Therefore don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34 (CSB)
Every day, we are bombarded with updates on what’s happening around the world and in our country, of how quickly this virus is spreading, and the toll it’s taken so far on people’s lives. Much of what we hear is scary, and many of us are experiencing loss on multiple levels. It’s hard to know how to deal with what’s at hand when we don’t know what’s ahead, and the anxiety and stress can be overwhelming.
In the midst of all this, let’s take a collective deep breath, friends. Inhale, exhale.
Today, we have right now, right here, the people and things right in front of us to care for. We can worry about what may happen, but in the end, we can’t know for sure. Stay grounded in what is certain– God is here. He has not changed, and He holds all of the world in His hands.
Inhale, exhale.
[bctt tweet=”Stay grounded in what is certain– God is here. He has not changed, and He holds all of the world in His hands.” username=”incourage”]
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Amen. I needed this.
The enemy of our souls would like nothing more than to stir up fear, anxiety, doubt, disbelief, etc. He prowls about looking for someone to devour. Let us guard our hearts by being in God’s Word. Let’s not let the enemy win this battle. We know, ultimately, he loses the war so let’s not give him any ground. Instead of toilet paper, let’s “hoard” God’s Word in our hearts and trust that God’s got this…
Blessings and be well,
Bev xx
I woke up one day last week singing He’s got the Whole World in His Hands. Such a perfect song for these times.
Thanks for this reminder. It can be so easy to panic and the anxiety can spread fast. Thank you for showing us to keep our worries in check and just breathe! You are so right! God is still watching over us! He does not need to follow the “social distancing” rule. He is right by our side!
Thank you for this reminder. Sometimes fear of unknown grips is so tightly we forget to breathe,forget that Jesus is with us. Just as we all need air in our lungs we need Jesus in our heart. Each heart beat reminds us He is there with us. Praying that you,your families,readers,and their families stay well and safe. ❤
I was going into hospital 3 years ago for a woman operation. Called Hysterctomy. I don’t know what or where I got this saying from. But it so true. I am not afraid of tomorrow because God is already there. With the prayer of people in my Church. Plus good friends. I didn’t worry about my operation. So that stood to me in such a big operation. People looked at me said Dawn are you feeling ok. You had major operation. I said yes. Of course I am God took me through it. God is still with me through it I told them. Like today during these uncertain times we don’t as Gods people need to panic or worry. Keep looking up keep Praying standing on the Promises of God Word the Bible. Even more so at this time. Plus Phil 4 verse 19. My God will Supply all Our Needs According To His Riches in Glory by Christ Jesus. So he will. Plus as I say we don’t need to panic. In these uncertain times. Remember my saying I took on board with prayer before my operation. I am not afraid of tomorrow because God is already there. That is so true. We don’t need to be afraid or uncertain. God is already there and has everthing in control. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little. Love today reading xxx
The prophet Habakkuk (helpful) God reminds us to be waiting and watching; God is never confused. His appointed time is divine. Our job is to wait faithfully and obediently. The Hebrew word for silent is Hush. The righteous know the battle is over John 19:30 be alert but not alarmed. I pray and thank you for your consistent and uplifting posts ladies even when it’s so hard and we’re crying out like Habakkuk …Max Lucado says: “Satan is loosened for a reason but the season is oh-so brief; his end will come.” Amen.
Amen and amen!!! Concentrating on what I know to be true in the midst of such uncertainty
Judy what a perfect song for this time. It a long time since I heard that song sang. He got the Whole World In His Hands. So God Has. God got the Whole World in Hands. We have to trust him even more at this time and trust God. That he knows what he is doing even though we might not see it. Believe he doing it and trust him no matter what. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little all the way from Enniskillen in N.Ireland xxxx
In Courage,
God’s got this! Nothing absolutely nothing surprises God. He knew about this pandemic. Anchor your souls to Jesus & ride out the storm with Him. He will guide you through to the other side. Remember He has over come this world. Don’t give in to the world’s fear & panic. Press hard into God’s word. Hear what He wants to tell you now. Trust God & believe that “it will all be well with out souls”!
Blessings 🙂
yes.. breathe. the news on tv and online us horrible and brings no peace. life moves ahead and we must find our peace.