Maria Dyck
About the Author

Maria is passionate about helping women stand on the Firm Foundation that is Jesus Christ. A writer, musician, wife, mother and occasional chicken farmer, you can find more of her writing at or on Instagram.

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. Maria! Thank you for sharing this startling parable.
    And one thought that has really helped to defuse my anger over the years is the conscious decision to think the best of the man who loves me so well. It’s so easy to attach nefarious motives to actions and feed the fire of anger. As you have said so well, anger blinds us to the good.

  2. Maria,

    Anger is another tool the evil one chooses to use. He loves it when we fight, & yell crap at each other. My hubby & I are good at this. Usually something stupid comes up & out come the bursts of anger. We say things we don’t really mean. I stomp off & slam a door-probably crying. It doesn’t take long for one of us to apologize. We are great at “I’m sorry”. We hug & make up. In the heat of the moment though anger blinds us to what we have. Anger is a root cause of many of today’s problems-divorce, shootings, alcoholism, etc. We let things/problems of this sinful world upset us & we act on that rage. People don’t sit down & talk or pray about problems. They simply act on impulse. Our biggest problem is that prayer is almost a last ditch effort to solve any problem. It should be our first. We should talk to God & seek His wisdom/guidance before getting mad. We/I must think before we speak or act. Take five minutes to run through thoughts in your mind & see how they might impact the person your going to tell. Don’t let the enemy get a foothold on your life or marriage! Never ever go to bed angry!! Always try to work it out.

    Blessings 🙂

  3. Maria,

    This was a beautifully written piece and so very accurate. The visual is spot on. I struggle with anger at times raising my young boys, and I appreciate your call to truth. Thank you so much for sharing this visual aid from your own personal experience…so helpful.

  4. Thank you so much for this!!! I can relate to the reality which you speak of all too well. I could see myself walking through the same scenario as I read your words…not a “real snake”…but definitely blind to the “real enemy” lurking right in front of me. I will bookmark, share and refer to often.
    May God Bless You!

  5. Maria, This is such a powerful story. I’ve reread it twice. Thank you for sharing so authentically. I learned years ago at a retreat to continously remind yourself that your mate is NOT your enemy. It’s easier said than done at times, especially when there’s a disagreement but exactly what Satan doesn’t want us to do. I’m definitely saving/sharing this article.

    • Yes, it’s so much easier said than done! But as the years go by, I’ve learned that my husband’s love is dependable and that is an amazing gift! Thank you for sharing ❤️

  6. As many said Maria,your story is so powerful and well written.
    Thank you for sharing in church this morning . I needed to read your story, as I have been experiencing anger myself.
    Thanks for always sharing.