Gretchen Ronnevik
About the Author

Gretchen Ronnevik is the mother of 5 children, living in the frozen tundra with her farming husband.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. To tell the difference between the truth and a lie – what a prayer to pierce the darkness in our loved ones’ and our own hearts. That speaks with power. And it’s good to be exposed and forgiven. I needed your blog today. Thank you so much.

  2. Thank you for these words. Such truth here: “Walking in the light is walking exposed. It’s walking in the truth of my failings, and equally, the truth of the cross.” ..and that it’s a returning battle too. My natural inclination is to hide as well, but He keeps calling me out into the Light.

    I’m also just starting to discover how powerful His Light shines when I choose to worship Him as myself: a broken, scared, doubting, angry child, who turns to Him to make me whole and like He did with Thomas, He then stoops down to reveal His True Self to me (from Luke 4, The Message):
    “You worship guessing in the dark; we Jews worship in the clear light of day. God’s way of salvation is made available through the Jews. But the time is coming—it has, in fact, come—when what you’re called will not matter and where you go to worship will not matter.

    “It’s who you are and the way you live that count before God. Your worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth. That’s the kind of people the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in their worship. God is sheer being itself—Spirit. Those who worship him must do it out of their very being, their spirits, their true selves, in adoration.”

  3. Thank you, Gretchen, to you and the Lord for this beautiful message today. I need to be exposed to forgive for things that remain in darkness cannot be healed in His light. His light “shines in the darkness and is not overcome” reminds me of this. May each of us be in His light today 🙂

    • Oh, it’s so scary for me to bring my sin to the light, though! I think when I get stuck in fear, I repeat to myself “God has not given us a spirit of fear.” Just knowing that feeling doesn’t come from Him, and naming that helps. Thanks so much for stopping to comment! What an encouragement.

  4. I have been seeking God for ways that I can pray for my girls, both very young still, and I absolutely love this, “pray that they can tell the difference between the truth and a lie.” I can’t begin to tell you how overcome I find myself when I think about preparing my daughters for this world, and this… this was spot on. The other half of the prayer would be to help ME know the difference too.

  5. What beautiful post! I was touched deeply by a song, the lyrics were…why do you cover what I already see? We know we are forgiven. The enemy wants our focus on our problems or our past, but our focus should be on Jesus. If only Adam and Eve has walked out and asked forgiveness, but someone else would went wrong. The devil would keep us in the dark about God’s pure love. But He can’t. Jesus outshines us all!

  6. Gretchen,
    Great post! It is super important to pray for and with our children. We need to encourage our children to fix their eyes on Jesus and know that they are forgiven!! We, adults, also need to fix our eyes on Jesus–exposed and forgiven. Constantly praying for forgiveness for where we fail Him!
    Blessings 🙂

  7. One of the enemy’s greatest weapons against believers is the fear of exposure. But “perfect love casts out fear.” 1 John 4:18 I pray we all will be filled with God’s love and emboldened to live as open and notorious as our blessed Savior! Thank you for your encouraging words!