Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

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(in)side DaySpring:
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  1. A friend of ours, only 14 (a year older than my own daughter), had an abortion today. So young. Such tragedy. Such heartbreak. Not necessary. Such future struggles will develop in dealing with today’s choice. So sad. So against God’s will and plan for our lives………… I am friends with her, her mother, and her father. Please pray that I have the right words to share with each of them as they come looking for help, support, counseling and love. Please pray for each of them as they have to wrestle with their own decisions and emotions, and may they know that they are still loved by God. Thank you.

    • Wendi, it is a privelege for me to take you, this precious girl, and her family before the throne of grace. Yes, GRACE. Ahhh in moments like these, can you believe how wonderful it is that He’s a God of grace?!!

      As a youth leader–who specifically seeks out and pours into those young, vulnerable, love-starved girls–I’m committing to keep you all on my prayer list. Even now, I am fervently praying that in the deepest parts of her hurt and brokenness, she will find God there, and find Him to be the very thing she was searching for all along.

    • My husband suffered a freak accident 6 years ago in a restaurant when a 110 lb. TV fell on his head while he was getting our sodas. The restaurant’s insurance paid only $5000 of his medical care & said we’d have to take them to court if they were to pay anything more. We lost the case because the judge allowed their attorney’s request for no medical evidence to be allowed. My husband is disabled because of the accident – traumatic brain injury, neck, back & jaw injuries & Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I was laid off 5 months ago & just started a new job this week. Our world has been turned upside down & we are now having to file bankruptcy. This is so painful for my husband & I. Prayers would be appreciated. Thank you!

      • Francine,

        Praying for some justice to be done. May God bless you all in a way you never imagined. I pray your new job will pay good to help meet expenses.

        I pray for God’s grace, mercy & perfect love to surround you during these trying times in your lives.


      • Francine,
        You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I cannot believe that you and your husband were treated that way, it is so u fair, I was outraged when I read your post. I am so sorry this has happened to you and your family, I pray for justice and healing, and and an end to all of your suffering, both yours and your husbands.
        My you feel the presence of God’s loving arms my dear.

      • God Bless you and your husband Francine. I pray God gives you and your husband courage, peace and much love.

    • Wendi,
      praying for your friends as they struggle through their days following this tragedy with their daughter ~ pray for you to be a listener and to provide just the right Godly words when needed, feeding them with lots of love and care…Praying that LOVE will overcome any heartache and pain they are currently going through.

    • To my dear sister in Christ , always remember God loves us no mattter what choices we may make. God, is so loving & merciful repent your sins unto him &he is faithful & just to forgive you &cast all of your sins into thsea of fogivness to be remembered NO more. God bless & keep you. Lovingly submitted through your sister in Christ Jesus.. Helen

    • My heart so broke when I read this, during my first visit to this site, wher I came to find solace for myself/family. I have 2 lovely, bright, talented daughters-14 & 12… I cannot imagine what this family is going through. Odd that sometimes when looking for a light in the dark, I so often find another needing that torch so much themselves.
      I pray for this special woman, Wendi…such a blessing to have a friend like her…and for the family for whom she seeks aditional prayer for comfort & guidance.
      As I pray for them, I must ask for prayer… last Wednesday marked 7 years since a double mastectomy and reconstruction….I had just turned 40, lost my father ( the sweetest, kindest, funniest, most intelligent Daddy any girl could ask for), had to take my mother to court to have her declared insane & unable to care for herself in any manner. She had then spent over 25 years in the revolving doors of several intermediate & long-term psychiatric facilities in 2 states. Our family had been the victims of her paranoid-sczichophrenia, bipolar, drinking, pill-popping, abuse (mental, physical…). Finally we had no choice…she has been permanently commit to a state psych facility…so sad, but we had no choice. My husband suffers from agressive squamous cell cancer (so far, in about 8 yrs, over 150 surgeries, skin grafts…), he also has a very rare & nearly impossible to diagnose genetic blood disorder…acute intermittent porphyria) & my 12 year old love has been chroically ill for 5 years…many specialists from here to Chapel Hill, Duke, & uncounted hours in medical libraries/websites/internet. They all fear she has a genetic disorder but is not yet old enough for the “adult” tests to verify anything.
      PLEAse pray for me as a mother, wife, sister, pink-ribbon sister, friend & christian as I struggle to find the purpose in all this. I ask for FAITH- expectations w/o promises…..I have been very ill myself….the “C” word amongst all else I carry has me nearly frozen….
      God bless all of you, and thank you for “listening” to me whine….

      • Chelli, I don’t think you’re whining. I just think you need to talk about it. Sometimes that helps more than anything else, except prayer. I will be praying for you and your family. Remember, God is still on the throne and still does miracle work. I pray God’s blessings on you & yours.

        • Moe, I thank you from the deepest places in my heart…yes, I do know that God is bigger than anything we experience here in this life. God has made me a survivor, & I have discovered this thru being counsel for those who have shared some of my paths. I don’t ask why anymore; I ask for guidance along each walk & the ability to be able to turn pain into a gift for those who come to me…how uncanny the feeling when I got that 1st call from a woman who had just been told “…breast cancer…”. I was deeply humbled that she spoke to me before anyone else, and I took her to my special “team” of doctors whose care for me was something I would come to share with other women then & since.
          Thank you, too, for setting me straight on the “whine”… I have a saying about the “WHINEstein Sisters…when hearing “It is so lovely today”, & their response is “Yes, but it’s supposed to rain tomorrow”. I feel sorry for those like this. They miss out on the “lovely” of things & like to point out the “rain”. Thank you … and may our Heavenly Father bless you & those you love immensely.

    • Hey Wendy, we can always look around and find someone who is in greater need. I’ll join with you praying for this precious young woman. I’ll be praying that she will discover a relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ or a closer one if she does know Him, and that she will have a closer relationship with her parents, and that she can forgive herself and realize that she can be with her child one day in heaven. I will also be praying for you, Wendy, that God would guide you as you minister with this family. Thank you so much for sharing.

    • Wendi,
      My heart breaks for your friend and her family. I’m praying now for you to have the right words and for her to know that God loves her, no matter what.

    • I pray the Holy Spirit fills you with wisdom and courage so that you may continue to comfort your friends, and find peace within. I had the experience of a loved one choosing to have an abortion. I have wrestled with it and what else I might have done to stop it. I believe the baby is in God’s hands and his forgiveness and love will heal us all. I started actively participating in pro-life events to try to influence positive change so all women, particularly young women, will be empowered to prevention and to respecting the unborn. Doing this has helped me deal as someone looking on and trying to make reparation for a loved one’s abortion.

  2. I’ve made some big decisions this year to be obedient to God’s calling – leaving my job of 13 years, selling my house that I built just over a year ago and going overseas for 9 months not really knowing where God’s taking me but trusting He will lead as I step out in faith. Sometimes it’s all really overwhelming though. I need to leave in just over 2 months and I need some miracles – my house won’t be up for sale till the end of this week and I won’t have any money to leave until I do. It’s requiring a lot of trust that I don’t always feel I have. I live in Australia but love the open, sharing community here at (in) courage. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.

    • Dear Nicole,
      Sister, I hear you say that you will give up the things of the flesh that you want in order to have more of Jesus in your life & to serve HIM?
      He is not only Lord over the universe, He is Lord over your individual life as well. If the Spirit is leading you and you are controlled by the Spirit you will have no doubt in your heart and you will not have an issue with Trust! You may choose what you think is best, but is it God’s best for your life? I would ask you to seek HIM fervently and ask HIM for His wisdom and direction for your future. Sometimes people walk out from under God’s umbrella of protection & away from HIS best for their lives. Wisdom means having clear understanding & insight. It means knowing how to apply the truth in every situation. It’s having good judgement & discerning what is right from wrong. “When He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come” (John 16:13)
      I pray that you would receive God’s wisdom and understanding regarding all that you have decided. May you be rich in wisdom and wealthy in understanding.Thank you Lord that you give “wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding” ( Daniel 2:21)
      May you be led by the Spirit and not trust your own heart, trust the Word & THE LORD’S instruction so that you will walk wisely. (PROV. 2:7, 10~13 & 28:26)
      LORD, We know in You “are hidden treasures of wisdom & knowledge” (Col.2:3)
      May you help Nicole discover those treasures.
      Remember you are God’s daughter and He Loves you. As you walk with Him, you will become more like Him every day 1 john 3:1-3 As you look to Him, you will be “transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord” 2 Corn. 3:18. Don’t be discouraged if things don’t happen as fast as you would like them to. Our perspective is temporal, His is eternal. Draw close to God and He will give you the desires of your heart.
      PRAYING FOR YOU NICOLE, I hope you are encouraged.
      In Christ precious name
      Prov. 2:3-6…9;10-11…24:3-4…PSALM 37:30-31….JERM.33:3

    • Hi Nicole,
      I would like to encourage you and to let you know that obedience is better than sacrifice! if you are truly led by the Spirit of God to do all these things, then don’t worry, God has already provided and prepared everything for you. It can be hard on the flesh because of what we can not see. Remember that his word tells us that He will never leave nor forsake us. So continue in well doing and trusting in Him and walk in the direction that He leads and all will work out great! I will pray that you receive peace of mind and that your faith is increased. Having the faith of a mustard seed is very small but when it comes down to putting our faith to work, it seems otherwise. May you hear, receive, and do what God wants you to do.
      Blessings and be encouraged, my sister.

  3. My husband admitted to me this week that he is struggling with a pornography addiction. He desires to turn away from the sin but I know how much of a struggle this particular sin can be. We’ve been married for less than a year and I now can see why the first year of marriage is often the hardest! Please pray that my husband had strength to turn from his sin and turns to God instead.

    • Dear Shauna-
      I will be keeping you and your husband in my prayers. I know from experience how hard this can be, on you, on him, and on your marriage. My husband and I are just completing our counceling, due to his struggle with pornography. May I encourage you by recommending you seek councel, from a christian? I know for a fact God can take this situation, and turn it into something beautiful. He can make your marriage actually stronger, make your husband a stronger leader of the home, and create in you a bigger heart of love for your husband. Again, I will be praying constantly for your marriage. God bless you and your husband.

      • Hi Shauna,
        I just wanted to let you know that my husband and I went through a very similar struggle. He admitted his struggle with pornography to me and I tried to love him without accepting the sin. He wanted to be free from that temptation, but seemed to fall back into a pattern in times of stress. I would encourage the two of you to try not to solve this problem alone. First of all, it’s hard to believe, but the addiction usually has little to do with his marital satisfaction. It’s an addiction to a chemical change in the body (just like some drugs can cause), that comes with seeing images. Will power and a loving wife are sometimes not enough. He has to seek a change for GOD, not just for you. We got involved with a program called Celebrate Recovery that is designed for Christians who want to be free from addictions (of any kind) and find God’s peace in their life. I can’t tell you how wonderful that has been for our family. He learned to identify triggers, such as stress, in his life. He formed great male friendships and accountability with other people in the program. My attending helped me to understand the nature of a pornography addiction. Now he is 2.5 yrs “sober” and we have a new level of transparency in our marriage. I would encourage you to seek out a Celebrate Recovery program at a church in your area. It’s free and will help you both grow closer together and closer to God. I wish you two the best!

  4. Sweet Faithful God, I thank You so much for this webpage and the community is has been for many. I thank You that so many seek prayer right here and that even more are praying faithfully for dear sisters. I thank You for where I am at, for many times I came here and cried out for help, I was not well. I know I am not there but You are certainly at work. Thank You for that. Father I lift up Shauna, how sad to have this struggle going on in her marriage. I do know Father that You are faithful. I do know that this sin is a hard one. I praise You that Shauna’s husband came out with it, will please guide them now and show them what steps to take. I know this doesn’t go away on it’s on. Father put it on her husband’s heart to reach out and seek help. Give him the right people Father and let healing take place. In Jesus Name. I also pray that You would give Shauna wisdom in how to be in this, what to do and how to respond. Father be in her! Amen.

    As for me… Like I said, I have shared openly here how bad things have been. Struggling with severe depression and struggling with my singleness at age 38 (and a half). Well, I did meet a guy and we seem to be going somewhere. Please pray for me to date walk this walk and trust. If God would take this man away, that I will be ok. And that if this man turns out to stay, please pray we take it at God’s speed and that we stay pure. We’re both older, we’ve both been through a lot, please pray God will bring forth healing through this relationship and that we build a healthy one from the start!. Thank you.

    • MCH, I am new here at (in)courage and I consider it a blessing and a privilege to pray for you. I can very well relate. I believe it is by God’s design that I am following you in this comment box. By God’s grace, I’ll wrestle in prayer for you and your heart and for this guy and his heart. May both of you find the ultimate love and satisfaction in Jesus alone. May His consuming fire fill you and heal both of you. I pray, with all Godly audacity, that if He blesses this relationship, He will use both of you together in His ministry and you will be a powerful team for Him and His Kingdom.

      To the one who will be next to me, please pray for His enabling and equipping grace as I start to exchange my life for the life He has prepared for me. It is my desire to say, “It is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me.” My boyfriend of almost three years just decided to have a cool-off and I pray that the will of God for both of us will be accomplished. I don’t know how our relationship will end but please do pray for His grace to make us (especially me) accept His will.

    • MCH,

      Congratulations on finding someone. I, too, was single at 38.5. God sent me a wonderful man & we married, I turned 39 a few months later. It has been a good marriage for 8 years.

      I did a ton of praying for him & even told God If He wanted me married He would have to bring the person to me.

      Pray, pray and pray some more & have faith that this is the one!

  5. I have been a single parent for 21 years my three boys who are older now each struggle with different addictions, the oldest gambling, the middle one suffers with opiate addictions and alcohol he is currently clean but I know it is hard for him alcohol makes him ill now I believe this is God as a sweet woman at my church reached out to me and we pray weekly for my boys my youngest smoke pot on a daily basis. We are praying for total deliverance and that God would be the light in the darkness as they are walking in darkness and that he would draw them with his goodness. All three grew up in the church. I have seen positve things happening and I believe the more people praying for them the better. Thank you.

    • Dearest Emn,
      I truly understand the pain you are in regarding your children. My son, who grew up in the church and was baptised as a teenager, now professes total unbelief and blasphamies the name of my Lord at every opportunity. This week he threatened my life, slashed himself and I ended up having to call the police for my own safety. I love this child so much but I am lost as to how to handle his behaviors. Drugs and alcohol are involved as is an untreated mental illness. My friends and family want me to ‘give up on him’ but he is a child of God and worthy to be saved. As I pray for my son I will lift your children up in prayer, asking God for total deliverance to the addictions they suffer and in my son’s case to the demons who cloud his drugged mind. God is good and I get great comfort from knowing that God loves my son even more than I do! He loves your boys too 🙂

      • Thank you and I will be praying for your son as well. I will never give up we have our HOPE in Christ. Yes, I so find comfort knowing that God loves our children even more than we do, I just keep praying that he would be the light in their darkness.

    • Dear EMN, I would like to encourage you to continue praying for your children. God is able to remove all addictions no matter which type. I am praying for you and your sons. All things are possible with God. Let us pray without ceasing deliverance is coming sooner than later.

      • Thank you Margaret I will be praying that deliverance come sooner rather than later. What a wonderful community we have here.

  6. I love this website. So much encouragement. Charina – I’ve got you covered.

    I have a friendship that is broken. I am trying to be patient, waiting on God to restore it. I don’t know which way I am to go….. closer or restoration.

  7. EMN,

    I pray that GOD uses what has been planted in your boys at an early age to give them strength to turn away from addiction. I understand that this is a very difficult stronghold to overcome, so I pray that HE gives them strength to fight it daily. I pray that the LORD will use them, as an example of sobriety, if it is His will, to help lift others out of the pit of addiction. I pray for your peace and strength. In Him… Amen.

    Please pray for me. It my seem like a common thing, but I a mother of two up tonight with a virus of some sort. It’s cold symptoms, chills and body aches. I know that it will pass, but pray is for strength, as my little ones will be up soon needing mommy. Please pray, that I have strength to get over this little bump. My BIG bump is my daily struggle is, that I struggle with anxiety daily. Please pray for my healing…Thank you:)

    • Jen, I pray for your strength and healing. I pray that God will be your strength in all you do, especially as you raise those two little ones. I pray that our Lord will relieve your anxiety, too. Remember to trust God in all you do – He has good plans for your life, plans for your good. And in the NLT of 1Peter 5:7 – “Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.” May God bless you and your family.

    • Hi Jen, may you receive healing in Jesus Name. May your struggles be a thing of the past because Jesus has already taken them away. Just release them to Him. He promised to take our burdens.

    • Jen, I will be praying for you, I struggled with anxiety for many years when my boys were little and I know how awful that can be. It did go away so do not think that you will have this forever. I’ll be lifting you up every day.

  8. thank You Lord for the community… of bonding together in prayer,us sisters who reach out to You our Heavenly Papa who knows each one by name and need… thank you for LD here… who s struggling here with her hurt and loss over a friendship gone wrong. In Jesus Name,we pray… that You may bring about a complete restoration and healing in places it bleeds… with distrust or fear or with something that is displeasing in Your Eyes. Father God,remind us that You re our True Best Friend Who ll never ever leave our side… and grant us the grace and strength to walk in Your footsteps in all our friendships here that You bless us with… thank You for reaching out to us in the most unselfish act of Love in Jesus. we thank You,dear Lord for the hope we have in You in Prayer… amen.

  9. i d like someone to remember me in their prayers for me. i just wrote an exam last month for my post graduation studies in medicine… and right now am desperately pleading with God for His Mercy and Favor to rest upon me… as this exam s really such an important one for me {God knows just how much!}… there are even days when i doubt His amazing Love for me… but deep down inside,my heart seems to scream, i believe,Lord!… help thou my unbelief. thank You JESUS! thank you,guys here at incourage…! let s wait on Him to grant us our heart s desires as we learn what it really means to delight in Him. with much love and prayers

    • Anne, I pray for God’s grace and rest on you. I pray that your exam brings the results you desire. I pray you will know His great love for you. Remember that God loves us so much He sent His son to die for us, that we might have everlasting life. Our God is so good and loves us so much – each day He sends us so many signs and reminders of His love. I pray that you will see the reminders of His love, and know His love deep down to your soul. May God continue to bless you.

    • I lift my sister before your throne and ask that you would pour out your unconditonal love and favor on her. I pray that she would be fully convinced of your great love and that her faith in him would be unwavering. II Timothy 1:12. We all need to be reminded in whom we have placed our very lives.

    • Ann, I am praying with you and I would like to assure you that the Lord has already had your prayers. He promises to fullfill our hearts desires. Do not be anxious of anything because He cares for you.

    • Anne,
      I’m praying for God to give you peace and rest and the assurance that He loves you so much and wants only the best for you. I pray for Him to show you that while you are waiting on Him, so much is actually going on. Sometimes when I’m waiting—and I hate to wait!—I mistakening think that nothing is happening. Yet I realize later I was being taught, tested, molded. As you said, He knows how much this means to you!

    • Please pray for me I’m in a guardianship battle for my mother, She has alzhimers, and
      has been with me for 2 1/2 years, after my dad died, which I also took care of til his death. Now siblings want control of her, they are fighting the guardianship. During a visit with her they wouldnt let her come home. I havent seen her in almost 4 months.
      I dont understand why theyre doing this,its now going to be handled in court. I have
      many witnesses and doctors and evidence I have took good care of her. I love her
      dearly and my heart is broken, I have cried and the tears wont stop! I know I have to put my trust in the lords hand! It is so hard when your own family are trying to hurt you! Please help me pray for Gods will. Our hearing is March 5, my heart is
      broken since they have took her, I worry about her care! Please pray for me!

  10. Please pray for the healing of my heart, and for God’s guidance in my life. My heart has been hurt, and I’m struggling to move past it. I know that what happened was for the best, and I know what God wants of me. I’m struggling to fully surrender because it isn’t what I’ve wanted for myself. Please pray that I yield to God, and that He use me in an extraordinary way that only He can.

  11. Praying for you Kelly, that you feel God’s touch in your life.

    I would like prayer that I would be able to get through this semester with good grades, because I am very overwhelmed right now with my classes. Additionally, I am working through social anxiety and have gotten to a point where I feel like I can mostly be okay in most situations, which is wonderful but at the same time it makes me want to give up the difficult things that brought me to this point, and I know there is a good chance if I did I might regress a bit, and even if I didn’t God can help me do so much more than just tolerate being around people if I do my part.

  12. sending up prayers for VA to guide her through her ongoing struggles and be near her as she goes through her days.

    i needed this post today. i feel so useless right now, just totally lost and alone. i’m having a rough time with my kids and my job and feel like there’s no one to lean on. i know i am my own problem, but i need someone to find some worth in me so that i can gather the strength to keep at it. thank you.

    • Amy,
      Your comment “but I need someone to find worth in me” breaks my heart because I’ve been there, felt that same feeling. The pat answer–your kids are the someone-comes to mind but I don’t know your situation and so I won’t stop with that answer because I didn’t like it when it was said to me. I can tell you the other “someone” is bigger than any other answer–God– you are his daughter and therefore He finds great worth in you! He chose YOU to be his daughter before you were even born! He sent Jesus to die for YOU because He loves you that much. I completely understand how hard it is to just keep going day after day after day when you feel like you have no worth and no reason to keep going. Truly I do understand. All I could do was to keep thanking God for loving me and keep asking to just help me through today. Not tomorrow but today. Tomorrow was too far ahead to think about. Sometimes I prayed to get through the hour, argument, or whatever. He definitely sees the worth in you because you are his and he has a job for you to do on this earth that he will show you in his time. Don’t let go of his hand, no matter how tough it gets, and he will pull you through the fire.

  13. Lord, I lift up Jen to you. Please bring healing and rest to her and protection from this virus for her family. Help her feel your Presence as she goes about her day-to-day, renewing her mind to banish the anxiety. Thank you for sending your Son to die on the cross for our salvation and healing.

    Lord, I also lift up VA, who is taking classes this semester. Help her do her best work and get good grades for it. We thank You for helping her get victory over social anxiety, and we ask that You help her to continue to feel Your Presence with her.

    I’d like to ask for prayer for me. I’m struggling with a skewed sense of self (for almost all my life). I’m so tired of constantly reacting like everyone is criticizing me, and snapping at them. I have 5 boys, and one or two of them are showing signs that they are following in my path. My heart breaks that I have given them this example, multiple times a day. Thanks

    • Ezekiel Garden’s, I am praying for you that the Lord may take away your struggles. Psalm 139:14 – You are fearfully and wonderful made. Do not let any critism deter your dreams. God bless you

  14. i. love. it. here. and that beautiful summer photo is awesome on this gray, snowy day….

    i mentor an 18-year-old who is recovering from anorexia. she has gained her weight back, but now she faces the LONG (mine was three years) battle of learning to like herself again. she is struggling right now with lonliness and fear. her first inclination when something isn’t good is to switch to starvation mode. please pray for her to continue to look to jesus for her strength and her worth.

    • Dear Jesus, I pray for for this girl’s need and ask You to give her strength, wisdom, and the knowledge of You that will get her out of this problem, because You are all we need for victory in this battle. Let her see herself through Your eyes in every day. Give her victory, in Jesus name. Thank You.

  15. I’ve read through all these prayer requests and responses and Jen I replied to your request above.

    I could use continued prayers that I would meet someone. I’m tired of being alone. I long to be in a loving, respectful, fun relationship with a godly man. I want to discuss real issues with him, discuss the Bible, pray together, worship together, play together with a man who loves God more than he loves me. I have been on a date recently and a 2nd date is on the calendar. Pray that I can keep a clear mind and follow God instead of my heart. I want the real deal and not just a date here and there. I need patience to wait for God’s timing and realize that he may have me waiting not because I am not ready but maybe the man he has for me is not ready yet and I do not want to disrupt that process.

  16. Hi. My prayer request is for a ministry I have started online. I would like to know whether is it God’s will or not right now. I don’t know what to do. I need the Lord’s guidance and a especial vision from Him. For this I pray, in Jesus name.

    • Hi Giannini, Since I have not found an “organized” religion or house of worship that I can truly relate to, I would be very interested in finding out more about your online ministry. Please leave me a message here and I will find you. I searching for my place in the world and in my faith. Thank you and may God bring you the answer you so desperately seek. Susanne

  17. I want to thank God for his never ending grace and love. Sometimes I wonder how He does it. Putting up with my wretched soul, with my daily flaws. I bless His name and thank Him for his love and patience and guidance. I pray for this 18 year old young lady who is facing this struggle of self image. Lord help her see herself the way you see her, beautifully and wonderfully made. Help her see that her self worth is not in her image or how the world sees her but help her see the beautiful jewel she is to you. I also pray for Your protection on her. And bless Kendal and give the words and strength to help her as she goes through this difficult time. In Jesus’s precious name I pray. Amen. Pray for me, I was thinking the other day how many relationships in my life are broken and I thought “we have allowed Satan to pitch a tent and set camp in our home!”. Pray that these relationships, mine and my mothers, my husband’s and my daughter’s, my son’s and his father’s may be how God intended them to be. Pray that God gives me the strength and the words to be the spiritual leader and a holy example to my family that they may once again walk in His way. The only way.

  18. DeeDee, I do pray that God would restore the broken relationships in your family. May He be glorified as He works to redeem and repair.

    I’d love prayer for my husband’s job. Lots of uncertainty. May we trust God to provide direction and opportunity. Thank you.

  19. Jenny, may God provide for you all your needs and give you hope and encouragement. May your husband be blessed and stay focused.

    I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I know God can heal me if He so chooses. I ask for wisdom about treatments and my lifestyle. I have peace and I trust Him, come what may.

    • C.C., praying for the right job and the wisdom to discern it for your husband. I also pray for your pain and the challenges you face with fibromyalgia. God bless you both.

  20. If you would pray for my contentment I would appreciate it. I long to be able to be a stay at home mom to my two kids but financially it isn’t possible. I struggle with being so angry with my husband for not having a different job, being jealous of my friends who don’t work, and being angry with myself for having these blessings in the first place. Pray that I can replace them with gratitude for all of the blessings that I have and that I can let go of my anger.

    • Oh Dear Lord, I pray that your Holy Spirit would so fill Jill’s heart that she would know contentment in YOU, not in circumstances but in YOU, so that no matter where she is or whoe she is with her love and joy in YOU might shine. We pray this in Jesus name, Amen!

  21. My prayer request is that my heart, mind, and words are a reflection of Christ each and every day. That He will take the negative and bitterness from within me. That I accept the things I can not change in my life and marriage so that I have happiness and peace.

    • Dear Lord, You see Melissa and all that is in her life, you know the struggles she faces. And you love her!!! Please send your Holy Spirt to comfort her and cast out all bitterness from within her. She longs to live in hapiness and peace. We pray that she would find peace and contentment in you, Lord, and that you would direct the path of her life and marriage. In Jesus precious name we pray, Amen!

  22. That God will let my husband and I know what is our next step. . . when we moved here years ago God used my husband to “physically” build our church where we attend. God used me as well . . . now we both are not sure what to do or where to do it. Thank you for your offer of prayer.

    • Dear Heavenly Father, You know where Becky and her husband have come from, you know the work they have done and the love for you in thier hearts. Please show them the way to go from here. Please bless them with an overwhelming sense of your plan. May the desires of their hearts be the desire of your heart and may they continue to be used of you to spread and share your great love! In Jesus name we pray, Amen!

  23. for all my sisters in Christ, I pray, before your throne of grace, Lord you hear our hearts before we speak….you answer and are faithful. I just want to thank you Lord and praise your holy name for answered prayer. Praise you Jesus!
    Jesus knows your needs, better than you do, just hold on to Jesus, he’s holding on to you.
    The doctors say that cancer has spread throughout my body, they have scheduled me for a CATscan on thursday, please pray for me as you feel led…

    • Lord, I pray for Marie. I lift her up to you as she goes through this week in anticipation of her scan Thursday. Lord, give the doctor’s wisdom as they read her scan and determine the best course of treatment. Take away the fear and anxiety that Marie must be feeling and reassure her of your constant Presence, God.

    • Oh Dear Heavenly Father, We lift up Marie before you and we pray that you bring comfort and healing to her in this moment. We ask that you draw her near to you as a loving Daddy, that you would wrap your arms of love and comfot around her this week as she waits for reults. We pray for the doctors and nurses and all involved in her care, we pray that your presensce and peace would fill every moment. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen!

  24. C.C. May God lead your husband and your family to the right place and the right job. I pray to God gives to your husband strategy and he will do well at his job interviews, knowing that our Lord already chose the one that is the best for you.

    I ask pray for healing in my marriage and for understanding God´s call for our life. We need pray for an evident direction about where should we live and what to do about our careers choices.

    • Dear Heavenly Father, we come before you in heartfelt prayer for Lilian and her husband. Surround them with your love and your peace dear Lord, so that they may hear your voice and truly know where it is you want them to go with their careers and where you want them to live. We pray they would hear not from the world, but truly from you dear Lord. Please bless them with peace and confidence as they take steps to follow your call on their life together. In Jesus name we pray these things, Amen!

    • Oh Dear Lord, you know where Myron has been and the struggle without work she has faced. We lift her up before you, Lord. Wrap her in your arms of love and peace, show her your will for her life and guide her to the job you have for her. Lord I pray that this next phase of her life would truly be a blessing she could not have imagined. I pray that she is overwhelmed with blessings and that she is drawn near to you, Lord. Please help her to shine for you wherever you lead her. In Jesus name we pray, Amen!

  25. Please pray for my daughter Amanda as an attorney refuses to settle custody issues out of court and daughter cannot afford an attorney for a trial. I am praying that the vindictiveness will stop coming at her and she will not lose any of her rights to her son who loves her so much. For the well being of my daughter and her son and hope for the future.

    • Oh dear Lord and Father, We come before you and pray for Amanda and her precious son. You are the Heavenly Father and Creator of all of us. Please wrap your love and comfort around Amanda and her son and Amanda’s mom as they face an uncertain future. We pray Lord, for you to send people into their lives who can help them settle these custody issues. We pray that your will be done here, Lord. In Jesus Name we pray AMEN!

  26. First, thank you for having this site. It is a blessing to all who need uplifting to our Lord.
    Second, I will be praying for all requests on here, even though I won’t be posting to all.
    Third, my request: I have a 16 yr. old daughter who is my life. Her dad and I have been divorced for 11 years. Now, with a year and a half to go till she’s 18, he wants custody! She also wants it changed. Her and I were very close till the terrible teens hit and tho, still close, not as much. She has had many opportunities to spend more time with her dad and refused. He also is able to have 6 weeks every summer, but has never taken it. Now, because of disobeying with my car and lying about it, she is grounded for 6 months, plus last year he retired and she now receives money from that. I know deep in my heart these things are the reason behind the changes wanted. Plus, he pretty much lets her run when she is with him. Now he has taken me to court, and the judge is leaning toward letting him have her. I cannot handle this and am a total wreck. Please pray for me to handle this better without all the crying I’m doing now. Thank you.

    • Dear Heavenly Father, We pray today for Leann and her precious daughter, we lift them and all their needs up before you. Please bless Leann with comfort and peace and the knowledge that you will be present with both of them at all times. Lord, we ask that you help her teenage daughter to hear from you, we pray that her heart would turn to you and that she would desire more of you, Lord, not because her mom wants this but because you created this child and you desire a relationship with her. Help her to see what her life can be if she walks with you. Oh Lord, it is so hard to wait and watch as our children grow in their faith, as they make their own mistakes and thier own successes and learn the lessons from them, Lord I lift up Leann and ask that you give her a special measure of grace and love and peace in this time. I pray that you help her keep her eyes on YOU, Lord, and that you bless her with immeasurable peace and contentment in YOU. We pray for the custody being decided by a judge and we pray for your will to supernaturally ring clear in all of this. We lift up the judge and all involved, that they would move and act and speak only the words that you desire dear Lord. May you bring peace and love into this difficult circumstances. In Jesus name we pray, Amen!

  27. Please pray for my husband and his business that he started a year ago with a friend. It has been a very slow go. The manufacturer has recently taken rejected products and is selling them behind their backs and this has caused more difficulties! Please pray that things will turn for the better for them and that his (my husband’s) spirits will lift and he will sleep better at night. I do believe if things go awry this is also God’s will, for whatever reason as I truly do believe this is where he is supposed to be, but please pray that if that happens we will have the strength to move forward.

    • Dear Lord, we lift up Pattie and her husband and thier family to you. You kow the plans you have for them, for their future, for their family, for the company. You created each of them and you love them so deeply. We pray that Pattie would feel your peace, your comfot and your love today. We pray that those involved with her husband’s company would be honest and honorable and that they would see a profit in this business. Lord, above all we pray that your will be done in Pattie and her husbands lives and that you dear Lord would be honored. Bless them with strength and visions and a purpose that glorifies you, Lord. In Jesus name we pray, Amen!

  28. Melissa: Praying now for the hurt you are feeling with life & marriage. My heart aches for you as I have been in this same place. Pray every second the hurt feeling comes & recite each day the things you have to be thankful for <3

    Becky: Praying for God's will & direction for you & your husband <3

  29. Please pray for so many broken hearts as we mourn the loss of James. It’s been a little over a month now and the pain is gut wrenching. Pray for his parents, Len & Evelyn & Sister, Sandi. James was in my sons band, Forever Is Forever & lived with us 3 days a week. This past year has been overwhelming for my family. Please pray for an unspoken for my husband this Tuesday. For God’s perfect will in our lives through so many trials. Thanks for your prayers – they are Cherished <3

    • Dear Heaven Father, We pray for comfort and peace and so many mourn the loss of James. We lift up Stacey and sll the needs, spoken and unspoken that surround her life. You see her and her family and you love them, please make your presence know to them today and guide them in what your will is for thier future. In Jesus Precious Name we pray, Amen!

  30. Stacy, Pattie, Leann, … and many of the ladies who posted here this morning I am lifting you up in my prayers today. What a blessing to come before the Lord on behalf of each other.

    I ask for prayer for my pregnancy … am now 24 weeks along. My husband, Allen, and I have been pregnant 11 times and have 5 living children and 5 babies who are already in heaven. There are a few complications with this pregnancy that keep stiring up fear in my heart. But I long to just trust that God has it all under control; that sometime in May we will come home a healthy baby and healthy mom. Its hard for my children at home and hard on my husband as we wait but I pray that this is an opportunity for God to grow us. There are other stressing factors in our lives right now too, relationships, finances and schooling. I would be grateful if others would just lift my family up in prayers and that all we do would somhow bring Glory to our Great God!

    • Heather, I am lifting you and yours up in prayer. May God shower you with even more blessings and give you peace.

  31. I pray for Stacey Lord, as she and her family are struggling through this loss. Thank you for their willingness to take this boy into their lives and love him and please give them your comfort as they live without him now. Give your peace to all involved in the situation.

    My prayer request is for my foster son. His father was released from prison last week and is trying to get custody. I haven’t met him yet, so praying that he will turn out to be decent, but what we do know about him is horrible, so I do not have much hope. Unfortunately, the law leans toward giving him back the child. I am not coping too well with the idea of having to hand my little guy over!

    • Dear Lord we lift up Kate and her family to you. Bless her for opening her home to foster children. Thank you for the love and stability she has provided her foster son. Lord, we also want to pray for this boy’s father as he is released from prison. Lord, send people into his life with wise and guiding words from YOU. Lord, please send your Holy Spirit to surround this man and draw him to you. If it is your will that Kate be a part of helping this man be a godly man and father then please fill her with the strength and peace and guidance to do that. But Lord, if it is your will for this young boy to stay in Kate’s care then I pray that you go before her and all the legal procedings and processes and you make your will known to all involved. We pray for the safety of this little guy, and that he might be able to grow in a Christ honoring and loving home, that he might grow to know you as his Lord and Savior and that he might grow in to an amazing man of God. We ask all of this Jesus Precious Name, Amen!

  32. My husband and I have been separated since November 2011. Last weekend he told me he will be filing for divorce by the end of the month. We have been together over 7 years and will be married for almost 5 years in March. We have not had an easy marriage. God has been working on me about my faults and has opened my eyes to what marriage is truly supposed to be. My husband has closed himself to me and I ask you pray for my family. I Love my husband so very much and am dealing with guilt related to my actions and choices in my marriage. I want nothing more than to have my marriage healed. I am struggling to surrender to God my marriage, myself and my husband and allow Him to work in each of us. Please pray that my husband can forgive me and join me in the fight for our marriage.

    • Praying for you Donna. I’m in the same situation. I have found that God is faithful to teach us, love us unconditionally, and always be at our side. He can move mountains!

      • Lifting you up in prayer as well. I know my Lord is mighty and He will see us through this in His time.

  33. Please pray for as my heart is breaking. I was in a relationship with a kind hearted loving man for about 5 years.I was very happy when he proposed in Dec 2010 and met my parents to make his intentions known and pay my dowry. Unfortunately since Jan 2011 we have not been able to move forward with our marriage plans. It has been a hectic painful 1 year plus for. He complains of being unsure of the relationship, afraid of getting married and filled with so much anxiety. I really do not know where to go on from here and at times wonder why all of this had to happen to me. At present I am homeless and jobless as I lost my job last year. I am praying that God will please me with a job and restore the confidence my fiance had when he proposed to me.

    • Dear Nkiru,
      My heart goes out to you; it is so hard when we see the direction of our lives suddenly take a turn and we cannot fix it. “Dear Lord, I thank you for Nkiru, and her precious heart. Lord, she is so dear to You. I ask that You give her the grace to give You all the uncertainties of her life and the peace to know that You will not leave her nor forsake her. Lord, give her Your perspective on all of this…if this marriage is of you I ask that it proceed peace and blessing…if You know that it would not be Your best for Nkiru, please show her that and provide the home and Job she needs. Lord Jesus, be Nkiru’s husband, and provide for her in ways she knows are truly You. Thank you Jesus, Amen.”graceed in

  34. I’m asking for prayer for GOD’s protection for my grandchildren, all by my only daughter, three3 alltogether. Nicholas, who is now and twins, boy and a girl(noah and Naya)who were born premature almost three3 months ago. I live to far away to be in their lives but I am here at this time helping my daughter with them before sending them off to nursery next month. I would like to be closer but not having a close family relationship with my children nor siblings, it would seem better this way anyway. I only have GOD, JESUS and the Holy Spirit to turn to and lean on. I’m asking for agreement in prayer for their health, strength, guidance, love for each other be increase thru his mercy, grace and Love for them.
    GOD Bless you all.

  35. Having experienced the ultimate betrayal — where it is revealed to me that, unbeknownst to me, I’ve married a convicted criminal who specializes in defrauding women of their monies & properties, a psychopath with no conscience, who even now, where he is hiding from the police that has issued warrants for his arrest in several countries, is continuing his evil work, adding to his long list of victims, I have been left practically penniless, robbed of jewelry, paintings — & more. I am struggling to survive, my life consists in great part of district attorneys and police, in the hopes that some justice at least may be possible & that as much as possible can be recovered? I pray for financial stability and justice! I also pray for my little lapdog who has suddenly gotten very ill. I pray that he may recover, for he’s the only continuum & immediate family member I have left & is a source of great joy & strength to me! I thank God for my good & faithful friends! Please pray with me! May God stop the evil actions & intentions of my still husband & may his evil doings be revealed!

  36. My prayer request is that God will heal my broken heart over my youngest son’s co-occurring illness: drug/alcohol addiction and bi-polar disorder. It is has been ten years. I also need prayer for my husband continues to enable our son and it only ‘feeds’ the problem. This has been the area of contention in our marriage relationship. With the Lord’s help I’ve been working on co-dependency issues and have been involved with a Christian 12 step group for 3 years and have also received support for my son’s mental health issues from the NAMI support group.

    • Lifting you and your requests up to God. May God cover you in love, protection and support.

    • May you continue to find comfort & support in God and know that He is at work in your family. I pray, Heavenly Father that you will cover this family with your love and healing. Please take the pain and broken hearts and cover them in Your love. In Your wisdom, move within this family. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, Amen.

  37. Our family has been struggling for almost two months. My husband lost his job of 13 years and we are seeking a new church home. Seems like every where we turn is the wrong turn. We have been praying faithfully. We have had a handful of friends prayer for us but I just dont see God in any of it.
    I am not asking for a miracle, I am just asking for a glimmer of hope.

  38. Please pray for renewal of my heart & spirit that has been long astray. God is calling me back & I am facing many changes, choices in life….but not just me, my spouse is being gently pulled to God. Please pray for the growth and renewal if our relationship with God and one another and that we will have the faith and courage to live God’s will for our lives.

  39. Please pray for this time of transition in my life. I am a missionary in Mexico but will be moving back to the States in June. I am going to be sending out my resume and cover letter this week to several people in Athens Clarke County, Georgia, where I strongly desire to find a teaching position. Please pray that the Lord would provide a position for me and that He would be glorified in these next steps in my journey with Him…that I would trust Him and not give in to fear and worry.

    • Jessica, Praising God for your work in Mexico. And claiming Jer. 29:11: For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, ‘Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, Plans to give you hope and a future'”

  40. Four of our five children had tonsillectomies on Wed. Lots of pain here. One is constipated and is in severe pain from it. My husband is sick and our baby is teething with a cold. Though family on both sides is on town they have not helped. I need a mama. Thanks for prayers!

    • Praying for you, Michelle! We live in a different state than our family, and have two little ones under 2, and I know it’s a struggle to find help or to have to ask for help. Praying people step up to help you, even if it’s to help sit with your little ones so you can get some fresh air. Praying everyone heals well and quickly.

    • Aww … Michelle … wished you lived in MN … I am weary and lonely too and would love to wrap my arms around you in this time of need. As I mother our 5 (almost 6) kids I often long for someone to mama me or a friend to share my journey with …
      We have our Savior and he knows us like no other could. I will continue to read your blog and follow your family’s story, I will lift you up in prayers and pray that God not only heals but renews your strength so you can run and not grow weary, walk in His ways and not faint. Bless you dear sister in Christ!

  41. My Brother was rushed to the Emergency room with a Bleeding Ulcer,he is in intensive care, I Pray that he see’s that the lord is telling him to look to him for strength and to turn himself around and to take better care of himself.
    I myself feel his strength ever so strong on my heart,but i do not know what I am supposed to do. he has blessed me with so many things and I want in return to give back and try to help others that feel the same way I do.

  42. My brother in laws uncle had a severe stroke last week which killed 1/3 of his brain. He wet into a rehab facility and now is back in the hospital with pneumonia. Please pray for comfort for Uncle Don as well as his wife Judy. They also have two adult sons 24/26 who are autistic and who are very scared right now. Please pray that they are inexplicably comforted with overwhelming peace and wisdom so that they may bring peace to others to His glory!!! Thank you for doing this.. Perfect timing!!!

  43. Please pray for my whole family. My brother and his wife lost their little girl @ 19wks gestatation. I lost a daughter at 27wks several years ago. We’re starting to get that ‘cursed’ feeling- my mother & father because they have lost both of their grandchildren, my brother & his wife because they lost their child, and me because I lost my child. Please pray that we don’t give up. Please pray that we look to God for guidance because He knows we certainly don’t understand this. This happened Friday evening. Saturday I had to take my dog, who had a very aggressive form of cancer, to be put down. He’d been deteriorating before my eyes and yesterday he stopped eating and could barely stand–which was my sign. Right now, it feels like I lost my child all over again. I hurt for my family and I hurt for myself as well. Please pray that I will have the strength to help my family through this. And please pray that we all hold to God and each other. And pray that God may use this time to bring us all closer to Him. Thank you, ladies. I love the (in)courage community so much.

    • Misty, praying for your now. Praying He holds you and your family closely, and that you hold tight to Him. He alone knows why, and I ache with you. But someday, there will be no more tears.

    • Lynn Warren February 19, 2012 at 10:46 AM
      Dear sweet Misty,
      The Book of Psalms has always brought such comfort to me in times of darkness. The Holy Spirit speaks to me through His Word each day in devotionals, such as this one. I print them out and paste them all around my office desk to remind me where my hope lies….Here is one for you….Psalm57:1-4~~ “Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me; for my soul trustest in thee; yea, in the shadow of Thy wings will make my refuge, until these calamaties be overpast. I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things. He shall send from heaven and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up. Selah..God shall send forth His mercy and His truth.”
      Also, here is one for your whole family’s hope….Psalm 40:1-3~~”I waited patiently for the LORD; He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He will put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the LORD.” The Bible (although what book this is in, sorry) also warns us to hold onto worldly things loosely. Maybe these are some of the reasons for the warning. Holley Gerth (also a writer in InCourage and her own site “Heart to Heart with Holley”) would be one who shares a similar testimony with you. She has brought such joy to us all. In His Service, now and forever, Lynn (

  44. Lord, you hear all of these women of faith’s requests. I ask for You to hear their pleas, know their hearts, and to comfort them each.

    The biggest area I need prayer in is the fact that my husband and I are dealing with infertility. One of our biggest passions is children, and since we have been married (almost 4 years), we have longed for children. Now going on a 3 year battle with not getting pregnant, while watching my friends get pregnant on the first try, I am losing hope of becoming a mother. I still have faith in God and His plan, but am starting to really question His intentions in this situation. Prayers for me to see His plan, to fully rely on Him, and to be happy for other couples who are pregnant is needed. Thank you much.

    • Hannah, you are not alone in this! My husband and I are in our 5th year. I understand your pain and loss of hope. My heart breaks for you, just as mine breaks for me! Praying for you!

  45. I have been battling stage IVInflammatory breast cancer for almost seven years, with lung tumors and two brain tumors. I am blessed to still be here for my three girls – my youngest was in kindergarten when I was diagnosed and I just got to see her become a teenager. But cancer takes a toll on our co-survivors, and my husband of 16 years, who also suffers from bi-polar mental illness, decided “life wasn’t fun anymore”. He left our family the night before Thanksgiving. He is now with an old girlfriend and mid-life crisis, yearning for business success, and lies and broken promises are emotionally destroying our marriage and family. I know that God and many prayers are why I am still here, and need prayers for all of our healing, for Bill, myself and our M & M’s (nickname for our 3 girls). Thank you and bless you.

    • Krysti- I’m lifting you up to the Lord. Dear Lord thank you for your promise of healing and strength in times of need. I pray that you hold her hand as she walks through this valley, that you be her comfort and her rock. Help her to continue to have hope and faith through her trials and to remember that you will be by her side. Please Lord work on Krysti’s husband’s heart, convict him of his sins, and allow him to see that the enemy has wreaked havoc in his life and marriage. Restore the marriage, dear Lord, so that Krysti and her husband can glorify you and be wonderful witnesses to your love for them. Heal and restore the family dear Lord as they praise your name and stand on your promises! In Jesus name we pray- AMEN

  46. I have been married for fifteen years. My marriage is in crisis mode. I had an emotional affair. Besides that, I am questioning our Marriage daily. I’m so worried about my kids if divorce is the option we choose. We are seeing a counselor next week. Thank you do much

    • I am also in crisis mode in my marriage. I am praying that the Lord gives you clarity and courage.

  47. My parents and my husband’s parents are both facing major health issues, and they live in different states. Recently diagnosed Parkinsons (dad), probable leg amputation (mom), stage 4 lung cancer (FIL) and his wife’s major depression, and upcoming pancreatic surgery (MIL). Additionally, both of my boys (ages 18 and 15) recently decided there was no God, which hurts most of all. Thank you for lifting us all up before the Father.

  48. Praying for those with wounded hearts and spirits. My heart goes out to those who have shared here about being wounded in relationships where trust should govern. Praying that God would be a very present help in specific ways. I heard a program on the radio with a man and a woman who had been through the devastation of infidelity in their marriage and got through it by the grace of God. (See Feb 16 program)
    I pray this for marriages here and for unspoken prayer requests along these lines.
    I am praying to be able to make decisions that are in line with God’s will, and especially to really trust Him.

  49. I had a second child 7 years ago. She was born with Chronic Reflux…a severe case. She was on medication 4 times a day. I was lucky enough to have my sister watch her when I went back to work. but when she was 6 months old, my sister needed surgery. After much debating and praying, I went to my boss and he agreed to hold my job while I took a 6 month LOA. The specialist told me at a year, my daughter should be overcoming at least part of it. Two weeks into my leave, my boss informed me they would be posting my position. I lost my job. We have struggled since then with our finances. I pulled out my retirement last year to pay off some debts. My husband gets paid monthly and it never gets us through the month, especially with any extra expenses. Now my car is broken down, we are late on one mortgage payment and electric. My condition (Fibromyalgia) has worsened in the past few years and I have applied for disability, but I know that will be a long drawn out process. Please pray for our finances….That we may catch up on our bills and fix my car, and that the disability goes through pretty quickly so we can get back on our feet. Thank you and God Bless!

    • God we ask, that you provide for this family. Lord they love you and need you to provide in ways they never thought of. Father I ask for the faith they need each minute for all. Pour your peace upon this family in more than they can imagine. Father help them as they wait. May your peace surround their hearts. Help them not be afraid to be honest with friends and family that ask. I pray for divine appointments with those that can help. Please provide all they need to fix her car. I pray for healing for Kimberly. I pray for a clear path for her disability to go through quick. I pray that you will stretch her husbands check each month. I also pray for savings and bargins free things they need. Favor, favor and favor. You are the God that provides all we need and Lord thank you that you will be with this family to provide all they need.

  50. I ask for prayer for my husband, our youngest 4yr old and myself, that we would find a small group that has children. We just have not been able to get connected with any believers. It has been of lately, a few close friends of mine seem to take more than give. Been going through a lonely period. it is hard, Our parents and siblings don’t make any effort, don’t care about what is happening in our lives.

    • Stacy, I pray that you, your husband, and your son soon find a place where you feel welcomed and at home. May the Lord wrap His loving arms around you to give you peace. I pray that your friends and family also can make an effort to be there for you, just as you are for them. God bless.

  51. Dear sweet Misty,
    The Book of Psalms has always brought such comfort to me in times of darkness. The Holy Spirit speaks to me through His Word each day in devotionals, such as this one. I print them out and paste them all around my office desk to remind me where my hope lies….Here is one for you….Psalm57:1-4~~ “Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me; for my soul trustest in thee; yea, in the shadow of Thy wings will make my refuge, until these calamaties be overpast. I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things. He shall send from heaven and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up. Selah..God shall send forth His mercy and His truth.”
    Also, here is one for your whole family’s hope….Psalm 40:1-3~~”I waited patiently for the LORD; He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He will put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the LORD.” The Bible (although what book this is in, sorry) also warns us to hold onto worldly things loosely. Maybe these are some of the reasons for the warning. Holley Gerth (also a writer in InCourage and her own site “Heart to Heart with Holley”) would be one who shares a similar testimony with you. She has brought such joy to us all. In His Service, now and forever, Lynn (

  52. I have two very different prayer requests. The first and more important is that currently as I type this, some dear friends of ours and family from our church is in Kansas City at the Children’s Hospital anxiously awaiting a new liver for their precious daughter (I think she’s around 6yr). She has a condition where her body’s ammonia levels are not where they should be, and it’s affecting her liver. Please pray that a transplant would come soon and that her little body would accept it well. Please also pray as they have 2 other daughters staying with family, and one baby boy to be born in May.

    My second prayer request is that the Lord would bless our little photography and design business with providing the means for us to afford a new laptop. My husband works at a local church here in town, but I still need to do my photography business to make ends meet, and if my computer dies, it could mean my business-our needed grocery income-would be greatly hindered. Seems like an odd prayer request next to some of these other requests, but I know that it’s been a worry that I need to lay before Him.

    Jessica-I will be praying today for your marriage, for Him to take control, for peace in these hard decisions and situations.

    InCourage-thank you for such a great way that we can share one another’s burdens and pray for one another.

  53. Please pray for my daughter who is in her first year of college at a small college. She is very lonely and not connecting being one of the only Christian girls and one of the youngest. She has tried to reconnect with some old friends in a bible study but has not connected. Please pray she meets a Christian friend.

  54. Please pray for myself, my husband, and my marriage. Both my husband and I are believers. He served me with divorce papers two weeks ago. There is no Bibiical reason for divorce in our case. He is just a mess spiritually. I am praying for God to move mountains. He is mighty to save. I’m also praying Psalm 40:1-2 over him that he would allow God th pull him out of the pit and set his feet on The Rock! Please pray for 100% of his heart and mind be given to our Redeemer. I know Gods timing is not what ours is, but the days until the divorce is final are passing quickly. Come Lord Jesus come! Thank you so much. I look forward to these words of encouragement that come every Sunday morning.

  55. Please pray for my son and daughter-in-law. They have been married for 6 years and have been trying to have a baby. The doctors give them very little hope, but I know God is able. Please pray for a complete healing in their bodies and for healthy, beautiful children to bless their home.
    God promised the desires of our heart and this is their greatest desire. They are trusting God for the answer.

    Thank you for your prayers.

    • I will pray for your son and daughter-in-law. I know the pain of infertility. I suggest they look into NaPro Technology–it is system of (pro-life) women’s medicine that seeks to diagnose the cause of infertility and treat it, so God can produce a natural conception. It has been such a blessing to my husband and I. I hope it will be to your family too.

      I will continue to pray for your whole family that God will heal your son and daughter-in-law and you can welcome a blessing from God. But above all, I pray for God’s peace and grace to pour out upon you and provide comfort.

        • Sharon I am continuing to pray for you son and daughter-in-law. Our God is able He did it for Hannah, Sarah and Elizabeth in the bible after many years of barrenness and He will do it for your children

  56. It is such a privilege to share this. My neighbor was diagnosed last week with terminal cancer. The doctor gave her only one to two months to live since it is throughtout her whole body. She talked to the preacher of another neighbor about her funeral and he lead her to pray the “sinners prayer.” She came yesterday to cry with me and invite me to her baptism this morning. Please pray for her pain, her children to see the Lord through her, and me committing the time to be the friend and spiritual influence she needs in theses next few weeks. Thank you for your constant encouragement.

  57. i’m a 49 year old mother of 3 grown children and 2 grandsons–recently, my son left for basic training and it has me going bonkers–you see, we’ve never been apart from one another and its killing my soul that he’s away from me–i’ve tried releasing my thoughts on my blog but the physical aspect of it is slowly killing me..i know it says in the bible that we must Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 —i’ve done all of it and trust that my kids take everything my husbad i have instilled in them—i’m asking for a healing prayer–i need spiritual. physical and emotional healing–i’ve been told that i need to let go–can you please keep me in prayer–i’m healing from our departure slowly but need extra guidance—thank you—remain blessed!

    • Dear lord, I lift up to you EssenseVibez in prayer. Lord pour out your loving grace upon her. Help her realize you love her son even more than she does, and will watch over him while he is away. Lord fill her aching heart with your love. Provide her comfort in this challenging time. Wrap your loving arms around her and let your presence be felt by her.

      Here is a “Prayer for Inner Healing”
      Dear Lord Jesus, please come and heal my wounded and troubled heart. I beg you to heal the torments that are causing anxiety in my life. I beg you, in a particular way, to heal the underlying source of my sinfulness. I beg you to come into my life and heal the psychological harms that struck me in my childhood and from the injuries they have caused throughout my life.

      Lord Jesus, you know my burdens. I lay them down on your Good Shepherd’s Heart. I beseech you-by the merits of the great open wound in your heart-to heal the small wounds that are in mine. Heal my memories, so that nothing that has happened to me will cause me to remain in pain and anguish, filled with anxiety.

      Heal, O Lord, all those wounds that have been the cause of evil that is rooted in my life. I want to forgive all those who have offended me. Look to those inner sores that make me unable to to forgive. You who came to forgive the afflicted of heart, please, heal my wounded and troubled heart.

      Heal, O Lord Jesus, all those intimate wounds that are the root cause of my physical illness. I offer you my heart. Accept it, Lord, purify it and give me the sentiments of your Divine Heart.

      Heal me, O Lord, form the pain caused by the death of my loved ones. Grant me to regain peace and joy in the knowledge that you are the Resurrection and the Life. Make me an authentic witness to your resurrection, your victory over sin and death, and your loving presence among all men. Amen”
      From the book Spiritual Warfare Prayers.

  58. I recently went through a divorce and my ex married the women he left me for within two months of it. My 3 children along with myself are hurting and in need of prayers. Thank you!

    • Hi Pam,
      I am so sorry you are going thru this pain. I am reaching out to you because, my husband has left and planning the same thing. The scripture that has been my rock is Deut 31:6 Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid of them. For the Lord your God is with you. He will never leave or forsake you.
      I pray that the Lord fills the void in your heart with the unfailing love that he offers.
      You are a precious woman of God.

  59. My husband and I have been trying to have a child for nearly three years. We are being treated by an amazing pro-life doctor. But I need surgery again–I know it is God’s will that we have the surgery, but I am scared. Please pray for peace and that the God will guide the surgeon’s hands. Please pray for peace for my husband as he helps me as I recover.

    Please also pray that in God’s perfect timing we will be blessed with a child.

    Thank you for your prayers!

  60. wow, i am so glad so many women have decided to share their prayer requests, there are so many, i will need to sit down later today to read thru them and pray for each and every one of you.
    so often, i feel guilty because my prayer requests are not very “important” in the grand scheme of things. i would prefer that God focus on those most in need but perhaps He can give a little bit to each of us if we ask.
    i am have struggles with my current relationship and pray that God can work thru both of us to make the decision that is best for us. i pray that God does have a plan for each of us and i would love to be able to follow that path he has chosen for me, (as long as i can figure out what it is.
    God bless all of you and you will be in my prayers today.

    • Teresa, I can relate to you feeling quilty that your prayer requests are not very “important”. I too feel mine are minimal in the “grand scheme” of things..but either way they are the struggles that pull at our heart strings. I pray that God will continue to lead you and speak to you as to the direction you should follow in your relationship. That he will speak to each of your hearts in a way that brings you closer to Him and to the Love that he wants for each of you.

      As I struggle with the move that hubby and I will be making soon, that my son who is in his second of three yrs away at college, that he will organize himself and figure out a plan for next year’s living arrangements and that our move away isn’t going to cause him to make bad life choices…Feeling alot of quilt about moving and leaving him, despite the fact that he is so easy going and not bothered by this…I pray that we will have good discussions where I sense that plans will be made and that he is ok with us moving…

  61. Please pray for my niece who is struggling with an undiagnosed pain and has undergone surgery and many meds. Anne, we pray today that the Lord watches over those who provide care for you and helps you to heal quickly….God Bless!

  62. Please pray for me , my husband and our two sons. We are believers but we are struggling right now in many areas: financially, breast cancer (2x) and just unhappiness. We are not enjoying life, just enduring it. I want us to enjoy the life God has blessed us with and I want to bring honor and glory to our Lord. I will be praying for many of you today. Thank you for praying for us.

  63. My heartfelt thank you for the opportunity for this prayer request…..
    My husband of 25 years left our family 9 months ago, because of a long term affair. He has chosen the other woman. Please pray for his salvation, and that he turns away from that life and turns back to the Lord and to our family.
    I need the strength to keep moving forward in faith, until Gods promises are revealed.
    Thank you and God Bless

  64. The recession has hit us hard. We are on the verge of losing our home of 28 years. Debts have piled up. After a year and a half, husband cannot find a job. I work 7 days a week to try and make ends meet but always fall short. Hopes keep being yanked from us; prayers seem to go unanswered; faith is wavering [which is probably the worst malady of all for me]. I need your prayers – please. For EssenceVibez, God bless your son and keep him safe; and may God bless you and give you strength, peace, and comfort.

  65. My prayer request today is for my 20 year old air force son. He has found joy in participating and attending church and midweek activities with others his age. That in and of itself if the answer to a mama’s prayer. But the military has decided to change him to the night shift, which will make it impossible to attend the church activities during the week. He is very upset. I am praying that someone will have a change of heart or a position on another shift will open up.

    I know this isn’t nearly as deep and worthy as some other sisters here, but he is my child, I love him, and I worry…

    • I agree in prayer that God will meet his needs for fellowship. Maybe he could get permission to start a daytime mid-week group. Consider joining or starting a Moms in Prayer group for moms who have sons in the military to pray for on a regular basis. I have a group that meets once a month to pray for college age kids. One mom who comes has a son in the military we pray for.

  66. I have been struggling with constant nausea/vertigo/ vision problems for over 10 yrs now. I have been in ER many times & threw up all day & night for at least 5-6 yrs. It comes down to being able to function using my eyes at varying distances without being sick. I’ve tried many useless glasses that made me sick. Now multi-focal contacts, which distort & vary nausea/vertigo at different levels. Everything is so hard to do & I can only take so much nausea & just have to sit and do nothing . I’ve lost most friends, aquaintances & ministry opportunities since I CAN DO NOTHING MUCH for others now. I know I can’t depend on the church community if I can’t give anything back. But God has narrowed my focus through this to a greater desire to focus my ministry in a particular area now & only depend on him. But I still need to be able to function, walk, move, read etc. I keep trying to trust & build up hope & courage to just get through each day & trust God will lead me out of this & then into what I can do with & for others.

    • Dear Holly, I understand your pain and sense of hopelessness. You are not alone. God is with you; do not give up hope. I have struggled for over 10 years with foot problems that make it difficult for me to walk, move, function without being in pain. It is hard to believe that God will heal when the condition has lasted a long time, but God doesn’t live within the limits of time. Therefore, do not be discouraged because He can reach out and change your situation in an instant. Believe in His Goodness, His Love, His Compassion, and He will lead you out into the sunshine. I have prayed for you and I know that God will help you. Receive His Love. Trust, Believe. God bless you.

  67. That God will give me wisdom, courage and His understanding as I work through the horrific changes in my industry and continue to help my clients, building a successful business and medical practice one block at a time. Some days, I am lost. Some days I am discouraged. Some days, I ask why. Some days, I don’t understand His leading. Some days, I just need to pray. No matter what someone else thinks on what I should do or have done wrong, I want God to guide me and pray that this week a few more answers will become clear.

  68. Please pray for me and my husband as we are falling out of love with each other. Ilove him very much and know that he loves me more than I love him.

  69. Today is a huge struggle for me. I have a great job that allows me to work at home and be with me kids but they are having to do major layoffs – like 500 people and even though I am good at my job, I am extremely stressed out. I want to be a good Christian but I don’t honestly know how to let go and lean on God. I am a control freak and have so much trouble letting go. All I do is cry. I want to learn how other people can lean on God and be not so stressed out. I also know when I am so stressed out I am emotionally disconnected from my family which hurts them.

    • Lord Jesus, thank you for the wonderful woman of God that Heather is, for the plan You have for her, for her hard-working nature, and for her family. Lord, in our humanness, we are engulfed in overwhelming emotions and lies fed to us by the evil one. Clear these confusing things from Heather, and plant deeply in her heart the replacement truths of your incredible, unfathomable love and provision for her–a love so big and deep that it includes a plan beyond her wildest dreams. Treat her gently and keep her close to You as You carry her through this uncertain and scary time. Help her to simply rest in You, knowing that she does not have to perform or earn any of your love, that the more she can let go, the more more You can enter in. Give her people in her life to be Your arms and legs, to support and love her as You do. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen. ~God bless you, Heather! I know how scary these type of things feel. You can do it! As my wise mama always tells me: it won’t always feel like this:) Love you, sister!

  70. I am overwhelmed with life in general. I recently stopped breastfeeding my fourth baby, and, as my body regulates itself, I am feeling very emotional, irritable, and discouraged. I am struggling to find my place with my friendships and groups that I am involved in. I feel God is asking me to leave some old ways of thinking and relating, maybe even some old relationships. I can feel Him calling me to new things, but I am not clear what they are. Please keep these things in prayer, and that I would have the courage to release old things, the trust to embrace new ones, that I be able to hear Him—and that these new adventures would bring my family closer to each other and to Jesus. Thank you!

  71. Asking for prayers for my son who is wandering from God, to return to the Lord with his whole heart. for him to walk in victory over the challenges of his life. And for myself and my husband to trust in the Lord with our whole hearts..

    • Debbie – I am in prayer for you, your son and Hudband. I pray that God brings people, scripture, songs into your sons life to remind him of Gods great LOVE for him. I am certain you and your husband are a wonderful example of faith to him.

      I pray Lord that Debbie be free of fear. Help her be filled with the certain knowledge that YOU, loving father, are in control of EVERYTHING.

      Debbie, God knows and hears the cry of your heart. I will continue to pray for you my friend.

  72. Please pray for my Nephew Sean -He is a VERY angry, hurting, confused young man
    (20 yrs) His father, (my brother) took his life in 2004 when He was only 13 yers old. He NEVER got counseling /therapy and is still experiencing the effects today -seven years later. This just breaks my heart, each day I think of him and cry out to God to send someone into his life to help. I am estranged from Sean and his mother as they do not want any contact with me. I pray DAILY that he gets the help he needs. Please pray for all of us. Thank you my sweet sisters in the Lord.

  73. I have a 13 year old son who is very jaded in his beliefs. My husband and I have brought him up in a christian home and he seems to be on the enemys path. He is known as the 7th grade bully. He is failing classes and is disrespectful to his teachers. He has a real problem with lying. We have been praying for him much. What a blessing it was for me to see this today. His name is Austin Please hold him up in prayer. Also, my husband are trying to adopt a little girl from Russia. She is a special needs sweet little gift. She is in real danger of being transferred to an institution because she is aging out of the orphanage. she is only 3. Please Please pray that we are accepted and qualify to adopt her. We feel God has chosen this path for us and we need Russia to agree that we can adopt her. Help us save her by praying. Thank you so much.

  74. I don’t even know what to ask for. God knows our (my) struggles. Help me to be strong. I’m just tired. After reading the above comments, there are so many others with huge problems, I feel bad even asking, but I do need prayers, as well as those in my family. Thanks so much. It is encouraging to know there are other Christians in the Body of Christ that are willing to lift each other up. Praying for you Heather, we have been leaning on God for finances most of our married life and He does provide, just not always in the way we want, or think it should be done! Keep the faith.

  75. Lisa I’m praying that your son will find just what God has in His plans for this shift change and that he’d find other believers and those who need to hear about your son’s faith and the seeds of the kingdom will grow strong.

    My prayer is my husband filed for divorce over a year ago. We have been living in the same house and it has been heartbreaking (God has shown me so much of who God is thru all this). My husband has been spending time w/his high school gf, it breaks my heart. I need healing from this brokenness and not to be angry. Its coming time for me to move and I have no idea where to move. I don’t have any family except my church family but its too expensive for me to stay here. I also have health issues that have to be kept in mind as to where I move. Thank u for praying and bringing me before the Father.

  76. I have 4 close friends who are going through treatment for cancer. I want to encourage them and am feeling inadequate with words. So much pain, hurt and fear. Thank you for praying for my sweet friends. Also, we are trying to make a decision on college for our oldest and trying to turn over every rock looking for scholarships for her.

  77. Lisa I’m praying that your son will find just what God has in His plans for this shift change and that he’d find other believers and those who need to hear about your son’s faith and the seeds of the kingdom will grow strong.
    My prayer is my husband filed for divorce over a year ago. We have been living in the same house and it has been heartbreaking (God has shown me so much of who God is thru all this). My husband has been spending time w/his high school gf, it breaks my heart. I need healing from this brokenness and not to be angry. Its coming time for me to move and I have no idea where to move. I don’t have any family except my church family but its too expensive for me to stay here. I also have health issues that have to be kept in mind as to where I move. Thank u for praying and bringing me before the Father.

  78. O, thank you for this time of sharing & Praying together. Yes, I would like to be included in this as well. I have recently broken my relationship(dating) with my Christian boyfriend as he struggles with lust issues with woman…I can’t seem to work through this as it has been a on going thing for him most of his life….I am not sure what to do…I do love him & miss him and we attend the same Church so it is making all of this hard for me/us…I know he has been missing me terrilby in his life like I was…Pray that we both have God’s leading and that he can seek and overcome this addiction…thank you and may God continually lead each of us closer toward Him….Pray that I will listen to God and to God only….

  79. I have to add for him to ” seek out help”…I should of proof read my previous email more carefully…

  80. I am amazed and comforted by the outpouring of real life that I have come across today. So often I feel alone in my lack of faith, courage and most of all the indeciseveness that I feel trapped in. I can’t make a decision, because I just don’t trust myself. I look at my track record in life and feel like a failure. In middle age there are very few “do-overs” left. I have lived a life of comprimise, rarely beating to my own drummer. When I did, it was a mistake. But when I listened to others, it was a mistake. Even the man I call my “beloved”, I know in my heart of hearts is another comprimise. This life of confusion has become a burden. I want to trust in myself and in what God has in store for me. I feel this need is overwhelming and all consuming, therefore paralyzing. I’m not sure what I’m asking for, but thank you for listening to me. I pray that all of you may find inner peace and the answers to each of your heartfelt pain and challenges.

    • Susanne: As well with you…I am keeping everyone and their situations in Prayer at this time not just today but, going forward as well. Your posting sounds like I have felt over some things t in my life…thank you for being my voice too. I need to listen to God more and not satan ..Blessings, Kathleen

      • Thank you Kathleen for acknowledging my post. It meant a great deal. If I was able to express any of your own feelings and/or confusion, it was my pleasure. I am so grateful for having this wonderful place and to be among so many brave women, who allow me to use my voice. In the real world, there is no reflection, no of who I am. No footstep left behind..nothing to follow. Maybe someday, somehow. In the meantime, blessing to you and to all who come here. With gratitude, Susanne

  81. I need prayers for my marriage. My husband and I have been together for 10 years and we have 7 children together. We recently separated and I so desperately want change in our marriage, he has anger issues and it really starts to affect the kids and I. He doesn’t understand, he thinks Im the problem, all the time. I do admit to things I need to change but the fact that he doesn’t do the same, it really makes me feel alone in this marriage. I am a child of God and my husband has been saved but he seems like he’s not that much of a believer.. We have alot of underlying issues that need to be taken care of. I left our home and am living with family and plan on getting my own place now. I don’t see him wanting to change the person he has become I don’t want to live another 10 years walking on egg shells..

  82. My mom just finished her 6th session of chemotherapy for endometrial cancer. She went through this before 3 years ago, but unfortunately the cancer returned and she had to go through 6 more grueling rounds of chemo. Please pray for her so that this time the chemo does its job. Pray that God heals her completely and permanently. All prayers would be appreciated. Thanks.

  83. Please pray for me that my addictions and depression I would find help for and be free from these. Its a daily struggle everyday with this and its affecting my family and friends

    • Nicole I totally understand living with depression and the struggle of making it through each day. Challenge is not a strong enough word. I agree it is a daily struggle. I pray that you find inner peace. It’s only recently that I realized just how important this piece it truly is. I ask but one thing. When you find out how to do that…find inner peace…could you please let me know?! You are in my thoughts, Susanne.

  84. Sharon, I can’t even begin to understand your pain. That seems like an awful situation, I pray that God gives you a peace that passes all understanding and that he gives you strength and confidence to make these big changes. I pray that someone in your church family will reach out to you in a big, big JESUS way. And that you will allow yourself to be loved.

    I need prayer for my weight loss battle/struggle. I am feeling hopeless and I am in desperate need of self-control and accountability.

    • Praying for you, Reeve! Weight loss is an area that can get the best of you, although you are worth far more than that number on the scale! Praying for a renewed spirit, that the Lord walks with you along this path, that He helps you strengthen your self-control and accountability. That He also helps you drop any unwanted weight in a healthy and safe manner. But most importantly, that you recognize your worth in Him is greater than any worth we place on ourselves in the world. You are loved!

  85. So many needs, no many hurts, so many cries. I lift each one to you Lord. You are our Father and Lord and you hear all our desperate pain.
    I thank you for each person here, touch them, comfort, heal, restore and amaze us with all that you do.

    I lift my silent hurts, those that I keep to just me and tell no one about. I ask for prayers for those things that elude my thinking but are deep within.
    I ask for healing for my husband, direction for my daughter, peace for my in-laws.

    Thank you to each one of you for being part of this beautiful community. May you each be richly blessed.

    • Heavenly Father – I thank You that you are the God who see us and knows all about each and every situation we encounter in our lives. Father I come to you now for my sister Mary in her circumstances – the silent hurts and deep wounds that can paralyze us and rob us of who You created us to be. Father I ask that you meet Mary in the deep dark places where nobody goes and show her that you are with hereven in those places unspoken. I pray for her husband and his concerns of health – for wisdom, care and love for all the hands that he will encounter as they seek to care for his health and too I pray for Mary’s daughter to find the direction and path in her life that you have created just for her. Father God, it amazes me that as we rest in You, it is there that we find peace – I lift Mary and her family extended and immediate up to you – Strengthen them, guide them and help each one of them to know you in the most personal, deep and intimate way. We love you Lord and it is in your mighty name we pray – Amen.

      I would ask you ladies to pray for us here in Toronto as we seek His face and direction for Women’s Ministry for our congregation and for the communities in which He has planted us to bloom.

      Thank you all!

  86. Oh my goodness, do I need prayer! I have been waiting for days for a letter to see if I received an invitation to interview at my number one school for my doctorate degree. The anxiety is crushing, and I cannot seem to focus on anything other than that letter. It should be arriving anyway now! I’m hoping and praying that God grants me favor in receiving an interview, although I don’t want to get my hopes up. Please pray for favor for me, as well as a prepared heart for whatever decision does come. Also for a sense of peace as I wait for this letter! Thank you so much.

  87. I am praying for the previously posted requests, what a privilege it is. Please pray that I will be able to finish my school year strong. I was assigned to teach 7th grade math & science at a very challenging school after my small-enrollment K-6 school was closed by the district last year for not being cost-effective. The transition has been tough and many of the students are even tougher. I never know when I walk onto the campus what will happen, what circumstances I will encounter, and what extreme distractions/interruptions to teaching & learning will occur. I cling to Bible verses about not fearing, I memorize verses about God’s nearness and His presence. I trust in His protection, wisdom, guidance. And I still need to teach strongly and effectively, and live a God-honoring life on this campus until the last day of school. Please pray that He will equip and enable me to do just that.

  88. I t is a privelege to join in lifting all of our sisters in prayer! I, too, have a request. My father, Tony, passed away on the 11th of January this year, and it has been a very difficult time for all of us. Dad was 86 years old, and we know that we were truly blessed to have him with us, but it is still hard. Not only for me, but especially for Mom (Helen) who lost her spouse and best friend of 63 years. We know in our heads that Dad is with our Lord, but our hearts are heavy. Please pray that our tears gradually be replaced with smiles and laughter, as we remember all of the joy that Dad gave as his gift to us.

  89. Please pray for me. I own a private school. I have payroll tomorrow and don’t have the funds to cover it. I need the Lord to show me his perfect will for this situation.

    • Dearest Jean,
      Our God is THE GOD of impossible situations! What came to me first was “Do a George Muller, Lord!” (if you’re not familiar with him, he’s the man who prayed in every cent and supported numerous orphan homes and other causes totally through prayer…if you are to continue in this, you would be mightily built up and shown God’s power by reading his auto or a biography) And if this is of the Lord to continue with the school, or if He has something else for you and those you touch, HE will make a way. And He can make every one a “winner” by His great mercy and grace! Oh, Father, make a way where there seems to be no way. Strenghten Jean’s feeble arms and weak knees and make the path level before her, so that neither she nor anyone else will stumble. Yes, we for the working out of Your perfect will for this situation and we pray AGAINST every evil force that would oppose Your will for this situation! We thank and praise you for your answer(s), whatever they will be, for you are good and all your ways are good and right and true, and You DO, You WILL work EVERY situation out in a believer’s life who loves You and is called according to Your purpose! Now Lord, help Jean and these others to “Come unto You and keep coming, taking Your yoke upon them, for it is well fitting, doesn’t chafe and is just right…for she and these other dear sisters are weary and heavy laden adn YOU WILL give them rest! Help them to LEARN OF YOU and they WILL find rest for their souls!” (from Mt 11:280-30)
      if there is any wrong, help each of us to bring it to you for cleansing, forgiveness, renunciation, and repentance, so that our hearts will not condemn us in any way and that we will be able to see and hear You clearly, being vessels of honor for Your sake. how wonderful You are, oh, Lord! Thank You and praise You for all You are doing on our behalf, now and in the days to come! You are The Awesome, Mighty, All Powerful, and All Loving and Wise God and we can trust YOU!

  90. Deborah, I am praying for your peace and lack of fear! I am currently working on my math education degree and have spent some time substitute teaching special needs kids, so I understand a little about what you are experiencing. I think my life experience will help me pray for you better! I pray for God’s perfect love to surround you and fill your heart to overflowing so that fear flees and has no room in you mind, soul, or heart! I pray that you will feel God’s angels standing around you preventing harm and evil from coming against you! I pray that as thoughts come into your mind you are successful in taking them captive and only things of God, or that are pure, lovely, good, and true remain in your mind! I pray the armor of God on you! I pray that you will feel confidence that God is with you and hears you even if you don’t feel Him or hear Him! I pray you have a successful year remaining and that you wake up hopeful and expectant to go to work! Please pray for me and my husband as we are in our 5th year of trying to have a family. We will be starting our first cycle of IVF in two weeks. I am desperate for wisdom, guidance, direction, peace and comfort! Specifically, our main concern is left-over embryos(babies). Please pray for just the right number of embryos to result from this cycle. I feel, after some prayer, that number is two embryos. Also, please pray for my husband’s soul and walk with Christ. Our fertility journey has resulted in him loosing faith due to anger and hurt at God, who he feels is to blame. He is hurting soo very badly! Please pray with me that he will see his need for Jesus and will have ears and eyes and a heart that is able to hear and see Jesus calling him. Thank you in advance for your prayers!

  91. Oh, Deborah! I am a Debra and also a teacher and a counselor, so I think I understand the cries of your heart! Oh, the Lord is with you! Hallelujah! And I am praying…if possible, I will send along a few other thoughts later…
    Thank You, Lord, that you put this woman right before me! And whomever you will, after me! Bless and encourage each one, to know and believe that before we have even finished speaking, YOU are answering!
    I’d like prayer that the Lord would pour out His light and love and peace into my son’s home while I’m there, and they will see Jesus. That there will be peace between my son and his wife and me and that I will have favor in their eyes as I babysit their little one, my first grandbaby once a week. That they will not live to please themselves, or anyone else, but to please and honor the God they should know well from their upbringing, putting off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles…you get the picture and will be led by the Spirit in your prayers. It may seem small, but it has been a great sadness to see them drift over the past 3-4 years. Pray that they will leave the compromising church that has helped weaken them and go wherever the Lord wants them to be solidly restored. Thank you so much! In Christ’s love to you!

  92. Oh, goodness, what to choose? Have you ever heard the expression ‘when it rains it pours’? Last month I had to have surgery for a perferated appendix & have no insurance & an over $40,000 bill with just over $100 to pay bills & neccessities with; a little over a week ago my father had a heart attack and now has a stint and a new lifestyle we are all trying to learn & get used to, plus he is undergoing treatments for life-threatening skin cancers all over his head & upper body; my mother is having her own health issues, needs a knee replacement & is soooo stressed out from everything going on; I’m only working half a day per week and need to find a job, preferably something I can do from home so I can help care for my parents as they are needing me more and more here; there needs to be understanding and healing of hurt feelings between two family members who I care deeply about … and I could go on and on, but I’m too pooped to vent anymore because I’m home sick with a virus. On the bright side, God is still God & He said He can work all things for good, and He knows the awesome plans He has for us. So, if the devil or one of his minions is reading this over my shoulder as I type: take that! 🙂

    Now, for Kathleen, I pray in Jesus name that God opens your boyfriends eyes to God’s point of view on the matter, and shows him how precious YOU are. I pray for wisdom for both of you, and patience, understanding, and crystal clear ‘ears to hear what the Spirit sayeth’ on the matter. And most of all, I pray for ‘the peace that passes all understanding’ to take up residence in your heart as you follow God and only God’s direction.
    God bless you both!

    • I just realized I should have been more clear when I wrote ‘God’s point of view on the matter’ — I mean to literally see what God sees and feels when he is doing this, and see the escape route God has for him, & how much God loves him and desires him to have a joyfull, right relationship.

  93. I have a dear friend who is struggling with staying with her husband. She is a Christian who loves the Lord with all her heart and has stayed in her marriage honoring what God’s Word says for 37 years, despite much verbal abuse. She loves her husband but she’s so tired of being treated this way. She longs for a happy marriage. She needs help. Please pray for her husband to have a supernatural encounter with God that will change his heart forever…..Thank you so much for your prayers!

  94. Hi brothert & sister…Please pray for me and my girlfriend.We have no relationship to each other.May God will help our relationship better. Yesterdaynight She just told me to stop our relationship.

  95. Please pray that my husband and I would keep our eyes on Jesus and that our children’s faith (8) would become real to them and that they would desire a closer walk with our Lord.

    Thank you for your prayers!

    • i learned this from a message given by a woman i greatly respect: look into the mirror and say- “soul, i give you permission for the joy of God to rise up in you.” i pray you and your family have a day, a week, a year of JOY and peace.

  96. Please pray for me and my husband- for our marriage to strengthen, our connection to deepen, our love to grow unconditionally. We’re going through a rough patch– growing pains I guess. Also, please pray we find a house to move into that’s anointed, perfect for our family, and in a neighborhood where we can call home.

  97. Please pray for my 24 year old son. He is far away from the Lord, divorced within the last year, and has not felt good for about a year. He is going in for a CT scan and an ultrasound tomorrow. He lives about 5 hours from me, but I cannot go to be with him because, happily his sister just had a baby girl, and I have had plans to go to help them. Please, please pray that this is something that can be easily cured, and that (as I continually pray) a strong, smart mentor would come into his life and lead him back to Jesus. (He is God’s son–he asked Jesus into his heart many years ago.) God bless you. This is exactly what I needed today–thank you!

    • Jean, it is an honor to bring your son before the Lord today. I pray the Lord will reveal Himself to your son in a way he hasn’t seen Jesus before, that he would be surrounded by believers and come to a place where he recognizes his need for Jesus once more.

      Like many have said here, I needed this this morning as well. I’m struggling with infertility and really having a hard time trusting God in this area. My husband and I have both been believers since childhood, we waited until we were married and never thought we would have a problem in this area, but we were wrong. Please pray I would continue to trust God and find comfort in knowing His plans are better than my own. At 35 I feel like time is not on my side, and it’s hard. Thank you for your prayers.

      • Dear Amy,
        I too struggled with infertility and realize the emotional pain you are having to deal with. Please know that you are not alone. I am covering you in my prayers.

  98. I have asked for prayers here in the past and have been blessed by you’re generous outpouring. I come to you once again… My husband walked out on me and our three teenage children in late 2009. We were divorced last October 2011. I have custody of all three of our children. Now we are being made to move from our home of 15 years, the children’s childhood home. Ever since the divorce, I’ve tried to find another piece of property I could afford on my spousal support, but I’ve been unsuccessful. I finally decided to apply for a loan to buy my husband out and keep this house, which the children really want — and my loan has been approved! But he is fighting against me in this, vehemently insisting that we sell our house, even though he knows it is not what his children want. I believe he will take me to court over it, too. So, I beg your prayers that we may keep our house. Please, dear Lord, You know what we’ve been through — please help us! Thank you all — and thanks be to God!

    • DEAR Patricia!
      Blessed reassurance from our Father’s WORD!!! He is The Defender of widows and orphans! You and your children are like that, even though your husband has not physically died. I think of my friend whose husband did the same and very similar things…And she also had to go to court sometimes when she didn’t really want to, for she would get so weary. But she learned to depend upon the Lord totally, step by step, and she never went begging bread, although things were tight and rough at times! BUT, as she kept her life before the Lord, forgiving her husband/ex, keeping short accounts with God, not speaking against her husband, and living by another truth: “He/She who honors God, him/her He will honor.” AND HE DID! She didn’t always receive exactly what she hoped, but God knew how to answer! And answer with what was best! I hope that similar account encourages you, Patricia!
      Oh, Father, please keep each of these children and their mom’s hearts forgiving and tender towards their father/husband. Forgive him FAther, for he knows not what he does! And help this dear mom go and plead her case before YOU, THE JUST JUDGE! (see Luke 18:1-8–the Amplified Bible available online is very helpful and encouraging for this situation! Here’s a link for anyone here to be blessed:
      YOU ARE FAITHFUL and TRUE! And YOU WILL ACCOMPLISH whatever is needed! Praise and thank You Lord!

      • Oh, Deb, thank you so much for your prayers for my children and me. Yes, forgiveness is so important, yet so difficult. I will pray for this blessing. May the Lord bless you for your kindness!

  99. Falling in love has been easy for me – but having that reciprocated has been an all out nightmare. A recent breakup and birth of my first child has left me feeling that I will never find true love. I know that the bible says that we should trust God and that he knows our struggles and will provide and supply our needs. However, I struggle with this and need prayers that I will become stronger in my faith.

  100. My request seems so unimportant compared to a lot of the other prayers. If you could please pray with me, I woke up to a very painful abscessed tooth and gum. Prayers and blessings to you all.

  101. I take care of an 85 yr. old woman from our church,, other than the daughter she lives with, I am the primary caretaker for this woman. She is nearing the end of her life and she is in tremendous pain. I would greatly appreciate prayers for her, her name is Charlotte, and she is so ready to go home to see Jesus. She constantly asks why am I still here God? I’m ready to go. Please lift her up in prayer that he spirit will rest and her pain will subside, or at the very least, become bearable. Also, her daughter is in need of prayer, she is so stressed out with her own health problems, plus the burden of caring for her mother, she could use some prayer as well, and her name is Pat. Thank you all and God Bless!

    • Kelly,

      My prayers are with you, Charlotte and her daughter that you are caring for. This is such a difficult time for all. You are a wonderful person to be helping this family out. I lift up Charlotte and her daughter as she begins her journey home. ~ Peggy

  102. These past 3 years have been tough as my 92 year old mother-in-law has been lisiving with my husband and I. She has decided that she is not happy with us and is moving 2 states away to live with my husband’s younger brother and his wife. There is some tension, resentment, bitterness building because of things my mother-in law has said between husband’s step-sister, and his brother & wife toward me. I am really trying hard not to let this bother me but words do hurt. I know God has my back and that I have done nothing wrong or hurtful toward my mother-in-law. Pl;ease pray for me to have the heart of God and not to take what is being said personally.

    • I pray that you’ll find new strength, patience and love towards your family. I also pray for healing in everyone’s emotions. God will give you a new day and a new heart.

    • Father God, I lift up Sharon to you today. I pray that you will surround her with your love and peace as she struggles with her absent husband. May you love on her today and fill each crack in her heart with you. I thank you for what you’re going to do in and through her as she walks down this difficult road. May you fill her with hope and peace. (Romans 15:13) Help her to know that no matter who leaves her in this lifetime that you will never leave her. (John 10:28-29)

      Sharon, I walked through a similar situation about 10 years ago. I encourage you to cling to Jesus during this difficult time – one thing that helped me was to find some Psalms that I could repeat to myself on those extra hard days.

  103. As I get ready to post this, Rute posted asked prayer for her husband since he has been unemployed for almost 3 years. I am praying for you and your husband and family, Rute! God is our provider and He will provide a job for your husband. It’s already in the spiritual world – just call it forth by your words into the physical world!

    Now here’s my request:

    I lost my full time job of 26 years in Nov 2010. Being a single, almost 50 year old woman I decided to trust God and build a business of my own. I got into Mary Kay (as a hobby) almost 23 years ago. So I decided to take it and turn it into a business and win that pink car! It’s been a bumpy road, and I thought I had enough time to become a Sales Director while still on Emergency Unemployment. Well, I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and on the 11:00 news last night, I find out that all Emergency Unemployment benefits have stopped since yesterday. I have one week of money coming from the state and that is it. My Mary Kay business is not built up enough (YET) to pay all my bills. But last night when I learned the news, I praised God and read the bible and spoke His words out loud. I know HE is my provider and deliverer. I know He’s doing a HUGE work in me and I’m going to be used mightily for His kingdom purposes. My flesh wants to freak out and cry and panic and, well, I’m sure you ladies can imagine. So my prayer request is that my business will take off and grow so quickly that I will become a Mary Kay Sales Director in just a matter of a few months. I know ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD. So I do believe it will happen. But the more prayers, the better! Thank you so much, my sisters in Christ, for listening to me and for praying for me. God bless each and every one of you and I pray right now that all the requests made on this blog will be answered by God as Yes and Amen!

  104. I have 4 major unspoken prayer requests …..I will pray for all of you the best I can. God cares about all of us. We must trust! It is hard to, I know.
    Proverbs 3:4-6
    New International Version (NIV)
    4 Then you will win favor and a good name
    in the sight of God and man.
    5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
    6 in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.[a]


    I pray for Rute and her husband.
    MAY YOU ALONE PROVIDE the right kind of job with care over all their needs.

    I myself am unemployed, and know how difficult it is.





    It is such A Comfort, Joy And Blessing to be able to reach out to one another, even though we are all strangers, but one as a family IN CHRIST, AMEN!


    I would like to raise each concern listed here, as well as the people who wrote in for the people they love in Prayer.
    I’d also appreciate if we could all pray for the Salvation of the world.
    So many still don’t know JESUS.

    AND GOD’S WORKERS TO Bear Much Fruit in their Labours!

    A very Special Mention…is if you would all lovingly pray for my Beloved, Johnson.
    He will be celebrating his Birthday on Ash Wednesday, February 22nd.

    He has much responsibility, work stress, travels, providing for family members, and an issue with his leg, which got injured in an accident almost 8 years ago… and yet he cheerfully carries on by even LOVING JESUS MORE AND DILIGENTLY AND CHEERFULLY SERVING HIM!

    BY GOD’S GRACE ALONE, he is not handicapped, but his leg does hurt him especially when he doesn’t have too much time to rest.

    I Praise JESUS FOR Johnson (affectionately known as Johnny)…and his precious life.


    He is a True Servant OF CHRIST.

    Thank you all!
    With much Love&Prayers IN CHRIST ALONE.



    Philippians 4:19-20.

  106. We are leading a church that does doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. We are carrying such a huge burden and feel discouraged. Life feels heavy and oppressive. Please pray that we will hear from God and that he will send the people that we need to support us in ministry. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to bring life into our church. Many thanks.

    • Oh, dear heart, Lyn!
      This is what comes to me to pray for you and your oh so difficult situation: “The enemy only comes to rob, kill, and destroy; BUT I, JESUS, have come to give you life; life abundantly and to the full.”

      Jesus is there. Jehovah Shammah, the LORD is THERE. Jehovah Shalom is your Peace and wholeness and He is there. jehovah Rohi, The LORD is your Shepherd and will guide you. Jehovah jireh, the God who sees the need and will provide as you keep going to Him! His storehouse has EVERYTHING you need, and answers to your prayers! You know that He is not a miserly God, but THE Generous God, THE Giving God!

      Your struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, the powers, the rulers of this dark world and the forces of evil in the heavenly realms…people disappoint us so gravely at times, but God NEVER does. Dear Lyn, He sees it all. Lord, I thank you and praise you for this most difficult situation and people that they have contact with right now…help her and her husband to keep blessing and praying and thanking You for them…and I know You will lighten their hearts and help them turn their eyes upon You, Precious Lord! I think of this song…

      “Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace!”

      I pray that blesses you and that you keep coming unto Him to give you rest, and your face will be radiant as you keep looking to Him. He WILL make a way whwere there seems to be no way! Much love to you…I have a friend and her husband who are trusting God day by day in much the same situation as yours, dear Lyn! We can trust Your Word, Lord…and it says, “The end of matters is better than the beginning.” Help us to “hang in and hang on” to YOU!

        • Bless you, my dear sister! You and your husband will continue to be in my prayers…and my friend and I will agree together for both hers and your situations! how wonderful if we could all meet back here in 1, 2, or 6 months to praise our God and share His marvelous ways! Sometimes it takes longer, much longer, but we KNOW He WILL answer! I am encouraged just knowing that so many of us are going shoulder to shoulder into the battle! Hallelujah! Let us continue! on together in the unity of the Holy Spirit in the bond of peace!
          You are LOVED and CARED for, Lyn! Learn of Him and let Him love you! every morning, every day!

  107. I ask your prayers for my mother Dorothy, who is 89 years old. She has been falling and has had multiple ministrokes – she is to enter assisted living in two weeks where she will receive the care she needs, but yesterday she took a turn for the worse and is weak. I am alone caring for her – that God will give me the wisdom to know what to do for her and the strength to do it. That He will heal her in whatever way He chooses.

  108. Everything seems to be crashing down around me, and I’m feeling alone, so alone in all this. For me to have the courage to open up to friends tonight and to really truly ask for not only spiritual help and emotional, but also physical as well. Many thanks.

    • Thank You and praise You, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, that when the enemy comes in like a flood, YOU, SPIRIT OF THE LORD WILL raise up a standard against him!!! Lord I am THANKING YOU RIGHT NOW that Your Spirit is raising up a standard against the enemy who has come in like a flood in CHantal’s and every one of these lives here! Remind us, help us to take You at Your Word and thank and praise and pray Your Word out loud, for the enemy cannot stand against the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God! Show her and each one HOW MUCH YOU LOVE THEM and how You are NOT sitting on Your hands in heaven saying, “oh, this one is too hard for Me!” HAHAHA!!! Nothing is too difficult for You, Lord! Thank You that my prayer request seems “smaller”, but NOTHING is too small to bring to You or my brethren! And NOTHING is too big! And because I ‘m not so weighed down today, YOU have brought me and others here to lift up the heavy hearts and hands that are weighed down…and thank You, Lord, that when we are weak, then we are strong, because YOUR POWER rests upon us! Glory to God in the Highest! Thank you, dear sisters! and maybe a few brothers! It is no accident that we are all here together, agreeing in prayer! L

      Let’s take time to look at some of the prayers, scriptures, praises being lifted up, and lift our eyes to the hills! Where does our help come from? Our help comes from the LORD, the MAKER of Heaven and earth! Hallelujah and Amen!

  109. I request prayer for guidance from above when I go for a brief visit with my niece’s step Dad who has only months to live due to liver cancer. He has already made arrangements for his death but there is a ? RE: his beliefs and if he has been saved. I would like to at least pray with and for him. It is heavy on my heart. Thank you.

  110. Broken engagement, broken heart, crushed in spirit. Please pray for me that God will heal my heart and somehow help my insides breathe again.

    • Dear Elle, I am praying for you! Jesus will heal you for sure! I am not good in finding right words, but I will pray for you and God knows how to show His love to you and He will!

    • Elle,

      My heart goes out your broken heart. I am so sorry. Praying now for the Lord to comfort you and give you some peace today. Praying that you will feel his arms embracing you and Remember: Jesus loves YOU! I have learned in my 50+ years, that man will always let us down, Jesus will never leave us. Blessings to you today.

  111. Please, pray for my husband, he is not a believer, so please, pray for his salvation! and for our relationship. He has two children-two boys, it is so hard for me that we have to share my husband!:( and please, pray that I would be a nice example of God’s child to all three of them.

  112. I’m financially struggling and sinking with so many bills, I just started working again, and hoping to work 40 hours a week. The job I have is not what I’m looking for but it’s a full time job, I want to be where the Lord wants me to be and serving him. Please pray for finacial guidance.
    Please pray for one of my family members as they seem to be going down the wrong path, help him confess what he has done, pay the consequences and move on and start fresh! I love him very much but he seems so lost and so alone, so praying that he gets on the right path, admits to his family what he has done is wrong, and be able to move forward and start fresh!

  113. Well Elle, Lisa-Jo suggested we take time to pray for the person who responded ahead of us and that makes you my special person of the day! I know from experience that a broken heart is a horrible thing and that, although you will go on and find peace, you will always remember this time and it will make you a more compassionate and caring person. I pray that God will be in your decisions and that your heart will be strong and that you will find happiness in the relationships in your life. I ask for prayers also for mine and my family’s wellness and relationships. God bless.

  114. I ask that you might join me as I pray for a clearer vision of how God seeks to use my gifts for him and the courage to move-out of my comfort zone as I peel away layers of perfectionist tendencies that seem to be keeping me “stuck.”

    • Kristin: May God whisper his vision to your soul. And offer you courage to move up and to leave behind your perfectionist tendencies.

      I too am seeking to be able to be able to tolerate my imperfections, and to cast off the belief that in order to be worthy I need to be perfect at everything.

  115. I would like to ask for prayer for my family, for wisdom, peace and renewed faith. My partner and I seperated 2 years ago and it has been a very difficult journey. There are so many factors that play a part and so much pressure – too many to mention. Legal battles are now starting and we have 3 children (25, 21 and 10) who are suffering so much. I feel so lost in all this and feel that my faith is just so thin. That I’m listening for God’s voice, but am not hearing Him speak. I’m seriously considering to ask him to take me back and forgive me for the things I feel I have done, even if I’m in doubt about him ever being faithful or true. I have made countless mistakes myself. So many questions………

    • Elna,

      Praying for peace, wisdom, clarity, and guidance for you… even when your faith feels thin, He meets us there, right where we are. Praying for you, your partner, your children… much love to you and yours.

    • Elna,

      Praying for a contentment and peace to surround you during this time. Seek wise Christian counsel from a trusted friend. Time and God’s love, grace & mercy will heal this wound.

      You will come out on the other side a stronger, more mature Christian for having gone through this.

      I know God will get you and your family through this!

  116. Kristen, I will be praying for God to give you wisdom in these areas….as I share some of these same problems with you. Today I ask for prayer for my daughter,Tracy(41), who will be having a rather complicated back surgery tomorrow at 12:30. Please pray for her safety and healing. I will not be able to be with her, as I take care of my 86 year old Mother in another city and am not able to leave her. Thank you for all your prayers.

    • Gloria,

      Praying for your daughter’s surgery tomorrow. May God guide the surgeons hands and heal her completely.

      I understand taking care of elderly parents. That can be tough. I helped my dad take care of my mentally ill mom for about 2 years. It was a rough time–waiting on the phone calls, weekly or more visits & watching her deteriorate was devastating.

      Prays for your strength to deal with all this!

  117. I go in for a Disabilty hearing next month and I need to win. I have been off of work for 4 years now. Thanks.

  118. Gloria, I will be praying for your daughter as she has surgery tomorrow. My prayer is that God guide her surgeons and that she will will heal quickly.

    My prayer request is for my husband — he has been out of work since May 2011. The interviews have been few and far between. He does have an interview on Monday Feb 27 for a position which is ideal for him and with a great company. He will be having 2 phone interviews that day with both the hiring manager and ceo of the company. Please pray that God will guide my husband thru the interviews and that he will be given an offer.

    Thank you for your prayers

    • Val,

      Praying for peace & contentment. May God who provides everything we so richly deserve and things we don’t–give your hubby this wonderful job!

  119. Ladies, I am asking for prayer for my small town and the surrounding communities. I live in a rural area, and in the past week it has come to our attention that a white supremacist/hate group has purchased property in the area and is planning on building their next compound there. Fear and confusion abound in our little town right now, and we know that those things are not of God. We know that this hate group is not of God. They are using the (unfortunate) media attention they’ve gained in the past week to spread their false teachings and fuel their mission to stir up hatred and dissension within our area. Area pastors are gathering in the morning and traveling from church to church to pray with one another and area leaders over our communities, the families who live here, our churches, our young people who are so impressionable. Please be in prayer for our area church, government and law enforcement officials… we want this hate group that claims to be “biblically based” to vacate our area as quickly as they appeared. We do not want this type of hate in our community.

  120. To everyone who is dealing with pain or crisis today, God is with you every step of the way even when it feels really bad! I have been through far too many trials to list here, but belive me God has answered so many prayers for me and my family I feel blessed beyond any words I have. I never end my conversations with God even if it’s in my mind our talks are ongoing just as you would talk with your best friend in all the universe, I may get distracted with work or family but I never forget to ask God what he thinks about a situation. His love is constant, you are never alone, you are loved.
    You are all in my prayers!!

  121. Thank you for the devotionals, they are very encouraging.Right now Church, God’s house with God’s people, is a painful place for me .God called me to a new country to work in daily ministry and in the church. I left my home and family, friends and everything familiar to obey.
    I am the only one from my country in a multi cultural society. Everyone clicks up and displays the meanest, most cruel acts of unkindness to me. A private situation that I am going through was brought into the church and is held up to the congregation for me to get more negative attention as I try to worship and assist in the kingdom. I feel alone, rejected and discouraged. Please pray for me. Thanks and may God continue to bless and work through you.

  122. Hi Courtney F

    Thank you for your prayers. I will be praying for you and your communities – for guidance and peace amongst so much confusion. Lots of Love Elna

  123. My youngest brother is getting married this evening to a beautiful, godly woman. I cannot convey what a blessing, answer to prayer, and miraculous gift of God this is, but I’m so very thankful that God’s grace can take the ugly and make it beautiful, refining us along the way. Please pray that it will be a night of rejoicing that leads to a Christ-honoring marriage that strengthens everyone around them.

  124. Hi. I’m a GP (family doc) in UK, loving this connection across the Pond!
    So many things I could ask you to pray for – but what comes to mind is a Christian patient of mine called who is in the middle of her pregnancy, and scans indicate the baby’s brain is not normal (large ventricles, ie less brain tissue that expected). Genetic tests came back normal. I had my hands on her tummy a couple of weeks ago doing an antenatal check and prayed ratyher informally and briefly for healing: bith all my heart I long to see a perfectly formed child of God born to that lady, already filled with God’s Healing Spirit and ready to live heart, mind and soul to glorify the Creator Redeemer they met even in the womb! Mum’s name is Patience, Thanks, all.

  125. I would like to ask for prayer for direction for my new web design business – that God would direct me to the right clients. Thanks in advance!

  126. Thank you for joining me in prayer for two things… that my daughter meet a wonderful man to spend her life with that is who the Lord wants her with. Also that as I retire from one career, let me find purpose and profit in my artwork. I am grateful for all of God’s blessings and bless you all for your prayers too.

  127. please pray for my children right now. One is struggling in school and I am meeting with her teachers this week to find out if there is a learning disability. Also pray for my 6 yr old son. He is about to undergo some tests to help treat his low muscle tone and to rule out a bigger neurological problem that could be causing it. Also pray for the jr high youth group I lead. We will be attending a youth conference this coming weekend and I pray that God will do some amazing things in their lives.

  128. So many needs – so many faithful. God is good. I ask for prayer for all the needs illustrated here today – and for our government – our officials and those they government. Please help them make good decisions based on the Christian values under which our country was formed. Please join our church and pray with us ONE MINUTE EACH NIGHT AT 9 P.M. EST (8 PM Central, 7 PM Mountain, 6 PM Pacific) and stop and pray for the safety of our country and that our Bible will continue to be the basis for the laws that govern our land and that Christianity will grow in the US. May God’s most perfect will be done in each and every one of us. Let us be one, united in prayer.

  129. Lord, today I am asking for help for Holly and her children. It is so hard to see your child struggle with problems in school and with their health. You know what they need Lord better than we do. Please be with Holly and help her feel at peace with what the school decides and the doctors decide. Give them wisdom to choose the right treatment for both. Be with the youth that attend the conference so that they may come back from it with amazing ideas how to show others your love for us all.
    I ask that you be with my daughter Stacy who has had many Heath problems this last year. While going through some test for another problem they found a cyst on her thyroid. We go to the ENT doctor soon to see what we are dealing with. I pray that it is not cancer but if it is I pray it will be treated successfully. I know you will be with us through this trial and we can find peace with that. Thank you.

  130. Holly; i prayed. May God bless you with His best in every area you mentioned as well as the unspoken prayers of your heart. In Jesus name, Amen!
    Please pray for me; I sense God wanting to really love me in this season. Please pray that I’d not worry at all and be open to the change that His loving me brings and the process of it all. I also think I want to have a conversation with my Sister about something old and I feel nervous about, pray for the right words. Lastly, I’ve been feeling tired lately, please pray for wisdom to know how to take it easy or what needs to be done differently. Thank you!!!!!

  131. I’ve not done this before. I feel embarrassed even writing this. I’ve battled with bulimia for 27 years. I’m walking the long hard road to recovery. Any prayer would be most humbly welcome.

  132. Holly, I have prayed for you and your children, and will continue to do so.
    As for me, I am struggling with my emotions. I had a big blow-up yesterday, that to everyone else seemed completely out of proportion to what actually happened… but to me was overwhelming. My husband is not dealing well with what happened, and I’m wondering whether I should get counselling. My anger, frustration and impatience are things that I’ve struggled with and prayed for help with for as long as I can remember – back to childhood – and there are still many days when I think I have made no progress whatsoever, and that I’m permanently scarring my children emotionally. I want to be a good mother so much, and all my friends say I’m a great mum, but I don’t believe them – I know the truth.

  133. Ruby, well done on coming into the light about this! Sometimes that can be one of the hardest parts… I’ll be praying for you on your journey back to health.

  134. My heart is absolutely aching. I was laid off from my life’s work, a school counselor, due to budget cuts last June. Though I have been looking, I have been unable to find a job, and my savings is gone. I know He has a plan for me and am trying to be patient and let that plan unfold. I really am desperate for a job at this point. Additionally, I have been in and up and down relationship with a man for almost four years. I have been committed to him, and he has cheated on me over and over. I broke up with him four months ago, but we have continued to have contact, and hang out as friends due to our common interests. We have been spending a lot of time together lately, and although I wasn’t looking to get back together, I guess I got too comfortable. After ongoing daily contact, I haven’t heard from him in days, and I do know he spent the night out of town with a woman. I know that he will see other people, but the complete lack of contact is what hurts at this point. I am dating others, but it’s just that. Wow, that turned into a long story, anyway, I am also desperate to be over him . . . to be strong and not let him back into my life to hurt me again. I really have tried to let go and let God take over, but have struggled with this for so long with this man. Help! I continue to keep it in prayer, that not my will be done, but His will. I love the Lord so much, and I know he wants what’s best for me. Thank you and bless you!

    • Cheryl,
      I know the Lord hears the prayers of your heart, loves you more than you could ever imagine, and knows your needs.
      I pray that He will bring a wonderful job your way very soon and provide for all of your needs until this happens.
      I also ask the Lord to give you strength to let go of this unhealthy relationship. I pray you can find completeness in the Father and joy in your relationship with Him.

      • Elizabeth,

        Thank you so much Your prayers are appreciated more than you know. May the Lord bestow many blessings up on you. God is good, all the time!!

  135. Holly, I am lifting you and your beautiful family up in prayer- that God lead and guide you with His grace, mercy, wisdom, and Peace of Jesus on this healing journey. We have so been there and our Lord has been so amazing with our son and grandson.

    I ask for prayer for our family and horses. Over the course of the last 3 years we have been through a move halfway across the country, layoffs and now the drought. We have hung on, but the price of hay has eaten up everything ( $170 a round bale and we go through 3 or 4 a week). We can’t even give a great horse away. but we are to the point that feeding them is financially beyond us. The hay that is available is old hay and it is showing on them, especially the youngsters. I know God is with us, but I can see that I am beginning to falter under this burden. I ask for prayer that God pour his grace and mercy down upon our stock and others who are in the same dire straits this year and for us to have the strength and perseverance to see this journey through.

  136. I have been plagued with anxiety and panic attacks for the last week. I can usually make it through with just praying but I need major prayer please. I have never been so scared Of not overcoming this and also am a mom to 4 boys who need me daily. Please pray for the pain to stop it has turned into physical symptoms an I can barely leave the house with out crying or being terrified. God speed. And God bless all you wonderful women in your Own challenges.

    • Jen, I will keep you in my prayers. I’m not very good at articulation my prayerful thoughts, but know that I will be keeping you in my daily prayers. Hang in there.

  137. Pray for me on Tuesday. Going back to see the breast surgeon after having an extensional biopsy last Monday. Pray that whatever news I receive that I will be able to receive with grace and accept God’s plan.

  138. I need prayers for guidance. My youngest son will be going to college in the fall so my time as a homeschooler is over. I don’t know what the Lord would like me to do next so I’d like prayer so that I would hear His voice.

    • I pray that you would be able to sit in the stillness and the quiet so that you hear Him. He has an amazing path and purpose ahead for you. I pray that He will guide you and you will see His will.

      Blessings to you <3

  139. Ladies, I would really appreciate your prayers about finding a job, QUICKLY. We’ve burned thru what little savings we had. I had a hearing with the unemployment referee on Friday. I’m usually optimistic, but didn’t feel very confident with a positive outcome from that appeal. I’ve been answering job ads, signed up with an employment agency and have been applying for jobs thru I know God has the right job for me and I know that He care, but we need some money now! Thank you and I’ll be praying for the other requested listed here, too.

    • Carol, I pray that you are soon able to find a job that suits your talents and your family’s needs. I pray also that your unemployment hearing is decided in your favor. Have faith that God will lead you to the right job. I, too, have struggled with unemployment/ under-employment for the past three years. I found out Thursday that I was hired full-time where I’d worked as a temp from July through December. Praise God! I pray that you will have success through that avenue as well.

      Ladies, please pray for me and my family as we transition to this new phase in our lives. Pray especially for my 7-year-old daughter, who has gotten used to having Mommy pick her up from school every day. With this new job, there are some days that she’ll have to go to the after-school program until one of us (Mom, Dad, or Big Sister) can pick her up. Thank you, and I’ll lift you all up in prayer as well.

  140. I am writing this from Tunis, Tunisia and I am excited to come accross this group of women whopray and share their prayer requests. I would like to join in because I like to serve God in praying for others and myself too. I would request prayers for my son who is applying for college in the USA for the fall semester, Please pray the the Lord my provide one that will meet his desires. God bless you all.

  141. My husband of 17 years has filed for divorce. I also found out he has been having an affair with a co-worker for about a year. We are both Christians and he has been a Godly man, husband and daddy. Oddly, he has stayed faithful in church. But our last year things have been very different. I could not pinpoint our problem but just felt this huge oppression looming over us. I tried to get him to go to counseling and he refused. He changed. And now I know why. I have, even knowing what I do, tried to get him to go to counseling with me. He still refuses. We are in the midst of the divorce now. My heart is broken, bitter, angry, confused, and I could go on and on. Please pray for him and our 8 year old and 2 year old little girls. Thank you so much.

  142. Margaret, I am praying that your son will find a college that meets his desires and in that meeting God is glorified.

    Please pray for me for direction. I am in a new season of life and struggling to hear where the Lord is leading me. Also, pray for me to make good choices for a healthy lifestyle. I like with chronic pain and too often give up and make bad choices. Thank you for praying. Love and God’s blessings.

    • Barb I pray that God may meet you at your point of need in the new season of life. One thing that is for sure is that God is a God of all seasons, May he see you through every step of the way and may you be able to make right choices in every aspect of your life. Thank you for praying for my son. Soon I will give a testimony of what God had done. Stay blessed

  143. Barb, I am lifting you up in prayer. Praying for your healing, peace and for this glorious new season for you. May you blessed with a new life, with health and vitality. More splendid, more light filled, more alive than you have ever been on this precious new day. Be blessed, sister.

    Sisters, please pray for me, as I struggle with pride, a competitive nature and ego, with forcing my timing and my will onto situations. I want to be able to surrender to grace and to trust completely in God, but so often I caught up with my image and ego. Please pray for me to receive the Grace and faith of God more fully.

    Thank you. God Bless x x x

    • Heidi, I am praying for you. The word of God says that we should humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord and he will lift us up. It is good that you have purposed to shed off pride and you are willing to surrender all to him. I pray that your desire may be granted. His Grace is sufficient.

  144. My marriage and for my dad. I desperately need that spark back in my marriage. I need help remembering why we fell in love to begin with.
    And for my 78 year old father who has been undergoing chemotherapy for leukemia.

    • Leigh, I am praying for restoration of you marriage. May the Lord God help your dad through the chemo and cease his pain.

  145. Dear Heidi,

    I am praying for you, for those places in your life where pride and ego are a struggle for you, and where you need the ability to wait for God’s timing, rather than your own. The timing struggle is one I identify with strongly.

    I am in need of prayer in the area of identity, and being able to fully rest in who I have been made by God. I am someone who struggles to see my own worth and I believe this can often keep me from doing just what God would have me do. And so related to this larger topic, I am asking for prayer because I was asked to speak to some college-aged women at a retreat in a few weeks. Thank you, dear sisters!

  146. My prayer request is for the whole of the church family of Thornbury in England. This week our priest was brutally murdered. As you can imagine it has been a huge shock and we are all just trying to come to terms with it and find a way to carry on.
    Please pray for his family and for everyone who had the privilage to know him.

    • Julie R, May you be blessed in the new city just like God blessed Ruth in the Bible in her new land.

  147. Fiona, I am so sorry about the murder of your church priest, May the Lord of all comfort give all of you peace that surpasses all understing. I pray also for his family that God will give them strength to move on. I also pray that the people who murdered him may repent of their sins and that God may deal with them in his own way because he is the avenger of the weak.

  148. Please pray for my husband who is suffering from dementia, and the grace for me to work with him also when I get him to the Dr. he will get some help.Thanks for the prayers. I also need prayer for my insomnia.

    • Marcie, By his stripes were healed. May the Lord heal you and your hubby from what you are suffuring from. There is no illness that is too big for Him. I am a testimony of God’s healing. Be blessed

  149. Please pray for my husband to renew is faith. He has been struggling with faith and religion.
    Also, please pray for my Dad,& my Uncle. They are in the midst of a ranch corporation struggle and it has really torn our family apart.
    And lastly, please pray for my daughter who has a weight problem, sheis only 6 and we are struggling. We are trying to make a whole family change but it has been a struggle!
    Thank you so much!
    Please God, Bless all of the people at incourage! for their great work. May they continue to grow and prosper with your strength and words to guide them.
    Also, Bless and hear each on of the people who have posted on here and give them the peace that comes with knowing you are listening and that you will answer their prayers. Amen


  150. Please pray for me as I am trying to leave and disconnect from a very very volatile relationship. Not diagnosed, but has Narcississtic tendencies. It is very hard because of the emotions and investment put into the relationship. I have become a victim of domestic violence as well. I am a woman of faith, but I need your prayers to help me remember and live out once again who I am in Christ and that Christ has plans to prosper my life and not destroy it. Blessings and thank you.

  151. Please pray for Shirley,,,Danny… me I have a pacemaker ..weakness of the mucsle I take lots of medicine..I have two jobs it hard but I fell I am bless because I still can do it….Eli

  152. Hi Marcie. I’m praying for you! A verse that has really helped me in the past with my insomnia is Proverbs 3:24: “when you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.” Also Psalm 3:5: “I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me.” Jesus is with you and loves you through it all! I keep telling myself that too 🙂 And I just wanted to let you know that I was praying for you with those verses in mind.

    Please pray for me that God would use me as a witness and that He would transform lives around me and bring the people I am praying for to Christ!

  153. We are missionaries serving in Ecuador. Lately my stress level has been off the charts. Robberies and break-ins are common. Last week we caught someone photographing our house. When my daughter opened the door, he took off running. This was the last straw. We’ve been broken into before, and I told my husband then that if it happens again, I’m out of here. Problem is, he LOVES his job. Leaving would tear him up. If we are to stay here, I need some peace. My children need their mother back, and my husband needs his wife back. I can’t be effective in anything if I’m this scared all of the time. Please pray for peace. For my heart to calm down, and for me to be able to remember why we came here in the first place.

    • Cyndi,
      My heart goes out to you Ioo have a heart from missions and have spent much time serving orphans in Romania. I am lifting you up to our heavenly Father who knows your stress and holds you in the palm of His hands.

      Father, I lift Cyndi up to You. Lord, I ask that you would wrap your loving arms around her, and give her your peace that goes beyond our understanding. Please calm her fears. Protect her family. Lord we thank you that you are our refuge and strength. Your perfect love will cast out her fear. Please help Cyndi to be able to rest and focus on you. Remind her why your brought their family to serve the people of Ecuador. I pray that you would give her and her husband wisdom and clear direction as to what your will is for their lives. If you are calling them to stay and continue in ministry, please pour out your grace and give Cyndi strength physically, emotionally, and spiritually to server her husband and children and help her to trust you completely. Please Father, surround her with people who will be there to encourage her, listen to her, and pray with her. We thank you God for who you are, that you are a God who sees and knows all and you hold each of your children lovingly in the palm of your hands.

      It is in Jesus’ name I pray,


  154. My daughter is getting married in just 13 days. Pray for us to be able to enjoy this time. The wedding is 7 hours away from me, so we will be traveling to help her with the wedding. She is also in college and juggling wedding planning and school is starting to get her a bit stressed out. I also suffer from some health issues and my prayer is that I have a flare free week while we are traveling and enjoying this special time.

  155. Joni, and all who came before me, you are in my prayers. Joni, I pray for you to have the strength to leave the abusive relationship, and please be safe, and take care of yourself. Please do not stay in a relationship if someone is hurting you, this is not what God wants for you. He wants you to be safe, healthy and loved. I pray that you feel the love and strength of God immediately.
    Please keep my husband and me in your prayers as we are facing some major decisions in our life right now. To move across the state for a a tremendous job offer for him, which mean I would retire, or stay here near our grandkids and children? The move would be advantageous for my health, as I have fibromyalgia and the climate would be better for me, as well as the retirement! I want this to be Gods will, not my wants!

    • Lisa, I am praying that God would give you and your husband wisdom and guidance for the decisions that you are facing.

  156. My daughter has social anxiety. I don’t have money for counseling. Praying for a breakthrough! My marriage is difficult. I try to discuss issues with my husband but he acts like he doen’t care what is going on. He is also deep in debt. Bill collectors call our house all the time. He refuses to tell me how much he owes. I am struggling with anxiety and panic attacks. I feel that I might have been molested as a child but I cannot remember. I cannot remember most of my childhood. I have been praying but I am tired of waiting. Many days everything seems overwhelming and there are many days I just want to leave. Need some strength!

  157. Dear ladies, almost 10 months ago, I was rear-ended and suffered a brain injury that has turned my family’s world upside down. I suffer from almost daily migraines, intense light and noise intolerance, and extreme brain fogginess and fatigue that leaves me, at times, unable to even finish sentences. I am a teacher who can’t teach, and a momma who can’t take care of her two toddlers right now. Our mothers help as they can, but 99%of this burden falls on my husband’s broad shoulders. This accident happened as we were in the midst of transitioning to a much larger church, also, and we had not yet gotten connected, and my injury has not allowed me to attend worship. We have recently felt that the Lord has led us to a new type of therapy for my brain’s healing, but it requires that we use all of our financial reserve to take this leap of faith. So, dear sisters, I ask for your prayers for my family, that my children not suffer because of the stress in the house. I ask that you pray for my dear husband, that he be sustained through the Lord as cares for me and our daughters through this rough patch. And I ask that you pray that this Oxygen therapy will be God’s answer to our prayers and it allow my brain to complete it’s healing that I be whole again so that I can return to service to my family, to my friends, and to my students.
    Thank you ever so much.

  158. I am asking for prayers for healing and guiding from God. I need my heart ache and pain to just go away. I can’t deal with it anymore.
    Thank you.

  159. Please pray for husband he is hiding that he has cancer. I found a business card from a cancer support group and they called our home today. He is angry and he will not talk to me.

    Please Pray.


    • I’m so sorry. I understand the frustration of complicated health issues that doctors can’t quite figure out. I will be praying for you tonight. I’ll be praying for patience and endurance for you and for wisdom for your doctors.


  160. Trying to break free of an inappropriate, unhealthy relationship, and get right with God. It’s especially difficult because I’ve never felt wanted or loved, and my fear is now that I’ve been involved with this person I am damaged goods and no one will ever be able to love me. I know that God does, but I struggle so, trying to do what’s right, and I begin to wonder how even He could possibly love me at this point.

    • Joy I am praying for you. The love of God is forever and is unconditional. It doesn’t matter what you have done when you turn to His he will forgive you. He is a God of second chance.

      • Margaret, I’m not sure you will even see this now, but I thank you. You have done more for me with this response than you will ever know.

  161. Dear Father, I see so many needs here today but I lift up Angela. . .praying that you will give the doctors wisdom and so that Angela may feel your healing touch. . .I especially pray that she would feel your peace and that you would send her some special ministering friends as she faces these health issues.

    I ask for pray for my son, Jeremy. He is 10 and while we have not yet received the official diagnosis, it is most likely that he has asperger’s syndrome. We have just removed him from public school. He is very bright but struggled in school to read the other children. Many bullied him and he had a hard time with this last teacher who was not very compassionate. . .Last years teacher was such a blessing and I thank God for her. Teachers can make such a difference. Well now I am that teacher for him and will learn to homeschool. I also write a blog and review books as I have a journalism degree so hope that I can continue to do that. I pray that I have wisdom as I teach him and that my husband will also be able to give me some time as that doesn’t seem to happen often. Also, we need to find a sitter to maintain our time together. We don’t want this to tear us apart but rather to draw us together in good ways. In all things we want to bring glory to God too through this. Thank you for praying.

  162. First of all I just want everyone above me to know that my heart and prayers are with you all!

    If you truly think praying for me will help, then PLEASE. I don’t feel like He’s listening to me lately.

    I’m a recovering addict. I’ve hurt my family unimaginabely. I’m 48 my mother is 80 and she won’t speak to me. I live with my 13 year old son and his dad and I have put these two through so much.
    I’ve been clean for over a year, I’ve been going to church and am active with the Fellowship committe, I’m taking my role as homemaker very seriously, yet every single day my “significant other” finds great satisfaction in letting me know what a loser I am and reminds me of my past and what I’ve done. I know the pain they feel is aweful, and I have to live with knowing I caused it, and I hate to say this, BUT, I have pain they can’t even comprehend; my brother raped me (yeah, my mom knows, he went to Christmas dinner, not me) my ex=husband beat me, etc.

    Pray for me, please? Maybe someone I’ve hurt can have some peace

    • Dear, sweet Lisa,

      It sounds like you have been through so much. I’m sorry for the pain and suffering you have had to endure. Even though it might feel like God is far away, know that He is listening to you. He sees your pain, and He cares about you deeply. He cares about you so much that He sent His Son to suffer and die for you!

      I will be praying for you – for peace, for godly friends to come alongside you, for restored relationships, for comfort in these difficult days.


  163. please pray for my broken heart. married 29 years, divorced 2, helped by a man who promised to take care of me and then left. It’s been over a year and I’m devastated.

  164. Everything !!! Everything in my life that could go wrong is going wrong. We are losing our home… don’t know where we are going to live… my son and I are suffering from anxiety attacks… I have to have two surgeries in the next few months and we don’t know how… I feel like I am being attacked physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually… like Satan is just firing those darts at me by the hundreds. My husband is not saved so I feel very alone. Please pray for his salvation and for the spiritual growth of my sons who are saved but seem to drift to the ways of the world far too often.

    • Oh Bonnie Jean, my heart breaks for you. I will be praying for you tonight as you face this very difficult and overwhelming situation. May the Lord bring you comfort and peace.

      Heavenly Father, I pray for Bonnie Jean. Please draw her close to You. Help her to know and feel your love. Please provide for her needs and for the needs of her family. Keep her mind stayed on You and keep her in perfect peace. I pray that Bonnie Jean would be a faithful testimony to your grace and goodness even in the midst of the storm. Please work in this situation to draw her husband to You. I pray that he would see Your great love for him and his great need for You, and I pray that he would trust You as his Savior. I pray for her sons. Please use these trials to draw them closer to You and to strengthen their faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  165. Lisa, I will pray for you, that God will release you from the captivity you feel and that he would heal you from your past wounds. I will also pray that your significant other will fall to his knees and ask God’s forgiveness for the way that he is hurting you. I also ask that God will open the eyes of those that have hurt you both directly (your brother, ex-husband) and that they will hear God’s voice to repent and sincerely ask your forgiveness. In the meantime, I ask God’s Peace for you-the Peace that passes all understanding. God is a GOOD God-He loves you and wants the best for you. Continue clinging to Him. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5).
    My prayer request is for my husband, who is dying from the effects of his alcoholism. My prayer is that he will accept Christ as his Lord and Savior before its too late, and that he would be set free from his addiction.

  166. Please pray for my daughter 23 year old daughter Marissa. She was recently engaged to a man she has been in relationship with for the past 3 years. She came to me last nite and shared some thing with me about him and that she couldn’t marry him. She is certain he has a drug problem, he has beeen caught in several lies and has even stolen money from her recently. She realizes she cannot marry him and is trying to find the courage to do what she knows is right, and end the relationship. She is a sweet, somewhat naive young lady with a huge heart and great love for the Lord, and stronger than I ever gave her credit for. Please pray she will have a special sense of God’s great love for her as she presses on during the hard days ahead. Thank You 🙂

  167. Praying for you and your husband Nancy. Father I pray that you would show Nancy’s husband who you are, break through the pride that has kept him bound and make yourself real to him. Help Nancy as she is your hands during this time, thank you that you have given her strength and courage. I pray for your comfort and hope to surround her heart and lift her when days seem to heavy to bear. I pray that her husband would have a desire to be free of alcoholism and the will to live without it. In Jesus Name!

    My request: my husband I are at a low point in our marriage and we also have a job offer that involves moving that we need clear direction on.

    • Rebecca- I lift you and your husband up in prayer- that the Lord opens your hearts to the love and strong partnership that you once had. I pray that the enemy’s hand is removed from your union and that rather than growing weaker, your relationship will recover and grow stronger and that you will get to through the valley and to the top of the mountain and be able to look back at your trials with a greater perspective on the plan that God has for your lives. In Jesus’ name we pray- AMEN.

  168. My mom went into the hospital two days ago with vomiting blood and having blood in her stools. She is still coughing blood and spitting up blood. She is 84 years old. Her name is lynette. Pray that I will know how to best serve my mom.
    Rebecca, I pray for your marriage. I pray that it will grow stronger. May God give you both wisdom in what to do as far as this move goes.

  169. Oh, Lord, I lift up to You tonight Bonnie Jean–please wrap her in Your arms and help her to feel Your love for her! Bonnie Jean, I pray that the Lord will bring all the healing into your life that you need, healing and restoring and renewing all things and fixing everything which has gone wrong and that He will bring you His peace through it all, through everything! Lord, please give Bonnie Jean and her son a new place to live and support and comfort them as they go through this miserable time of losing their home–enter their hearts and grant them Your peace, and be their security and comfort! Heal them both of their anxiety attacks….whenever they feel frightened, help them to lift their eyes to You, Lord, for Your reassurance; and please enable them to get through the two surgeries next month….let it all work out! Lord Jesus, repel all the darts from Satan which Bonnie Jean feels attacking, and bring restoration and wholeness and healing to every situation in her life and to every part of her mind, body, and soul…..grant her Your shielding protection against all the pain and uncertainty, and be her place of refuge always, for her and her son. Lord, please save Bonnie Jean’s husband….please open his eyes to You, Lord, and to Your truth, and grant him the grace to accept You into his heart and life….and please keep Bonnie Jean’s son strongly in Your grasp, Lord, and keep him a firm believer in You…help him to keep to all Your ways and to always include You in his life and never to be led astray by the ways of the world. Lord, please help Bonnie Jean as she feels so alone–enable her to lean into You, Lord, for the companionship which she needs, and let her know that You are always with her, no matter what, and that You stay right beside her, and immerse her with a sense of Your presence! Lord, please bless and protect and guide her and her family in all things, wrapping them in Your love and protection always! In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

    And Lord, I also lift to You Nancy and her husband–Lord, please, please heal Nancy’s husband of his alcoholism and its devastating effects before it’s too late…please give him the life and strength and health that he needs! Protect him, Lord! And most especially please open his heart to accepting Christ as his Lord and Savior before it’s too late–open his eyes to Your truth, Lord, and to accepting Your love and salvation….and please set him free from his addiction as well! Lord Jesus, You love to set us free from whatever imprisons us–so please set Nancy’s husband free of his addiction! Open his heart to You and to freedom and health and wholeness! Keep him safe and well physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Give Nancy the strength she needs to care for him and to help him and to witness before him to You and to Your love. Lord, please wrap both of them up in Your loving arms and in Your care and protect them and be with them! Keep them in Your care! In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

    Blessings and love to both of you and to everyone else who’s here!

    My prayer request is for healing of a nasty sinus infection and very bad nasal congestion which I’ve been having–I pray that the Lord will free me of all the pain and of the infection. Thanks so much!

    • Lord, I lift up to You tonight Kathy, please Father touch her with your healing hands. Cover her face with your loving healing power. Father, I pray that you remove that nasal congestion that bother her so much. Father bless her today and always and make her breath and feel good and healthy,

      In your name I pray,

  170. My request: Please pray with me that I find peace in my new home even though its an old apartment and God will strengthen my relationship with my family members even though the evil one is trying to break up the family . I pray that I will break free of all negative feelings of inadequacy and the Lord will protect and grant me wisdom to manage my finances.

  171. We just heard this morning that a former student and her husband lost their 4 month old baby boy. I know they are Christians and believe He is in Heaven, but they still have empty arms and heavy hearts.

    • Lord I pray that you may feel the void in the hearts of the couple who lost their 4 month child. May you give them another one soon. Comfort and give then peace.

  172. My husband and I are away celebrating our 25th anniversary. It is our first time away since rescuing our new (adult) daughter from a life of horrific abuse. She is being lovingly cared for by friends from church. But we just got news this evening that my husband’s sister’s cancer took a turn and she only has 2-3 days to live. Please pray for our daughter and my husband’s sister, they both need deep healing. Thankful for this community.

  173. For the past eleven years my husband and I have lived with the pain of knowing that our eldest son is a practicing homosexual. We don’t feel comfortable talking to anyone about this-not even our pastor. (We hear jokes, jibes and anything but care and compassion for those caught in this terrible web of sin.) We are both christians and endeavored to bring up our three sons in the fear of the Lord. Please join us in praying for our son’s salvation and deliverance.

  174. MM I will be praying for your family. I pray that you soon find someone that can walk with you through this situation with love and understanding. I hear each of your needs and pray for you all. I hurt for so many struggling with life situations. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Please pray that healing that has begun in my life will continue. I have asked for prayers about work here in recent months. Obviously, you are powerful prayer warriors. God’s hand has woven many pieces of my life together for good. Such a cloud has been lifted. Thank you, my sisters in Christ.

  175. Please pray for my marriage, my husband is in love with another woman and walked out on me 2 weeks before having our baby girl. It has been a year since he left and I am just been waiting on God to remove me from this so painful situation. Or just to direct my steps regarding taking a decision. My husband says he can’t help the feelings he has for her at the same time he hasn’t gotten the divorce. so, as much as I don’t want to lose hope on my marriage, I like some direction on how to keep obedient to God. This pain sometimes is unbearable, but, I know that all alone He is with me. Thank you so much.

    • Tibisay- Lay it all at the cross. The Lord is with you and knows your pain. Pray without for ceasing for your husband’s heart to change and for him to have his eyes opened to the truth and acknowledge the responsibility of his marriage. I will pray for you and that you can find some comfort in the hope of the Lord’s promises- that all works together for His good. In Jesus’ name we pray- AMEN. I’m with you sister. xo- Wendy

  176. Please pray for me. I have depression and despair. I have suffered a lot of rejection both professionally and personally. I feel lonely and isolated. At a recent Bible study the leader asked the group who would come alongside me to help me carry my burdens. No one raised their hand. Later 2 contacted me but these are the kinds of disappointments that lead to much discouragement. Help me see them for what they are- attacks by the enemy. Pray for the restoration of my wounded spirit.

    Thank you!! God bless

    • Oh Father, i lift up Wendy to you tonight. Father I thank you for her life, for her courage, for her health and for all the beautiful blessings you have already granted her. Father I pray that you heal her heart by revealing to her the real root of her depression and despair. Father change her perspective about feeling alone. Father allow her to see that she does not need anyone but You. Father make her feel Your Spirit in her. Help her realize that what she is feeling are just lies from the enemy, make him flee from her and that she never never believes in his lies. Reveal to her Father how special she is to You, how much you love her, make her feel your arms around her. Give her a new perspective in the way she feels and make her see how feelings are just feeling and they are not necessarily truth. Make her feel that the only one that can carry her burden is You. Give her peace and rest and that tomorrow she will have a new perspective and see the beautiful life you have created for her. Make her see what she has as suppose to what she doesn’t.
      In your name I pray amen

      • THANK YOU SO MUCH- such a beautiful prayer Tibisay! God bless and good night— I will keep up the prayers for you , your health and wellbeing , and that the Lord sends you a very special person to share your life with. In His name we pray- AMEN.

  177. Praying for you and your husband, Rebecca!! Lord God, please give Rebecca your strength, your peace and your direction. Help Rebecca and her husband, Lord….help them through the hard stuff…the lack of communication, the bitterness, the anger….lift them above all of it, and help them to see and hear YOUR voice, God, above all!!! Give them the direction they need to see clearly about this job offer. God, if it is right, give them your peace…the peace that passes all understanding…..and if it is not, let them know that they shouldn’t move in that direction. Thank you, Jesus!

  178. Please pray for a neighbor boy – 12 yrs. old. We found out he is involved in some very awful things on line that have stolen his innocence and we will be talking to his grandparents as an intervention soon. They have adopted him and have no idea what he is doing on line since he got his own computer in Oct. Pray too they will have what they need to intervene on him successfully and put him back on the right road!

  179. Dear tibisay…thank you so much for your prayers! I cannot even begin to imagine the crushing pain and loneliness and suffering which must be in your heart right now….the anguish is unimaginable! Lord, I lift tibisay and her marriage to You tonight, asking You to bring much-needed healing and resolution to such an awful situation….if it is Your will, please bring about reconciliation between tibisay and her husband…I beg You, Lord, to convict tibisay’s husband of the immense error of his ways, to repent of his affair, and turn immediately back to You and to tibisay and to their baby girl….Lord, let Your Holy Spirit work within his heart to free him from the terrible affair, to free him from all feelings for the other woman, and to return to tibisay, to whom he committed his life. Please show tibisay Your will, Lord, what You want for her–if reconciliation is possible, then please bring it, but either way, please give tibisay Your direction and guidance as to what she should do now. Show her what the next steps to take are, and bring her Your healing–flood her with Your healing peace and light and comfort and love, and please help her to know that You always love and care for her, no matter what! Lord, I thank You for tibisay’s knowledge that You are always with her….please confirm that knowledge and keep her heart firmly fixed in it, Lord, so that she will always know Your presence throughout all of this. Please give her good discernment about what to do next, and wrap her in Your healing power and grace and comfort and love! In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

    Lord, I lift up to You Wendy….I pray for the restoration of her wounded spirit and for Your healing to fill her, fill her heart and soul! Lord, please let Wendy know that even when others reject, that You always love and accept and care for her, no matter what, and that she can always turn to You in the midst of whatever she may be facing–give her the strength to look to You in moments of despair and isolation and loneliness, help her to lean into You, and be her refuge! Please heal her of the deep feelings of rejection and discouragement she must feel, especially after not being helped by anyone at her Bible study–please bring people into her life who can walk with her and comfort her, and comfort her Yourself, Lord, always! Help her to know that she is deeply loved by You, and please repel all attacks of the enemy. Be with her, Lord! In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

    • Thank you Katy. What a comfort your prayer is. I know that there is a special purpose in my pain and all is a part of the Lord’s master plan for my life. I must remember that the enemy loves to weaken us, but that when I call on the Lord he will protect me from the evil that is everywhere. THANK YOU- God bless!

  180. Please pray for a clear mind, heart and spirit. I don’t want to walk with a confused mind anymore. I want God to give me clarity of mind.

    • Dear Nancy,

      I will be praying for you tonight as you seek the Lord. I will be praying for clarity for you in your heart, mind, and spirit. May the peace of God which transcends all understanding guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus.


  181. We may be moving soon, and we need to find good housing. This is complicated because I have specific housing needs due to my disability. Please pray that the Lord will provide the right place for us. Thank you!

    • Thanks so much for your prayers, Rachel!

      Lord I know that you are in the details and that you will find good housing for Rachel – that which will meet her needs!! I have seen you do that for us when things looked hopeless so I know you will hear our sister’s heart and that you have had their next place in mind from long ago! Thank you, Lord, that you see way ahead and that your plans include answers to our prayers and even more blessings that we could not have foreseen. Open the right doors and help Rachel have peace and trust in You. Amen

  182. I’m really going through some major changes in my life. I found out Friday that my job of 7 years is closing, and we’re going to be transferred around our school district. I have no control over where I’m placed, and there is so much uncertainty. I am leaning on God’s help and seeking guidance. I am also having some disconnect with my best friend. I have always been able to count on her to help me through the hard times, but she’s just not been there for me lately (and as a result, I’ve not been there for her, I’ve reached out a number of times and just not received anything back). My heart is so heavy with the loss of my work family and the loss of my best friend. I need prayer, and a peace that only God can provide.

  183. I’ve just spent time with my sister who is not reconciled with some of my siblings! Phew! My neck muscles have gone out form the stress over some of the things said! and shared! I need prayer for her to be healed AND me!

  184. WENDY…I will travel next to you daily with prayers. I have also suffered with depression and despair. I know many who don’t believe in taking any medication for their depression but sometimes you need just a low dose to just take the edge off of all that you are dealing with. What ever you do please don’t just stay in your bed and cry. You must get up in the morning and make your self go outside of your home and even just breath in the fresh air. Going to a local park and walk even for just 5-10 minutes. Sit on a park bench or even just sit in your car and roll the window down and just close our eyes and JUST LISTEN…….What do you hear with your eyes closed? Birds, the wind, children playing, air planes, noise from cars going past you. Now take some deep breaths and picture your self in relaxing and happy ….. I always picture myself near a sandy beach in one of those net swings between two big trees. I love the sound of water so I picture the ocean washing up on the sand and I hear birds making soft noise flying past me. I love to buy the soothing music tapes they really help me relax when I just need to get away from everyday stress. If you can take a nice warm bath and put on some beautiful soft music and float some fresh rose petals in the water and just close your eyes and let every muscle in your body relax and forget about everthing. I find just taking time to CELEBRATE ME makes me feel very special! I also know that if I’m feeling depressed and I do some random act of kindness for someone else it always makes me feel really good. I will keep you in my prayers Wendy and just remember you are never alone. I love to read the Footprints in the Sand Poem….. Start reading a book everytime you start to feel the sadness in your heart and your mind starts to wonder to those dark places. You can really lose yourself in a really good book and you will feel better also when you really find an author that writes about something that makes your heart feel happy inside and out. God Bless You Wendy 🙂

    I ask for prayer for my health. I have limb girdle Muscular Dystrophy and I am turning 60 on June 30, 2012 and I pray that can enjoy my celebration with family and friends this summer and that I won’t decline anymore in my health and can stay strong on my journey in life. Also if God would find me a special someone to spend some quality time with and build a friendship in life during my final journey I would be more than blessed. I want to share my life with someone special .

    Love & Prayers
    Janice Kay

    • JANICE KAY– Bless you and thank you for your prayers. I am lifting you up in prayer- that the Lord reassures you that he has heard your prayers and will answer them in His time and His way. Stand on your faith and claim the promises He has given us through his holy Word. Trust in the Lord with all your heart!! Pray the healing scriptures over and over and over, believing that you are healed. The Lord will keep you free from every disease- DEUTERONOMY 7:15. In His name we pray- AMEN- God bless Janice Kay and remember whose you are!! xo Wendy

  185. Thanks for your prayer. I’m praying to be able to hear God clearly and to know His will and direction for my life as well as the obedience to follow them.

    Thanks and amen.

  186. Praying for the young boy and that God will lead those who will speak with him and help him to see his wrong path.

    I would like to request prayers for my sister, mother and one of my aunts along others that are lost. Please help my sister to seek God daily and to divert from troubled ways.

  187. Lord, I thank you for Katy and all like her, who put themselves aside and intercede with prayer on behalf of others. Your Word and Spirit are deeply embedded in these people who give so much of themselves. I ask for much more of You in this way. Lord, I pray that I can be this kind of person, also…that I might have more of You and less of me.
    Lord, I pray for my friend Marjorie and her husband John…Lord, that you would just cover them with Your love and protection during these last days, possibly last hours for John, in this battle of Cancer. Lord, I pray that You draw them both closer and closer to You…Lord, I know You are with them. I pray that John will soon be home with You, Lord, if he is not completely healed before that time…and I pray for your goodness and mercy to fall upon Marjorie so that she knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that You are with her every step of this journey. That You will always be with her, that You will never leave her. I thank you for this opportunity to come before you, Oh Lord, and I thank you most of all for your undying love. In Jesus’ name…Amen!

  188. Dear Tasha…I lift you up to the Lord tonight, along with your sister, mother, and your aunt, begging the Lord that He would shine His light into their hearts, revealing to them His Truth, that they would come to know and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and to receive the gifts of grace and salvation! Lord, please seek out and save all who are lost in any way and draw them all to You! Please help Tasha’s sister to seek You, Lord, daily and to turn away from troubled ways….fill her heart with Your love, Lord, and fill her with determination to seek You all her days, to follow Your ways, and to stay on a good path! Keep her on the right road! Keep her eyes always on You! Bless Tasha for her concern and care for all of them! Draw all these people closer to You, Lord, each and every day! Wrap them all in Your love and protection! In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

    I ask prayers for a dear young boy who used to attend my church who is facing a trial this weekend for false charges….I pray that the Lord will turn the trial in his favor, let it go in his favor, so that the boy will be able to remain in his home here and will be shown mercy and love and compassion. Thanks so much!

    • Lord, I do pray that you cover this young boy with your protection and that he would look to You for help. May he sense Your presence with him and feel your peace. Bring him through with a cleared name and may he know this was a result of Your hand on him! May he praise You, our Father, and follow You for the rest of his life! Amen

  189. Please pray for my family in a heartbreaking crisis for 19 years. For my grandchildren that I cannot see at this time.

  190. Father, as I read these needs my heart breaks but I delight that you are a big God and know each person here and I pray for each one to know your amazing peace and hand holding them through these valleys. You are good and you turn all things for good and I believe.
    Please pray that my heart would be soft towards my husband while he walks the journey of healing through an alcohol problem. He tears up one minute saying he is through with drinking, then the next day feels he can control how much he can drink. The up and downness of it all wears me out but I want to help him and not become angry and fed up, the battle is fierce between what I want to feel and understanding this is a journey for him and to have grace and patience.
    Thank you so much for praying. Kerrie

    • Kerrie: After I posted my prayer request, I took a moment to pray for strength for you as you walk on this difficult journey. Will continue to pray for you!!

  191. Please pray for my 21 year old daughter away at college. She is not attending church and is dating an unsaved (but thankfully very, very nice) young man. My heart is broken but I am trusting God to work in both of their lives.

    • Julie, I have prayed for both your daughter, her boyfriend, and you. I prayed that your daughter finds the will to find a church home and bring her (very, very nice) boyfriend with her. It would be such a blessing if she brought him to the Lord. I also prayed for piece of mind for you. Although I do not know you, I trust that you have been a wonderful and godly mother and taught your daughter right from wrong. I hope that this helps you to understand that you are not at fault for her not attending a church. I pray that God has His hand on this situation and uses what seems negative to bring good to everyone involved. God bless you, Julie.

  192. I am losing my faith in God and beginning to doubt His existence. I’m worried about what this will mean for my life and my faith. Please pray that I am able to look into this situation and discern what is keeping me away from feeling God’s love for me and the world. Please pray that I find my faith again.

    • God, I praise you that you have allowed Danielle to discern that her faith is slipping and that doubt is creeping in. So often that happens without us even realizing, so I am thankful that she can see that. God, give her the faith and wisdom from you that she needs. Lord, you know whatever it is that’s keeping her from feeling your love – please remove whatever that may be and reveal the joy and refreshing that is found in you. Wrap her in your love, and let her be fully satisfied in you, God. Amen.

      • Lord I pray that you may increase the faith of Danielle. She is you child and you love her very much. I pray that she may put all her trust in you because you are the same yesterday, today and forever.

  193. My husband of 10 years (we have been together for 12 yrs) announced a few months ago that he wants a divorce… out of the blue. We were not fighting, I was not aware that to him there were serious issues in our marriage. I tried to encourage him to go to counseling but after 2 sessions he doesn’t want to go anymore after antagonizing the Christian counselor each time. He said the most horrible things to me, about me – to others and made me feel like garbage. He bullies me and have really turned into this callous cold hearted person. I do not know who this man is because of what he has become. But after my own counseling with another Christian counselor, I have realized that I have been verbally abused and manipulated all these years. I prayed hard day and night non-stop but the path still lead to him really filing for divorce and eventually, I discovered that he has been online dating since May of last year and is now “in a relationship” with a much much younger woman. I ask for prayers that God will grant me the wisdom to know exactly what to do during this divorce process and after, that I will have the courage to fight what is fair and reasonable for myself and protection from harm and stability in my new life as a single person. Thank you for your prayers.

    • Dearest Heavenly Father; I bring your lovely Gracie G. before you now. She loves you Lord, and she is longing for your hand in everything. I ask that you would step into this situation she finds herself in. I pray for wisdom as she hears your still small voice inside her spirit. I pray she will hear you clearly guiding not just her choices with the words to say to her husband, but also with the people she has gathered around her. I pray you will support her with Christian friends and family at this time. I pray you will supply every need for her; for finances, for heart, for getting up and enjoying each morning. Lord shine the light of Your countenance upon Gracie G. right now. Let your peace be upon her, show her that she is the apple of your eye; that you died and rose again just for her. Your promises are Yes and AMEN, you never change, and your love never grows cold. Your love for her is deep and abiding! Thank you Lord for her loving nature and trusting heart. Please restore to her a peace in trusting since she trusts the Best Man of all time, Jesus!
      Bless you Gracie! God will be with you.

      • Thank you Becky! What a beautiful prayer. I will keep a copy of it in my files so that I can use it as my own prayer and to also encourage me when I feel like I cannot go on anymore. There are days that the pain is too much, I do not know how one can survive this much pain. Thank you and God bless you and everyone in this group.

  194. Please pray that my dad will be in the pink of health – he had a prostate biopsy just last week and has some bleeding that has improved, but still needs to be observed. Also for his cataracts to improve, or the right doctor to treat it…most importantly, for him to know God! For my in-laws, to have unity and not mistrust or insecurity. These things all surfaced yesterday, which happened to be my birthday too, and it just seems like so many things to deal with! I know God is in control, and I shouldnt be anxious, but still! Thank you for praying.

    Gracie, God’s promise is for reconciliation and unity, not division. I pray tt you will have His wisdom in this time, and a spirit of humility, forgiveness & love even as difficult issues surface.


  195. Car broke down after church tonight. Died, and wouldnt start again. Just had fuel pump replaced 3 or 4 months ago, and it acts like the same problem again. It’s my only reliable transportation to work and i live about 10 miles from work in the country, so i can’t get there by bus. Cannot afford another big expense right now. Praise God it happened at church and a brother in the Lord brought my son and i home. Now i have to spend tomorrow trying to get it to a mechanic, and only God knows if he will be able to work on it right away. Don’t know how much longer i can keep patching up that old car! Thanks for your prayers!

  196. I have some of the feelings that I have been reading about. I am older than most I think who have requested prayers. I don’t have the feelings about God that I used to have. My daughter who has an illness cannot get insurance was denied SS. It just goes on and on. Her daughter who is 19 and in college had a good job, but let a guy talk her into stealing money so she got caught and is waiting to see if she is going to jail or not. Failed all of her classes last sem. in college. I pray asking God for help, but then again my husband and I have not been going to church like we used to. I just need help in getting my sole back with God. I know that he does take care of you, because my two sons are in the miliary and has been over seas alot and one is still there. I know God is looking over him and keeping him safe. I have just lost my way for awhile. Please pray for me that I will find my trust again and begin serving him as I used …..God bless.

    • Royleene- Satan would like nothing better than for you to drift away from the Lord. I am fighting the same thing and spent all of yesterday reading about Satan’s ways. He wants to destroy you . Resist Satan and praise the Lord. Make sure you are in the Word daily and just trust. I know it is hard. You cannot look at your circumstances. There will always be storms. I know what you are feeling. Focus on one thing every day- the Lord- His ways are not our ways. And continually be in prayer- that drives the enemy away. I lift you and your family up to the Lord and praise Him that you came to this forum to seek help. In Jesus name I pray. AMEN

  197. I’m writing to ask for prayer as I don’t feel like going on at the moment.

    I’m struggling very much with still being single still at 38; and my family are tired (especially my parents) of hearing about all my broken relationships.

    I’ve been out of work for 3 months and running out of finances. I’ve a job interview on 29th Feb that I really need to get; I love my work, but it’s a small industry and difficult to find suitable roles.

    My family are half a world away form UK, in Australia and I’m in a new church where I don’t know many people.

    I have just broken off with a man who I fell in love with and who, together with his daughter, we were planning a life together. He drew me away from the Lord, and I feel great guilt about that.

    I’m heartbroken and exhausted and can’t seem to feel the Father’s love anymore. I’ve lost heart, faith, hope. And I feel like a constant failure, particularly when surrounded by my siblings and cousins who are all married with children and lovely families.

    Please pray for me. I don’t know what else to do.

    • Dear Lord Jesus,
      I pray and ask that Becky will take captive of all her thoughts and make it obedience to Christ. I apply the blood of Jesus over Becky. May she begin to have more understanding of Your love for her and help to begin to have revelation for the Cross and the blood you have shed for her has reconciled her relationship with You. I pray that Becky will stand firm and understand that Becky is a friend of God. She has been made NEW by the blood of Jesus. Father I pray and ask that you will bring friends and leaders into her life who can mentor and encourage her to continue to run the race for You and You alone, I pray these in Jesus, Almighty name, Amen.

      • Heavenly Father, I pray for Becky. Pour out Your great love and peace, mercy and grace upon her. Help her to trust in You, who loves her with an everlasting love and lean not on her own understanding. Our minds can get clouded and confused when there’s so much heartbreak going on. Remind Becky that you have a perfect plan for her life and when You close a door for those that trust You, You have something better in mind for Your child. Remind Becky that there is power in this process as her life changes and that being single for now allows her to work on herself and make herself ready for the one only You can bring to her to make her complete. Prayers for the job interview, and remember Jesus is the answer to all life’s problems. In Jesus name, Amen and Amen SO BE IT!

        i suffer panic attacks and stress disorders occasionally and desire to be healed completely. My daughter and her boyfriend have several children and are living a life of addiction. My daughter has been in the perfect will of God and knows His great power and love but is running from the calling on her life. I have responsibility for the children frequently and they can really stress me. I need to be able to give them all the love and attention they need without being stressed. I’m desperate for them to have a good life and seems like I’m their only hope. I need healing and strength and for their parents to turn to God. Thank you for your prayers.

        • Father God, I pray that you would allow Linda to continue to plant seeds in her grandchildren’s lives. I realize that she may not be able to see the sprouting of those seeds, but may Linda be your hands and feet, God and may her words be your words. In the time of stress, may you take the forefront and allow her to breathe in your good and holy spirit and breathe out the demons of the stress. May she center herself on you and allow you to work in her daughter’s life, but also in hers. Amen.

        • Lord, we know you are able to heal, and we ask boldly that you would heal Linda of her panic attacks and stress disorders. Until she is full healed, God, we ask for you to use them somehow for your glory, that she and her family would be drawn to you in new ways. And God, please help Linda rest in the knowledge that you love her daughter, her daughter’s boyfriend, and her grandchildren even more than she does. Help her point to you as their only hope instead of trying to meet all their needs on her own. Please heal her daughter and her daughter’s boyfriend of their addictions and let them desire you with the same fervor that they currently desire their vices. And wrap all of them in your perfect love. Amen.

  198. Please pray for all the emotions involved in our international adoption. We’ll be bringing our daughter home from Taiwan sometime between May and July, and while sorting through my older daughter’s baby clothes last night, I was overwhelmed with sadness that she wouldn’t be here to wear many of the items. I never understood the heartache of considering a child your own but not being able to bring her home yet, even when I read blog posts about that from other adoptive moms. Pray that I would trust in God’s timing in this and in the sale of our home and purchase of a new one (which we’re hoping will happen before we travel to bring her home) and that I would not let the desire to have her home keep me from loving my husband and other two children well.

    • Dearest Heavenly Father, Thank you that you have assigned Shannon as this little baby girl’s new mother. Father you brood over us like a mother eagle over her nest, may you brood over this family of mother, father, two new siblings and the little Taiwan baby girl waiting to join them. I pray that even now you would be knitting them together as a family, making room in each of their hearts for the growth that is about to take place. I pray your Holy Spirit will comfort and guide each of the family as they get ready. I pray that you would provide a home for them all that enables a good transition during the bringing home phase. If it is your will please enable a smooth transition to a new home for Shannon and her family. Surround them with support from family and friends. Above all Jesus please bring this little girl to know you in her life, and to accept you as her lord and savior; her ABBA father. God bless you Shannon. Amen.

  199. I am struggling at my job. Every time I think about going to work I cry. I wake up in the middle of the night stressed, panicked. I am praying for God to bless the people who create this negative environment and I am praying for Him to give me the patience and peace to deal with it or to move me to a new job. If you could join me in these prayers, I’d be grateful.

    • Kellybelle, I just recently left my last job due to a similar situation. I am blessed in the fact that I was able to leave my job, and I know that not all can. I will be praying for you today, that God will cause you to shine for His glory and bring Him honor…and that He will give you peace.

      • Kellybelle- you go to work every day and be the brightest light for the Lord. Ask for his protection. Make sure you are putting on the armor of God in accordance with Ephesians. Satan is working on you girlfriend. You must learn all about his evil ways. Christians are the biggest targets and the workplace is full of evil people. Know that you are protected in the storms. Pray your way through the day and find other Christians who can support you there. I was in the same type of situation for one and one-half years. I had the same emotions- but if you call on the name of the Lord he will be there to protect you. Your angels cannot come help if you do not pray and ask for that help. I lift you up to the Lord today and ask for His strength, peace and power to keep you strong. In Jesus name we pray. AMEN

  200. I’ve been feeling this odd pull lately. I’m heavily involved in serving, I read my Bible diligently and try to pray as much as possible. I feel like I’m on the verge of this big change…I have felt this way off and on for about a year now and something always happens that topples me off that ladder. I’m feeling that way again. I just have this sadness that seems to set in and the “I’m not enough feeling”. I pray that I could take the steps of faith to move beyond this and continue growing. I pray that I could kick that self esteem issue to the curb.

  201. I get these blog updates in my inbox at work and it’s always such an encouragement to be reminded of God’s truth during the workday…

    …That being said, please pray that what God challenges me with on Sunday during a church service would continue to bloom and grow in my heart during the other 6 days of the week. It’s so easy for me to be moved and challenged while sitting in a service surrounded by other Christ followers, but then Monday comes and the temptation of just being ordinary and not applying those new life truths to my life makes its way into my heart.

    Again, thank you for being such an incredible and inspiring tool for God and making my inbox that much happier each and every day!

  202. Good day ladies, I’m new to this so here goes. 1 year ago I lost both my parents burying them 5months between the two of them. It has beeen so difficult to fanthom but my faith lies in the LORD to help me through this time of sorrow. So much has happened and I find my life being effected by their death. My question to anyone of you ladies out there is “can someone stop loving and grow out of love with that certain special person in your life”? HURTING!!!!

    • Marie- focus on the Lord, seek His kingdom first, read your Bible more and pray your way through each day. The Lord can change hearts. Ask Him to give you His perspective on everything you are going through. These are all tests. Stay faithful and just believe! Remember your priorities- God first, family and marriage second. Feelings come and go- the Lord provides stability for you as you move through these difficult times. Give everything to Him and do not move in any direction without seeking wisdom and guidance from godly people. Satan would love to see your life destroyed. Don’t let this happen. Be one step ahead and let the Lord show you the way. He will take care of you- that is one of His promises. Stand on those promises and claim the life he has for you. In Jesus’ name I pray- AMEN.

  203. I ask for prayers for my daughter and her fiance he has been very sick with no insurance and the doctors cannot find what is wrong with him so a lot of testing is being done which means a lot of money. They are trying to plan a wedding but are getting discouraged. Please pray they will feel God’s presence in their lives and give them some good news !
    Thank you.

  204. Lord, I pray for every person who submitted a prayer request in this site. I pray that you hear our prayer intentions, that you heal every pain, comfort every sorrow and provide for every need that we lift up to you in prayer. We know you are a merciful God. Please shine your mercy and your love to every one of us here who need your help, guidance and provision specially in these tough times when you are the ONLY ONE who can be can truly make things possible even when everything fails and look uncertain. I humbly lift up to you Lord every person in this site, every prayer intention that has been written, said, thought of and bless every one who continue to pray for others. Thank you Lord!

  205. Please pray for my family and I. The enemy is trying to break us apart. We both have children from a previous marriage and we have a little boy together. We aren’t married but we have been together for a long time. I have seen how it has affected our girls because we no longer are with the other parent. I want the Lord’s will to be done and I want to trust him. Please help me pray. Thank you.

  206. Yvonne, You and your partner need to be married. God will not answer your prayers while you are living in sin. I will be praying for you that you will be married and that you will not be torn apart.

  207. I don’t even know where to start… I was a single Mum raising my 4 children single handedly (Their Dad fled the country to the USA and my family lived 2000km away).
    My oldest son (22) was/is a drug addict since age 16 (he began recovery last Feb but I have no idea as I haven’t seen him since then). He has 2 children now (boy born May 2010 & girl born Dec 2011). I have seen my grandson for about 5 weeks in total his entire life (when my son came “home” to detox last Feb for 4 1/2 weeks). His partner gave him an ultimatum – Your family or me and our kids and threatened him with no contact if he chose us. He is a very angry young man (and his partner is very angry too).
    I have just discovered my youngest son (20) has started smoking pot in the last few weeks. He says it’s only social about twice a week but I know the dangers of it and he has seen how destructive it has been with his brother. I am broken as I thought he would never choose this as he was so against it. I know he must be hurting too after having an abusive Dad & being raised without a father. I knew it would hit him one day (he seemed to be fine and assured me he was but I knew a day would come when the pain of abuse and rejection would hit).
    My youngest daughter suffers anorexia and has been up and down since Mid 2009. Right now she is almost back to her lowest weight, she is 19 and looks about 11-12. She has just been accepted into Uni to study nursing and received a new job (I have no idea how she will cope as her body is starved.
    My oldest daughter (27) has dealt with her pain and is happily married to a gorgeous Godly man.
    Please pray for my 3 youngest – reconcilliation (and completely drug free for my oldest son), for my youngest son to get off his new found “social” drug use.
    And for restoration of my daughter’s health and mind – to see herself as the world sees her (not what her mind tells her).
    And finally for me – second marriage in Dec 2009 which is crumbling at my feet. 5 unruly step daughters of which 2 (14 & 16) live at home but have no respect for their Dad or me which is causing a huge wall between us.
    Thank you and sorry for the long comment.

  208. In a few short days my husband will be deploying to Afghanistan for 6-9 months. Please pray for peace, assurance, and protection for us and our two children during this very stressful time.

  209. Last night my family returned from a weekend youth conference with our youth group. It was held in a state that is 10 hrs. away from us so it was a long ride. My husband and I were chaperones and my two teenaged children attended with us. My son has bipolar disorder and I think the whole event and long van ride were too much for him. He is very tenderhearted and emotional. He is normally very loving and affectionate but last night as we arrived back at the parking lot of our church I could tell my son was manic. When we were in the car my husband was saying some things that were aggitating him and when we got home my son was showing classic signs of a full blown episode. He pulled out a knife and swung at my husband. My husband had to leave and stay the night at his parents since he was the object of my sons anger. This left me here to deal with a 186 lb. 15 yr. old in manic mode. It turned out okay, but soooo stressful, especially after the exhausting weekend. I fear for his future. He has been in treatment for this for about a year now and has done so well, I have praised God for that. I’m not really sure what caused this episode but please pray for him to be stable when he wakes up today.

  210. Christi, I am lifting your family up in my prayers. I pray for your husband’s safety and that the time passes quickly, and that you and your two children have an easy transition during his deployment.

  211. Prayers for my youngest son. He’s having great difficulty getting a job since graduating two years ago from college. He is currently doing a internship making $2/hr. Not enough to live on. He has had a phone interview for a job. We are anxiously waiting to hear about. It been about a month now and they are still reviewing all the candidates. We pray for God’s peace knowing he is in control of my son’s life. Guidance if this job does not happen for him. Faith knowing his plan is the best whatever it may be. ~ Thank you for your prayers.

  212. My family is facing a lot of change and transition right now, and it has not been a smooth process. There has been a lot of confrontation and hurtful words spoken. My prayer is that God will bring healing and restoration to broken relationships and that we would be ministers of reconciliation to each other as a family in the Lord. Also, I personally would be grateful for prayer for God’s plans for my future. This has been a looonnggg season of waiting on the Lord (while taking steps of faith as I feel led). I am ready to breakthrough and go on to the next steps He has for me. Thank you so much for praying – may God bless you abundantly (Eph. 3:20-21).

  213. Not too terribly long ago my husband had an affair. Lately I have been feeling anxiety and saddness about it. We are at the junction of a change in careers for my husband and he will have a lot more free time while I am at work. I don’t want to be worrying all day long about what he is doing with his free time.

  214. Pray for Joseph Feeley and his battle with Ewings Sarcoma Cancer…..

    Joseph is a 2007 Red Lion Christian Academy,Bear,Delaware graduate, multiple time winner of the school’s Christian Character Award, National Honor Society member, a lead actor in theatrical productions, standout cross-country runner and a five year varsity starter on the baseball team. Joseph was the first, and only baseball player from Red Lion to play Division 1 Baseball at Liberty University.

    More importantly, Joseph Feeley’s most significant impact in the community has been his sincere, unwavering and devout faith, the true testament of a Christian Athlete. Joseph played with passion and tenacity while remaining humble and consistently glorifying and honoring God. He feared no opponent, knowing that hard work and continued faith would get him through anything.

    Joseph is now fighting the greatest opponent he has ever faced.

    Two years ago, Joseph was diagnosed with Ewing’s-Sarcoma cancer. This disease has robbed him of his ability to continue playing baseball, but amazingly, has given increased vigor to his faith and trust in the Lord.
    Recently he has been told my doctors that there is nothing they can do from a medical perspective..His family is standing on God’s promises. ” Nothing is impossible with God” Below is a link to here Joseph’s pastor speak on visiting with him.. please share with as many as possible..
    Thank you and God Bless!
    Brad Smith

  215. Please pray for my husband, Bill. He is extremely suicidal at this time. He has left the house and talked to me for what he says will be the last time. Pray that God shows him hope and love.

    • Dear Lord: we rebuke Satan in the name of Jesus and reclaim those lives that Satan would try to take. Dear Lord please show Bill the truth, that he is valuable and loved by you as well as his wife. Reveal to him the worth of his life and remind him that there is no one that you cannot use to further your glory. Protect him from this evil Lord- in Jesus name we pray- AMEN!

    • I will pray with you too. My husband has been suffering with depression for 2 1/2 years now and he has gotten verbally and physically abusive and now he is on suicide watch. Over the weekend he tried to kill himself so I understand what you’re gong through.

    • Lifting you and your husband in prayer and that he will seek the help he needs. Prayers that today is a better day. ~ Peggy

  216. I really need some help with life direction. It seems as if all my life is falling apart and I don’t know which way is up.

  217. Please pray for my family and me. I suffer from Addison’s disease and severe chronic asthma which my pulmonologist now suspects might be COPD. In spite of being on a lot of medications, including oral steroids which can gravely affect my moods, I am still not able to get up and out much. My three youngest children are still home (and home schooling) and I feel very stressed and inadequate much of the time. My husband thankfully works mostly from home, but has his own chronic pain issue. This week, while my husband is out of town on business, I have to go in for pulmonary functions tests (and stay off my asthma meds beforehand). Please pray that I am able to accomplish what I need to do and that the tests would be helpful to my doctor for better diagnosis and treatment. Most of all, I’d love for the Lord to heal us. Also, we are thinking about moving to a coastal town where I might breathe better but need the Lord’s wisdom, direction and provision. Thanks for your prayers!

  218. Please pray for my son Vinny. He’s a recovering alcoholic – 7+ years 🙂 – and he’s 29 years old. He’s begun to smoke synthetic marijuana or herbal incense. I’m clueless as to what these are but the limited research I’ve done online tells me it is NOT harmless.
    We have been battling over this and I have begun (unknown to him) the process to have him removed from my home. If he ceases then he can stay.
    We live in NYC and his take-home pay is less than $400 a week. I have no idea as to how he can pay NYC rent if I throw him out but it needs to be done.
    So my prayer request is two-fold – please pray that he’ll stop soon so he can stay and also pray for me if I have to make this decision.

    TriciaJoy – I am including you in my prayers.

  219. Isaiah 41:13

    For I am the Lord, your God,
    who takes hold of your right hand
    and says to you, Do not fear;
    I will help you.

    TriciaJoy, praying for you, your husband, and your children. Thank you for sharing your prayer need.

    I would covet prayers for a journey I am set to take this July. I am traveling with the World Race: and will not return until May of ’13! I am BEYOND thrilled to be called out on this mission and in that, appreciate all of the prayers you can offer up for me. Thank you.

  220. My family and I moved from Oklahoma City to Detroit in September. My daughter and I took a quick weekend trip to Oklahoma two weeks ago to visit. I am pregnant with my third child, a baby boy. While in Oklahoma, my water broke at 26 wks & 3 d. Thankfully, I have not gone into labor. The doctors told me that I have to stay on bedrest at the hospital in Oklahoma until I deliver the baby. Then he will be in NICU, so my 2 day visit has turned into a 3-4 month stay. My husband has only had his job 5 months and does not qualify for a medical leave. So he and my children are in Detroit while I am in Oklahoma city. We ask for your prayers that I can stay pregnant until 34 weeks, when they will deliver the baby. We ask that he will be strong and whole, the baby that God intends for us to have and that he will have a compassionate heart to love people and serve God. I also ask that you be with my other two children, 2 & 4 years old, who are confused about their mothers sudden absence. I truly hope that they will not carry any pain from this experience. Thank you!

    • God, I pray that you would keep Andrea in your care until it is safe for her to deliver. I pray that you would give her patience and peace of mind as she waits. Be with her husband and other children as they are in Detroit. Keep them safe and in your care. May the baby be born with good health and in Your timing. Amen.

  221. I need prayer for peace in my mind. I am a child of God who is struggling with resentment, bitterness, social anxiety, and negative thinking. I plead the blood of Jesus Christ upon my life and pray that Satan and his demons would be bound. I feel very insecure and inadequate. Pray that I would focus on God and his promises. I know there is victory if I have the faith!

    • Dear Lord, I pray for Tina at this difficult time in her life. Please help her to draw closer to you so that she can overcome these negative thoughts. Lord I pray you will empower Tina to resist the negative thoughts she has that are a result of Satan’s plans to try to destroy us and our faith in You and Your Word. I ask these things in the name of your precious son, Jesus. Amen.

      Tina, I hope you will overcome these thoughts and feelings as quickly as you possibly can. Find your faith, God is always there, even when we think He isn’t.
      Hugs <3

  222. Thank you for this! I would so appreciate prayer for my pregnancy. I have one daughter who is four, and since her birth we have lost three children in first and second trimester miscarriages. I am now 6 weeks away from giving birth, and every day is the challenge of trusting the Lord with the life of this little one. All seems healthy at this point. Please pray that I will finish this pregnancy in faith and not fear, and that the Lord will be glorified in the birth and life of our son. Also, please pray for the ministry we began, called Naomi’s Circle, for other parents who have lost children in pregnancy, as we are beginning to have more doors of opportunity open in that. Thank you!

  223. Dear Kristi, You are in my prayers that our Dear Lord will watch over you and your sweet family. I will also pray for Naomi’s Circle—May God Bless you all. Barb

    Please pray for Peace in my family it is so torn apart right now that it hurts. Also if you have time–I am losing my job on Feb 29th–please pray that I find a wonderful job—Thank you so much and blessings, Barb

  224. I have so much I’m struggling with, I’ve let it build up and it’s about to erupt if I don’t do something about it.
    Last summer I moved 3 states from “home” to start a brand new life. This also involves my 7 year old son and my now fiance, who I moved to be with. I prayed so hard for this change and God told me this was right for my life. However, I struggle daily now because I feel I have failed God. I haven’t found a church I feel I belong at, I haven’t been praying or reading my Bible as much as I should, and my living situation isn’t what it should be. I am also struggling with my employment situation. I am supposed to be helping build a company but all it has done is slowly decline since I’ve been here. We have enough to provide a home but that is quickly being depleted as well. There is a lot of uncertainty that I am facing. Every day is getting harder for me and I really have no one to talk to about it without seeming unappreciative for what I do have. I seem to have no time for anything else, being a mother, working on this company, cooking, cleaning, everyday life duties, stresses, etc. I am completely overwhelmed and all I feel is in a bad mood. The littlest thing can send me into a whirlwind of negative thoughts, emotions and feelings. I know God is there, I know He doesn’t want me to feel this way, but for some reason I can’t focus on the right thing to do. I would really appreciate some prayer on this. Thank you so much.


  226. On Feb. 15th, I had a lumpectomy, and last week got my pathology results back. The report showed that I had Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 2, ER positive, PR negative. HER2/neu still pending. While I was coming out of sedatation, Jesus was at my side, and he said VICTORY is MINE, and when waking up, those words came out of my mouth. I believed that God’s grace healed me while in surgery. This Thursday on the 23rd. I am to meet with an oncologist to go over my results and possible treatment plan. I’ve been praying for 110% healing on a daily basis since that day. I ask God to help me deal with what the report says. I’m asking for prayers from you all, I’m in agreement with your prayers. I have friends and family praying for me too right now. Im having discomfort since my surgery. Also, please pray for my husband Ron, who has been there for me and support and care for me. I give God all the glory in good or bad, for he deserves praises and honor, I have recieve his blessing and answered prayers in my life. Praise God. God Bless each and one of you. Sister in Christ. Peggy

    • Praying for you, Peggy and your doctors. That they may find the right treatment plan, but ultimately remember that Jesus is the Great Physician and he has got you covered. Much love ♥

  227. I hope I’m not too late to put in a request.. The last one I read was Peggy’s, so I will be lifting you up sister as well as everyone else on here.. Here’s mine..
    I’m a 35 yr old mother of 3, my oldest, my only son is 12, almost 13 this April and my husband and I just found out he just smoked pot for the first time. I’m devastated, heart broken, disappointed, wondering where I went wrong.. We’ve raised him in a loving open Christian home and he’s just gone off and done whatever he wants at such a young age. I didn’t react in anger, I showed him grace, love, we prayed with him. He recommitted his life to Christ. I don’t know where to go from here. I want so badly to pull him out of his jr high and away from these friends he hangs around. Please pray God gives my husband and i wisdom and discernment to know what choices and steps to make. Thank u ladies! So thankful I can speak my heart to u all!

    • Jeana
      As wrote in my post (above) my 29 year old son has been sober for over 7 years. I only figured out that he was an active alcoholic a little before he attended his first AA meeting.
      I had all the feelings you have. My husband died when Vinny was 14. I had to face all those feelings alone. I had not yet thought to turn to God for help. Honestly, I realize now that I, as you, did nothing wrong. Your reaction was the only one you as a parent could have.
      Continue what you’re doing. Pray, pray, pray. If there’s a Young People’s NA group he might feel comfortable. Vinny went to an AA meeting and told me there were a lot of kids there that used to hang out in my basement with him. He felt comfortable there since there were so many people in his own age group.
      All we can do as Moms is pray. Jesus’ Mother Mary knows what it means to see a child suffer whether it be physically or emotionally. She will help you with your son and as your mother she will help you.s Listen to your heart.
      You and your family will be in my prayers.

  228. Please pray for my relationship with God to get better. I’m trying to do better in spending time with God. I struggle in my prayer life and I really need help in that area. I also struggle with finding friends who want to get together to spend time in God’s word. I really need someone to come into my life to help me manage my time better and reprioritize what important in life. God is my number one priority but it seems as if everything gets in the way to make him seem number one.

  229. My family and I are going thru health struggles. I am having a real hard time with menuopause, losing weight not feeling well enough to take care of my family and young children and husband who comes home from a hard days work and worries about me. My youngest daughter is ill with a fever, the dr. said is was viral. It is hard giving up control when God keeps saying to delegate and just let it be and not worry. Today and everyday I give it to God, He is the one who is in control of our everyday lives no matter what comes up; and being the one who always takes care of everything around the home, I am having a hard time not doing when I see so much that has to be done. God is showing me to take care of myself and the rest will fall in place. I thank God that I can go to Him in good times and really rough times. It has been a rough 2 1/2 years financially and physically on my health and my husbands. Asking God which way to turn and what Dr. to go to when all I really need to remember is to go to Him and He will direct our path. My husband is not saved and it makes it a little harder, I feel like the burden is all on me, but God keeps reminding me to give it to Him. Please pray for my husband to be saved and quit smoking and be the Husband and Father he needs to be. I feel that God told me when does do this our family will be a family. I also, suffer from real bad anxiety , I want God to take it away for good and to be whole again, and feel healthy again. Please pray for my family and our health. I rebuke the enemy who is constantly on the attack, IN JESUS NAME!.

    I pray for all those struggling, keep Jesus first and He will direct your path!

    • You are in my prayers as you go through menopause. I understand the struggles you are going through. You might try yoga. It is a big help with menopause and if you have cable tv you can even find a televised class and practice yoga when convenient. Watch what you eat, it can affect your mood and hot flashes. ~ Peggy

  230. Please pray for my daughter Dawn who had just broke up from her boyfriend Arthur Kong of 2yr relationship. Dawn blamed me for the broke up as Arthur felt that Dawn was a paranoid and cynical about him. The paranoia behaviour partly came from me as I do not really know Arthur well as I had only met him twice and I felt that my daughter Dawn was more God fearing than him. However, I guessed Dawn was too eager to mend his worldly ways which that might had annoyed him. I had spoken to Arthur once and also text him to encourage him to look into my daughter ,Dawn’s good points and values and also to learn to show grace and forgiveness. However, there was no reply from him. Please pray that God will touch Arthur’s heart and he will one day not only search for God but also miss and love Dawn and appreciate Dawn’s goodness. Please have mercy Lord! Pray for healing of this broken relationship!

  231. After reading everyone else’s requests, mine seems petty, but is very real to me all the same. Please pray for my daughter; she is 5 and we had our first experience with head lice today. In order to make the combing part of the treatment easier, I cut her hair. It ended up WAY shorter than I expected. Her heart is broken and she doesn’t feel beautiful anymore. Please pray that I will have the wisdom to pour truth into her and that she will hear me- that she is beautiful, that her friends love her because of the kind, thoughtful person she is, and that because she is created in God’s image, she will always be beautiful.

    Esther, it is my pleasure to pray for God to work mightily in your situation and the lives of Dawn and Arthur. I praise Him that He works good from situations where we can’t see how that will be. Praying for you.

    • I will pray for her. We’ve dealt with head lice at our house…twice. We adopted three children from Ukraine and didn’t know that they brought it home with them…and it affected our other three kids (six total) and myself. I spent HOURS (watching several movies) combing out all of their hair several times. I understand how frustrating it is….hand in there! And, thank goodness hair does grow 🙂 I pray that she will believe that she IS BEAUTIFUL!

    • Thanks for praying for my daughter Dawn n Arthur Kong for healing of their relationship. As I went thru some of the prayer request I am going to make time to pray for others who post on this site. I actually lived in Singapore a tiny island just located at the tip of Malaysia around the South East Asia region. God hears all prayers from Christians all over the world! Amen!

    • Thanks for praying for my daughter Dawn n Arthur Kong for healing of their relationship.I actually lived in Singapore a tiny island just located at the tip of Malaysia around the South East Asia region. God hears all prayers from Christians all over the world! Amen!

  232. I have been taking care of my mother, who has alzheiners, for 2 1/2 years. I’m
    trying to get guardianship now to protect her . I thank God for my friends, family,
    and doctor that are standing by me. I have some family members fighting me with
    terrible lies. My heart is broken and the tears wont stop! I dont understand why
    theyre attacking me, I have taken good care of my mom. I took care of my dad til
    he died, alittle over a year ago. My husband has had 2 heart attacks and 2 major back
    surgerys. He also needs your prayers. He is standing beside me and helps all he can.
    My hearing is March 5th, please pray for Gods will and for me to stay strong! I love
    my mom dearly !

  233. Please pray for my son Jason who is battling esophageal cancer since Mar 2010. He has had chemo, chemo/radiation (the max), surgery to remove his esophagus and 1/3-1/2 of his stomach and had a new esophagus constructed from the remaining stomach. then he could not speak for 6 weeks. He worked very hard to regain his strength and then in Sept found out that his lymph gland above his left kidney was growing as well as he has a nodule in his lung. Then in Nov. a biopsy showed growth is the mucus lining of his stomach and the Feb CT showed growth in all areas. He is back on chemo and soo very thin. His wife has to work and he now feels like a “lab rat” on an assembly line. Please pray for him and his wife…they have such a good marriage and so wanted a family. He will be 35 in April and has been a very good coach for community soccer and basketball since he was 19. Please join us in praying for a miracle of complete healing for him. In Jesus’ name Amen.

    • Oh Kathy, reading your post just broke my heart. I pray for complete healing in Jesus’ name for your son and for his sweet, wife. I cannot imagine what they are going through as well as you, as his dear mom. I pray that the chemo helps him and heals him once and for all. Remember that God is the Great Physician and in Him, he will be healed. Much love ♥

  234. Kathy – My heart is breaking for your son, and for all of you who love him. Jason is in my prayers from this moment on. And of course, I will also pray for those who love and care for him. If you agree, I would love to keep in touch, and receive health updates on Jason. My email addess is: madley (AT) cogeco (DOT) ca
    Thank you for bringing Jason to this prayer group.

    I humbly ask for prayers for my Mom, in her battle with bone cancer, and constant vertigo. The vertigo is actually the bigger discomfort for her. I appreciate all the prayer that can be sent for Mom. Thank you.


    • Joy. I pray that you may have peace and feel better. I pray against the evil one who comes to steal and destoy our Joy in Christ. You are fearfully and wonderfully made my dear (Psalm 139:14) and God loves you more than anything.

  235. My business has fallen on tough times. I’ve burned through my savings and have not been able to pay my mortgage or care payments. I need 12,000 by the end of the month or else I will lose my home and car. This has been affecting my health and my marriage has broken down to the point my husband may leave me. I’m all out of words. Don’t know what to say to God anymore.

    • Leslie. May God hear your prayers and come to your rescue in his own way. He provides a way where there is no way. I will continue to pray for you.

    • Leslie – Don’t forget that God is the ultimate provider! He will give you what you need, you must believe. You must also understand that sometimes he provides hardship to bring us closer to him. Don’t give up on God, turn to him even more than you have been. I will be praying that God’s will is to provide you the money that you need and to help bring your family back together. Don’t forget: The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8

  236. I have a dear friend who is dealing with separating and possibly divorcing her husband. Within the past year he has begun taking a legal drug and it has changed him as a person. All of this came to a head a few weeks ago when he went to a public place and threatened to kill himself. She is now trying to deal with the fact that he blames her but does not want to divorce her because it will affect his Christian witness. There are a lot of other details but right now my friend needs specific prayers for strength and peace from God. I can tell that she is deeply struggling with why God has let all of this happen, and how she is supposed to respond. I appreciate your prayers for her and for her family.

    • Shirley, I pray for you friend that God may come through for her and restore her marriage. I pray that they may deal with whatever is binging conflict and be able to move on in peace and joy.

  237. Please pray for my husband…he has been looking for a job for over a year. He is currently self employed in construction…and we need a job with a steady paycheck and insurance, we have six children. I see him struggle with his faith and God providing for us…and he struggles with “I can’t provide for my family”….and that’s really hard for him. Please pray for a clear direction, and that his faith will be strengthened and that he will remember and believe…God is Good all the time and that our circumstances shouldn’t dictate our view of God. This is a big struggle for him….he feels like God doesn’t answer our prayers.

    Thank you so much…it’s hard to share all of this.

  238. Please pray for my son and his family. His wife has been having an affair for 6 months and says she has not loved him for years. They both are deeply invoved in the church and have been married almost 19 years. She is still seeing the other man and yet she wants everything, to continue to live in thier beautiful 5 bedroom home which they bought less than a year ago. she has her parents in the home also and has for months. My son is a true man of God and he is under Wendys’ spell and needs to do what is right for him and the 3 children and do what God would have him to do. We have loved Wendy since she was a teenager and stu=ill do but she has to repent and do what God requires. She is being so selfish and does not care how much she is hurting others. Only her happiness matters. How a mother does this to her children I will never undersatand and she needs to see we were not put here to be happy but to serve God. It is all about him and not about us.Pray she will move out and come under God’s convection and repent. Thank you
    gat /god would have him do.

  239. A good friend of mine’s son, Keith, 19, shot and killed 2 people last week. He was always in church, always mentored about the Lord and all of a sudden 3 years ago just started living in rebellion to his mother and everyone else in authority. His father had left the family for his drug habit so his mother had to deal with it. Of course, she is totally devastated and wondering if she wants to live any more. Keith may get the death penalty. He is her only child.
    Pray, pray, pray.

  240. I need prayer for my devastating financial state. I only have $9.00 in my bank account, and over $800.00 of bills past-due! Please pray for the Lord to bless and provide me with the right Christian roommate to help share the cost of rent. Also, for the Lord to secure and protect my SSA and medical coverage, in order to continue my treatment. Thank you so much.

  241. I am so sorry, you and your Family are in my Prayers .there is a verse to a song that I heard and I remember it when I just can’t make sence of hurt and pain,it says” The pain that you’ve been feeling can’t compare to the joy that’s coming.” I hope this brings comfort for you.
    Love your Sister in Christ.

  242. Please pray for me and my son. I own part of a business and I am wanting to sell my part. I no longer enjoy the business and my business partner has been gone for 3 years on military deployment. I was left a widow when my son was 7 months old and I have struggled the past 12 years to be a good mom, daughter, sister, friend, etc and I feel like everything is crashing in around me. I want to meet someone special for me and my son. He prays every night for a new dad and thinks God does not love him since he has not sent one. I need help and prayer.

    • M M – Oh sweet sister, God knows you and loves you and cares so deeply for you. I’m so sorry to hear how life has been so hard for you for the past years. I pray that God will not only release you from your business and bring about someone that cares for you here, someone with skin on, but that He would show you soon of His deep love for you.

  243. Please pray for my husband who is battling addiction. Though we have made huge strides over the past year, set backs still occur; disappointment and hurt is certain. I hurt for the battle he faces daily and the challenges he’s up against. Please also pray for our 3 beautiful sweet girls as they are in the middle of a very volitile situation. Please ask God to embrace us and give all of us strength and for Satan to be defeated against this addiction. Thank you!

  244. Lord I pray for all the above prayer request that you may answer each one of them according to your will. Your word says that you know each one of us by name and pray that you may meet all the people who have placed their prayer prayers. I pray that they may all surrender their burdens to you so that you may lift them up for them. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness . In Jesus Name, Amen

  245. Please play for my family to have a financial breakthrough. We need to pay our children’s fees balances for then to be able to graduate this semester. Pray also for my husband’s contract to be renewed this week. God bless you

  246. Please pray for me and my family. My brother is in a very bad situation and my parents are feeling very bad. I have moved to work in another state and can not be there near them.
    Also please pray that God will give me direction, wisdom, love for the others etc because I moved to another place and I have a new job.
    Thank you very much

    • Persi. I am praying for you. May the Lord help your brother to come out of the situation and give your parents peace that surpasses all understing. May he also give you direction, wisdom and love for others. May God direct your steps and bless you in the new place. In Jesus Name

  247. I just found out yesterday that I am pregnant with our first baby. Prayers for a healthy baby and pregnancy would be wonderful.
    Thank you!

    • Natasha, I think it is perfectly fitting and God’s perfect timing that your post is the most recent one I get to see and that I get to pray for your baby and pregnancy. And believe me, after you read my pity party to follow, you will be confident in knowing that a complete stranger will be praying sooo hard for you to not go through what I have gone through.

      MY PRAYER NEED: My husband and I were pregnant with our first baby, after trying for about 9 months and waiting years to even start trying because he is a surgery resident. At about 18 wks we found out our baby had a chromsomal abnormality and would never survive. She had 3 full sets of chromosomes instead of the normal 2 sets. We of course decided to carry to term or however long we would have with her. At about 22 wks we disovered her heart had stopped and I went through labor and delivery and held my precious baby that never even got to open her eyes or take a breath on this earth. That was Dec 14, 2010 and we have been trying for another baby ever since then (of course not to replace her, we just want a large family and are both already 31yrs). Now over a year later, we still haven’t conceived and I have had such a rough time going through the emotions of grieving and trying every month with no success. I am losing faith and hope. (we plan to adopt, but have to move out of state for husbands fellowship so we can’t start the process until we are ‘settled’)

  248. My husband and I have seperated since October. He is having an affair with a girl that is 11 years younger. He says that she makes him happier than he has been in awhile. We have a child together that I have with me and he has his older son with him. I want to work on our marriage and have been getting the help that I need to work on some of our marital problems. I know that it takes two to make a marriage work, but I feel like my husband is just caught up in the moment with this girl. I would appreciate any prayers for my marriage and our children involved.

  249. Dear Courtney,
    Am praying for you, may God guide you and give you the needed courage to do the right things for you and your family.

    I am posting this comment also as a thanksgiving prayer, I found out am pregnant, a few months ago I posted here, asking friends to join me in prayer for a child, our entire family has been praying for this and the Lord has made it happen. Please pray for me that Jesus give me strength and calm all my fears, as sometimes the joys of motherhood are replaced by anxiety and worrying, please pray that I may bring this child safely and normally and never fail to bring up the child in good christian faith.

  250. Rass,

    Thank you for your prayers. I am really struggling with what the right thing to do is. I want to save my marriage, but I can’t when my husband wants to be with someone else. It’s very hard for me to swallow.

    I will be praying for you and a healthy baby. I pray God will give you the strength and the comfort you need.

  251. Our family has been under many challenges as of late. We all know that God is here with us. My eldest daughter and her husband want a child very badly. They have one child, a perfect son, 11 years ago. They have been trying since to have another child. They have had a miscarriage. They have begun the invitro way. The cost is everything they and we have. But, she is 36 and she feels this is the time. Well she is taken these injections and she is having much pain, and yesterday she was told there does not seem to be any eggs dropping. They have given her two more days of shots, and Monday she will get tested and she needs these eggs to drop, so she can go to the next step of having another child.
    Please join our family in prayer and hope and belief that her husband, son and herself will be blessed with a new baby. I as her mother, just feels for her child, and to watch her cry and not being able to do anything, she just asked for us to pray for her that a egg or eggs will drop.
    My son has a beautiful daughter and his ex has taken her somewhere and we are not sure where, it is going on two years. We know when our grand daugher, Hailey can she will contact us. His wife has been in a serious accident, she was pinned between her car and this man that had a heart attack car. She will be able to walk they say, but it will be a while, He has two little boys 8 and 5 to take care of. This family needs God’s angels to help them, Help her get better quickly , Hailey to return home and the boys to understand their mommy is hurt and can’t do what they want to do. My son is exhausted but we are helping as much as we can. We need prayers to help usd during this time. Thank you so much for be willing to pray with us, I pray God blesses you all with great and wonderful days. ,

  252. I am so touched by what I have been reading and I believe God will touch lives, relationships and bodies because of the hearts lifted up in prayer here. I have been struggling for 2years with trust and the inability to open my heart to any relationship. I was mistreated by a man I had been dating since I was 19 because I got pregnant for him. His family saw it as a taboo because we were not married. He asked me to go my way and so I has to go for an abortion. He is 9yrs older than I am but he was too cowardy to stand up for me. I have asked God for forgiveness almost everyday for 2yrs but I have not been able to love anyone again. When I enter any relationship, I get irritated after max 2weeks and say hurtful things to them. They still don’t leave but I leave them. I know its a serious problem but I don’t know what to do again. I have read books on healing, seen a psychologist for counselling, prayed and fasted for Gods forgiveness and healing but it looks like God is taking His timee. I am in a relationship with a wonderful man now but I am always angry with him and I get irritated by the slightest mistake he makes. I need help. My parents have supported me and still pray for me but I don’t know how long it would last for. I need your prayers.

  253. Please pray about my relations with the girls that rent my room. I`d like not to loose them and I want them clean up after themselves. Thank you very much.

  254. Please pray for my husband. He has been serving our country for the last 14 years. He has been to war 5 times (including multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan). On Thursday, he takes his advancement test again. Should he not pass, his contract with the military is over. Time served. The end.
    It breaks my heart to see him hunched over the laptop, studying so hard. You see, this job is all he has known since he was 18. This WAS his career. This IS his life. I can’t imagine what will become of him, should he not make it. I can’t imagine him in the civilian world with the economy the way it is. This is all he has ever known.
    I know he feels like he has this pressure and this immense weight is a burden on his shoulders. Should he stay in, I will be able to continue to stay at home with our one year old daughter and we hope to start trying again for a sibling. If he gets out, we don’t know how long it’ll take to get a job and I’d have to return to work as well. We keep on saying that whatever happens is God’s will but you can’t help but want God’s will to kind of go along with your own selfish desires.
    Anyhow, I know that there are more pressing needs and requests out there but I just ask that you please keep Tony in your prayers as well. When I first met him, I was amazed at the dedication and loyalty he had for his country. He is passionate about what he does and truly feels like this is his calling. It’s one of the reasons why I fell in love with him.
    Right now, I truly am praying for God’s will. But whatever it may be, more importantly, that we feel God’s presence as we enter the next chapter of our lives. Thank you.

  255. Please pray for Charles H. who is in ICU in Louisiana. He is unresponsive with pneumonia, bleeding ulcers, kidney problems, vitamin & mineral deficiencies plus more ailments. Please pray for his mind, body and spirit to be healed and uplifted. The doctors have done every test they can think of but cannot figure out why he can’t or won’t stay awake. We hope it’s just that God wants him to rest so he won’t be stressed. But Charles was severely depressed over many bad things coming at him before he got sick so there’s a fear he wants to give up. The doctor in charge of his care wants to give him 6 more days, then send him home or to a nursing home. He was improving at the other hospital until they moved him to a rehab center, then he worsened to needing the ICU. Please ask God to guide those giving him care. And for Charles to know how much he is loved, needed and missed by many people, that he has blessings coming that he has been fighting years for, he has much to live for. Thank you. God bless.

  256. Hi,

    We are trusting God to provide “the right rental house” for our family (My husband and I and our chidren – Elizabeth 13, Caleb 7, Abbey 2 and Cat). We have to move out of our house in a week – 10th March. And we don’t have a house yet. Our current owner is moving back in.. We require lots of space and room to move and grow and storage for all our stuff and it needs to be safe and not damp. The older children only request was they really want to be able to walk to school. Beth and Caleb attend Elim Christian College which has just opened a Junior Campus. (In 2008, we lost 6 students and a teacher in Mangetepopo canyoning tragedy.) We want to be stable for the next 3-5 years, this will be the 3rd move in 3 years!

    God is already using our example to encourage others. Please pray that our faith in trusting God will stay strong and of joyful and not stressed. That the “right house” will become evident even when there are very few houses around and the price will be “right” In 2 weeks the price has gone up $20-$70 a week! We want God to be glorified in this so that people will see that having faith and trusting in God to provide is worth the wait! HE knows whats best for us and our needs.


  257. Hi, thanks for this website. God is all powerful and faithful, amen!

    Please pray that God heals my eyes. They are very dry and it’s hard to do every-day tasks. It’s painful and the constant discomfort gives me anxiety. I’m scared to leave my home without eye drops, I don’t want to be dependent on them forever. Please heal me, God. Thank you.

  258. Please pray for my adult son. We don’t know where else to turn. We have prayed and prayed. He’s been to several drs. and been on different medications. He has had ulcerative colitis for a number of yrs. 9 months ago he had to go on an antibiotic and has had diarrhea ever since. This is really interfering w/his life. He loves the LORD and is trying to trust him, but it is very discouraging. He wants to take a 5 hr. trip tomorrow to visit some Christian friends for the wkend. So he is in desperate need of prayer. Right now he is in his 3rd wk. of prednisone and we were so hoping and praying this would really help. It did once before. Please, please pray. I know nothing is impossible w/God. I don’t understand this. He is a godly young man.
    Thank you so much