Kellie Johnson
About the Author

Kellie lives right outside of Atlanta, Georgia in her newly emptied nest with her husband Tim. She writes to encourage others to shift their gaze towards God through her stories. She has written a devotional "Simple Faith" and hopes to see it in print one day.

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. Kellie, I tried to parent by referendum as well, paying so much attention to the opinions of others–and then throwing in the advice of every expert and parenting magazine I could scrounge up. I was so tuned in to my own weaknesses as a parent that it was all I could see.
    One of the most freeing revelations I ever had was the truth that I was the hand-picked parent for my sons: my weaknesses, their weaknesses, and our familial quirkiness all in a big basket of grace.

  2. Kellie, so true. We get so consumed with what others think of us that we fail to believe that we are worthy in God’s eyes. I pray we will remember to be kind when we come upon someone struggling with this and let them know that it’s okay. I remember very clearly back in the day when my kids were young, it was tough and there was no self help book on what to do in certain scenarios when our kids act up or do something that we have no control over. If we can just show compassion and for those of us who had been in these situation, extend our hands to help, that I believe would be so much appreciated. May we continued to love on everyone that we meet and not be judgmental. Thank you for sharing this message.

  3. thank you posting this – especially today! i have been struggling with this myself lately. i am not a parent, but can only imagine the pressure, insecurity, and judgement that comes along with being a parent. And all the advice (solicited or not so much)…sigh. in some regards, i could care less what people think. but in certain circumstances, i find that i care more than i want to and if someone has a negative word (or a word i perceive as being negative), it has the ability to break my spirit or steal my joy. i’m not proud of it, but it is sometimes true. i don’t know when it got this bad, but i know my fear of what others thought didn’t used to be like this. when i have a flare up, i go back to the same scripture you used. i think “whose approval am i trying to win? who am i trying to please?” i want to please God and i want to be happy and have peace. i know peace does not come from internalizing what everyone else says i should or should not do with my life. i can’t please everyone…it’s too much work.

    i don’t think i will ever be one of those people who just doesn’t care. i wish i were, but i’m not. i just want to not let it influence my decisions or allow others’ thoughts to make me feel like i’m wrong or stupid for my decisions. again, thank you Kellie for sharing this! it’s nice to know i’m not the only one who has ever felt this way. it was right on time and God knew what i needed without me having to vocalize it. Lord, you know that i am a work in progress. please just continue to work on and in me. i pray that your words will override that of anyone here on this earth.

    • Karyn, I still have to remind myself “audience of ONE”. I think the approval of others is something the enemy can use to distract us. You are not alone in this.

  4. Kellie,

    For the most part I don’t care what others think. I listen to their advice on topics & then pray about it & do what God has laid on my heart. I’ve heard this said before “are we wanting the applause of man or God?” I’m not a parent but did parent my aging parents. I did the best I could. Like you said there is no self help book out there. You just have to pray about situations & ask for guidance. There are times ‘m tempted to tell others how to do this or that & then I think “would I want them telling me what to do?” “Who am I to tell them how to handle this situation I’ve never been a parent to gone through this.” I just walk over & offer encouragement & prayer. I believe there is no one right way to do life. Each person has to decide how to handle their trials. Each child/parent is unique & requires different types/ways to be raised. Praise God He is there to guide us on this journey. I say take others’ advice with a grain of salt, pray for wisdom & do what is best for your situation.

    Blessings 🙂