Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Love this, Lisa-Jo. Beautiful and powerful truths to carry with us wherever God takes us in 2016.
    “Thanks be to God for the God who has walked in our shoes, laughed with our delights, celebrated our joys, and wept our losses.” What Love.

  2. Lisa-Jo,
    These are all wonderful truths to dwell on and let sink deep into the fabric of our souls. #7 jumped out at me this morning…how much I’m loved is NOT contingent upon what I do this year, it is based on who Christ is. period. When I get into my “gotta do” mode, I pray that this truth will rise to the top and remind me just why I am always loved. Thank you for wise and wonderful words to start the new year. Happy New Year to you and the (in)courage encouragers!

    • Happy New Year to you too, Bev! I also struggle with that “gotta do” mode – and I have to constantly remind myself it’s about “gotta just accept that you’re loved” instead.

  3. Lisa-Jo, I love these so much, because instead of my focus being on ME and what I “will do” or won’t, my focus is now on the Lord, and who He is, what He has done, what He will do, what He makes me… For this, I thank you sincerely. Amazing way to start the new year!

  4. Lisa-Jo,
    Thank you so much for this. My heart needed to absorb every drop of truth you have shared here.
    I woke up feeling defeated! I did! I have spent the last two months of the year preparing myself to be able to accomplish all of my resolutions for 2016… But in my “humanness” I failed my own resolve within the first hour of the new year, with that last glass of wine.
    I’m going to keep your post close in the next year, to remind myself to keep doing the best with how I’ve been blessed!
    Reading that I can’t let God down is a huge weight off of my shoulders… That He will love me the same this year as He did last year and always has.
    You’re a remarkable writer.
    Happy New Year!

    • SUCH a relief that we can’t let Him down and that He already loved us while we were sinners – so that we can go into this year knowing it’s already completed – all the hardest things – He’s already done them.

  5. Oh how I do want to want to walk into this new year unafraid, and we can because God is who He says He is and all of these resolutions remind us of this important truth!

    Thank you for this perfect ten,

    Happy New Year!

  6. Thank you for such an encouraging post Lisa-Jo. What an uplifting way to start a new day, a new year. What a perfect reminder that God’s mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness. As I read these, I had the thought, that yes, we make our resolutions and fail. But God makes resolutions too. And He keeps them. And we are so fortunate that He does!
    Blessings to you. I so enjoy reading whatever you have to say. And what I especially loved was hearing you speak and meeting you at the Jumping Tandem Retreat in 2013. You have a big heart and a bigger laugh. You were a wonderful, authentic speaker, and I loved meeting you personally. I don’t think you have one prima-donna bone in your body.
    Happy 2016!

  7. What a refreshing way for us to begin this brand New Year, to walk into it unafraid.Thank-you Lisa Jo for sharing your wonderful words with us all on the first 2016 morning.
    Happy New Year everyone!


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  8. Lisa-Jo, I can’t think of 10 better resolutions to cling to than what you’ve shared. It’s not about me, it’s about God in me, working in and through me. It’s about where my focus is, where my thoughts and heart dwell . . . His truths and words are what will hold my hand through this new year.

    I need the reminder that God is already waiting for us in each day of this new year. Thanks for the perspective.

    LOVED this post!

  9. Lisa-Jo,
    How beautiful to focus on God’s faithfulness and His promises for we His children! And He who began the good work in us IS FAITHFUL to complete it. I am so grateful to focus on Who He is and His intentions (and they come to pass) instead of my weaknesses. The Holy Spirit will whisper what He intends for each day, firstly spending time with Him and wanting to remain with Him throughout the day. My word for 2016 is remain/abide. This fits wonderfully with knowing the character of God and trusting in Him. Just beautiful! When the Lord spoke to me 8 years ago, and reconfirmed His workings for my prayers for my family, He gave me Isaiah 43:19. This post starts off with this word! This is a confirmation of His plans, love, and sovereignty of His plans for my family, for me.
    Blessings, Joanne

    • So grateful for that reminder – and the relief of knowing HE will complete the hard works this year in us and for us and through us. Happy New Year, Joanne.

  10. Just brilliant. I sat down to try and work out some sort of positive affirmation to stick in the front of my planner and spotted this post: job done!

  11. This is what I needed to read this morning! I’m overwhelmed, like many, on a regular basis. This puts the focus on all He has for us. Thank you for these words. May God bless you in extraordinary ways this new year!

  12. Thank you I really needed to hear this, I can have moments when I feel afraid but I need to know a trust that God is with me, amen thanks.

  13. Thank you, Lisa-Jo. New Year’s can be a really fragile time. For as much as we love that “clean slate”, there is a tug within all of our minds and hearts that we KNOW we will fail. We know we will lose perspective, lose discipline, lose motivation. You are rock solidly pointing us to Scripture rather than man’s wisdom, and for that I thank you. May we pray Scripture – His truth – back to the Father all through 2016!

  14. Thank you for these words. I am away from everyone I know, doing a 3 day juice cleanse/detox. Reading this made me realize, I’m not alone at all, God is right here with me, battling my demons with me. Nice.

  15. Lisa-Jo,
    Thank you for these great Resolutions to ruminate on!! This year will bring many changes and challenges, but through it all I know God is there with me walking right beside me holding me tight!!! Zephaniah 3:17 and Jeremiah 29:11 are two of my favorite verses!!!
    Have a blessed weekend and a great 2016! Can’t wait to see what God has in store for us!!
    Blessings 🙂