About the Author

She loves photography, writing, music, quilting, Jazzercise and dark chocolate. Also found playing outside with her two boys or baking healthy treats.

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Such a good reminder! In the search for acceptance, it can be so easy to lose sight of the fact that God always loves us.

  2. I’m learning how it’s okay to admit our feelings of wanting acceptance and affirmation. Our Father gives us the desires of our hearts and doesn’t condemn us for our wants. But when we seek Him for the fulfillment of those desires, we’re worshiping Him best. He calls us to Him and never tires of us or shows irritation for us. How humbling!

    Rich blessings as you live honestly for Him, Laura.

  3. We were created for relationship with our Creator. When I find myself wondering if anyone cares, I look to Him and He reminds me of who it is I belong to and how great His love is towards me.

  4. Wonderfully said, Laura. We have ONE who is willing to give us all the affirmation we need, but continually we look elsewhere.

  5. Thank you for this! Today was one of those days where I didn’t realize I was yearning for acceptance, but I was. Not receiving it, made that clear. Bless you for reminding me that the only acceptance I should seek is His.

  6. Living in His acceptance is the only place there is full and true contentment….thanks for allowing God hand to guide your fingers over the keyboard as you wrote this lovely post and prayer.