Annie F. Downs
About the Author

Annie F. Downs is a bestselling author and nationally known speaker based in Nashville, Tennessee. Her most recent books include 100 Days to Brave, Looking for Lovely and Let’s All Be Brave. Read more at and follow her at @anniefdowns.

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  1. My 14 year old little Sister just had her first day of her Freshman year today. She is an incredibly talented, confident beautiful young woman and for that has had quite a few mean girls in her life. I want so bad the truth to resonate with her that she can rise above the mean and be the city on a hill that God intended her to be. Be the girl that others gravitate to for her kindness. I don’t envy her in today’s high school world as I know it’s gotten harder since I’ve been there and I pray daily that she doesn’t lose her fire.
    Anyway, sorry for the novel. I would LOVE for my sister to read this book! πŸ™‚

  2. I would share the 2nd copy with my 16 year old stepdaughter. Speaking love is something we have already been praying over her and I think your book might just be heaven sent. Would love to have even one copy. God bless you and thank God for your gift.

  3. My son’s girlfriend has had a hard life, including addiction. She is often critical of
    other people and, since she’s raising a daughter, this attitude could continue on to
    the next generation. Even though she’s not a teen, I would like her to read this book to help her learn what she has inside her and how she can be a positive influence on her daughter and others.

  4. I would share the 2nd book with my best best friend. She works in a middle school and volunteers with a church youth group, so she could enjoy it herself AND share it with a bunch of other girls!

  5. I would give it to my teenage daughter. Praying that God’s truth and light are what pours from her mouth, not the ways of the world.

  6. I am a mother to 3 girls and I don’t just want this book, I NEED it! πŸ™‚
    My older daughters are 13 and 11 and we are currently in counseling. The short of it is this. Their father is an addict who has been in and out of jail and in and out of their lives since they were 2 & 4. They both struggle with feelings of unworthiness and words are like daggers to their souls. Recently we have been battling some true mean girl attitudes especially with the 11 year old. I am trying to teach them love and mercy and forgiveness, but when an adult mother of their friend continues to speak words of hate over them, it is hard! Just yesterday this mother, whom my child spent 1 week at the beach with this summer before they turned on her, looked my daughter straight in the eyes at basketball practice, rolled her eyes, and turned away when my daughter offered a meek smile. I have been praying for God’s hand on all of the girls at this school. I pray for a Tsunami of love and mercy and grace to wash over these girls. I wish I had 100 of these books to send to the junior high school and pray that the mothers would read them too! I am saving my dollars, because even if I don’t win a book, I will buy one when I have the money. I have been praying for God to show me the next book He wants in my life!

  7. I would give it to my niece who just started her freshman year. Once I finished my copy I would pass it along to our youth group leaders πŸ™‚

  8. I think I could benefit from this book myself and would give one to my niece. She is smart and talented and has a good heart, but is in a situation where she hears a lot of people bashing and mean talk in general. Would like to see her have input how to be different.

  9. I would share this with my son’s 17 yo girlfriend who is influential in her school and is really not hearing these things elsewhere! The encouragement would be huge!

  10. I would share with a teen girl that I mentor. We’ve been looking for a great book to study that also illuminates God’s Word.

  11. I would share the second copy with my niece, the mother of 3 girls. She is also a middle-school teacher at a parochial school.

  12. I have five teenage nieces – how beautiful if they would build each other up, then build those around them up, all because they heard the right things when their Moms and Aunties got together.

  13. I need to read it MYSELF and so does my 14 year old daughter.

    One thing I find very challenging about parenting teens is watching over my words even when they are unable to watch over theirs!

  14. As a youth group leader, there are lots of girls I could share this book with. But I would probably start it off with my niece and then encourage her to pass it along πŸ™‚

  15. I am a small group leader with our church’s high school girls, and I have a daughter entering middle school this year. I would put both copies on a rotation so they could all read it. πŸ™‚

  16. I would love to read the book, then share it with my daughter who will be a teen in 3 weeks! I would give the second copy to my son’s friend, who is a freshman in college. God brought her into our lives over a year ago, and I believe we have been a blessing to each other, and we’ve been able to model some good healthy family and marriage characteristics to her. I think she would read it and it would be a challenge and encouragement to her.

  17. I would give the second book to my 15 year old sister. And I would probably buy a third for my 18 year old sister. Then maybe we could go through them together.

  18. Hi! I would share this book with my 15 year old daughter, a sophomore is High School and also my 20 year old daughter, who is a Junior in college. Thanks!

  19. I would share this with my niece, she is 13 and she has such a sweet heart….I would love for her to learn early how to keep it that way!

  20. My good friends daughter. She is 14. A beautiful girl who’s hit a few bumps in the road with life and her faith. Thanks

  21. I would love to share this with my almost 15 year old daughter. This is so needed for both of us!

  22. I have two teen girls that are not mean to others, but one of them is hard on herself. (I think she learned that habit from her mother…) The other has read and loved “Perfectly Unique.” I know they would love the books, and more than likely at least one of the books would be handed on to a friend or two… Thank you for your courage to speak and be honest, and to call us to accountability as mothers, sisters, mentors…

    God bless!

  23. Oh, this is so important! Would love to share this book! I have 3 granddaughters, ages 10, 8 and 2 months, and a possible step granddaughter joining the family next spring – she is 13. It would be wonderful to have this book to share with all of them at some point.

  24. The beautiful 20 yr old daughter of my neighbor just returned from a mission trip & believes God was leading her to take a semester off from college. She broke up w/boyfriend of several yrs & feels God is trying to tell her something or take her in a new direction. I’d love to share your book w/her. God bless you.

  25. I would share this with my 13 year old daughter. This would be great for us to read together. Middle school is such a tough time for girls. I want to encourage her to encourage others through the these tough times. No matter how they may treat her, I want her to learn to shine and encourage them. A little encouragement and praise may be just what they need to hear! Then she could share the other copy with someone else at school.

  26. Oh my. I so needed to hear this today. While my girls are not to their teens yet, I know that they hear everything I say. And what I have been saying has not been words of love. Toddler, presch0oler, and a kindergartener… days of chaos and crying and messes. I have had a hard time finding the words of love during some of these times.

    I think I need to read your book to minister to my own “mean girl” who has taken up residence in my head who shouts words of not good enough, not qualified, not worthy at me all day. I need to get her out of my head and my life so that I do not perpetuate the same in my children.
    The second book, I would give to my nieces. FIVE sisters…yeppers, I think this would be a good thing to start with the oldest who started college yesterday and work its way down through the group. Actually, after I read mine I will probably have to send it too.

  27. I would love to read this wonderful book, and I would really love to share it with both my daughters – ages 14 and 17. My 14-year-old especially is a sensitive soul who thinks, and re-thinks, everything she says, and worries about what others think of her. Such a difficult time to raise girls.
    Thank you for your book!

  28. I want to share the second book with two of my nieces who are raising 3 daughters. Also, with my daughter’s friend who has had a very hard life.

  29. I would love this for myself – as one who was often a target of the “mean girl” in school…to use as a guideline for my young daughter — and also to share with a friend who has an older daughter in college.

  30. I just ordered Speak Love for my 13 year old daughter after reading this. She has been bombarded in Middle School with Mean Girls and I want to be sure she knows how to not be one of those girls. If I won a free copy of this book, I would give it to another girl in my daughter’s school. They could pass the copies around.


  31. I would give the book to my best friends 15 year old daughter. Our families have been close friends for years, even tho we live states apart. When we get together, the daughter and I have a coffee date and I get to listen, be her friend, and reinforce all that her parents are trying to teach. And her parents are that way with our teenage boys. We know the importance of having godly mentors in our kids lives, reinforcing the values we are teaching. The kids encourage each other in their Christian walks, holding each other accountable in their relationships at school, etc. It is great to see these kids model healthy boy / girl friendships. I want to encourage her with this book.

  32. I would share this book with my almost 14 year old daughter who is trying hard to navigate this world of mean girls and criticism. I would encourage her to “love” and shine God’s truth to these hurting gals and think this book could be helpful for both mother and daughter.:)

    I would then pass a copy along to my nieces who are 15 and 18 and struggle with the same issues.

    Thank you for your book!

  33. Annie – I would LOVE to read your book, and I truly believe my 17 yo daughter could use some help in the ‘self’ love area. She’s a beautiful young lady, on the inside and out, but she doesn’t show self love. With knowing that college is looming around the corner, I’ve been praying for ways to help build her up this last year of HS! When I first read about your book I knew it was the answer to my prayers! I will buy it, even if I don’t win here, and will plan to read it as well! Thank you for these words of love you’ve blessed us all with! πŸ™‚

  34. I also have a 17 year old daughter who is struggling to speak a good word over herself.
    So I speak it over her myself…..and remember to let that Grace extend to me also.
    I’d love to win a copy!

  35. I would share this book with my 13 year old niece. She has had some real challenges in life. She was born with some disabilities so she has struggled with what people think of her and how they treat her. She also has gone through the death of her father two years ago. She is an only child and sometimes (well, alot of times to be honest) has trouble speaking love into the world. I want more than anything for her to be able to put the devil in his place and out of her thoughts and actions. With God’s help she will overcome these challenges and become a wonderful woman of God. I believe that your book will help to put these things I have been talking to her about into a new light and help her to speak love everyday!

    Thank you so much for writing this book. I pray that it will have a significant impact on our girls and thier future. πŸ™‚

  36. I would share it with a sweet girl I discipled in college! I think it would mega encourage her πŸ™‚

  37. I have 6 beautiful nieces ranging in age from 7 to 22 years olds. I could pass this book on to each of them …I want them to speak words of love.

  38. Wow…..the words in this post hit right me right in the heart. I have made many mistakes along the way raising my daughter and many of those I wish I could take back. Now that she is 16 I have spent many moments wondering why I didn’t realize until now the wrong I was doing. Time is so precious and is gone in the blink of an eye. I would share this book with her and hope that this could be the beginning of a new start….kind of like the do-over button many of us wish we had.

  39. I would give the copy to my daughter who just started middle school, had to change schools, and is wary of making new friends as she is missing her friends at her old school. And then after reading my copy I would probably pass that on to another friend with a daughter, or to my sister who works with kids of all ages.

  40. My daughter, who is a TWEEN – but I need it myself. I’ve been ruminating this morning about how casual she is with her words, wishing I could be a better example – I probably say too much, not enough WITH LOVE.

  41. I would share this book with the girls in our youth group. I would encourage them to read it and pass it on to the next girl, with hopes that they would be able to encourage each other in this area of their lives. Thanks for the reminder that, yes, they hear our words – well spoken or not.

  42. I manage a church bookstore for an 8,000 a Sunday person church and would love to share a copy of a book on this subject with all the women in our church (after carefully vetted of course) but more importantly to me…I have two daughters one is the middle school years where this topic begins to be so vitally important! I’m known as the go to person when it comes to books for all kinds of small groups for youth, women and adults in our church…I’d love to read this for both them and me!

  43. I would share this book with my 16 year old step daughter. She needs to speak kindly to herself before she can speak kindly to others. She struggles with low self-esteem and searches for ways to fill the emptiness from the broken relationship with her mother, including unhealthy relationships with boys.

  44. I would love to be able to share this book with my stepdaughter. She just turned 15, and I’ve been married to her dad for almost three years now. We are just now opening conversations on facebook since we live in different states. She’s in high school now, and band, and her father has been in prison the last seven months. She has a lot on her plate with school and parent issues and I would love to just continue to open the doors of conversation between us. I know how rough that can be to come from a broken home with broken parents and families. Been there, done that. I spent my teen years feeling broken and far too susceptible to the mean girls who judged me … even now, at 51, I have “mean girls” in my family who judge my life for the choices of my husband. God has redeemed us and restored our marriage through His grace and loving words. I want to share that.

  45. My granddaughters need this book, especially the 13 year old. Their parents are going through a divorce, and even though the children attend a Christian school, they have emotions that they don’t know what to do with, hence the words that come out of their mouths are not pretty! Take that along with peer pressure, and the typical actions for their age group … grandma would like to give them some additional help on expressing feelings.

  46. Hi Annie! I LOVE your writing and have already preordered your book. I am a small group leader to a group of girls in 10th grade. I have lived life with them since they were 5th graders:) The “mean girl” issue is HUGE! The Lord has been dealing with me personally, about speaking LIFE about every situation and of course, this has spilled into group. We girls LOVE to talk…blah blah! Our words can either edify others or kill them. Plain and simple. I would love to be able to hand each girl this book and read it together. I believe God has His TRUTH packed into your words and want to share them with as many young women that I can. Don’t get me wrong, I will buy the books….but if I could buy a couple less, that would ROCK! Blessings!!

  47. My 17 year old daughter. I am certain I have “damaged” her by my unkind words about myself as I have struggled for years with my weight and my self-image. She has heard me, I’m sure. I can’t reverse life, I can’t live looking in the rearview mirror but I want us both to learn to Speak Love better, to each other and to ourselves.

  48. I would read it & share it with my grandson’s (well for now ex-girlfriend) Casey (19). Our grandson totally re-dedicated his life in college. Thank you Jesus. & his girlfriend loves Jesus but feels so left out & needs to get back closer to Jesus, so then they can see what God’s will is for them. God Bless You❀

  49. That is so easy who I will give the second book to is my church library for sure. They would be so happy to get a book like this because they have a lot of teen and tween girls that need this kind of book to read with their moms. I hope I win so that I can help our women of tomorrow.

  50. I would share this book with my two daughters. My older daughter is in 8th grade, struggling to maintain her confidence and grow her friendships during the emotional middle school years. My younger daughter, an avid reader (and a psychologist in training we like to say) still has the confidence of youth, and I envision that it would help her navigate and lead in the rocky years ahead with her friends and peers.

  51. I would love for my daughter and I to read this book together and we would share a copy with another mom/daughter duo. I lead a mom/daughter devo once a week before school and I believe God could use this book to spark conversation in our devo and allow and encourage the girls to stand up in their walk for Christ among their classmates to lead the way to resist the temptation to be mean and instead speak life. I’m totally in on “raising an army!”

  52. I am head of the women ministry at my church, I would share the second with a young single mother who is raising two beautiful daughters. Once I read my copy I would pass it on to the other mothers who come in contact with young ladies. I love the fact that the older women are to teach the young, but yet a Great BIG responsilibity to have.

  53. Even just the title of this book speaks volumes to me. Too often my words have hurt others, and most people would probably categorize me as a “nice” person! But I have many comments that I’ve made that haunt me. So, frankly, I need this book, but I also have 2 daughters. They aren’t teens yet, but I already see them using their words as weapons. I want so much for them to learn how to build, rather than tear down, with their words. My hope is to help them avoid some of the pain of regret that I’ve experienced.

  54. I would love to have a copy to share with our granddaughter and the second copy I would send (by overnight delivery) to our godchild out of state.. She has problems and turns her anger on others, especially my sister, her Mom who loves her without question but enables her way, way too much.

  55. I would give this book to a co-worker who, when caught off guard with the question ‘what is one thing you’d want to be remembered for?’ Answered with ‘outspoken.’ So priceless to be outspoken in speaking love! πŸ™‚

  56. My 14 year old daughter hears us say use “kind words” it seems daily. I pray that your book “Speak Love” would connect the dots for her. She has a beautiful soul, that this world has chipped away at. I would love to see her read your book and apply it to her daily life.

  57. I would like to share it with my 40ish friend, who needs to speak kinder to herself, and to my friend Carly who is a high school freshman, she and I like to bake cupcakes together, we could could share in this also!

  58. I would share first with my teenage daughter, then to some of her friends. This message can spread like wildfire if we just fan the flames a bit…

  59. I’m a camp director and would love to incorporate these ideas into our girls-only middle school camp, Treasure Seeker. I would share with my former intern who is now a dorm supervisor at a boarding school, living with and discipling teen girls.

  60. oooh fun! I would give one copy to my 15 year old daughter and a second copy to a girl in our church who is 16. Maybe the two could hold each other accountable!

  61. I would share this book with my 15 year old niece. She has been surrounded by negativity for so long. Going back and forth from week to week between her mom’s and her dad’s, she gets mixed messages about what she is worth and how God views her.

  62. I have a teenage niece who could really use this book. Her mother (my sister, God love her) is not the best example of how to use our words to uplift people and in fact is very critical of everyone around her. I try to be a good influence on my niece (and my sister), but I definitely believe that my niece would greatly benefit from your words of wisdom.

    What a need we have in today’s society for a book like this. Thanks for sharing!!!

  63. I am a mom of four lovely daughters, two in their teens, one a pre-teen, and the other a preschooler. The three older ones and I talk about this all the time. Oh, how I hope and pray that they can be a part in changing the world. I would most definitely give this to my girls.

  64. I would give the second book to my grand-daughter who is a beautiful person, inside and out. I know that she has lots of hurts and needs help and encouragement in dealing with her peers. It is such a hard thing for US to remember and do and we must be the mentors.

  65. I would give the second book to my niece. She struggles with peer pressure and bullying. She is often on the receiving end, but having worked in Junior High, knowing how the kids can be, and knowing HER, I suspect it goes both ways. She has four brothers, and she thinks she has to “be tough” because of them, but I’d like for her to see a better way… THE better way!

  66. My two granddaughters (13 and 14) are sweet, beautiful girls and I would like them to stay that way – I would so love to give them this book. Thank you Annie!

  67. Aloha, I would give the second book to my “step” daughter. She is away at college, struggling to find her way in graceful strides. She is becoming such a wonderful woman. She is also a big sister to my 11 year old. Hopefully we can all read your book! Have a great day!!

  68. I’m a 25-year-old graduate student in Chicago with a 19-year-old little sister back home in Alabama who still finds herself struggling in a world not too unlike that of high school, in that in-between stage that many of us know so well, where being home most often means comfort ad support but can sometimes mean old words and old hurts that can feel as fresh as yesterday when bumping into someone at the grocery store or community college classroom. I’d really love to share your words with her.

  69. I would give the second copy to my eight year old daughter. We constantly discuss the importance of the words we say to each other. We also talk about how the words we say come out (as in tone of voice). It tends to work best when I catch her in the act of speaking, and then remind her by asking what she is solving by speaking the way she is speaking. It stops her in her tracks and causes her to rethink what is coming out of her mouth. I too must do the same, often.

  70. Hi, I would like this book for my g-granddaughter, who is 10 going on 15…. She has had lots of negative words in her life and so she responds in like manner. She likes to read, so think this would be wonderful for her. Thank you.

  71. This book I would share with my daughter and my mom and sister. Sounds like one every woman should read.

  72. I would share it with the girls I work with at church. We are reading ‘Love Does’ together right now and LOVING it. ‘Speak Love’ will be next.

  73. I’m feeling led to minister to the youth girls at my church, but I haven’t figured out how to get involved as a busy mom of littles. I feel like this book would give me the heart and vision for discipling a few of the young women my heart feels drawn toward. Plus my daughter is 6 months, and I’m asking the Lord to show me how to pray for her and bring her up to be confident and life-giving.

  74. I work in a very ‘smart’ company full of PhDs, MBAs & people from all around the world, and there are still days when the cafeteria or break room sounds as mean as the ones in high school or junior high were. It makes me think about what kind of example I am, and I try to speak love and show kindness. Still It’s hard to speak up with kind words among mean attitudes and catty talk coming from 20- to 40-year-old women! Sometimes all I want to do is walk away. I’m 54 and want to be a role model to the younger women I work with and change the culture I’m in every day. I would share the second book with my 22-year-old daughter and my small group. I might even be brave and take the extra book to the cafeteria!

  75. This is a tough one, but I’ve been a Small Group Leader with usually 5-6 teen girls every year for the last 9 years. I know how easily we can hurt and scar one another. I think the two books would go a long way towards helping me help them, as I think sharing them with the young women in my group would allow us to grow closer to God and closer to each other and really create the safe space we crave. Words have power and it’s time we started learning and teaching each other to use them for good and for grace.

  76. My girl, Miss B, just began her Junior year in high school. She has already been through *so* much in these last two years and the next two feel like FOREVER. She has been hurt so much by words, and (being a sister), I know she has regretted her own. She wants so badly to be someone who is different than most of the girls around her and even in her own family. The encouragement not just to “not say mean things” but to specifically speak LOVE would be great for both of us.

  77. I would share the book with my sister-in-law who is a believer yet is so discouraged…her husband left her for another woman 8 yrs ago and her daughter now grown in her 20’s with a son of her own and not saved who are both living with her. She daily endures constant hurtful words from her daughter with little or no appreciation for all she does to help plus working a f/t job, watching her grandson so her daughter can get a break and her own sister who has rejected her and continued to support the ex-husband. She wants to show the LOVE of Christ with her life NOT by her words and is now saying she can’t do this anymore. I know this book would give her HOPE and she could share it with her daughter who may by reading what someone else has to SHARE come to know Christ. Thank you to ALL you writers for following your GOD given gifts…YOU are making a difference!

  78. I would share the second book with my friend Angie who is a mentor to alot of young women that she meets through selling clothes on the internet. After reading mine, it would go to my 13 yr. old niece, who faces “mean girls” every day with confidence and grace.

  79. I have 6 nieces (and 2 boys of my own) ages ranging from 15 to 4. I would share it with my 15 year old niece. Being 1 of 4 girls in the family, I know all about the power of words.

  80. I work at a local University with 12,000 students; I am constantly amazed at conversations I hear in passing. So passing along such a book would be a delight! First I would read my copy and as soon as I finished, I would pass that one along too. There are so many young ladies fighting all types of ‘self’ battles these days. They need more love, understanding and compassion from all of us!

  81. I have watched my daughter struggle with a ‘mean’ girl for the past few years. I am ashamed to say that I have not always been the best example for my daughter, letting my anger get the best of me. And it really makes it difficult when it is someone within the church. So, not only would my daughter and I read the book, the other one would go to the precious young lady who we struggle with. She too is a daughter of the Most High and needs to be uplift just like my daughter (and me).

  82. The extra copy of this book (and mine after I read it) would circulate around Baylor between my sweet freshman sister and her roommates. Oh how this concept would have changed my college years! One of my biggest struggles was putting down my roommates to others.

  83. My niece. She is a very kind person but internally critical. I would also like my teen soon to read it. Similar things go on with boys.

  84. I would give the second copy of the book to my 12 year old niece. Even if I don’t win here, I’m planning to purchase a copy for her for Christmas! πŸ™‚

  85. Hi,
    I can’t wait to read the book myself. I am always in need of reminders to “speak love” to my family and I often rush thru everything with him in our hectic schedule. The extra copy I would give to my neice/God daughter, Christina. She has had a rough time these past 7 years (since the age of 16), moving out of her parents at the age of 18 sleeping at friends or wherever, involved with drugs, etc and estranged from her immediate family. She lived on and off with my parents and would be gone for weeks. My mother’s dementia had gotten worse at the beginning of this year and Christina couldn’t take it anymore and just didn’t return. You see, we all grew up in a verbally and physically abusive household. Christina’s mom just carried that over to her. Recently, we found out Christina is now pregnant and has slowly come back to her family. Her baby shower is upcoming and what a great gift she could pass onto her child…to speak love…and break the cycle of abuse. Thank you for writing and sharing your gift.

  86. I would gift it to our teenage daughter! We all live in a fast-paced, stressful world and can always become a little bit better! I just gave her Perfectly Unique and hope she loves it as much as I did!

  87. Hi

    I am the director of a ministry called YoungLives Three Rivers in Pittsburgh which works with pregnant and parenting teen moms. Our girls have all been the victims of abuse of some kind and most of them are not capable of a non-confrontational conversation. Even with their babies, it is a struggle when things get tense. It would be such a great opportunity to share this book with our girls and break the cycle!

    Thank you for making this book available.

  88. I loveeee all of this. And I would be SO delighted to win this!!!! I am not sure who I would share the second book with..I would have to pray about it and see who the Lord would direct me to give it to, as no one is really jumping into my mind right away. But what a truly special gift it would be!! <3

  89. I would gift the 2nd book to a 17 year old teen I’ve been honored to disciple for the last 2 years. She is still on the “fence” regarding sharing her faith with her non-christian peers, but has a huge heart for them! Hopefully this would be an encouragement for her.

  90. Not only am I convicted about the many unnecessary “observation” statements I speak, but also how this effects ALL my children (one girl & two boys). I’d like to model how to discern what is necessary, true, and right with my speech. I would love to share the book with a dear single mother of 5. She has 3 girls ranging from 16 to 5. Her youngest has cancer & I think this book would allow her to pour into the older girls in a positive way during this stressful time.

  91. I would share the 2nd book with each girl in our church youth group–after they had all read it, I would host them in our home for a discussion/sharing time.

  92. I would love to share it with my 15 year old daughter who is struggling with her faith. You and Toby Mac should collaborate – have you heard his latest song – Speak Life? Hi Alyssa..I know you!

  93. I’d be really honest. I do not want to go near the mean girls. They are so mean. How do they get that way I do not know but they are mean mean mean. Horribly mean. They just speak for the sake of speaking without thinking. Gotta stay away from the mean girls. Guys too. Run like a lightning has struck me. This is what I’ve found out.
    Yes, I’m all for change but not on the account of their words in my direction. So, call me chicken. I don’t care. I’m chicken. My heart is soft and tender.
    Their hearts are hard.
    Let God be God and work on their hearts. I’m not God.
    I can be kind and be nice though to those around me. I can change the world by being nice.
    I’m chicken though. I stay away from the meanies. They deserve my back.
    I turn to JESUS and give them my back.

  94. I would love to share the second book with my 14 year old daughter. She just started her freshman year in high school. It is such an important time in her life to be a good role model and find the right friends!

  95. I would share mine with the other college girls at my church. We recently started a small group because we all desire to build lasting friendships in Lord because it was something we were all lacking in our life. Even though this is something we desire, it doesn’t mean it is easy to accomplish. There has been a undertone of tension throughout the group as we are growing closer. Our human nature is to over analyze and discuss EVERY LITTLE THING that is said or done. We’ve been trying to reign that in, and to learn to love even when it’s hard. I think this book would be perfect to go over in our small group as we pursue love even when it’s hard.

  96. My name Is Elsie. I am in my late 20s, but have learned the importance of words through a lot of verbal abuse from many different sources. The very effective thing I have learned is the Word that was spoken over me and in my favor by my loving Father passes the pain and enables me to pursue the Promise He scripted out for me. I am going to purchase this book either way eventually. However, if I were to win this one, I’d encourage a friend of mine in doing this who is actaully slightly older than me. She and I have talked many times about the effictiveness of our words and the importance of encouragement through them. We are to “Let the words of our mouth and the meditation of our heart be pleasing in your sight Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Pslam 19:14. I feel like this book will confirm many Scripture that has already directed how my heart is made to live.

  97. I would share it with my daughter. she is 17 and a senior in high school. She was cyber bullied as a middle schooler ans would love to help Howe as she continues to struggle with this.

  98. Thank you for this idea! This would be a good tool and an encouragement to my grandniece who’s having an attitude problem and think the world revolves around her.
    Joyful blessings to your ministry!

  99. I would five it to my best friend nicole. Sje im college and she very passionte about living for God. & i believe this will help hboth of us in our personal lives. πŸ™‚

  100. I would share my copy with my daughter and give the other copy of her best friend! My daughter was bullied from 6-8 grade and her best friend was the one girl that would stand up for her. Would love to go through this book with the two of them!

  101. I’d love to share this book with my niece. When it comes to the power of our words, it’s a lesson worth repeated and needed over and over again.

  102. I would give it to a young lady at our church. She is in Junior High and going from home schooling into a school system. Girls can be mean and I want her to know she is fearfully and wonderfully made.

  103. I would love a copy of this book and I have a sweet friend who would treasure it as much as I would!

  104. I would share this book with the young ladies that my husband and I youth pastor to at our church! I always try to be a source of encouragement to our young ladies and help them to believe in themselves!

  105. I would share the book with my daughter, because, believe it or not, she is the hardest girl for me to talk to about God! Thank you for the the chance and may God bless you for your words!

  106. In a HEARTBEAT, I would not just pass this book along to my niece who lives a few hours away, but this will be a book we can read together from afar and then Skype and write about together!! I hope it’s me, but if it’s not, I will still go find myself, and my niece, a copy!!!

  107. I would share this with my sister, who is just starting out on her own. I own a business that teaches people to own businesses and create financial independence, but to do this, we have to sow life and belief into others. The training I have received is one of the only places outside of church where I have experienced people who do that for me, and I desperately want to pass that on to others. I don’t think there is a greater, more positive force on this planet than simply believing in others, and I believe that it starts from within us.

  108. I have a 16 year old daughter and recently I haven’t been the best rolemodel. I guess I’m sort of a perfectionist. I like everything in its place and well when they are not in its place i get upset. Been married for 17 years and you would think my husband and kids know where I have things and how I like things done. I’ve realized that my behavior is not right and I am learning to have more control of myself when it comes to these issues at home. I think your book will help us both in being better people.
    I keep telling my husband that it is much more challenging raising a teenager than it is raising a toddler.

  109. I’d share the book with our former babysitter. She just started her freshman year in college and I remember so vividly hoe difficult that transition is or a young woman.

  110. I am a former middle school teacher and currently lead a 6th Grade Girls small group at my church. I have a passion for teen & tween girls and really want to read this book. I want to be a better role model for the teen girls in my life, but also for my 6 year old daughter. I would share the 2nd copy with my 15 year old niece who seems to struggle with being critical of herself and others around her (as do I :-/

  111. I would share it with our young worship leader. I’ve recently moved to this church (came in March) and I want to see her flourish and grow. I had the privilege of being her camp counselor for 2 summers when she was 12 & 13 years old, then I hadn’t seen her until I moved here. She has a gentle and giving spirit, but has grown up in an environment where words have been twisted, misunderstood and used out of context (not maliciously, I believe mostly a product of over-protective parenting).

  112. I would share a copy with my daughter in 6th grade daughter. There is so much garbage on social media and I want to arm her with the skills she needs to withstand the drama. Thanks!

  113. I would give a book to my granddaughter who is just a tween. In the area she lives most of the kids are in well-to-do families. I have heard her talking about some of the girls in a way that has been very unkind. I asked if her friends said things like that about her, would she like it? She, of course, said no. But, it hasn’t really changed the attitude of judging and putting others down. I’d like to give her something to help her understand why our words mean so much and can either give a person a step up or put her down.

  114. I would share it with my teenage daughter, who has been watching her mama quietly for years and somehow become meaner than her mean girl mama. Sadly, more times than not my words mess up every wonderful thing God provides. It breaks my heart that she will feel the sorrow I do, when that happens. Even if we don’t win, your book is on my wish list.

  115. I would love a copy for both my niece and my mother. We all are in transitions in our lives and need truth and love spoken in a positive ways. My mother as a grandmother and mentor, me as a mom of 2 girls and my niece to be married and starting a new life. She has had a very hard and rejected life . My husband and I have been a safe harbor for her and would love to gift her and her husband to be. I would pass the book to both my mom and my niece.

  116. Thank you for your generosity. If I were to win, I would give both copies to my teenage granddaughters and buy one for myself so we could all share it together. My high school granddaughter has been “pushed” from our church family by “mean” girls her age (yes, unfortunately there are even mean girls in our church families) and my junior high granddaughter is just now getting involved in “girl drama”. Unfortunately, they do not hear enough words of love and acceptance at home, so they need all the encouragement and good examples they can get. They know I pray for them every day, but getting encouraging words and examples of the love language else would help them believe it is possible for each of them to make a difference in her world.

  117. I would use the second book as a giveaway at our women’s retreat on Messages this November for the youngest woman in attendance. I know we will have at least one college aged there. Would be fun to give it away like that!

  118. I would share with my daughter. Even though she’s not a teenager yet, I think we would both enjoy doing this together!

  119. I would share it with my oldest granddaughter, she is awesome, but always looking for ways to improve and grow. She is already wise beyond her years.

  120. I would share the 2nd copy with my best friend, who is 17 and struggling with some less-than-healthy influences among her peers. Thank you!

  121. I have a “little sister” at church who is just starting Middle School. I would love to share it with her!

  122. My niece is a senior in high school and really struggling right now. She could really use this book and I think after I read mine I would require her to pass it around to the girls at school.

  123. My 17 yr old daughter….and I would love to gather some of her friends and read through this together….changing the culture a few girls at a time

  124. Wow ~ even I don’t win this is a book I will buy. I have a 13th yr old girl (oh help me – 8th grade) and an 11 yr old (6th grade). I would definitely share the book with them, but I think I would give the copy away to a friend who has 3 girls (11, 9 & 6). Thank you for writing this, and challenging us women. In God’s Love, sheila

  125. I would share one copy with the 3 of my daughters & pass one around to all the young ladies in our youth group!

  126. I have 14 yr.old twin granddaughters. One is a freshman cheerleader and is being bullied by 4 of the “it girl” cheerleaders. She moved in new and made the squad. The “4” try to embarrass and humiliate her at every opportunity. I would love a book for my granddaughters and would actually would love to give one to each cheerleader if I thought there would be no re:percussions.

  127. I would share the extra book with my 18 year old daughter that just started her first year of college and who is seeing more and more of a vicious meanness that seems to be so prevalent in our socieity. After I read my book I would then give that to my 21 year old who has several co-workers that are pretty hateful on a regular basis – to her, each other and customers. Sounds like a message we ALL need!

  128. I’d share the book with one of my closest friends daughter AND step-daughter who also have 3 other siblings. This family is a beautiful blend and a mother/father who love and support them. The girls would foster even more with a great spiritual book!

  129. Wow – well, *I* certainly need to practice speaking love into the lives of those around me! But as for a second copy, it would go the college sophomore I’m discipling. We’ve been meeting since her freshman year and she’s grown *so* much – but I don’t want her to fall into the horrible paradoxical trap of growing and then that becoming a reason to speak badly of others.

  130. I am so encourage by your words today …and a bit convicted! I am a volunteer in our churches youth group so I knows my young women who face mean girls or the desire to be the mean girl every day. I would be so excited to share your book with many girls in my youth group. I have a couple girls in mind that could really be encouraged right now with your message. Thank you!

  131. Oh Annie. I love your heart and I already love this book. I’m already devouring your words and I can’t wait to pass it on to my younger SIL. And someday I’ll share it with my own daughter, but, along the way, I’ll also be teaching her by example how powerful words can be and that she has a choice to speak words that build up and encourage instead of tear down and destroy. Yes, let’s light the fire of a revolution – a word revolution to speak love into a world filled with hate.

  132. I would give to my niece. Her parents are going through a divorce which is hard for her. She is in her second year of college and people have been terribly mean to her, she is overweight and in the I don’t care mode. She did not return to school last week due to the cost on her parents and due to her not wanting to leave her dad alone. Sort of a sad situation. She needs to hear she is valued and God can get her and her family through tough times. We all need to be aware of how words can make or break someone. We are created in God’s image and that includes our words. Life lessons.

  133. My 9 year old daughter struggled with mean behaviour from friends at school last year. she has been amazing and prayed for them and remained constant with them. She is such a good role model and is a shining (but quiet) beacon! I’d love to share this with her and encourage her. Thank you for sharing this. Blessings sister x

  134. I would love a copy of this book for my daughter who just started her Freshman year! She has been on both the receiving and giving end of popularity. This would be a great book for her to read. She wants to start a group about “no bullying” so this would probably be a good motivational book for her.
    I would give the second book to my best friend who mentors several of her nieces and their friends. She also has 2 teenage boys and I think boys would probably benefit from seeing what girls go through. Her boys are very sensitive and could learn a lot I am sure.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win these!!

  135. Hi there,
    So excited to read this book and it’s about time someone had the courage – I’m just saying! I’m in my mid-40’s (of my, did I just admit to that?) and work with a college ministry of about 700 – age 18-28 at my local church, 12Stone. We need truth and we need courage to change and then the dominos will fall… thanks for your time and energy. Looking forward to reading and sharing…

  136. It would be given to my 17 yr. old niece. Though she has been raised in the church, she IS the mean girl. My sister has talked until blue in the face. Goes in one ear and out the other. We have prayed long about her attitude and speech to others. This book just might be the answer.

  137. I would share a copy with my 11 year old niece. I just want all the best for her, and being a young girls is tough.

  138. Would love to win! I live with a friend and her two daughters and we’ve been talking about using your book as a devotional in our house. The oldest girl is 12 and I’d love to share it with her.

  139. I have an 11 year old daughter who I would love to share this with!!!! I’d love to read it with her and have a weekly date to talk about what we’ve read!

  140. It would be difficult for me to choose just one girl, as I would love to share it with all the girls in the youth group at my church. Or maybe I would send it my 17 year old daughter who is spending a year in New Zealand and Australia (we are from Canada). One book would probably cover a lot of miles for me!

  141. I would give the 2nd copy to my niece, who is a sophomore in college. I help lead a small group of children that meets on Wednesday nights & I would share my copy with them.

  142. Both my 18 year old daughter and I need this book desperately. After we absorbed it I would share it with a bible study group in my neighborhood πŸ™‚

  143. I would share it with my daughter who has survived serval mean girl attacks.
    She needs to continued to be encouraged to be the strong woman God has made her to be in the face of mean attacks and not to respond in kind.
    Her strong spirit ripples through her spheres of influence to present God to the marginalized

  144. Annie, I would love to give a copy of your book to my 15-yr-old granddaughter, who lost her mom at age 10 and has lived with her grandfather and me ever since. She is a special needs child who loves the Lord with all her heart. Your book would be perfect for us to do a study together.

  145. I would share it with my friend Sharon. We just had a conversation before study tonight about how we wonder how certain things come out of our mouths. We need to Speak Love!

  146. I would share a copy with my daughter. Our neighbors’ daughter can seem so mean at times. We would enjoy reading it together.

  147. I have three beautiful granddaughters, one is 14, one is 10 and one is 8. I will give my copy to my eldest girl first, she can then pass it to her sister, and eventually the youngest will read it. What a blessing for a young girl!

  148. Thank you for writing this book. There is such a need. My soon to be 15 yr old daughter has struggled with issues involving mean girls, anger, self-esteem, bullying, etc. for years, both on the giving and receiving end. She continues to make progress, but starting high school next week is bringing a lot to the surface again. I plan to read this book together with her, and discuss it with her as we go along at her favorite coffee shop. Sometimes it’s the only place she’ll talk to me!

  149. Words are powerful. I learned that from growing up in a home where kind words were not always spoken. I would share the extra copy, and mine after I read, to my 2 beautiful teenage next door neighbors.

  150. Two years ago, while I was still in college, I helped my friend with a D-Now at her church. I almost didn’t go, simply because she was the only person I knew. I didn’t know any of the kids and didn’t think there was any way that I would connect with the girls or that they would listen to me. Well, boy, did the Lord show me that I was wrong! I followed through on my commitment and obedience to the Lord and He ended up teaching me a lot more than I expected. And gave me new relationships that are some of the greatest I have ever had.

    Well, two years later and I am still talking to those girls. They are wonderful girls and no longer little. They started high school just last week. While I was away and serving in California for 10 months, the girls and I stayed in contact. And this past summer I was able to go visit them FINALLY and hang out. I’m SO, VERY thankful for these relationships that the Lord has started. But, knowing that they can see and hear everything I say and do absolutely terrifies me. It makes me have to live up to my words and to speak love to them and those around me. What I love is that they have called me out on stuff. It’s totally convicting having my girls that I discipled, disciple me. But, I wouldn’t change it any other way.

    I would LOVE a copy of Speak Love and one for my girls. I haven’t read the book yet, but I hope to get my hands on it soon. I think it would be a great tool for me, to teach me how to relate and speak love to my girls. And I think it would be a great tool for my girls as they are now starting their way through high school, boys, and all the musings of being a girl. Lord, knows I’m terrified for them. But, I want to be there for them on their journey. They are just wonderful!

    Thank you for writing this book, Annie.


  151. I would give the book to my daughter who is a freshman. She and I sometimes have have trouble using the right words when we don’t agree.

  152. I would share this book with my youngest daughter who just started college this fall. She is now on the opposite side of the country from all of her family. As she starts this new chapter of her life, I want her to remember that her words matter. It would be a great book to read together, even miles away!

  153. I would share it with my daughter. She is in her 2nd day as a college freshman and trying to make a positive impact while suffering from homesickness and low self esteem!

  154. I would share this with my niece, and then my friend with three girls. All are loved with God’s grace and often find it hard to express it to others. Thank you so much for your words!

  155. I would share it with a young girl who I have known for nearly 10 years and have been mentoring her the last 3 years. She is at the time of her life where is discovering who she is and who she wants to be. I believe that this book would help her and encourage her as she steps into a leadership position at her church. She needs to be reminded that words matter.

  156. I would share this book with my beloved first born – my almost 14 yo daughter. She is the apple of my eye and a beautiful soul and I want to equip her with all the tools available so that she boldly steps into the world knowing her strength and beauty because of the God who created her…

    And I want her to kill every mean girl she has ever met or will ever meet, even the one who pops up in her person once in a while…

  157. I would share the book with my 14 year old niece. Just yesterday a friend of the family was arrested for his inappropriate behavior with her. As you might imagine, the entire family is in an uproar over the situation. Many of the words and attitudes expressed in the last 36 hours have been less than loving. I am praying that in the days ahead my niece, as well as the rest of our family, will be able to speak not only words of love, but words of grace and truth also.

  158. I’m reading it already (ch. 2 tonight) with my daughter. I would love to give it to two other neighbors, her friends. Or to college students I know, or as a giveaway on my blog.

  159. I would share it with my daughter because she has relationship (not boyfriend, but with everyone) issues. She is a very special teen that unfortunately cannot live with us right now, but could greatly benefit from your encouraging words. She has low self-esteem and struggles with depression and ADHD. When she comes home for a weekend we (her dad & I) try to build her up and teach her to rely on God. Hopefully she will continue to work on getting better as we come along side her with prayer and counseling.

  160. First, I would read it! Then I would give a copy to my 13 year old granddaughter. Her words are critical and negative, and I’m seriously concerned about her. When she is happy her whole face lights up and I would love to see more of that happy girl !

  161. I would give this to my younger daughter, who is 19 going on 20, in years. I think she doesn’t have a handle on who she is. She has ADD and her self-esteem isn’t always the greatest, even though my husband and I try to bolster it. When I first became a mom with her older sister, I knew there were things I wanted to do differently than my parents did. I guess alot of people say that. But I did try to do some of those things, like to speak encouragement and positivity, unfortunately not as much as I should have. Anway, this book sounds great.

  162. I would love to read it!! I would share it with one of my best friends, I think the book would really encourage her!!

  163. Am I too late? I want to read it with my eleven year old daughter. a little young but she’s already been victimized by mean girls repeatedly and I’d like to equip her counter it with love.

  164. I would give my copy to my beautiful daughter who hasn’t a mean bone in her body but suffers the meanness of friends who should know better. She is an example to me of not holding grudges, always believing the best about others, intent on spending her life showing love to those less fortunate.

  165. I am a Youth Pastor and am very excited about this book. I would share it with the girls in my youth group. Some of them suffer at the hamds of the mean girl and at least one of them at times is the mean girl. This book is definitely a must read for me.

  166. We must all be acutely aware of our usage of words and the actions we make. People are watching and we may be the only God they see. If we behave Christ-like then that may bring them over to Christ. Act like the world and they won’t care.

    We must help the younger generation choose their words and actions more wisely. They need mentors like we had. They need good strong leaders who will train them in the ways to behave & eventually we will kill the mean girl!! Heck, maybe all the mean girl needs is someone to show her a little love & perhaps she will kill it!!

  167. I would love this book. I have been praying for a more gentle spirit as am a pastors’ wife. My words are so judgmental sometimes. I would love the chance to pass it on to other staff members.

  168. I would share with my daughter so she could have guidance and inspiration raising her young daughter.

  169. I would share first copy with my daughter who is 12yrs comes home and tells me the things girls say and how man girls can be. Second copy I would share with my niece who is 18yrs old who has heard alot of negativity around her. Would like to share that she can speak life to her life and to others.

  170. A young (17 year old) girl in our youth group whose personality just draws me in! I want to invest and love on this girl!

  171. I would share it with my oldest granddaughter who is experiencing these very encounters with mean girls right now in her school, girls who she sees as her best friends. I would encourage her in the bravery she is demonstrating toward them by loving them unconditionally and believing and speaking the best about them and to them.

  172. I would first pass the books to a friend and her junior high daughter who suffers from mild Autism. She has so much to overcome with her condition alone, and her words are her greatest asset (and possibly the greatest downfall.) my friend also has 2 young daughters and 2 young step-daughters and they could all benefit from this book. Surely the change in words and tone if voice would improve the atmosphere in their household. And I know she would return them to me to read with my own 2 young girls who struggle greatly with sharp tongues and sassy attitudes.

  173. I think I would need to start a book club. My daughters & their friends, several young co-workers, & a couple of young gals on my home biz team would all benefit from this!!

  174. I would share this with my daughter and daughter in law who are just barely out of their teens but daily try to be good wives, mothers and great friends. There are few women so courageous as they are in the face of great odds.

  175. I would share it with the young women God has placed in my small group at BSF who are learning what it means to seek God in all things and follow hard after Him. Thanks for the reminder that it starts with us. Lord please set a guard over my mouth!

  176. Hi, I have become a recent subscriber to your blog emails. A friend directed me to your messages.
    I’d like to enter your give away. I have a daughter who is preparing for college as we speak. She’ll attend a university an hour away from home next year. I’d love for her to read your book as she is shy. As we know shy people have a hard time thinking what to say. I hope your book will encourage her to say something encouraging, helpful, kind… with her limited words used to people.


  177. I would share this with a high school student that I’m close friends with. She has so much leadership potential and is already advancing the kingdom more than a lot of adults that I know!

  178. My husband and I work with a faith based, very small private school called Hope Academy for high at-risk kids. This is just their second year of operation. We have come along side Hope Academy to work with their 6 eighth graders twice a week, as this is the last year they will be in this nurturing environment. Speak Love would be a great resource for us to use with these kids as we partner with Hope Academy to build hearts and minds for Christ.

  179. My daughter is an eighth grader and a leader in her school. Words and actions are very important. She loves the Lord and wants to do what is right and good in his eyes. Sometimes she doesn’t know what to say in certain situations and she is learning. Thanks for your blog. It hit the nail on the head. What we say and do is a witness to others around us. Yes, we will make mistakes from time to time and need to back peddle but we learn from it and do better next time. My daughter would benefit from your book. Thanks for writing on such an important and delicate subject.

  180. I get to disciple inner city teens in Tacoma WA, and I’d love to see how your book would impact them!

  181. There is a young lady that has come to our church one time, and on that day she spoke confession with her mouth that she was recommiting her life to Jesus. We exchanged info and have ‘chatted’ time to time on FB, but mostly what I see and what I hear are unkind words….words of lost hope, words of failure, words of hurt and frustration….I would bless her with this book, and pray that Jesus would speak His love and His compassion into her young life. I believe that this book is timely and anointed to speak Jesus into the lives of our young people. Praise God! Let Your Word go forth, Heavenly Father, we stand on Your promise that it will not return unto You void.

  182. Since Annie began sharing the story of SPEAK LOVE I’ve been thinking of my 19-year-old niece who puts so much phases on the words from girls and guys around her. I want her to realize that her own words can change others. This book is such a great start and I’d love to gift it to her!

    Jules Q
    McKinney, TX

  183. It’s difficult to choose just ONE girl I would share the book with since my husband and I are student pastors. I see so many girls who yearn to love each other and themselves with words. But oh, that dreaded mean girl shoves those words right back in! But, if I had to choose one, I’d choose 16-year-old Courtney, who just went through a break up with her long time boyfriend, and her tweets are less than self loving these days. After she read it, I’d challenge her to pass it to a friend in need. πŸ™‚ I love what you’re doing for the next generation! And for the challenge for us who are the ones teaching them.

  184. Annie,
    I just wanted to say thank you for (1) writing your book, and (2) for your part in making them available for the (in)courage giveaway. I was one of the fortunate winners, and I plan on giving both books to my teenage granddaughters and buying one for myself so we can all learn together. You have blessed us.


  185. I will share the second copy with one of my female students who I believe has a need in her life that hasn’t been met. I believe until we truly meet the needs of our youth, they will never become the adults that they are meant to become.

  186. I would give this to my daughter, a high school freshman, whom I am so desperately trying to teach to not be a mean girl!

  187. I would give a copy to my 20 yr old & 18 year old daughter. Plus I’d like to give a copy to a young, single girl getting ready to deliver her very first baby boy.

  188. I’d give this 2nd copy to an adult woman , I used to call a friend, that lives her life feeling its her called duty to tell everyone about their problems and how messed up they or their children are. Never looking at the log in her own eye, her words are always hurtful to the recipient. She is one whom could benefit greatly from this book.


  190. I would love to share a copy of this book with my youngest (step)sister Lauren. To me, she is everything that is good and right in this world, and her spunk and inside beauty continue to awe me every day. I grew up with a mom who was so critical of me because of her own insecurities. My little sister is growing up with my mom who still battles those insecurities and now handles them (poorly) with alcoholism. My stepfather holds my sister in the highest regard, as she is his youngest daughter and his pride and joy. He is blind to the stress and toxicity that my sister endures. But again, my sister more than endures… she rises above… completely and gracefully! While I let that criticism become my inner voice for a long time, my sister somehow shields herself from it, and shines through the darkness that surrounds her. Having the opportunity to share this book with her would allow me to tell her how inspirational she is to me, and help me support her in continuing to shine.

  191. I would love to have a copy for my granddaughter. She’ll be twelve in December and now is the time for her to read this book.

  192. I would give the book to my daughter. Six years after chaos blew-up our home (we adopted three boys who all turned out to be mental and emotional wrecks), my sweet baby girl is grown up and barely recognizable as the lovely treasure we raised. We need healing in our family; perhaps this part of the answer.

  193. I would like to give my books to my granddaughters for their baptismal birthdays. But first, I need to read this and let the Holy Spirit work it into my heart.

    Thank you for this important resource. I was easy prey because of my mother’s rejection. I let mean girls affirm my very low opinion of myself as a middle school child and it took years and a lot of painful relationships for God to affirm my worth as His child. I have tried not to respond to others in kind, using God’s Word as my guidebook. I am excited to offer this resource to my granddaughters that targets this behavior.

  194. I have the ebook, but would love a hard copy! I am a small group leader for our youth group and have several girls I could give it to!

  195. I would give the extra copy to one of my nineteen-year-old twin daughters and when I finished my copy, I’d give it to the other one! They are sophomores at different colleges and all three of us need encouragement on watching our words!

  196. Well the first one I would give my sister for her daughter. You know..that copy stay in the family. The second one I would give to my friend who teaches 7th grade in Faith Formation on Sundays.

  197. I would share the second copy with my baby sister and use the other one for the girls I work with in our youth group.

  198. the 17 yr old daughter of the man i love, so she might someday always have the courage to speak love more than her mother. i know it’s in her, but that soft core can go into hiding or turn sharp in self-defense…

  199. I would give it to my granddaughter who is hungry for the word of god, and for godly women in her life,at present she is searching and needs Godly nourishment

  200. Hi everyone,

    I’m a 20 years old young woman and I have an 15 years old sister. She’s a really nice young woman, beautiful, with a warm smile and a great and lovely heart. She fears the Lord with a deep and pure love.
    Now I’m asking myself if I’m “old enough’ to mentor her… And maybe her friends too.
    Since when is a woman old enough to mentor a young woman?
    Be blessed,