Lysa TerKeurst
About the Author

Lysa TerKeurst is a New York Times bestselling author and speaker who helps everyday women live an adventure of faith through following Jesus Christ. As president of Proverbs 31 Ministries, Lysa has lead thousands over the past 15 years to help make their walk with God an invigorating journey. Not...

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(in)side DaySpring:
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  1. I’ve been dealing with this issue for several months and this week I am ready to jump out of the loop! Your post came right on time. Yes, I believe my God never runs out of ideas and He has what’s best for me in store. Thank you Lysa!

  2. Lysa,
    You’re right, honest hurting does not produce pretty thoughts. I’ve had several “sit downs” with God on this issue… when I come to the misguided conclusion that dreams won’t come true for me. Maybe we all can’t be published authors, but that doesn’t mean that God doesn’t have a good and special plan for me. Disappointments drive us back to Him and when we spend time with Him, He sends us back out with renewed confidence, purpose, and real love for our collective mission, which is loving others and reaching them with the good news of the gospel. Thanks so much for the reminder that scarcity is just one of the enemy’s schemes to leave us disheartened.

  3. So in need of this wonderful message this morning. Yesterday was a hard day for many reasons, and the Lord knew I needed to receive this so that I could go out and greet today with a peace. Thank you! Loved this post (and many of your books, as well). xoxo

  4. Yes, Lysa! My heart rejoices to read these words coming from someone who has walked the road. This message is one of the many reasons I feel God taking me on a journey to encourage writers and bloggers. #riseupwriters

    My heart’s cry is that we would see this online place as a collaborative effort & not a competition. We need messages that remind us & encourage us along the way. Each of our stories & places fit into God’s overall tapestry in ways that we don’t understand or yet know.

    May we trust His leading each step of the way. May we love our sisters-in-Christ who journey a similar road with different ups and downs.

    I’m tempted to fall into discouragement when I see a friend receiving accolades or greater writing success. It reminds me often to lay it all down before my maker. I must lay it down. Carrying it myself is not what He intends.

    I believe we can be a beautiful community of sisters-in-Christ that reflect His glory in each story. There is so much of Him to behold, we need each others stories to show us more of Him.

  5. Lysa,
    This is a very inspiring post, thank-you so much for the encouragement. how true it is.

  6. I believe that God directed me to this post to help me remember that he created me with such care and precision and that in His time, the perfect time, He will provide for me an opportunity to glorify Him with the talents and gifts that he has so uniquely chosen just for me. I will be still and know that He is God!

  7. Does the fact that I relate so deeply and personally with this story reveal too much of who I am? Maybe…but probably not. It’s amazing how we all can have the ability to feel threatened – in Christian love, of course 🙂 – by each other. By our own sisters in Christ. As much as we ourselves may like it, God doesn’t need publication to use our very words to encourage one another or advance His kingdom. Words don’t ring more true simply because they are between two covers that now sit on bookstore shelves. That’s just one way in the process of sharing who He is and what we’ve been through with Him. Some souls will want your spoken story told in their living room to encourage them. Others will read your heartfelt email and fall to their knees before their Savior because they’ve found a kindred spirit. God is limitless and creative – and the most important thing is that we are sharing Him in any way and every way we can – right where we already are.

  8. Dear Lysa, I am so thankful for your post today. As a writer I hit a wall over the last few days. I too felt my opportunities were scare. I was feeling that my chances were slim to none with the hundreds of other websites and blogs similar to mine (they had all the affiliations, sponsors and readers). Your words helped me see through the lies and have given me a second wind. Thank you!

  9. Thank you Lisa! Your words are so encouraging and bring such peace to my heart! I needed this so greatly!

  10. Thank you Lisa for this reminder. I am not a writer but a worshipper, singer, song-writer. Sometimes I wonder if that is all. I know I have a calling on my life when it comes to music but nothing is happening yet. Sometimes I look at people around me ministering and I want to envy them but I know it is wrong. Another issue I am dealing with looking at almost All my friends getting married and having kids. I am over here looking at my watch like Lord, what’s happening? Are you forgetting about me?? 🙂 I know He has not forgotten about me bit sometimes I need to be reminded. All I know is that my God doesn’t make mistakes. I just need to remain still and quiet before him while he continues to work on me and prepare me for those callings……..
    Again thank you and God bless you!

  11. Thank you Lysa, this is perfect for me today. After dealing with infertility for years we adopted a brand new baby girl 19 months ago. I thought that would be the end of my struggles with infertility but it doesn’t go away. I’m surrounded with pregnant women right now and it’s very hard, so thank you for this reminder.

    • Hi Amy,
      Just wanted to encourage because I have walked that rode. Our adopted daughter is now almost 21 but I am still blessed by that struggle with infertility and all the emotions that go with it. Yes, I said blessed – not then but now I see how God honed my attitudes and made a more effective encourager. Thanks for the honesty of your post. You reminded me of God’s gracious dealings in my own life and I pray His blessings on you and your sweet family!

  12. Thank you Lysa – I am not a writer but just a woman….a woman who had a near-obsession with the woman who my ex-husband loved. She had everything I did not have…. including the bubbly personality, 1000+ facebook friends, didn’t have to work, opportunity to stay home with her children and home-school, blonde petite figure, and 8 years younger….you name it….at least from MY 🙂 perspective. On top of it all, she was a Christian, and really seemed to be a nice person. It has taken all I have to overcome this, and you know what? All I can is not good enough. I needed and need God everyday to overcome the insecurities and avoid the envy and jealousy. I really have tried to put a finger on what I actually feel, and I think it is admiration for her gifts. Now I pray to God to thank Him for her gifts and to thank Him for my unique gifts as well. Yes we all have our own special brand of beautiful….Thank you so much for your post!

  13. I’ve been wrestling with this for a week now!! I’m trying really hard to let it go. I know the truth and must cling to it! I needed this reminder today!

  14. Lysa! You are preaching!!!! I truly am excited for the open doors that God brings for my friends. I don’t necessarily think that it means that there are less opportunities for me. I think that I just want to know that God has not forgotten me and that He will bring open doors for me in His timing and for His glory. I think, for me, their opportunities and my lack of opportunities make me feel inadequate and stuck.

  15. Lysa you are on fire. I keep quoting you!! haha. Thank you for such a timely message.

  16. I’ve been reading a lot of wonderful posts this week about this very topic, and it’s so needed for my soul. I most often feel doubt and insecurity about goals I have because I see others doing similar work and succeeding, so of course that means I’ll fail, right? Time to drop that negative thinking. Thank you for this!

  17. Thank you so much for this! I was drowning in the fact that being a stay at home mom was less than everyone else’s expectations for me. Even though its what I want. I gave up a job as a marketing director of a large company. But I still would take freelance jobs that I didn’t even enjoy because I needed to get my creativity out, and felt it validated me if I was “successful”. Recently I discovered bible journaling and this awesome book called praying in color. I’m learning to use my creativity to connect with God on a deeper level than ever before. I’m enjoying the time to be still and creative while I meditate on God’s word. Hopefully He will lead me to use my creativity in a way to share His love with the world, even if I don’t know what that is yet.

  18. Lysa, what a timeless reminder. It’s hard to see others gaining what we want. Thanks for reminder that rather than comparing our perceived lack to another’s success, we need to just get still before God, sweep all into a pile and see the gems from the junk. I forget to do that sometimes. So appreciated your words!

  19. This met me at a deep point of need. The constant internal struggle of watching talented, beautiful sisters get to dance all around me while I’m still sitting against the wall waiting to be asked to dance…Yet, I know that is only the lie of the evil one. I’m dancing the beautiful dance Jesus has called me to–in His time. I will be patient. I will cheer on my sisters. I will be still. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  20. Yep-I’m with the others in raising my hand-needed this as well. I truly want to be happy for others, and am. But sometimes I find myself thinking, “What about me?” The scarcity mindset is real, not just when it comes to our dreams but in so many different areas of life. Thank you for the reminder that in God’s kingdom there is always room at the table for one more.

  21. Thank you for posting this. I needed to “hear” it as I’ve been dealing with similar issues – largely based on insecurity – in the last little while. The truth is, there are more than enough ministry opportunities to go around. I *know* this, but sometimes I don’t realize it. Thank you again.

  22. Lysa; This is a totally different topic than today’s post, but I wanted to follow up with you regarding a Facebook post from April 23, 2012, one in which you updated people on your ears and the permanent nerve damage you have. I’ve been wondering how you’re coping with it? I have been praying for you. I’ve had a very slight hearing loss in one ear all my life; it recently progressed to the point that I now need a hearing aid in one ear, and will likely need one in the other ear at some point. I know how frustrating it is to not be able to hear clearly all the time, so I can sympathize with you.

    Does hearing loss ever get in the way of your ministry? I ask because I’m a leader in a women’s ministry, and, even with my mild hearing loss, I have been asked by others in my church how I will continue to be involved in ministry if my hearing loss progresses. Do you have any thoughts on this? You’re obviously still in ministry, so you’re not letting your hearing issues get in the way…

  23. Lysa, I was in the same position barely a year ago. I constantly compared what I was writing to what my other “friends” we re writing. Did I had the same acclaim or the same amount of “fans” as they did? Nope. No where close. As a result the time I spent writing and pushing myself was, at best, empty, and I wasn’t on the path God wanted. An amazing event occurred in December when I stopped comparing myself to these other writers. My interests in this group fell far by the wayside and God freed me from this bondage. Believe it or not, I’d just taken a class on The Best Yes at this time. Eventually I might publish a book, but for now my focus is on becoming a Godly woman, wife, and mom. Thank you more than words could say, Lysa.

  24. Sometimes I do feel saddened by someone else’s good news, not that I don’t want them to have it, but I want it too and I have been praying a long, long time.

    I’m working on it.

  25. Thank you for sharing this word on Waiting. My family and I have been in a Season of waiting for a while now, and believe me, it isn’t the easiest of times to walk through, when your family, friends and maybe neighbors lives just seem to be sailing right along with such an ease but everything in your world has come to a crashing halt and has seemed like you can’t get a break in any way. We still may not see how all of this will play out for us but, we are learning great wisdom in the waiting. Learning how faithful our God is down to every detail. We are holding tight to His promises, seeking Him out daily with eager hearts. I truly believe me and my family will grow strong in thr Lord and have some awesome stories of Gods Glory as we come out of this season. We do have a greater understanding how Awesome God really is and how His faithfulness never ends. I could relate so well to this article! Thanks again for sharing!
    The Andersons
    Fort Worth, Tx

  26. I used to think “The marketplace is saturated I need to steer clear”. Then God spoke to me and said, “I’ve attuned to remnant to receive My word from you. Just today I was encouraging a friend that her voice is valuable. Thanks for the confirmation.

  27. I am an artist, a painter, of oils, watercolors, and inks…mostly portraits, but also lanscapes , florals, whatever catches the light. 11 years ago I wasn’t able to paint for three years, due to trauma I had come through, in an abusive marriage. I had to finally face the reality that my artwork had been tainted, defined by the lies I had received as a child and especially as a wife trying to fix someone who didn’t want to get help. I lost the joy of the creative process, because for years I had performed , trying to make everyone happy, driven by fear of failure, and not passionate expression. I am much better now, and have been painting for some 6 years now, but it is a tightrope act, as it is how I pay my bills. I know God made me this way for the praise of his glory, and I fall at His feet every month, praying for the faith to trust for my provisions, meager as they may seem to others. I got no settlement in my divorce as I just wanted out alive, and so I find myself constantly trying to guard my heart , so that I can have the courage to keep keep keep trusting for more open doors…as God is my husband now, my provider, my faithful and true Lover of my soul. I need massive amounts of to,d alone with him everyday to have the courage to believe that He really is who he says he is…and to get the vision that I need to just be in a his Grace …and then the artistic flow just seems to run like a river.

    • Fifi….I enjoyed your words and I’m so glad that your needs and strength are being found in Christ. Keep your head up and hope high because God never disappoints. I will pray for you! Thanks for sharing with such transparency!

  28. Amen, Lysa. Our Father owns the Cattle on 1000 Hills! Surely, He has more than enough for EACH OF US.

  29. We all need to be unified as sisters in Christ, whether we mentor or get mentored the unification is key right now as God is raising us up for huge kingdom business. We are strong and powerful and when we let the thoughts of the enemy trickle in we aren’t effective. Be unified and bless God with your service to other women. Thank you Lysa for all your service!

  30. This was beautiful and for me spoke into my desire for marriage as everyone else seems to be and that can be a raw and painful place! Thanks Lisa!!

  31. Thanks so much for sharing. I really appreciate this word of encouragement. Blessings! 🙂

  32. Who cannot relate to the scarcity mentality? It is the lies that tell us we are not enough, God is not enough. Thank you for this post. I will save this one to read again and again and again.

  33. AMEN! There is a super abundance of need in this world–heck even in my little corner of this world. If I can do nothing else I can surely pray for those hurting! We are all called to love each other no matter what! Sure seeing others get what we want or think we want is hard and I tend to have pity parties. Then I pray about it and realize that God has other plans for me.
    We all need a renewed confidence that God is In control and He knows the plans He has for each of us. We just need to ask and then be still to hear His voice!

  34. I can really identify with this, the first part of it. As for the wonderful out come you had. I can`t ,I don`t have special talents. i`m just a women. The best I can do is to share who I am, and love others. I know I`m suffering from scarcity thinking. I just cant find the answer.