  7. Yes, ma’am, we’re meant to be mirrors–people look at us and see Him instead, just as you said. Thanks for the beautiful reminder. {And when He looks at you, oh, He sees something really wonderful}.

  8. Thank you for giving voice to a thought I parceled so very un-eloquently this very morning. A beautiful post!

  9. I cannot express how thankful I am for the comments on my post. You women are amazing, and a testament to the One you follow.

    And I must say, when I saw Angie Smith had commented, I reacted like I was 12 and seeing New Kids on the Block. No joke. I squealed, clapped, and danced. Ahem. Apparently there is no dignity when your hero recognizes your work. 😀

    Thank you again for the love and support. I do not take for granted even one word.
