About the Author

Dorina is an author, speaker, teacher, foodie, and trail runner. She helps people chase God's glory down unexpected trails and flourish in their callings. Her latest books include Breathing Through Grief, Kailani's Gift & Chasing God's Glory. Dorina and her hubby Shawn are raising three courageous daughters in Central California.

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  1. Dorina,
    I was a pretty good dancer, back in the day. My body could twirl, bend, leap, and flex in a multitude of beautiful positions. I was graceful. These days? Not so much. My dancing is relegated to my kitchen and my beagle is my adoring audience lol. The fact is, I still love to dance and I think that it honors God that praise music makes me want to raise my arms and move, to His delight, with the music. Though my body has been through the mill with surgeries, I still keep fighting back and showing up. God doesn’t ask about our ability…only our availability. We don’t have to be the first across the finish line in order to get a crown, we just have to finish the race. What a glorious crown it will be, in paradise, if we simply don’t give up. No matter what life throws at us, God encourages us to keep putting one foot in front of the other and He lovingly whispers, “Keep going…it’s worth it.”
    Bev xx

    • First of all, I love that you still make time to dance in the kitchen! I have a sign in my kitchen from Hobby Lobby that says “This Kitchen is made for dancing.” I love the way you keep fighting back and showing up. I do believe our availability matters to God. Thanks for your continued encouragement!

  2. I am not a runner. But in Enniskillen in Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland. We have 5k race at near the end of June. Plus a junior one for kids. I see more kids getting into running. It not about winning to the adults or the kids. They are told it about the fact you took part and finished the race. Mums and Dads and some times friends and Aunties etc plus Grandparents are so proud of kids for trying the junior race and finishing it. It reminds me of Jesus. Jesus loves a trier. He loves you to try even if just for 20 minutes to spend time reading his word and saying our prayers. Plus trying to trust him in the mist of our difficulties no matter what we go through that he is there for us. That he will help get through that up hill struggle we are going through if we have one. If we just come to Jesus in prayer and trust him and leave it in his hands. Listen to his Holy Spirit it will guide us and tell us what to do next. How to run the next path stright and not worry as much about our problems. Because Jesus is helping us through them. We will get to see the problems through and will look back and know Jesus ran the race with us to the finish point. We got through the problems ok with less worry because we trusted Jesus all the way. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little

  3. Dorina,

    Life has many seasons. Each one is different. The important thing to remember is not getting discouraged & give up. Keep on & show the younger generation that we tried. The dash poem states: I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend. He referred to the dates on the tombstone from the beginning… to the end. He noted that first came the date of birth and spoke of the following date with tears, but he said what mattered most of all was the dash between those years. For that dash represents all the time they spent alive on earth and now only those who loved them know what that little line is worth.
    For it matters not, how much we own, the cars… the house… the cash. What matters is how we live and love and how we spend our dash. So think about this long and hard; are there things you’d like to change? For you never know how much time is left that still can be rearranged. To be less quick to anger and show appreciation more and love the people in our lives like we’ve never loved before. If we treat each other with respect and more often wear a smile… remembering that this special dash might only last a little while. So when your eulogy is being read, with your life’s actions to rehash, would you be proud of the things they say about how you lived your dash? We need to live our dash & finish well. Then we shall hear those words “well done my good & faithful servant”.

    Blessings 🙂

  4. I love this reminder! Someone is watching me run this race! I have a 15 year old daughter & a 12 year old boy. I am a single mom. I have wanted reconciliation with my ex, ever since he left 12 years ago. We prayed for years he would be saved. He is now, yet not living for the Lord. I pray for him every day, with the kids & on my own. They are watching me run a difficult single mom with 2 part time jobs life. I can only lean on God to help me through this. I pray that my kids see the love I have for them & their dad only because of Jesus’.

  5. This was really encouraging. I’m a senior in Highschool and am doing my first year of cross country. I know you probably didn’t expect to impact a high schooler but I love what you said, “Someone is watching you run your race, and you moving forward today could make all the difference.” I struggle cause my 5k times are terrible, and last meet, a freshman girl who’s never run a 5k, beat me. I know I’m supposed to do everything for the glory of God, but if I’m being honest I still desire my own glory, I feel like I don’t have that desire to glorify Him…. ??

    • Marymargaret,
      I’m so grateful you took time to share here! I’m so encouraged that a high school cross country runner read this post! I’ve grappled a lot with this idea of giving God glory vs. gaining personal glory. I’m praying for you as you run this year. I know it may not always feel like it, but your efforts do really matter. As a coach, I’ve often been more inspired by the athlete who is working hard coming from behind than the arrogant superstar. All for His glory, my friend!

  6. Dorina, thank you for this!! I used to be a runner in track for 7 years, and I would say my glory days are definitely behind me. 😉 But you are so right… showing up matters! God will take us down different running trails in our lives, but the most important thing is that we show up for Him. I love how you talked about your girls seeing you persevere and push through… we are teaching our kids “how to fly.”

    Such good words. Thanks again, Sister!


    • Becky, I’m so glad this resonated with you as a runner too! My heart has certainly shifted as I realize that my efforts matter more than my medals – especially to my daughters. For His glory, my friend!

  7. Wow! Thank you so much for this!! I am a senior in highschool and am doing my first year of cross country. I love what you said, “someone is watching you run your race, and you moving forward today could make all the difference.” I definitely hope to read your devotional. Also, I went to your website and found even MORE encouragement. Thank you!

  8. “My goals and focus have shifted. Now, I run to clear my head. I run for therapy. I run to feel God’s presence.” I loved this whole piece, Dorina, but this line especially struck me with the importance of recognizing and naming when our goals or focus have shifted. If in your mind you still thought your goal was to get PR or medal every race or fit into your old running shorts, disappointment and discouragement would probably overshadow your joy for running. But instead, you name the good new purposes of this current season. Makes me think about areas of my life that I might need to rename my goals and focus. xx

    • I love how you framed that, Becky. It’s so true. We have to be intentional to refocus and name our goals for each new season. Otherwise, I find myself disappointed sometimes without actually knowing why. I’m working on this.

  9. Thank you for this reminder that you matter at any stage in life! I’m getting older and things fall apart in the body. It’s nice to know God cares and just showing up every day is setting a good example! Thanks for this encouraging post! Love in Him… Lauren

  10. Thank you so much for a beautiful reminder! I am signed up for a 10k in 2 weeks and thinking…: I am not at my best, do I really want to do it, I could just not run. But! Someone is watching. I will run and continue to move forward. Thanks!!

    • Yes, Rita! Showing up for the actual race does matter! I hope you will check out our free Glory Chasers running group on Facebook. My husband and I offer up free coaching tips and community for Christian runners there. Run your race, girl!

  11. Thank you for writing exactly the words I needed to hear today. I turned 60 this summer and haven’t been able to run since October of 2016, when I sustained the back injury that was the final verdict for my running days. Even in my prime I was very slow – a twelve minute mile was about right for me. But I ran lots of them, and the year I turned 50 I ran the Austin Half Marathon on Valentine’s Day. It has been hard to shift my perception of myself to being someone more sedentary. Around the time I turned 60 I realized how much I miss running, and also acknowledged that it might be the only way to combat the twenty pounds that have crept on since I stopped running. With the help and guidance of my physical therapist, I am cautiously starting to alternate walking and short spurts of jogging, being careful to minimize impact. As an act of faith I just signed up for a local 10K next February, which was more of an act of faith than anything. I may walk the entire thing, but I have unfinished business with this particular race. Long story, but I have signed up three times and never ended up running it. Seeing your words today felt like confirmation that I have made the right decision. May God guide and protect you every time you lace up your shoes, and may you continue to be a light for your girls!

    • I am SO glad you took time to share you story with us here. What an inspiration that you are going back out to pursue the race God has for you in this season. Bless you as you walk, run and soar!

  12. Hi Dorinda,
    Just got a chance to read your message a day late but not too late for me.
    My son who is 18 was in an mva 3 weeks ago, which left him paralyzed(quadriplegic). Through all the tears and prayers I know that Jesus is going to use this for a greater purpose not only for our son but for many other people who are watching.
    Please pray that God use this event mightily to bring others into His Kingdom.
    Blessings to you and your family.
    Maggie Roberts