Have you ever wrestled in your faith, or struggled with doubt or unbelief? I have. I thought I was the only one, but I was wrong — there are many of us. Thankfully, God’s faithfulness is greater than our questions. His grace is SO amazing, He even has a plan for our doubt. God is for us in our wandering. He’s working all things together for good. God’s word tells us who we are. . . and Whose we are.
Sometimes wandering IS the path that leads you back to God.
– Robin Dance, author of For All Who Wander: Why Knowing God is Better Than Knowing it All
We’ve been hearing about the ways our new book, For All Who Wander, by (in)courage writer Robin Dance, has been impacting the hearts of women everywhere, and we can’t get enough of them. So today, we’re highlighting a few stories from our community! Read on for the ways this book has touched their hearts.
I knew I was going to love this book for many reasons, but I just had no idea how it would truly speak straight to my heart. It was as if Robin and I were sitting with our cup of coffee, and as she spoke through each chapter, she addressed every detail of my life. The ability to do this for me and for each reader is the gift God has given her. Each chapter felt like a conversation because as she ‘spoke’, I was responding with nods, tears, and sometimes even words like the pages could hear me. I tried to savor each page and not rush, but I just couldn’t put it down. Even stories I had heard before had me hanging onto every sentence. Thank you, Robin, for the time, love, and energy you invested to give all of us the freedom to wander and for reminding us that God is for us in our wandering as He works all things together for His good!!
– Courtney
Chapter Four, “Testimony Envy,” gave me some much needed perspective. Thank you for writing this chapter! I am surrounded by people who grew up in church who all share a similar experience as yours. I, on the other hand, have a polar opposite experience, and my testimony falls somewhere along the lines of ‘those who have been saved from much, love much’. (See Luke 7:47) Whenever I share with lifelong church goers parts of my testimony, I feel like they have a hard time relating, and the enemy uses it to make me feel envious of them and their personal upbringing. I can now see that He uses both sides to shift our focus from God to ourselves, our circumstance etc. This chapter was very eye-opening for me and my personal feelings about both sides/types of testimonies have shifted to what I believe is a healthier outlook. Anytime we take our eyes off of God, we risk the danger of allowing the enemy to deceive us. Loving this book!
– Misty
I am so loving the Journey Guide that goes with the book! The readings and prayers are so perfectly paired with the book. My favorite part though is the resolve section that offers actionable steps to help you apply or remember.
– Dollie
Really appreciated chapter 8 about mountains and valleys, especially the last paragraph: ‘Take heart, Wanderer: mountains and valleys come and go. Where you are today is not where you’ll be forever. Sometimes you need someone to remind you of that.’ Thank God, and Amen.
– Martha
All I can say is WOW! As I read the words, many times it was like someone was writing the words I was thinking in my head! Robin, I am loving this book.
– Lesli
See what we mean? Such wonderful testimonies about the way this book has woven its way into hearts.
In For All Who Wander, you’re invited to find hope and healing in your own story within the pages of Robin’s. She will help you:
- Abandon the guilt and shame attached to your questions or doubts.
- Broaden your understanding of God’s grace and faithfulness.
- Release hostage-holding lies to enable you to embrace your identity, hope, and value in Christ.
- Reframe your view of difficulties and disappointments as you understand their redemptive and transformative value.
- Trust that God is working in your wandering to restore and strengthen your faith.
You can now purchase For All Who Wander: Why Knowing God is Better Than Knowing it All wherever books are sold! As you walk through Robin’s story with her in For All Who Wander, you’ll find out for yourself that sometimes wandering is the path that leads you back to God.
Are you in, Wanderer? Get your copy today!
(in)courage friends,
I have really loved being on the launch team for Robin’s new book. Though we’ve never met in person, I feel like I know her because I’ve been reading her posts, here at (in)courage, for many years. She feels like an old friend. Her book spoke to me in the same humble, honest, and REAL voice as her posts have spoken to me. I felt like I was sitting down with a trusted friend to flesh out the myth that doubts and wandering are a bad thing. In fact, God can use even our deepest doubts to draw us into a close, intimate, and personal relationship with Him. Her book is a testimony that God can use ALL of our stories to reveal His awesome and furious love for us and drive out guilt and shame. No doubt is too great, no wandering can take us too far from His loving grasp. When’s the next book Robin?
Bev xx
You are a dear (in)courage friend, that’s for sure. The way you thoughtfully read and comment to posts lets me (us) get to know YOU so well. Thank you for the way you love on and support all of our community.
Your comment here is a little word-gift this morning! Thank you for reminding others that God can use ALL of our stories to reveal His awesome and furious love for us. SO, so good….beautiful turn of phrase, too! xo
Oh, she’s in the works… a few of them are ;).
In Courage,
Enjoyed being on the launch team for Robin’s new book. She tells it like it is. Robin’s tone is one of love & care for hose wandering. She wants you to know that there is no condemnation in doubting, questioning & wandering from God. Don’t let the evil one make you think you’re out of God’s love due to some doubts about your faith. He is constantly wooing us back to Himself. Like Bev I’ve known of Robin’s writings for a while now from In Courage. She comes at you with that big smile & southern hospitality. She lays out her testimony of the awesomeness of God’s unrelenting love for us. His hand is constantly outstretched reaching for all of ours. Never wanting any of us to perish. God doesn’t lay shame or guilt on us for anything. He fully understands our human nature & waits patiently for us to come back to Him. Great book Robin.
Blessings 🙂
Beth!! You’re a well known friend over here at (in)courage, too. We’re so grateful for the way you read, process, and comment here. Thank you, too, for encouraging me by joining our book launch (love) team. Wasn’t #TeamWander #WanderTeam the BEST?? <3
Thanks again Tobin first for this great memoir where most of us find ourselves mirroring your testimony. I love every chapter of it, every story shared. You do have a way with words and yet you were so honest with your feelings. I saw a negative review but I think she didn’t read the book through and really didn’t understand your whys and hows, just sad. For me the book began very personal and ended very encouraging that truly knowing God is better than knowing it all.
Lastly, I am so proud to have been part of your launch team. It was really fun walking those few weeks with you, cheering you on everyday and shouting out to all those “wanderers” …. to walk back to God!
Congratulations and Thank you! You made it! You did it!
Is there anyway to make your font black instead of gray. I love your site but the font is hard to read.