Mallory Redmond
About the Author

Mallory is a wife, writer, and pastor. She loves telling stories because of the power they have to impact and connect people. Dry humor, clean inboxes, and sunny days are a few of her favorite things. She lives in Ohio with her husband and their sweet pup, Roger.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Mallory,
    I used to live with the myth that if I could just get through this hard time, then everything would be just fine. Life, being life, dispelled that false hope long ago. But, like you pointed out…the light still shines in the darkness. When a glimpse of sunlight comes, we need to bundle up, jump in the convertible and ENJOY it. Looking for the hope – the sunshine – in everyday life takes practice. May we all keep practicing looking for it. Thanks for sharing here this am 🙂

    • Bev, thank you for reminding that the light shines in the darkness. So needed that today 🙂 May you have a blessed weekend 🙂

    • Hi Bev,
      Thank you so much for your words. Yes–life, being life, keeps us on our toes. It is an honorable practice to look for and embrace hope in our days. I’m so glad you’re with me here.

  2. I love this image of rejoicing! Striving with you to live each day in that “convertible-with-the-top-down” mind set — under the clear blue sky of God’s gracious gifts!

  3. Mallory, I thank you and the Lord for this perspective adjusting post 🙂 It is easy some days for me to focus too much on the negative and then miss all that the Lord is doing, the way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. I love what you said “If we allow the fear of what could be or the dread of hard days ahead cripple us, so that we cannot relish joy, peace, or sunshine in the “right now” — well, then we’re really missing out.” The Lord always breaks through to bring us messages of hope and joy if we have eyes to see. May each of us have eyes to see His workings and rejoice in them, for ever does He love us 🙂 Please pray that I may have those eyes to see today-I need it 😛 Praying that your days are blessed.

    • An, I’m so glad to have your reflections here; thank you for sharing. May your senses be heightened to notice and relish the bright spots in each day. Lord, hear our prayer.
      Deep blessings to you, sister.

  4. This so speaks to me today, Mallory. I can’t live that way, back in the darkness, wondering what if—paralyzed. Pushing through to the light together—-thank you for leading the way with your words. Love this line especially:
    “If we allow the fear of what could be or the dread of hard days ahead cripple us, so that we cannot relish joy, peace, or sunshine in the “right now” — well, then we’re really missing out.”

    • Christina, I’ll be remaining mindful of you as I continue my own work of turning away from the “what if” mentality and push through to the light. We need to know we’re not alone in the struggle to see and embrace the light, even when life feels heavy and dark. Blessings as you relish moments of joy.
      With you,

  5. Beautiful piece hung on that image of that really cold convertible rides under a clear blue sky. 🙂

  6. When I celebrate God’s goodness in the darkness, I am overcome by how strong He feels. My prayer is that I remember that safe feeling when the light starts to peek through, and I regain some of my own strength. Blessings on us all in the dark and light…xoxox

  7. Mallory,
    During dark times I write down anything and everything I’m thankful for. It ranges from mundane to big stuff like Jesus and a home in Heaven. It helps me to see brighter side of life. In a sense it allows sunshine into my otherwise dark and dreary time. This brings joy and peace to my soul. I don’t worry about what might be because God says “Don’t worry about tomorrow for today has enough worries of it’s own”.
    Blessings 🙂

  8. Thanks for sharing this! I like that you emphasized that you can keep yourself in the darkness long after it’s gone – I know I’m definitely like that, ruminating on a situation long after it’s over. All that does is keep up in the darkness perpetually! Time to embrace the light!

  9. Ever since I was diagnosed with MS and then my back collapsed entirely, I’ve learned that you find fun in moments. It’s different. You can’t just decide to spend the day skiing or doing a big sport thing that’s fun. You have to find fun in the God given things that you sometimes need to look for. Most of the time when you find them they are more beautiful than the fun for fun’s sake things I used to do. I cherish the times I spend walking with my two year old grandson when we visit them, or even talking & laughing with him on FaceTime on Saturday mornings when he decides to call me. What joy. God brings me joy every day. Oh, I love my savior so much for seeing me & seeing just what I need, even in darkness, to bring me His light.

    • Nancy, I’m so grateful to hear your perspective. What a rich life you are living–seeing the greatness in the seemingly small things. Peace to you in the midst of this diagnosis. May the sacred moments with your Grandson be protected as you continue to cherish memories made with him. Bless you, Nancy.

  10. Mallory, thank you for sharing. I can sooooo identify! I recently quit my job part-time (going from a nice, full-time corporate job down to part-time) so I can write and dedicate those hours to ministry. That has been a scary transition. Papa God has taken care of us abundantly, but I’ve found myself having to spend extra time with Him to ward off fear. I believe He will continue to take care of us, and I have zero reason to doubt Him. But, not being able to depend on my own ability to work and earn as a corporate professional – and having to depend on Him instead while I work at writing – has been a very different kind of challenge, for sure. A good one … but definitely challenging!

    • Oh, I hear you, Jamie. It’s so scary–and, yet, what awesome provisions you will be able to witness as you are tended to in this transition. Much peace to you, sister. Thank you for being here.

  11. Your words beautifully describe the season I’m living in right now. Most of my single life and married life involved exerting much energy into trying to pay off debt-most of it from student loans, medical debt and my husbands sudden drop in income several years ago. We finally reached a point where we can breathe and even try to get ahead. However, the memories of the past are not far behind and I am so afraid of going back there that it’s hard to bask in the sunshine-I fear a storm is right around the corner. Thank you for reminding me that my God is a God of all seasons-He “neither sleeps nor slumbers.”(Psalm 121). I don’t want to miss the gift of a sunny day.

  12. Mallory,
    Thank you for sharing your heart with us! If you do not mind, I will print this post out and mail it to my daughter who is 36 and recovering from her fourth back surgery who has three beautiful boys all under nine years of age. Her dear husband is an over the road truck driver and therefore not around the home much. She lives in another state from us and as my husband is undergoing chemotherapy for stage four lung cancer, I am not able to be with her nor keep the children. She called yesterday upset because “she felt like a bad mom” because she had to ask friends to help care for her children and to help with her house work.

    She has always been a glass-half-full type of person and she gets so terribly depressed. She has been unalbe to work for almost two years now and for part of that time, her husband was unable to work either due to health issues. At least we were able to help keep the bills paid for them.

    • Valerie, my heart hurts at all your family is going through right now. I’d be honored if you shared this story with your daughter. She sounds like a particularly amazing mom; she is ensuring her kids are well-cared for, especially during this time when she is healing. It takes a village to raise children, and it’s so honorable that she is taking advantage of her “village.”

      It sounds like you, too, are a kind and generous mom and grandma. Peace to you all as you navigate these difficult days. Thank you for being here.