About the Author

Becky is an author, speaker, Bible teacher, mom of three loud boys, and the Community and Editorial Manager for (in)courage. She loves writing about anxiety, motherhood, and the kindness of God. Long naps, shady trails, and a good book make her really happy.

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  1. Becky,
    So Murphy’s Law is still in force – If I rise early…so will someone else? LOL. When my kids were younger and this happened, I kindly told them I was having my quiet time with God and reading my Bible so I needed them to read or do some quiet activity. I believe it was good for them to know, by example, that God came first in my life. I’m still an early riser and when there are days that I don’t get my time with God, I can physically feel the pain of missing Him and my days invariably don’t go as well. Not that all days started with the Lord will go swimmingly, but being with Him and in His Word gives me my ammunition for the day should a battle arise. So many times God has given me what I will need to specifically get over or around certain obstacles that the day/life presents. It’s kind of like my time to suit up in the armor He has promised me. We are ALL prone to distraction. No need for a guilt trip, but simply respond to His soft whisper reminding us to Come unto Him… great invitation, Becky!
    Bev xx

    • Bev, you’re so right! Our lived-out example to our kids speaks volumes. The other day my eight-year-old came out with his Bible in hand and snuggled right up next to me on the couch. The best. And I love the way you describe suiting in His armor for the day. God is so good to prepare us and equip us with just what we need! So grateful. xx

  2. Oh how powerfully delicate your words and God’s words spoke to me
    with this writing. Blessings and gratitude.

  3. So good. Especially the truth that God never fails to keep our appointments.
    In the front of my Bible I have written words from Elisabeth Elliot that stop me in my tracks:
    “Hold yourself to God’s written word and hold yourself before it. You have His unwavering attention.”
    Unimaginable! While I “waver,” he never does.

    • Wow! I’ve never heard that quote before. Love it. Thanks for sharing, Michele!

  4. Becky,

    This world is so busy & noisy. It clamors for our attention at each turn. The devil is on overtime distracting us with alluring items. We need ammunition for the battle. The best way to get that is to be in the word daily. As soon as possible. The more information/facts we have stored up the better equipped we are to handle His attacks. In the past I was allured by wanting to watch the news & know what’s going on. I felt that nudge & told myself to get in His word first. News will be there later. I find myself more ready for the day’s activities when I do that. The devil prowls around like a lion seek to kill, destroy & devour whom He can. We must be ever vigilant to avoid that. For me just listening to Christian music on the way to work can help. I may notice myself quietly praying for people. Often times I will hear conversations & just start praying for that situation. When my day isn’t going well I have stopped what I’m doing & started rebuking Satan. Using my ammunition stored up I counter all his attacks. Let’s get prepared with plenty of ammo for the fight.

    Blessings 🙂

  5. Becky,
    What a great reminder….we definitely need that quiet time work him as the world is full of noise and busyness.
    And yes, Looks like Murphy’s Law is still in effect, lol

    May we all wake for him and find that quiet time…I try to do this the first part of my morning. . Although, we are now Empty Nesters, the days my hubby is home often distracts me, almost like one of the kids. Haha

    • Jen, haha, I feel ya when my husband’s home too! 🙂 Thanks for being here. xx

  6. Thank-you Becky for touching me not only through your words this morning, but for gently nudging us to quietly spend more time with God’s.

    I hope that you all have a blessed day,

  7. Thank you for this. It’s an echo of what God has been alternately whispering and shouting to me for some time.

    Also, for what it’s worth, I almost didn’t read this because of the title. I tend to lean away from articles that cry out that they have the “one thing” I need to know. But then, I did read it, so I guess the title was effective =)

    • Tammy, I’m grateful this post was meaningful to you. And I know what you mean about titles and how fix-it solutions can feel like an attention-grabbing gimmick. But when the “one thing” is God’s Word, I felt pretty safe to proclaim that with full sincerity. Thanks so much for your comment! I’m glad you chose to read this. xx

  8. Becky, this post speaks to my heart. I try to escape my pain and may use scrolling therapy on social media,especially when I’m up early because of the pain. However lately it only leaves me exhausted physically and emotionally.So the last few months,I have been using this early morning time to pray, read inspirational posts like yours,and just being with Jesus in the quiet. I also have been writing during this time. Some days I will feel more connected to Him than others,but I always have a few moments when I have felt my soul hugged and that helps me to push through my pain for a little while. I do want to get better at reconnecting myself to this peace throughout the day,because once other issues of the present day needs attending, my soul hugs becomes a distant memory. So, your post inspired me today. Thank you and God Bless ❤

    • Kathleen, I’m so sorry for your pain, but so appreciative of your comment. I love how you point out that we won’t always *feel* the same in our time with the Lord. Some days there is a deep connection to God’s heart and His Word and other days it seems more stuck in my head. But the Bible promises not to return void, so we can trust that our time in Scripture is always meaningful. I’m cheering you on and praying those soul hugs stay strong throughout your day. xx

  9. Thank you, Becky! Good reminder to tune out the noise and tune into God’s Word. So many distractions! I’m going to try some of your tactics.

  10. It’s so easy to get distracted by all the noise that we miss His still, small voice. I love this, Becky: “He’s never not shown up to meet with me.” It makes persevering through worth it!

  11. Hi Becky, I wanted to read your words – about what you’ve been hearing on your journey before meeting you finally in person!! So beautiful and encouraging! But, I’ve heard your heart through your words before – so I feel like I know you already and as we shared over seeing each other about our journeys about rest and healing – I already have a kindred spirit and sisterhood in you! I’m moved by your vulnerable words, speaking from a place that is honest and also touched by what God has whispered to you. I can’t wait to finally say hell with a hug in just a little bit at the (in)courage retreat and enjoy your company, as we create some memories this week, friend! 🙂 Thanks for choosing a place where the mountains are and it’s going to be so amazing to walk among the trees on a dirt path together!!! YES!!! with love — kindreds, Bonnie

  12. Now I see why I was compelled to leave this tab open….over a month ago. This is just what I needed to hear right now.

    I also am “good with God” and speak to him all day long. We pray as a family, and I read a devotional almost every morning. But yes, I also get distracted by all of the noise around me. I wonder if many of the things that constantly stress me would pale if I purposely spent more time coming directly to God, not just reading and listening to wonderful truths about him.

    I know that guilt is not effective, unless we truly repent and make steps in the right direction. I’m thankful for his faithfulness and understanding, even in my weakness.

    I appreciate this vital word of encouragement to run the the “Gap-Filler”. Thanks for sharing.