Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Thankful for all we have. Thankful for (in) courage and being able to read it when I have a chance. Thankful that they give free give aways now and then. Go Bless All of You.

  2. I am thankful for you and all the wonderful writers at [in]courage who speak to our hearts with beautiful words, inspire us to live better, and point us to Christ in all things. Thank you!

  3. A year ago yesterday (on Thanksgiving last year) my youngest little girl was born safely thanks to some amazing doctors. Three months later in February I had surgery to remove a tumor on my carotid artery. I am thankful for life and amazing doctors and my beautiful children. I’m thankful for my husband and his ability to be home for this holiday (he leaves on deployment soon). I honestly can’t think of another Thanksgiving where I’ve had more to be thankful for than this one (though He is always so good and so gracious in his gifts).

  4. I am so greatful for my mom who instilled her love for Jesus in me , she would be on her knees every morning , noon in night in prayer, she is in heaven know and I know Jesus is lavishin her in His great love.

    • Thanks for reminding me to be thankful again today for my grandmother, who did just that–prayed on her knees every morning, noon, and night; and as my cousin reminded us recently, mentioned her future generations in prayer. Those prayers are still being answered today.

  5. I am thankful for the good times and the bad times in my life. For this online community where I always find His words. For the life and good health of my friends and family. For the words of children, sound of leaves and for the traffic! *where I always find a minute to pray* from mex city. Irene Moreno

  6. Too many things to count. Family & a church family that have embraced my widowed father (going on 2 years now).

    Paved roads, hubby, time off work, love, His grace, mercy, hope , joy that is provided in abundance. Living in a free country in the mountains out in country!

    In Courage!

  7. Thanks for a beautiful post reminding me of the wonderful life that I have been blessed with. God is awesome.

  8. Your vivid pictures Lisa-Jo are made more beautiful because of the words you put in them.

    A couple of things running through my mind on this Thanksgiving Day.

    We had Thanksgiving dinner with my Mom today in the nursing home. I was so grateful for the staff who worked so hard to make it special for us. As always it’s very hard to leave her yet I know she needs the round the clock nursing care.

    I could not help but think though how easy it is for me to be grateful since I was not having to stay in the nursing home. I am still able to take care of myself and my husband, drive a car, travel, wash my own clothes and not depend on nurses to take care of bodily needs. My mother would love to just go home to be with the Lord and honestly I pray God calls her home soon and she is freed from her feeble body.

    This makes me also think of a fact I read about the pilgrims…how they dug more graves then built huts yet they set aside time to be thankful.

    “To bring the sacrifice of thanksgiving means to sacrifice your understanding of what is beneficial and thank God for everything because He is benevolent.” (Ann Voskamp

    The word “everything” in the quote from Ann ties it all together for me to makes every day a “thanksgiving day”. We never know the “everything’ that will come to us but it all comes to us through our loving God. It’s been another good day to be thankful.

    Lisa-Jo..I am a Jo also…a Betty Jo..Happy Thanksgiving

  9. Thankful for my family, for boys home from college to share in the feast; for food aplenty; for warmth, for friendship, and mostly, for the love of my Heavenly Father who makes living life here on earth a gift to savor. Thanksgiving blessings to all.

  10. Grateful for God’s unconditional love, .. new every morning, which never disappoints ! Grateful for encouraging blogs 🙂

  11. I am thankful that God is Always with us and He is always the same…yesterday, today and forever.

  12. I am thankful to Jesus for always carry me through the good and bad things in my life, but most of all I am so thankful to him because 14 years ago I lost my kids and and I finally found them thank you Jesus