About the Author

Dorina is an author, speaker, teacher, foodie, and trail runner. She helps people chase God's glory down unexpected trails and flourish in their callings. Her latest books include Breathing Through Grief, Kailani's Gift & Chasing God's Glory. Dorina and her hubby Shawn are raising three courageous daughters in Central California.

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  1. Dorina,
    The concept of “borrowed breaths” that you mentioned at the close of your post really struck me. We all are on borrowed breath; borrowed time; borrowed strength, patience, perseverance, peace, love. Everything we are and do is from the Lord…apart from Him we can do nothing. I write and I head up a non-profit ministry from home. Some days the only breath I feel is my beagle’s hot breath on my leg when it’s mealtime lol. I KNOW I need others to breathe life into me when my breaths are short and staccato-like. It’s kind of like “Sister-CPR”. Too often I let myself get dangerously close to spiritually, emotionally, and mentally expiring. Perhaps that’s why I hold close the friendships that I do have. Without them I’m a gonner. Praise that you were all able to meet up for some time of rest, refreshment, and opportunities to breathe in the Lord together. I needed this reminder that I can’t always run full throttle…I need to stop, pause, and just breathe. Great post!
    Bev xx

    • A beautiful post of breath. I recall the time God instructed me to breathe into my husband’s nostrils to keep him alive for about 30 min. My whole mouth and cheeks felt like they had been blown up; while the Holy Spirit encouraged me to continue. I called it Holy Ghost CPR. My beloved went on to heaven in April, but God is so faithful and wonderful to me. He breathes His life into me everyday when I wake up. I am much more aware of His presence in my life, and eternity has more meaning than it’s ever had before. I am thankful for a great support system through friends, especially in my local church. With His breath in my lungs, each day I will press on to continue my race. His grace is perfected in my weakness. Thank you all for letting me share through the pain and being vulnerable.

      • Jeanne,
        I’m grateful you shared your story with us here, and you trust His breath in your lungs today as you move forward. God be with you in the joy and pain and all things, my friend.

  2. Dorina: Thank you so much for this. As I read your post, I remember times last year when I was running a lot and lost 37 pounds. However, January of l this year, something clicked with me and I lost that drive. I miss it so much. I gained back 28 pounds. I have in the past 2 weeks begun a Couch25k program to start all over. I am finding I need to find my breathe again in running. But I know my true breathe is found in Christ. I seek Him daily, but Satan is grabbing at me constantly. I rebuke him Lord in your name. Nothing is impossible with God. Thank you Incourage ladies for your words and devotionals.

    • Thank you sharing your story with us. Praying for strength and courage to run from the lies of the Enemy and replace them with truth, my friend!

  3. We all should be thank full to God we are alive and breath. When we stop and think of the person in our Hospital struggling too breath. Because of an illness. Or that especially new born baby born weeks early. With a machine doing the breathing for it. That poor Mother breaking her heart her own breathing with panic not good with worry wondering will my baby make it. We have to thank full on to God we have good lungs filled with Good oxygen he filled them with for us. Pray for people like that. Be thank full God has given us another day to live and breath to enjoy his beautiful world. Stop grumbling. Give our Father above more praise. We are alive we have a heart that works Lungs that are working. That he woke us up to enjoy another day in his world no matter where we live in it. So we have so Much to Thank our God for. Fill our lungs with his good fresh air. Look out at the beauty of all this World what he has given us. And say Thank you GOD as even me myself. We don’t do it enough. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Excellent reading once again.

  4. Thank you for your story…. It brought me to tears as I lay today in my bed trying to unwind & catch my breath…

    Jesus reminded us that when we are tired, it’s ok to take nap. He did it in a middle of a storm. It refreshes us to know that he’s got this. He has our back.

    Matthew 11:28-30 New International Version (NIV)

    28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

  5. “Breathing borrowed breaths to live one more day and reflect God’s glory”– Now there’s a thought to keep our priorities straight and our focus on the next right thing! Thank you, Dorina!

    • I breathe borrowed breaths from my oxygen concentrator “Ari” so I may live one more day to praise the Lord
      for his goodness and steadfast love. He has given me 70 wonderful years. I just started Hospice and the
      people are a gift from God!! No matter how we breathe we need to thank God for his lovingkindness and
      for giving us His Son!!! We are Blessed!!

      • Sandi, your testimony of positivity and gratitude–in spite of your circumstance–speaks volumes for God’s lovingkindess, carrying you through these difficult days! God bless you, Sister!

  6. Dorina,

    Such a powerful post. This world is so fast paced. We run around doing so much for everyone that we occasionally forget to breath. We run ourselves ragged & find our tanks empty. Everyone needs to slow down & take some really deep breaths. Just pause & relax for a minute. Refill your soul with some God’s love & care. Lysa Terkeurst said it best in her book The Best Yes: “Saying yes to everyone & everything won’t make you wonder woman. It will make you a worn out woman”. Worn out women have nothing to give anyone. Bonnie Gray in her book Whispers of Rest talks about doing breath prayers. Breathe in & say Jesus. Breathe out & say help me. It is a way to stay in communion with God. God made us for community. He wants us to be with others. I find being around some people & sharing our lives gives me & them strength we need to carry on. As Bev said above we need Sister-CPR. It works wonders for me.

    Blessings 🙂

    • Yes!!! Those are two of my favorite books! We have to learn the rhythm of rest, of breathing and thanking Him!