“Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take up my yoke and learn from me, because I am lowly and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30 (CSB)
Perhaps your 2020 started off with fireworks and much anticipated excitement for a new year, or perhaps it started off weary from the burdens you carried over from 2019. Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the things that need to get done or the dreams you want to accomplish or maybe you simply want to find a quiet place to breathe and be still.
This message is for all of us at any time of the year and in whatever season we may find ourselves in: Come and rest, God says. Come and learn from me, and you will find rest for your souls.
Take a moment to remember our God who calls us to Himself. He is not a taskmaster, demanding more from us. Instead, He is like a mother and a father, who have open arms to their children, whiny and tired. He embraces us with gentleness and care and restores our souls in His presence.
Rest in Him.
[bctt tweet=”God is not a taskmaster, demanding more from us. Instead, He is like a mother and a father, who have open arms to their children. Rest in Him.” username=”incourage”]
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Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
I am continually being reminded that everything we need (including rest) is found in God. Indeed, Our Help Comes From The Lord. May we all continually remain in Him and rest in Him. Amen.
~ Bomi
The new yoke that Jesus is referring to is the New Covenant of grace. He invites us to take off the old yoke of having to perform under the Old Covenant of the Law. We now know that we can rest in His sacrifice that makes us “enough” because God now sees us through the blood of Jesus. Let striving, earning, and performing cease. We can just be still and know that we are loved.
Bev xx
2019 was a year for me ! Well starting 07 July. I was involved in an accident( I fell) and it has involved 2 surgeries and I’m still in physical therapy. My independence is temporarily gone because I cannot drive (right knee injury).
My word for this ordeal has been “surrender”. I surrender to the therapy/ healing process and I surrender to the Lord and His timing. He has been with me 100% of the time, along with my fantastic husband . This has been a time of learning to rest in the Lord . He’s got me covered .
Sometimes Gods slows us down for our own good. We don’t see it at the time. Sometime we our over doing it in our lives doing to much to help everyone else. That we don’t sit and take time for ourselves or time to rest in Jesus. That we get spurical burn out. We are that busy pleasing others doing so much for others. That God and his word the Bible and Prayer fall by the way side. We end up in ill health. No good to anyone. That happened to me. I was a people pleaser. I said I have to do it. If I don’t a row will go up with my Family. I done it to try and keep what I thought was peace. Because I had no kids they said Dawn will do it. I was Childminding at the time as well. God his word the Bible and Prayer became less and less in my life. I was pleasing my family. Doing what they asked of me. Then one day I took on well that was it. My body was telling me enough was enough. God spoke to me. Dawn you sometimes have to say no. Come along side me and rest. I had to recgarge my spurical batteries as well. I was not well. I learnt the heard why. I took a seizure this was 7 years ago my husband was scared. My body broke down. I was too caring. He said Dawn I love you. You can be too caring. Yes you can care but over do it. I don’t mind you caring. But you have to take time out for Dawn. Plus I was not resting in God either. You got to learn when to say no. Stop pleasing everyone. You are only human. You can only do so much. Since then I do put God first. I know when to say no. I don’t over do it. Yes I help a little. But I don’t over do it. As I thought about what people in my family would say if I didn’t do it all the time when they asked me to do something for them. They say your not really a Christian. If you where you not doing that for me. As I thought Christian’s where meant to be caring. But God showed me yes. But not to be used. Not be afraid to say no. I can help but don’t over do it now. Take rest for my soul. Plus spend time with God in his word the Bible and Prayer. God will honor me for that. Excellent reading. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
In Courage,
People say they want rest. Society seems to demand more of us-more doing, striving, etc. It is time as Christians we said no. Not going to do/have it all. Lysa Terkeurst states “Sabbath isn’t just to be observed. It’s to be preserved. Observers remember to rest. Preservers rest to remember… it’s all about God.” He wants/expects us to rest & give Him all our troubles. His yoke is light & He can handle anything we throw at Him. Going to go rest & enjoy my Sabbath.
Blessings 🙂
I started working on more of a Sabbath in the early fall last year. It was off to a difficult start but now with winter (cold & deep), I’m doing better. Reading extra in my Bible and study books, filling my soul with meaningful words, I try not to do housework, time with hubby who works 2 jobs during the week. I enjoy it. I heard someone say this is one of the Ten Commandments we tend to brush aside. Yes. My soul needs the renewal and rest.
I need rest God. I’m sad. I had an accident on the way home from work – rushing. Thanks to sweet Jesus nobody was hurt. Enough of the rushing. I need you God to lift me up and give me energy. I pray there is nothing wrong with my health. Yes I am going to finally put my health first, get the tests needed and stop running from one thing to another. Oh God I can’t do anything without you. I trust in you , show me the way Lord. I hand it all over to you and wrap you around me.
yes peace comes from having rest in God. it’s our choice to take that rest one day a week or ignore it. I’ve done both and finally have learned to take my Sabbath rest !! it’s hard to do when we are hard wired to go go go…we ignore so much when we are over driven . here’s hoping all my christian friends can take a day to rest each week as our God showed us .