About the Author

Dorina is an author, speaker, teacher, foodie, and podcaster. She helps people chase God's glory down unexpected trails and flourish in their callings. Her latest books include Breathing Through Grief, Kailani's Gift & Chasing God's Glory. Dorina and her hubby Shawn are raising three courageous daughters in Central California.

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  1. Thank you!! I am subscribed to your emails that you send out and you always encourage me because I love to run too. I’m on the High School track team and did cross country for the first time “last year” this school year. And I loved it!! Something I struggle with though is loving running more than God because I love running so much.! Also, I’m always trying to feel loved by the coach and approved by the coach and I always want his attention and I know that’s wrong. It seems like nothing helps to get me out of the cycle because when coach does tell me good job or does pay me attention it feels so good and fills me up. I guess I just don’t see how God can do that as much as running or coach can, even though I know He can I haven’t experienced it. Any help? Thanks so much

    • Sweet girl. I think we all fall into a trap of something called “doing things FOR love.” If you love running, it’s a gift from God. And running may not be forever because of injuries or life changes, and coaches will fade away, but our God is with us every moment of every day. Just in a different way. Run because you love doing it. Not because you want love from it. Learn to do it from love, and not for love. And thank God with each step you take for the gift He has given you and see what shows up. You are loved simply because you are you.

    • I’m so grateful you found me here and through the Glorygrams. I can understand that feeling of wanting approval from a coach. I’m excited to share my new book with you because it talks about this idea of really meeting with God while we run. He can be our Coach. He can remind of us of our identity in Christ apart from our achievements. Praying over you, girl!

  2. Dorina,
    God has been such a refuge for me. He’s been there, drawing me under His wings, as I’ve struggled with OCD anxiety and depression, through an abusive marriage and long, drawn out divorce, through years of successive surgeries, through it all. No one enjoys suffering, but I have to confess that had it not been for what I’ve gone through, I would have never felt the closeness of His love, the comfort of His wings, and the mercy and tenderness of His heart. Beautiful imagery here this am!
    Bev xx

    • Bev, my story and journey is certainly different from yours but I have experienced His presence in such a similar profound way because of my own suffering. Thank you for your willingness to share and resonate with me here. Praying perseverance for you today!

  3. Thank you for today’s reading it is just what I need. In pslam 91 I when I read it I usually put in my name in it. I know I can go God and time find refugue in and under his arms. Instant it amazing how thoes dearest to and most precious to us can hurt with words. When you never hurt them for all the world with your words too them. You are always the first to say sorry to them. Even if not in the wrong. They wouldn’t even think of saying sorry unless you put the idea in their head. They think they had done nothing wrong. You had people say things too you alot in the past in younger years. Words from thoes closest to you can hurt alot. You pray for them forgive them leave them at the foot of the cross with Jesus. They when you remind them to say sorry say it say it because you have reminded them to say it. Other wise they would not have. But you know because they didn’t give you hug they don’t mean it. They said sorry said they shouldn’t have said what they said. Then they walk away they just say the words for sake of it. Doing something else more important than you. You know it happen again nothing will change. If they were going change and were trully be sorry they not have walked away. They given you that hug. Said I shouldn’t have said what I said please forgive me. But now you forgiven them. You have keep praying for them find refuge in the ever lasting arms of Jesus. Know he hears your every cry. He love you. Jesue is working in you on your hurt and in your love one to change them. So as they see what they are doing is wrong and just how hurt full their words can be. To be more caring. Like Jesus. Do what Jesus would want them to do. That is be careful with their words. What they say. Treat you with more Love. Remember that when they speak to speak with the Love Jesus has. As words can hurt. I am glad I can go to the everylasting arms and wings of Jesus for comfort and refuge. Pray for them and forgive them and leave them at the foot of cross. Thank you for todays reading. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little

  4. I like bird watching and find it comforting, too. We usually have several bird feeders out but don’t this year for numerous reasons. I miss the birds a lot but can find them in resting nearby, just as we rest with the Father. Psalm 17 is a favorite verse!

    Thanks for this and have a beautiful, restful day!

  5. Thank you so much for these words that spoke directly to my heart today. I am an admirer of birds as well as a runner, and this reminder of God sheltering me under his wings was just what I needed to hear. I’m looking forward to your book and reading more of your words by subscribing to your newsletter. Many blessings to you.

  6. Dorina,

    God was there when dad’s dementia got worse & we hospitalized him. He heard my cries & comforted me when I didn’t know if I could go on. He was there when I hospitalized my dad second time (geriatric psych). I could not stand the thought of going through this again. Sunday morning I found Stephen C. Chapman on you tube, danced & praised God in the kitchen. The enemy would love to see us down & depressed. God reaches for us in our worst times & covers us with His love. I know God was with mother in law when Father in law got ill & need constant attention. His cancer had spread & he wasn’t doing well. She had to get up a lot & care for him. Now He’s with her as she mourns his death & tries to move on with her life.

    Blessings 🙂

    • Thank you for sharing these examples of God’s faithfulness in your life. He doesn’t always take away our difficult circumstances, but He certainly covers us with His wings of grace. God be with you today!

  7. I am overwhelmed with grief. Divorce for 13 years, ex back together with the woman he left me for and planning a wedding (praying against that) , 16 Year old daughter struggling with it terribly, & now can’t get her license because the car we bought for her broke down & may need more repairs than the car is worth, 13 year old son sees nothing wrong with what his dad is doing. My ex is rude to me & my daughter. It’s just a terrible situation. I am crying out to God for refuge, I need him to intervene in all of this!! Keep my family from the enemy!

    • Dawn, I am so heartbroken for your situation. Thank you for being vulnerable here so we can pray for you and your family. I pray that you will supernaturally feel God’s covering and peace today. He is a waymaker when it seems like there is no other way!