About the Author

Jennifer is an artist living in rural Nebraska with her US Army veteran husband. She loves to create and seeks to reflect the beauty of Christ and encourage others in meaningful, beautiful ways. You can find her and see more of her art on Studio JRU.

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  1. Whenever I take time to stop and give thanks, especially in the hardest moments, my soul is refreshed, my mind is renewed, and I feel like I’m starting over even in the middle of the day.

  2. I brought my journal to work with me today because I have been stuck in a negative rut. I decided yesterday to act myself out of it by finding the small moments of gratitude. I am a teacher, and there can be frustrating moments here at work that I allow to drag me into negativity. However, I have already found (in just 1 hour of work), that there are so many things I can write in my journal as gratitude to the Lord. This has put a smile on my face, and I am able to share my joy with my students. Thank You, Lord, for today is good! Thank You for friends who (in)courage me!

  3. I needed to hear that today! Great message, thank you for sharing what the Lord put on your heart. It truly is amazing the difference it makes when I do make a choice to step away and really soak in the blessings of the moment. I do feel refreshed and strengthened.

  4. I try to find that place daily…sometimes it just doesn’t happen…but as I sit and meditate upon Him and the Word, I am lifted.

    Today I was reading about Christ Jesus during His final hours…realizing afresh the sacrifice He made for me. Then later, as I was working on editing a sermon, I edit messages, the preacher shared that we often focus on the sacrifice of Christ, but forget the greater sacrifice of God. He asked how many of us as parents would rather suffer, be sick or ill, instead of seeing our children in that place? It made me think! It’s true! God did suffer too…in allowing His Only Son to die for us. He does speak, when we take the time to listen.

    God bless your day!

  5. It is so easy to get caught up in the busyness of life. It is so refreshing to stop, take a deep breath and take in all of the little blessings that God sends us each day. Today I will choose to rest in Him and be thankful!

  6. I thought of this just this week–how *right now* takes me by the arm and invites me to sit awhile and notice. I’m so glad for the wide open white space on my calendar this month and it is my daily breath prayers that each moment is deliberate and purposeful, slowed and savored.

  7. Thanks Jennifer, I copied and printed up those Bible verses and now they are taped up by my computer. I will remember to step back…stop to reflect and be thankful always for these amazing gifts no matter what happens. God Bless and Keep You!

  8. taking the time to just be during this crazy time is the best gift I can give myself this season. It’s one reason why today, I am putting up my holiday tree. I have the time, the next few weeks are gonna be hectic.. and I so love a day playing holiday music and decorating. I do this for me.

  9. Sweet reminder. I posted today about praying for people I love while I peeled potatoes. It’s funny how (HELPFUL) it was for my soul — preparing dinner became.

  10. I have been battling with this very thing – trying to escape the busyness. To create more margin in my life so that I have the space to be still, to rest, and to seize spur of the moment opportunities (to serve or to invest in relationships). My 2 more recent blog posts talk about the need to “get less busy” and to create more time in our lives to invest in people/relationships. http://kabarnes.wordpress.com

    This is a great message that we all need to be reminded of constantly I think. Thank you for the breath of fresh air!

  11. My gratitude today is for your post today. The verses you’ve shared here are the uplifting I need. I’m feeling like I’m in a deep hole and I’ve been struggling for years to get out. I keep hoping and one day it will happen. Thank you for your words today.

  12. I usually keep life busier than I need it to be, but lately I’ve been enjoying more quiet days. They’re so much better, because I’m able to spend more time with the Lord. It is SO refreshing, and I feel more at peace.

  13. thank you for this! things are really busy for me right now and i’m needing to make that decision to enjoy the busyness but also take the time to just…stop. as much as i tend to rush, rush, rush, i need to glean strength from that place of rest as well.

  14. Tis the season for Thanksgiving, eucharisteo. This post was an opportunity for me to enter into worship, into a life of Thanksgiving, not merely a tradition. Blessings to you as you soak yourself in waterfalls of grace this season!

  15. You are so right! Sometimes we must just “Be Still and know that He is God.” When we allow our hearts to listen amidst the busyness of our lives, God is able to make the ordinary extraordinary!

  16. This is so timely as life has felt so busy in the last few weeks. My stepping away during the busyness has come on daily walks. It’s amazing how quickly that busy pace can suck you in like a vacuum. I feel like I have to peel myself away, it’s a discipline, to step away and find that time with Him. I love that sunset photo, by the way!

  17. Beautiful pictures…the other day my husband and I took a four hour drive and it was so clear and crisp, colors so vivid….warm sun, warm wind…made my heart warm at the beauty God has for us in each season.

    We lived for years overseas where there was only dry and wet season and God had to help this Kentucky girl find the beauty in the two seasons.

    thanks for the great post and your pictures were as vivid as the view out my door way.

    • That sounds just wonderful Betty! It does warm the heart to soak in all that beauty. I love that you said He had to help you find that beauty while living overseas!

  18. Thank you for such a wonderful reminder–such blessing there is in feeling God’s presence within Creation and the accompanying hope and love–how good to be able to rest in that!