Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Lisa-Jo and (in)courage crew,
    Wow…you’ve had a make over and you look fabulous 🙂 I’ve been a faithful follower for at least 5+ years. I immediately loved the honesty and sincerity about this cozy place (if you can call cyber spaces cozy?). I love the friendships I’ve developed with women here – who lift me up when I’m feeling down and rejoice with me when joy fills my heart. I’ll be signing up for Connect – not because of a facelift, but because of the honest and real women I have found here. Here’s to another 7 years!!

    • Bev! Your friendship to this community and constant kind words here in the comments is an encouragement to us all! We’re so grateful for your voice and love that you think of this space as “cozy” because that’s always been how we think of it too. Much love to you, friend!

  2. How fun and lovely this is, Lisa-Jo. (In)Courage is where I met so many wonderful friends 6 years ago(!!!) and I feel like many of us have grown up together here. One of my favorite online neighborhoods just got some new landscaping and a fresh coat of paint–I love it.

    Thanks for always holding this door open, friend.


    • Hey there Kris! Yes, so many of us have met and connected and grown up together here. We’re so grateful for you and your leadership and how you speak into the lives of so many women. Thankful for your voice and your ministry.

      • Actually, I was thinking the same thing about the font size. I know you’ve probably researched and found it to be right for your website. I noticed that the font size in the comments section is slightly larger than in the blog and more readable for me. Suggestion to your followers: on some computers, one can enlarge the font size to one’s liking. Lisa-Jo, perhaps someone on staff could tell us how. Above all, I do appreciate this site.

  3. I’ve stumbled into blogging and reading on-line beauty in the past two years, and what an encouragement it has been to “meet” so many women — so different, and yet so much the same in heart. This site has been the embodiment of C.S. Lewis’s wonderful words about friendship: “What, you, too? I thought I was the only one!”

  4. I’ve been following (in)courage for 6 years or so. I stumbled upon the site while looking for an online bible study. I’ve been greatly blessed by the site and all who contribute. I feel as if I’ve been in a perpetual state of transition for some time now, but this has been steady, consistent, faithful, and uplifting each and every time I visit. Thank you for the new way to connect with others. The blessings just continue to unfold …

    • Hi there Kerry. Six years! You’ve been with us from practically the beginning then. We’re so glad that (in)courage could be a consistent in a world of change. One of the prayer requests left in our new community forum was about prayer through a new season of change. It seems like one we can all relate to. Grateful to be on this journey with you.

  5. This is great! (Tech challenge question… I keep getting a “forbidden” error when I try to upload a photo but i don’t know what rule i am breaking)

  6. Looks lovely!! I know that a redesign is no small job! Congratulations!!

    Although I have drifted in and out from the start (and Holley’s site before that!), my heart was most blessed when several of us “empty nesters” met online in a community group to encourage each other through a difficult season of prodigal kids. That group launched friendships that are still going strong!

    There are so many other relationships that have come from incourage, but these friendships are the best! Thank you for getting us started!

    • Thanks Marina – the design team did such a great job, didn’t they? And we’ve loved having your encouraging voice in so many different forums where (in)courage has served over the years!

  7. Everything looks great. I’ve been off and on for a few years, but I’m really trying to be more intentional about getting out of my shell online. 🙂 I made an account, but was unable to upload a photo after several tries. Any suggestions?

    • Hey there Kelly, love that this is a place that you like to hang out! And thanks for the heads up about the photo issue – we’ll look into that.

    • Hi Kelly! It seems to be an error that our community will receive if you try to set up an account on a smartphone instead of a computer. Would you please give it a try on a computer (not a mobile device) instead, and see if that resolves the issue for you? Otherwise, go ahead and send your picture to and we’ll upload it for you Thanks!

  8. Thank-you all for the effort you’ve made in creating such a welcoming place. It’s been more than a few years that I stumbled (was led) here and I’m so grateful that I did. It’s beyond words how inspiring and uplifting this community has been.I hope it continues for a long time to come.

    With a heartfelt thank-you and blessings to all,

  9. I love the new look! Every sharing has helped me and ministered to my heart in many more ways than all of you will ever know, so I’m really very thankful for those who serve in this platform. 🙂 Please continue! I look foward to every email!

  10. Love the new forum! Made my heart smile this morning. 🙂

    I’ve been waking up with (in)courage since 2010 or so. Helps me get my morning started with a little sunshine in my inbox.

    • “Waking up with (in)courage” — now that just made MY heart smile! Delighted we get to be part of your day, Lyli. And we’re loving the new prayer forum too!

  11. I’ve been following incourage for around 1-2 years and have loved it. After returning to the US after living abroad for 4 years, this has felt like a home of sisters of all ages and backgrounds that has helped mend my reverse culture shocked heart. It’s also how I’ve found some of my favorite blogs, and been able to express prayer requests I might not be comfortable to open up about in a bible study or face to face women’s group, but seeing the response comment of a person praying for me, no words can describe how grateful it has had me. you guys have helped me keep my pride in check in high faith times and encouraged me in low faith times. And I’m happy to participate in the new set up. Thank you (and the guys!) for working so hard to set up this safe space where we all have a voice to be heard and to encourage others, without walls.

    • Hey Julie! We love hearing this and are so honored we’ve been able to walk through so many experiences with you. Thanks for the kind words about the new site, we’ll be sure and pass them on! Blessings on your day today!

  12. I’ve been enjoying the authentic encouragement offered here for the last six years. I found my way here from Lisa Leonard’s blog after a friend gifted me one of her gorgeous necklaces. I was new to the idea of online community but when I came to (in)courage I remember thinking, Wow, there are other women out there who are like me–they think deeply and feel deeply and long for Jesus to be an intimate part of their daily lives, not just a Christian accessory to the good-girl package. I haven’t stopped coming back. 🙂 Since then I’ve made friends through an (in)courage community group for writers, (in)RL event, and have been blessed contribute to the sisterhood conversation as a guest writer. Congrats, (in)courage on this lovely new website! Can’t wait to see many of you at the MeetUp next month in Ontario, CA! xoxo

    • Wow Becky – amazing that we’ve all been doing life together for so long. What a gift!! We’re so blessed to have your voice in this community. Thank you for all the many ways you’ve served the women who gather here at (in)courage!

  13. Lisa-Jo,

    Love the new look. It was a bit difficult to sign in, but after making a new account it all worked out. Great changes! Prayers for everyone and thanks for all you do.

      • Lisa-Jo with the new users – does this mean we don’t need our disquis profile anymore to use the site? Also I had trouble loading a pic to my profile it just said Error Forbidden. Thanks in advance

        • Hi Jas,
          Yes – the new system will no longer use Disqus. As for the new account, it seems to be an error you receive if you try to set up an account on a smartphone instead of a computer. Would you please give it a try on a computer (not a mobile device) instead, and see if that resolves the issue? Otherwise, go ahead and send your picture and name to and we’ll upload it for ya Thank you for being a part of the (in)courage community!

  14. Love the new site. Love all the encouraging word. There is something for all of us. I can not upload a picture.

  15. (in)courage will always be one of my favorite places! Watching this sweet community grow and thrive has been such a fun thing over the years. I’ve wept with friends here, laughed about life here, and learned much wisdom here. These pages are like a favorite friend’s home — the decor and furnishings may change with time but the sense of belonging is unchangeable. xoxo, Teri Lynne

    • Oh and over the years you’ve been one of those friends who makes us always feel at home – no matter where we are. So grateful for you Teri Lynne!

  16. Lisa-Jo, Its BEAUTIFUL! Such a bright, cozy, friendly space to get to know other gals walking out this life together. Thankful for the way the (in)courage team shares words, but more importantly extends friendship. It really is a place of hope!

  17. I have been a part of the (in)courage community for about a year now? I have asked for prayer, from the deep places in my heart, and have been met with nothing but understanding and empathy,

  18. Looks beautiful and spacious and easy to navigate. Any change is a challenge (hard work) and commitment and this one is totally fun and worth it all. Blessings on your continuing to persevere and encourage for the sake of Jesus. (:

  19. Love the new blog design! I have been an (in)courage reader for a few years now (don’t remember exactly how long.) As someone else said, I wake up every day looking forward to the newest blog post. I share so many on social media because they speak to me on a deep level. Thank you for all you do to keep this site going and providing us with friendship and encouragement in our daily Christian walk. I pray God’s blessings for all who make up the (in)courage team.

    • Thanks for walking with us for so long, Christy. We never take for granted the amazing gift of being able to do life with so many remarkable women all in such different stages of life. Thanks for the encouragement and the friendship!

  20. My mother put me on to incourage and since I read the first post I have been hooked since then! It really is a place for me to come and here Gods word through the posts and connect with other women on everyday issues with the spin of Jesus intertwined in the posts, messages and comments. I have found support here when I have needed it from people all around the world and even though we have never met, take the time to pray and may reply to a comment I made, it touches my heart the love that is present in this community. I catch up and read the posts every night (that’s when the new ones are posted with the time difference) and that is my time with God every night. Although I was saved when I was 12 I haven’t really lived a consistent God fearing life and incourage has allowed me to reconnect with God, become saved again and prompted me to make my life “good soil and not a bed of rocks” so my relationship with God can grow and become stronger. It is early days but I feel more connected with God then I have in years.

    So thank you incourage and the incourage community for being here, love the new look!

    • What a wonderful testimony, Jas. We feel so honored to have been part of your reconnection with Jesus. Thank you for sharing that beautiful testimony with us.

  21. I’ve been with you from the very beginning! You’ve all encouraged my heart so many times. This place feels like an online oasis amidst all the fury and negativity out there these days. I truly wish you every good blessing as you move ahead into the next seven years . . . and beyond! May God continue to use (in)Courage for His glory.

    • Shelly- you’re such a dear friend to so many in this community. Thank you for your consistent encouragement. We’re so grateful for your voice in this space!

  22. I want to tell the “guys that designed and programmed the magic” – Thank You! You did an outstanding job. You have a gift and ability to use the training that you are perfecting in a job to help us ladies of this world encourage each other. We each have our own story of why we found this website and I will tell you a little of mine. On January 30, 2015, I lost the love of my life suddenly and his name was Jeff. We were married almost 33 years. His occupation – a web designer – just like you! We owned our own company, had multiple servers that hosted hundreds of our customers plus in the last two years of our business, our son at the age of 24 joined us. Due to the sudden and unexpected death of my husband, the brains and heart of our company, we closed the business six months after he went to heaven. As you can guess, mine and my son’s life changed drastically. . . but God provided us a way out and an awesome new job for my son.
    Dear ladies, a couple weeks after his death, I started receiving the emails from this site and one of the first ones was “how can we pray for you?” I didn’t know it was a monthly thing at that time but it was the message I needed to help me on the road to healing my heart. After reading the email, I sent a text to my church group that was on a marriage retreat about how God provides just the perfect words in our lives just when we need them. Thank You for giving each of us the encouragement we need each day to walk closer to God.

    • Well this comment just made our day! You should know that it already got shared with our “guys that designed and programmed the magic” 🙂 Thank you so much for taking the time to encourage them! We’re so moved by the unique ways God finds us and meets us in our individual needs. Thank you for sharing a glimpse into your story – we’re so grateful that (in)courage could be one of the ways God has used to show His love to your family!

  23. Is there a way to get the full post in email as before, or will I always have to use data to read in full?

  24. Since I don’t read this column on my phone or a small screen tablet, it is annoying and way too time-consuming to read it on the full screen of my desk top monitor. It’s like trying to have a conversation with someone who is standing across the street. Sorry to be a naysayer in the face of so much praise. I have enjoyed the columns and the comments. I also found it helpful there were links to other related columns and that I learned a little about the person writing the column. These features also seem to have been omitted.

    • Hi Nancy,
      Thanks for the feedback! We do hope you’ll continue to read and be an important part of the (in)courage community. I wanted to let you know that the specific features you mentioned – the related posts and author bios – are definitely still a part of each post. We’re still working out the kinks and finding our groove, so if they were missing on Wednesday know that they’re coming! 🙂 The author bios should be included at the bottom of each post, and soon there will be related posts and products we think work well with each post included as well.

      I do hope that’s helpful to know! Thanks for hanging in there with us.

  25. Y’all,

    This place will always feel like a warm sunny beach house – a place where friends come to rest, renew their spirit, and talk into way late into the night!

    And now the beach house just got some new windows put in with some new chairs and couches and I LOVE it!! 😉

    Thanks for all your beautiful work on the design guys!

    And love you ladies!


  26. Love the fresh, new look! I found this lovely community a couple of years ago when my friend invited me to a book study from Jennifer Dukes Lee’s the Love Idol. The lady heading the study up, also worked for DaySpring I do believe, and we’ve been friends ever since, staying connected even after her move. It has been so neat to see how God has been working in each step in my life. Those steps aren’t always easy, but I can trust Him better than years before because He has shown me His way is best and He really does want what’s best for me! I applaud the workers, writers, designers and everyone who makes (In) flow ~ I have met amazing women of God through this journey and can’t praise God enough for allowing real community and writing be a part of some big healing from dark places in my life. It has been a joy getting to know people and their stories. God bless you!!

    PS: I hope it’s okay but I had borrowed one of the graphics to link back to here (for the meet-up invite in Nashville -if not I will take it off my blog! Speaking of the meetups, I still need to find the location for the one in September so I can make hotel reservations!)

    • Hey there Meghan – what a great way to find us – through a book club. That makes us so happy! And we love that you’re spreading the news about the meetups. You’re so welcome to use our graphics to do that!