About the Author

Kaitlyn is a Virtual Assistant, book launch manager, and storyteller who writes about discovering God's goodness in the ordinary and faithfulness in the difficult. She loves good books, deep conversations, and iced vanilla lattes. Kaitlyn is the author of Even If Not: Living, Loving, and Learning in the in Between.

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  1. Kaitlyn,
    As I look back over what were crises, at the time, in my life, I see that God has redeemed them all. I’m so thankful that in those moments, God didn’t take His time showing up and then say, “Stop your crying; this too shall pass; pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get moving.” Just the opposite. When in the crucible of life, God was on the ready to draw near. All I had to do was whisper, “Help!” Better than a 24/7 convenience store, He doesn’t offer fluff to temporarily satisfy, He offers a balm for our heart and strength for our weary soul. The storm may still swirl around us, but only He can give us the peace that passes understanding. For this reason: the love that I have experienced in Him quickly drawing near to my side, I can say that I’ve counted my suffering as joy. Nothing fuels the spirit like being in close communion with my Lord. So thankful that He never misses our call! Beautiful post, Kaitlyn! How do you do ALL that you do?? You write beautifully and you manage book launch teams with such grace. YOU are a real blessing!
    Whenever I get this book in my heart out on paper, will you be my launch team manager? Just had to get my ask in early lol.
    Bev xo

    • What a testimony to His power and faithfulness … and your diligence to look back and remember: “As I look back over what were crises, at the time, in my life, I see that God has redeemed them all.”

      P.S. I would be honored to be your book launch manager! It truly did bring a smile to my face when I saw that you signed up for Sarah’s team. Funny enough, the morning of the phone call (in this post) was a day with two of my releases. It’s been quite a summer of books! (Write your book. We need your story.)

  2. Yes, “astounding” truth–and it is becoming ever more precious to me as my kids become adults and move into situations and locations where I’d need to make airline reservations in order to come to their aid. Your post is such a sweet reminder to me that no matter where they are, God is already there, surrounding them with his presence.

  3. Kaitlyn,

    God is omniscient & omnipresent-all knowing & all present. He is constantly waiting for us to come to Him with our requests. He already knows what we need & is ready to give it to us. We just need to ask. Our lives are super busy filled with tasks & duties. We often forget to call on God for help It is astounding to me that we have a great & powerful God who intently hears our cries & promises to come-yet is already there ahead of us immediately reaching out to us to help us. Nothing surprises God.

    Blessings 🙂

  4. Thank you for this post. The notification flashed up on my phone and was meant for me to read today, as well as the comments left.

    The scripture you included (Matthew 14) “oh ye of little faith” is one I’m very familiar with as several years ago God used this to speak to me, so it’s amazing I would be reminded of it again today.

    It’s difficult, particularly when God is quiet, and I often feel like He’s not there. I’ve been struggling to come to terms with why He let certain things happen. Why He allowed me to fall into a trap that would result in 4 years of unending grief. I often wonder where He was then. But all I needed to do was call, and I experienced that peace that surpasses all understanding.

    Many Blessings.

    • Hi Mia, thanks for taking the time to comment here today! I love when that happens . . . when the same verse, song lyric, or word continues to show up several places. About this time last year, I wrote here at (in)courage about looking for God’s fingerprints. I’m praying you’ll see a glimpse of them in your life this week.

  5. I love this Kaitlyn! We all need to hear this! We are so blessed to be his daughters! I am waiting right now trusting the Lord for him to reveal the next step in his plan for my life. A job would be graciously received when the timing is right, in his timing. But I keep calling and your post is yet another ‘message’ that God is right here with me because I called!!

  6. What a sweet reminder of God’s endless love for us. He doesn’t need to pencil us in on His calendar because He is always present. Love the words from Matthew. My favorites as I went in my journey to brave faith and continue to do so.

  7. Kaitlyn, this post is such a clear reminder of God’s fierce-withness. And I never noticed that repetition of “immediately” in Matthew 14. Yes, He always hears and will always come. Timely post. Thank you, friend.

  8. Kaitlyn, thank you! What encouraging words on this Monday morning. In return, I pray the Lord’s strength, power and covering on you as you tackle your many projects. May He part the waters and answer your every call and plea! With His joy and hope, Patricia

  9. Sweet Sisters, If you ever get a chance, go hear missionaries speak. Miracle after miracle! Our son & wife were in West Africa for 15 years so I cannot praise God enough for how He protected & also sent unusual circumstances.. Thank you Jesus!

  10. Kaitlyn,

    Thank you for your encouragement today. I must have missed the entirety of the verse when I’ve read it before:

    “When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them.”
    Psalm 91:15 (NLT)

    Those who are in trouble, not only will God rescue but he will honor them when they call on him! This is an excellent promise to remember. Thank you for sharing!

  11. Isaiah 65:24 is one of my favorite verses. highlighting just how gracious and compassionate our God is. Those last few words of Psam 92:15 blow me away too, that he HONORS us. But it’s true. He honors us with his love, protection, provision, guidance, blessings, and more. Oh my! Thank you for the uplifting post, Kaitlyn!

  12. I know God is right by my side and yet the anxiety and panic is still in my body and I can’t let it go. I have so many financial and debts and no money to fix my roof and foundation as mice are getting into my home. I am praying I can find a job to do from home as I am disabled with muscular dystrophy and in a wheelchair 100%. I am limited in what I can do to earn some extra money to repair these things before winter. Please pray that I will remain strong and follow what messages God sends to me to continue on this journey with him by my side. I lost my sister in March 2019 and my son is in hosp for mental health and I am trying so hard to trust I can do anything with God’s guidance and love. Amen.

  13. Hi Kaitlyn,

    Great message. You are so right that we serve an Omnipotent, Omnipresence God. He hears all, knows all, and sees all. He will help his children “immediately!” Thanks for sharing. Charisse 🙂

  14. I heard, I listened & Received!! Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. I needed to here this.
    May God continue to Bless you and your ministry!